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Blaze (Tranquility)

Page 24

by Krista D. Ball

  She shook her head. “Spring cherries.”


  They stood arm’s length apart, drinking their wine and staring at anything but each other. Knots formed in Bethany’s insides and she cursed herself for being foolish enough to think she could seduce any man. What a superb idiot she was! She was a soldier, not a prostitute. What had she been thinking?

  She sighed and walked away from Arrago, slamming her glass down on the wooden table harder than she had meant to. The wine sloshed out of the glass and over her hand. She looked around for a cloth to clean it up.


  His breath fluttered the hair at her neck and she could smell the spices he’d used to shave. No wonder it had taken him so long to come to her room. He had bathed for her.

  She gasped when he kissed the tip of her ear.

  “Why did you ask me here?” His strong hands settled on her shoulders. He planted gentle kisses on her neck, sending shivers down her spine. Blood rushed from her head and dizziness washed over her. She wondered if this was what women meant by the expression weak at the knees.

  “Was it for this?” His fingers pushed under her hair, exposing her neck to his warm breath. His moist tongue tickled the skin, sending shivers through her body.

  “I…I…asked you here to…” Between the embarrassment of her failed seduction and his delicious charms, words escaped her.

  One hand withdrew from her hair and wrapped around her waist, the fabric hot against her skin. “Or did you ask me here just to see your new dress?”

  Still standing behind her, he fingered the bows along the front of her dress with his other hand, moving higher and higher until he traced a finger along the exposed skin of her collarbone. She shuddered. Slowly he pulled her tighter against him, her eyes closing in pleasure as they touched. Bethany gulped. She could feel every inch of him.

  An initial wave of fear washed over her and she regretted concocting this ridiculous plan with Eve. All Bethany had wanted was to forget about her duty and responsibilities and all of the choking expectations on her. She just wanted to feel something – anything – with the man she loved.


  Facing him, she soaked in the sensation of having him pressed against her. Self-conscious of the healing wound, she leaned her cheek against his, enjoying his freshly shaven face.

  As if he could sense her thoughts, he pulled back enough to look at her. He kissed the scar from her ear to her jaw-line. Running his hands through her hair, he mumbled, “You’re beautiful.”

  One hundred and thirty-three years old and she had never heard those words before, except from his lips. Until that moment, she never realized how much she wanted to hear them. She was no longer certain if she was seducing him, or if he was seducing her.

  He kissed her lips, soft and sweet. Tentatively, she ran her shaking hands down his back, stopping when the tips of her fingers hit his trousers. His kisses turned harder, fuller, and she found herself matching his pace. Her heart pounded and roared in her ears.

  Arrago ran his fingers along the line of bows down the length of her chest. She had to fight the natural reaction to punch him for touching her. This was all so foreign. She feared doing it wrong.

  He pulled away from their long kiss and stared at her, his chest heaving as he gasped for air. In a strained voice, he said, “If you plan to stop me, please do it now.”

  Hearing his panting voice, she made her decision. She wanted him. Expectations could go hang for all she cared at that moment. Confidently, she undid the first bow of her dress. Then, the second. Her hands trembled when she reached for third. As a soldier, nudity had been commonplace enough when on campaign. It had never made her flinch. Yet, here, with her dress slipping off her shoulder, she had never felt so naked.

  He grabbed her hands before the fourth bow would expose her unbound breasts. “I need to hear you say that this is what you want.”

  She smiled at him, her voice confident and strong. “You are what I want.”


  Arrago opened his eyes, blinking his heavy lids. He stretched, wondering how long he’d been asleep. The heavy drapes blocked out the only window in Bethany’s room. The candles still burned. Perhaps only a couple of hours, then. He rolled over, hunting for the woman who shared the bed. He found her curled on her side facing away from him. He spooned her with his own naked body. She smelled of sweat and sex, of olives and wine. He loved it.

  He loved her.

  Arrago wondered how to possibly repay Eve. Things would not have gone smoothly if she had not told him Bethany’s plan. Eve had feared Bethany would either lose her courage or he would bumble up the event. Obviously, he had been offended at first. A young man had his pride, after all. Now, lying with the woman he loved, he was grateful for Eve’s kindly meant, if harsh, lecture.

  He pulled Bethany closer and ran a hand along her jaw, careful to avoid the stitching. His fingers trailed down to her chin and came away wet. She flinched, a faint sniffled escaped her. Startled, he leaned on one elbow and looked over her shoulder, meeting her red eyes.

  Gently, he slid his hand down to the bandage on her thigh. He’d never done this before. Was it supposed to hurt, or make her cry? All he knew was he didn’t want to see her cry.

