Book Read Free


Page 92

by Astrid Lee Donovan

  In the morning as I retrieved my makeup pouch from my purse, the bag Natasha had given me fell out and I looked at the unfamiliar item bewilderedly. It was only when I peered inside did my mind click.

  I shook out the wrinkled garment and then shook it again. Where was the rest of it? I was liking the Jamaican girl less and less and I knew we would have an exchange of words and they wouldn’t be pleasant. Before I jumped to conclusions, I decided to try it on.

  My foundation garments were already on as I pulled up the slip of fabric. It was short… really short. Instead of being just above the knee, it was 4 inches below my crotch and one inch below my ass. I was going to kill her. The bustier part was perfect and made my girls look perky but the bottom was a major sore point.

  I looked at my plump reflection in the mirror. My hips were ok thanks to two children and my ass hadn’t fallen too much in my 32 years, but my legs were thick; very thick. I couldn’t help thinking that I looked like a porn star with a part in an army scene. Christ, what would my mother think?

  I walked around the room cursing, and by the time I was back to the mirror the bottom of my ass cheeks were hanging out. I was going to kill the bitch.

  On the bus armed with my camouflage scrap, I prepared mentally for the ensuing confrontation. I noticed, but didn’t dwell on the fact that Renee wasn’t on the bus. He wasn’t at work either, but that was the least of my concerns. I was on a mission to find the yardie.

  She was sitting with Emily in the lunch room.

  “You need to give my money back,” I announced, busting into the room.

  “What you said?” her accent was thicker when she got mad. I repeated my first statement and she stood up. As a woman with Caribbean parents I was ready for a West Indian showdown.

  “What you made is not what we agreed on. It’s too short and I look like a slut. I know you are a hustler, but this shit can’t work with me.”

  I stepped forward, ready for action. As a dick deprived, lonely woman I wasn’t into the mood for tricks. She walked forward and growled.

  “Listen to me, I was the end of my bolt of fabric. It is either you take it or have nothing at all.”

  I was counting to ten when she stepped forward again and it was only by the grace of God that I didn’t high-five this bitch with a chair. She smelled the rat as my mental counter hit ten and she softened her tone when she spoke again.

  “Listen man, I will give you your money back. It is no problem, but let me tell you something girl. I see you watching Mr. tall, dark and handsome. No man wants to fuck a frumpy old woman. The granny look doesn’t suit you. Better step up before I show you how it's done.”

  I was rendered speechless and immobile by her statement. How the hell did she pick up on my attraction to Renee? I thought I had appeared friendly and professional not horny and thirsty.

  She answered my mental question even though it never left my lips. Moving closer still she whispered in my ear.

  “If a woman never wore makeup before or perfume and suddenly she starts, I know she’s fishing for a dick. Relax and wear the fucking outfit. I’m trying to help you.”

  She left the room with her breath on my neck and her voice echoing in my ears. Emily emerged from her hiding place between the water cooler and the microwave. Apparently she thought it was wise to seek shelter from the impending storm.

  I picked up my plastic bag from its place on the lunch table and left the room with my fashion future ahead of me. I knew there was a reason I had liked the Jamaican girl when she winked at me from across the room. She was too fucking feisty.

  Work was closing early to allow staff to ready themselves for the night's events. Babies needed to be taken to their sitters and hair and nail salons needed to be visited. Personally, I just needed shoes and a purse before I was ready. My mom picked up the children from school and my husband was wherever husbands go when they don’t come home.

  The bohemian shop was my place to patronize today. It was one of my favorite haunts whenever I decided to indulge. It had an enchanting atmosphere with incense and a wind chime by the door and a Brazilian girl that always helped me with my possible choices.

  My eyes hit a gladiator wedge that went up just above my knee. They were a rusty brown with brass buckles just like the jumper I was forced into wearing. This was my style, and as the outfit came together in my head, I decided I would indeed look like a prostitute.

