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Dead Man's Chest (The Plundered Chronicles Book 5)

Page 21

by Alex Westmore

  “I watched ya through the telescope, lad. Ya nearly didna get off in time.”

  Quinn shared with them her tale even as the ship broke in pieces and sunk to the bottom of the sea.

  “Al right, fellas,” Quinn finished. “We have one more mess to clean up, and then you all can go home.”

  “Home?” One Eye asked. “Fer how long?”

  “At least a month. I need you all to get your fill of land before making a decision about where we’re headed next.”

  “And where might that be, Captain?”

  Gazing eastward, Quinn smiled softly. “To the Barbary Coast, gentleman. To Morocco and beyond.”

  It took them only three hours to get back to Castle Blackrock to assist Lake in the attempt to reestablish control.

  When they arrived, it was pretty evident that Lake had needed no such help. The English guards had been disposed of, fish food in the rough waters below, and now replaced by Lake’s own warriors.

  “Typical Irishman,” Lake said, the broad-chested Scottish warrior embracing Quinn as she made her way to the main gate. “Always show up after the blood is shed.”

  Quinn hugged him, laughing as she did. “It is good to see you, old friend. I see you made quick work of it.”

  “Almost too easy, Callaghan. These English soldiers were beyond soft. Of course, we had the numbers.”

  “And Evan?”

  Lake shook his head. “Returned to the Druid Priestess as soon as the fighting was over. He is well. Happy. Happier than I’ve ever seen. It… is a good thing.” Lake threw his arm around Quinn and lead her through the main gate and into the castle. “The Laird had been most anxious to see you.”

  Quinn turned to Tavish, who put his fingers in his mouth and whistled loudly. “So he’s already here?”

  “He wanted to fight, but the Druid insisted he remain off to the side. He is not ever going to be a strong man again. She said the poison did something to his insides. She thought it best he remain away from the fighting. I’ll take you to him.”

  Quinn followed Lake through a house she already knew so well.

  “Callaghan!” Lord Moynihan said, rising. “I had no doubt you would return. Come in. Come in.”

  Quinn was taken aback by how gaunt and gaunt Lord Moynihan appeared, swallowed as he was by a blanket worn over his thin shoulders. “My Lord, I believe there’s someone you’re dying to see.”

  Coming up behind her was Gallagher and Fitz.

  “Papa!” Gallagher said, running into Lord Moynihan’s embrace.”

  Lord Moynihan crushed her to him. “Pumpkin! You are almost too big for me to hold!” Lord Moynihan pulled back, tears in his eyes. “You have grown so tall. What a little… pirate you’ve become.” He wiped the tears away before they could fall.

  “You should see me shoot a bow. Right, Callaghan? I’m really good.”

  Quinn’s eyes welled up with tears and she smiled. “That she is,” Quinn said. “Her mother would be proud.”

  “So is her Papa.” Lord Moynihan sat down and pulled Gallagher onto his lap. “Papa can’t wait to hear all of your stories, but you must be hungry.” He looked at Quinn. “You must all be hungry. Please. Invite your men to enjoy my home.” Lord Moynihan’s eyes watered once more. “My home. I never thought I’d say those words again.”

  Gallagher nuzzled his neck, her eyes closing. “I missed you so much!”

  “She is so…mature,”

  “Much has changed since Fiona died,” Quinn said softly. “And your granddaughter is one of them.”

  Lord Moynihan kissed the top of Gallagher’s head. “The sea air seems to agree with her. She sprouted like a sunflower. Can she really shoot a bow?”

  Quinn chuckled. “Aye. She’ll be a fine marksman one day.”

  Gallagher slumped down on his shoulder, and Maggie stepped up to take her, but not before Arracht easily did.

  “We’ll set her to bed,” Maggie said softly.

  “Thank you.” To Lord Moynihan Quinn said, “As much as she loves the ship, and as much as I love having her on it, she belongs here with you, M’lord.”

  “I knew you’d say as much, Captain, and I appreciate it, but the truth is, I am a dying man. Robert may not have killed me outright, but he slowly eroded my insides. I could last another two years or another two months. Either way, the girl is better off with you. You know that as well as I do.” He held his hand up. “I know the dangers, Callaghan, and yet danger is coming to Ireland. I would feel much better knowing she is with you no matter where you go.”


  “Look at her, my friend. She stands tall and proud, just like my daughter. Her eyes are wise beyond their years and she seems so very happy. I can not, I will not take that away from her. No, my daughter chose correctly when she picked you to care for Gallagher. Do not do a disservice to her memory by changing that decision out of fear for her safety.”

  Quinn bowed her head. “As you wish.”

  “Now, do you still have the scroll of my wishes that Castle Blackrock go to Gallagher?”

  Quinn nodded. “Aye.”

  “Good. Upon my death, it is my wish that you and your crew accept Blackrock as your home, where you can raise Gallagher in peace should you choose to do so.”

  “I appreciate that, M’lord, and I will definitely ask my men about it when the time comes. For now, it is enough you two are reunited.”