  Bethany wiped her silent tears with the back of her hand. “I’m fine. Honest.”

  Arrago didn’t believe her. Any woman who cried was clearly not “fine, honest.” He kissed her wet, salty nose tip. “Why the tears?”

  She snorted, and an embarrassed heat rose in her cheeks, blending in with the red puckered skin of her injury. After a failed start, she finally said, “It turned out to be a lot less dignified than I’d expected.” She looked up at him. “A lot less dignified.”

  “You do have a point.” Unable to hold back a snicker, he pecked a kiss on the tip of her nose again. He rolled away from her long enough to find the abandoned linens on the floor. He dragged a sheet over both of them, covering her supple nakedness, though taking enough time to soak in her curves. He tucked the sheet under her chin and cuddled close. “Is that better?”

  Bethany grabbed his hand and kissed it. Her words were hoarse and foreign, as though she’d never said them before to anyone. “I love you.”

  His heart skipped a beat. Her tone said how much those words had cost her. He could only imagine how vulnerable she was feeling. He only allowed himself an instant to soak in the words, before ensuring she knew how safe her heart was with him. “I love you and I’ll always be here.”

  As Apexia as his witness, he meant it.

  Chapter 26

  The Diamond must conquer her fear or the Viper will conquer her.

  — Prophecy of the Diamond, Second Tablet

  Her pillow smelled like him.

  Bethany inhaled his lingering spicy scent, and then she lifted up his pillow and sniffed. Better, she thought. Tossing hers aside, she slipped his pillow under her head. Arrago was missing from her bed now, having risen with the ding-dong of the dawn bells. Before leaving, he had whispered sweet words in her ear. Those words now echoed in her mind, mixed with the scent of his skin.

  She rolled on her back and took a deep breath. The world felt calmer, sweeter. For the first time in her life, true peace filled her. It would not last, she knew enough to know that, but enjoying a few moments of utter contentment were worth lingering in bed just a little longer. Once outside, pressing demands and agony would overwhelm her once more. Right now, she would shamelessly bask in the afterglow.

  Remembering the herbs Eve had given her, Bethany dragged her sore, but surprisingly light, body out of bed and stumbled for the washbasin. Lacking any other beverage, Bethany added a pinch of the herbs to a glass of leftover wine. Even though it tasted awful, it was easier drinking the powdery wine than having to make a trip to the midwife.

  Only a day ago, she’d felt awful. Or, as Jovan said before ordering her to take the day off, she “looked like horseshit warmed over.” He’d to
ld her to get some rest. Her lips curled.

  I doubt this is what Jovan had meant.

  But at least Arrago thought she was beautiful.

  Bethany laughed out loud. She gathered her wits together and hunted for her trousers.

  She almost wished she had gotten up with Arrago, for no other reason than to see the shocked looks on her guards’ faces. She imagined Erem’s mouth hanging open, his eyes wide. If she was lucky, Kiner would have remained in the opposing tower with the archers all night. He would fuss enough once he found out, let alone if he saw or heard it.


  Heat rose in her cheeks. She hadn’t thought of that. No doubt she had opened herself up to all kinds of temple gossip now. Well, if Jovan could do it with immunity, so could she. Of course, she knew it didn’t work like that, but this was a great morning and she banished negative thinking from destroying her afterglow.

  Someone rapped on her door. “Lady Bethany? Are you awake?”

  Bethany groaned at the sound of Erem’s voice. She debated ignoring him, it being her day off and all. Not to mention she had just made love after a century and a third of celibacy. She deserved to enjoy the gaiety of it all. She pulled her hair into a single, thick braid and tied it off with string.

  Erem knocked again, only this time he shouted. “Lady Bethany! Wake up.”

  She sighed and walked to the door. There was no point in avoiding work, since it knew where she lived. When she opened the door, she said, “Erem, I’m not deaf.”

  Erem lowered his fist from the now opened door. He coughed. “Ah, sorry, Bethany. I thought you were still asleep. Allric wants to see you immediately.” Erem colored.

  She narrowed her eyes at him. “Why?

  Erem shrugged. “He sent a messenger, so I don’t know.” His eyes flicked inside her room. “Though, I could probably guess.” He flushed more.

  Trust Allric to get the Temple gossip first. Now she’d have to listen to his rant in front of the entire senior staff. By the Goddess, she was not going to defend her behavior to that virginal old goat.


  Bethany turned the corner to enter the long corridor to Allric’s study when she near literally bumped into Jovan. “What’s the hurry?” she asked, as she fiddled with a leather strap to fasten her braid.