  There was a clutch purse framed in wood. The fabric had tiny stamps with a lion holding a red gold and green flag. With that in my shopping bag, my outfit was complete. As I was paying for my items my phone vibrated in my purse.

  I had just spoken to Amanda, who was asking about her plastic gifts’ performance, only a few minutes ago. As I fished my cell out of my bag I wondered what other salacious news she had for me. It wasn’t Amanda; it was Renee.

  “Hey Natalia, I’m sorry I wasn’t at work today I had a rough experience, but I won’t bore you with that.”

  “That’s ok, everyone has their shit to struggle through.”

  “Are you going tonight?”

  “Yes, I am. I think we are meeting around ten outside the club.”

  “Ok I have a ride for the night. How are you getting there?”

  “I was gonna take a cab. I’m going to leave home just after nine as it’s on the other side of town.”

  “Ride with me. I promise I’ll be a gentleman.”

  “I’ll think about it.”


  I replaced my phone and moved off from inside the shop’s doorway where I stood thinking. What would my husband do if another man picked me up? Nothing, I answered myself. Absolutely nothing.


  I thought about our conversation all evening and Natasha’s words echoed in my mind. I messaged Renee to let him know I would be ready by 9 o’clock and sent him directions.

  Around 8 pm I sat at my vanity to do my hair. I was a conservative woman, but very aware of fashion trends. If I was going among the fashionistas, I needed to be at the top of my game. Gel was a black girl’s best friend in situations like this and fifteen minutes later I emerged victorious, creating the faux hawk and winning the battle with side combs and brushes. My face was nice and clean after the molasses scrub I applied in the steamy shower.

  In a former life I was a makeup guru and I could do a lot with a little. A mixture of green, black and copper eye shadow spoke for itself as it highlighted my brown eyes. The nude on my lip dusted with gold could rival any Mac creation and my homemade setting spray was the last addition after my strip lashes and finishing powder. My game face was on.

  The wooden hoops in my ears and the copper cuff on my wrists were compliments of Amanda’s trip to Belize with her then boyfriend. I was loving her right about now as at least two of her gifts had come in useful. I rummaged in my section of the closet for my sale perfume in the purple box and made sure my crotch got a good spray. One could never be too prepared.

  Now for the piece de resistance. The camo scrap was hanging in the closet since I’d ironed it earlier. I slipped it over my flesh toned leggings and did up the buttons in the mirror. The transformation was shocking even to me. I looked like a classy slut - not too trashy- and was satisfied that I would blend in at the club.

  Sitting on the bed, I removed the shoes from their extra long box. I had to stand to zip them up and the leather felt good on my skin. Retrieving the final $100 from my stash, I checked the inventory in my purse. Money, lipstick, keys, credit card and cell phone were all in place until the phone rang announcing Renee’s arrival. I told him I would be right down and did one final look over before jetting out the door. Maybe tonight would be better than I thought. Only after I locked my front door did I realize that Renee’s vehicle was sitting where my husband’s should have been. He had never come home.

  Renee was standing outside the door of a shiny black 4x4 looking through his phone and he looked up as I approached.

  “Hey,” I said, but receiv
ed no response. After a few seconds he shook off his temporary paralysis and cleared his throat.

  “Hey,” he said and that was it. Either I looked worse than I thought, or I was stunning because he seemed lost for words. I smiled and he opened the passenger door and allowed me to enter without another word. I had to say something the silence was killing me.

  “Is everything okay, Renee?”

  “Everything is fine Natalia…very, very fine.”

  He started the engine and we took off. He was wearing capris, light brown ones that complimented the sky blue button down Oxford shirt he was wearing. It wasn’t buttoned all the way up and it exposed a white undershirt and gold chain bearing an Ankh pendant. His newspaper boy hat was tan and the brown loafers were the highlight of his outfit. He looked like something right out of a magazine. I was still uncertain why I was taking note of his cologne, which smelled delicious.