  “No, Callaghan. It is enough that for tonight, we are safe. We are warm. We are together. Now, your Galloglaighs worked very hard to re-secure the castle. I believe it is time to feed them and let them be warm and dry this eve. Break open my finest wines and ales. It is time to celebrate my granddaughter’s return!”

  Before Quinn could say anything to Tavish, he stepped up to her. “I’ll take care of the crew, Callaghan. You probably have… well… someplace else to go.”

  “Thank you, Tavish.”

  After making sure the men were well cared for, Quinn walked out back through the rose garden and to the family cemetery, where a granite headstone had been erected for Fiona.

  Squatting on her haunches, Quinn spoke aloud. “I made it back, love. It was dicey there for a moment, but I brought Gallagher through the fire. You should see her… tall, beautiful, a real fighter. She has your spirit, your fire, your mind. She is a tough little bag of tricks, and I’m doing everything in my power to give her the skills to stay alive in this world, regardless of who is at the helm. She is… all that is good in mankind, and I love her dearly. I would give up my life for her if I have to—”

  “Let’s hope it never comes to that.”

  Quinn whirled around at the voice behind her.


  Quinn leapt to her feet, tears clinging to her lower lashes. “My god.” Holding Kaylish’s face in her hands, Quinn kissed her long and deep before pulling away. Looking to her left, she saw Evan standing in the shadows. “What? I… I don’t understand.”

  Kaylish gently wiped the tears from Quinn’s cheeks. “Becca located me right after you left and explained everything. I… What I thought I saw, well, was not what I thought I saw. She confirmed that for me. When she and I rode to Bronwen’s, she confirmed what I’d been told. Evan and Bronwen informed me you two are officially over. I’m so, so sorry I doubted you.”

  Quinn kissed her again. “It’s my fault. I was so happy to find Evan alive, I just—”

  Kaylish placed her fingertips over Quinn’s mouth. “Shh. There is no need to explain or apologize, my love. I am the one offering an apology. I should have faith in your love for me. I’ll never doubt you again.” Kaylish kissed Quinn softly. “I have missed you so.”

  Sliding her arm around Kaylish’s waist, Quinn walked over to Evan and Becca. “Thank you both.”

  Evan took Quinn’s free hand. “We just want you to be happy, Cap. As happy as we are. If you let yourself, you could be very happy as well.”

  “Let myself?”

  Becca took hold of their hands. “Sw
eet one, you carry the weight of an entire crew on your shoulders. You command, you lead, and you sacrifice. What you never learned from Grace was that a happy captain creates a happy crew. It’s not only all right that you are happy. It is essential. If Kaylish makes you happy, if you love her, then let yourself be loved and see what comes of it. Give it a chance. Give her a chance.”

  Quinn brought Kaylish closer. “And both of you are happy?”

  They both nodded.

  “Love makes us better, Cap. If you want to be a better captain, then take some time to allow her to love you and see. Just see.”

  Quinn smiled at her two ex-lovers and pulled them into her embrace.

  “For better or for worse, ladies, we are family, and if my family says it’s time for me to focus my energy on me and my happiness, then so be it.”

  As the four women walked back to the castle, Quinn nuzzled Kaylish’s neck. “I love you, Kaylish. I love you with all my heart.”

  Kaylish stopped and gazed into Quinn’s face. “And I love you, Quinn Callaghan. And I always will.”

  “Are you sure? Loving a pirate isn’t easy.”

  “Loving anyone isn’t easy. After almost five months at seas with you, I understand that all too well. So… what now? Where will our travels take us?”

  Quinn kissed her once more. “Morocco, my love. We’re going to join the Corsairs.”

  About the Author

  Linda Kay Silva (aka Alex Westmore) is a 5 time award-winning author of 35 novels in 6 series. She’s a professor at a military university where she teaches American, World, and British Literature.

  When not writing, Alex is traveling around the world living a wild life being an adventurer and a collector of stories.

  And boy has she collected some whoppers!

  Alex has lived in a haunted house, been charged by an elephant, jumped from an airplane, rode rapids in several countries, and taken many Harley trips. She has spent time with the Vodoun in New Orleans, medicine men in the Southwest, and a Shaman in the Amazon. She’s been a cop, a sportswriter, an ostrich rider, and a partridge in a pear tree.

  Okay, maybe that last one isn’t true…

  Alex is a series writers and her series include time travel, supernatural, police adventure, post-apocalypse, demon hunting, and historical romance.

  Find the author via her website:

  Other Series From This Author

  The Silver Legacy

  Darkness Descends

  Demon Within

  Blood of the Demon

  Coven Betrayed

  Riders of the Apocalypse

  Ride for Tomorrow

  Burning Rubber

  Eat Asphalt

  Pedal to the Metal

  Royal Roadblock

  The Timeless Love Saga

  Together in Time

  The Future of Yesterday

  An African Odyssey

  The Red Spear

  All Available from Amazon




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