  We rode in silence until my jam came on and I sang along.

  “The old me is dead and gone, dead and gone …”

  “What was the old you like Natalia?”

  I laughed nervously before I answered.

  “The reason it is the old me is because it is dead and buried. I don’t remember her anymore.”

  He chuckled at my deflection and I knew he would tackle that question again later.

  We pulled into the parking lot indicated to be the location by the GPS on his truck. He called Emily to find out where the group was. They were at the front waiting; it was 9.45 pm. Suddenly I was concerned about the buzz that would happen when Renee and I walked in together. I remembered that Natasha had called me out, and the same way she had already noticed it, the others must have as well. There was no turning back.

  I pretended to respond to a text while I scoped the surroundings. Skinny chicks were everywhere in droves and many of the outfits were made from less material than mine. As concerned as I was, it seemed that I was over dressed. Every possible Caribbean accent permeated the air, riding the rhythm of the reggae beat pounding from inside the club.

  Heels, weaves and too much makeup flooded the entrance of the building and it was a struggle to find the crew. Victor was the first person I saw and he was looking surprisingly rugged and there was no sign of his usual queen behavior. I though it was hilarious and wondered if anyone else noticed the transformation.

  Natasha was decked out ghetto style and I had never seen heels that high or leather that tight. Apparently looking like a prostitute was a concern only I harbored. She gave me a firm nod of approval but kept her distance. I liked that girl.

  Hugging and greeting all my coworkers except for Emily, I decided to loosen up. I chatted with the young security guard from work as we moved up in line and Renee talked with Natasha. The hushed, surprised comments about how nice I liked didn’t escape my ears, but I pretended not to hear. Renee was keeping his distance as well. No problem. I loved a good game of cat and mouse.

  The bar was my immediate destination as I entered the already full club and Hennessy was in order. It wasn’t a regular indulgence, but the hot, smoky liquid made a beeline for the space between my legs and it was invigorating. The atmosphere in the club was electric and I was already feeling the buzz. Couples danced to the heavy beats and the lyrics of sex and love filled the air. A heavy cloud of purple smoke hung over the heads of gyrating bodies and the baseline thumped in receptive ears.

  Renee was dancing with the red headed white girl from the first row at work and I found myself annoyed. Equally annoying was the corn rowed dude in my ear and on my ass. This brother wouldn’t let me be and the liquor in my head was shortening my patience for people who didn’t get it. Renee was dancing toward me, but Mr. Cornrow beat him to it and he stopped short at a girl I was unfamiliar with. Yeah, I liked Renee but I wasn’t easy. It was time to intensify the game.

  I was grinding on the corn rowed dude and he was grinding back. As I sipped my drink and felt the hard dick in my back, I focused my eyes on Renee and let him know these movements were for him. I wasn’t aware that I could twerk until tonight and the crowd spurred me on. This is why I drank alcohol alone or not at all. It brought out the animal in me.

  He was at the bar now sitting and enjoying the lap dance that was meant for him, but was being given to another man. His tall frame blocked out some of the neon light that read ‘Bar’, but that didn’t distract my gaze that was locked on Renee. His hand was on his drink and my eyes were on me as I performed. I hoped he was getting what my body was communicating as I slowed my pace to match the new slow tempo being played, his gaze never left mine. The song came to an end, and I stopped moving. I was tired and laughed at myself for acting like a teenager trying to get the attention of a boy she liked.

  Mr. Cornrow was not backing off and this was beginning to concern me. The dance was over, but he was persisting in rubbing his dick on my ass. After I communicated loudly for the second time that I no longer wanted to dance with him, he began to get aggressive.

  “Fat bitch! You are trying to diss me in front of all these people? You know you want to dance with me some more. Quit acting shy and shake that ass for me.”

  With that, he grabbed and squeezed my ass. Apparently he thought he was somebody, but no one rose to defend him when Renee appeared at my side. His height alone would scare anyone on an average day. An almost seven-foot muscular man was something to be considered a threat.

  Almost immediately the cornrow guy backed off with his hands in the air in an act of surrender. Without a word, Renee delivered the message and without my consent, he took my arm and said, “we’re leaving.” I had no problem with that. A few quick goodbyes and another shot of Henny later we were in the truck and deciding on a destination.

  “Are you alright Natalia?” he continued without waiting for my answer. “If it’s one thing that pisses me off is a man who can’t take no for an answer. Why the fuck did he grab your ass? Back in the day he would not have been able to walk out of there. Good thing the old me is dead and gone.” With that joke we set off.


  It was the witching hour, a time they say anything that could happen, would happen. We were at a late night Café a few blocks from my neighborhood because we didn’t want to call it a night just yet and I had the munchies. I was in an excited mood, simply because nothing this thrilling had ever happened to me.

  I was having a café mocha with whipped cream and a slice of cheesecake. Creamy foods were one of the few things I enjoyed most. There was just something about the way they ran over my tongue that made me feel happy and secretly I thought it was close to erotic. His plate was hearty; steak, eggs and black coffee. We spoke of a variety of things and he revealed the reason he was absent from work.

  “I got evicted. Yesterday when I got home from work all my stuff was in the hallway.”

  “Wow… what did you do? Where are you staying?”

  “The truck I’m using belongs to my buddy. I’m storing my stuff in his garage until I can get it together. He usually has tenant in a small apartment attached to his house, but he went home for an emergency so I’m keeping it warm until he returns. My landlord refused to wait until payday and I can understand. It has been almost four months that I’ve been jobless, so you know….I had some cash stashed away, but when my daughter started culinary school I dipped into it pretty deep. There is nothing too good for her so I can’t complain. I was expecting it though; he’s been threatening since last month.”

  “Wow,” was the only word I could manage to say as I listened to his story. After a short pause, I found more words.

  “That’s terrible Renee. I dunno how you are making it through.”

  “Not really you know. I wanted to move for a while now. It was a nice neighborhood when I moved in but the drug dealers were beginning to take over. Plus, sometimes you have to be yanked away from all that’s familiar to give yourself a new start. Maybe it’s an opportunity in disguise. I’m surviving on an emergency credit card. I’ll make it until I’m pai
d next week.”

  I was amazed at his outlook. We were nearly evicted from our home one time and my husband blamed it on me. He said I wasn’t interested in working and I was lazy. The reality was that this man took me away from my budding career as a cosmetologist and dissuaded me from opening my own salon. He insisted I stay at home with the children as he didn’t like daycare. Yes - my loving husband.

  A woman that lived down the street from me, Mindy, came into the café. Her outfit was even sluttier than mine. I guess the freaks did come out at night and Friday nights brought out the freakiest of the freakiest. I didn’t like Mindy that much - there was just something off-putting about her. I usually just said ‘hi’ if I saw her on the street and that was it.

  Her red dress was pretty much transparent and she was wearing sequined boy shorts underneath with a matching bra. Behind her came a man; average height and there was nothing special about him. He was wearing a fedora and pants that went out of style years ago. The shirt had some kind of Animekon character on the front and I was sure the fashion police were searching for him.

  One of the reasons I chose this café was the booths. Tall frosted glass separators decorated by a local artist kept your privacy while allowing you to scope out your surroundings. The man wasn’t only badly dressed, he was thirsty; he groped her ass and pressed his groin on her as she approached the counter. It was gross to watch.

  Renee and I both stared at the scene and the man’s phone rang. He approached us as he walked away from Mindy to answer his call. As he spoke my eyes narrowed. The voice belonged to my husband.

  Renee was speaking again, but I was suddenly deaf. What the fuck was my husband doing with Mindy? I wanted to get up, but imaginary glue held me in my seat. As the man ended the call he walked back towards Mindy, who had taken their order to the booth on the darkest side of the floor. I thought carefully as I made my next decision.


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