  Jovan breathed hard. “Allric wants to see me. Some emergency. You?”

  “Same.” Bethany glanced at him. “Should I expect more of yesterday?”

  “Ignore him. He just has a lot on his mind.” He gave an impatient wave of his hand. “So we’re clear, Eve never said a word about you taking Amber. Allric won’t even tell me how he found out. I tried to calm him down, but you know how he gets.”

  “Irrational?” Bethany quipped.

  Jovan laughed. “You know that he means well. He just sees the world differently than us.”

  Bethany remained silent.

  The pair marched through the crowded corridors to Allric’s study. Bethany wasn’t certain if Jovan knew about Arrago, though she supposed Eve had told him. Part of her burst with wanting to tell him and another part screamed for privacy. She didn’t know which to listen to. She’d begun to question if Allric had called the meeting to yell at her. Hopefully not.

  “I’ll tell you one thing. If this meeting is to kick Eve out of my apartment, I’m going to give that stubborn elf an old-fashion beating.” From the sneer in his voice, she knew Jovan meant it.

  For her part, she struggled to stay sore at Allric. He had only been doing his job. She didn’t feel like that yesterday, but so much had changed in the last few hours.

  I have a lover.

  “What are you smiling about?”

  She failed to control the heat rising in her cheeks. “Nothing.”

  Jovan rolled his eyes and said in a voice too loud for the subject, “You’re not the only person who enjoyed a tumble in bed last night. Don’t be so obvious.”

  Her jaw dropped when three Honored Sisters stopped walking to stare at her. “Lower your voice. And how did you know?”

  “Eve told me.” He raised his hand. “Now before you get in a twist, I wanted to check on you after that whole mess with Allric. She wouldn’t let me. I pressed. She inferred. I figured it out.”

  “I’d appreciate it if you didn’t tell Allric.”

  They reached Allric’s office. Before opening the door, he said, “Why would I talk about your private business? What’s done is done.”

  She took a deep breath. He looked…disappointed? No, that wasn’t right. Concerned. She felt it, too. The balance line between the worlds of Arrago’s love and being “the Diamond” had blurred more than ever now.

  But it had been worth it.

  Allric’s study bustled with activity. Three messengers, stinking of horseshit, stood in front of his desk, waiting for him to sign papers or scribble notes. He looked up and motioned for Bethany and Jovan to enter. Judging by the dark circles under his eyes, Bethany guessed he had not slept the night before either.

  Turning to grab a chair out of the way, she caught sight of Eve. “Oh, hello. I didn’t expect to see you here.”

  Eve sported one of Jovan’s green tunics and fiddled with the beaded cuffs. “It bothers me that his clothes are finer than mine.”

  Bethany chuckled and an awkward silence fell between them. Eve’s smile grew until her bright teeth sparkled through the grin.

  “So,” Eve’s voice turned silky, “how went the battle?”

  Bethany coughed, catching the attention of both Allric and Jovan, who were signing and reading documents at the desk. “Sorry, swallowed the wrong way.” She pounded a fist against her chest.

  Eve leaned back in her chair, arms crossed. “How exciting. I remember my first time.”

  “Eve…” Bethany warned.

  She laughed. A moment passed before Eve motioned at Allric and asked in a whisper, “Do you know why I’m here?”

  Bethany shook her head. She watched Allric hand several papers to the first messenger, who bowed and rushed from the room. “There is something going on.”

  Jovan picked up the scroll Allric handed him and scrawled his name on it before handing it back to the aide.

  “I assumed I was summoned for a public lashing,” Eve motioned in Allric’s direction, “until I saw the state he’s in. When I arrived, there were eight messengers in here. He’s even sent for Aneese and Torius.”

  Once Allric finished writing and sent off the last two messengers, he motioned for Jovan to close the door before taking a seat. Allric walked in front of his desk and let out a loud, stressful sigh. Bethany could see how the worry had aged him. Deep creases lined his mouth and shadowy bags hung under his eyes. He used to be full of life and vigor.

  “I realize it’s early so thank you for coming so quickly. Aneese and Torius will be here shortly. They are meeting with the clergy already, so it’s time to apprise you of the current situation.”

  Bethany cocked her head. That didn’t sound good.

  “Over the last four months, there have been several attacks along the Rygent coast as well as Taftlin’s west bank. Rygents have accused King Richard of using Magic to cover up the attacks. Richard has threatened to invade the Rygent main island if the accusations continue.”

  “But isn’t this usual?” Jovan asked. “Sabre rattling is a Taftlin tradition.”

  Allric held up three sheets of paper from his desk. “The elven Council has received word from both King Richard and Chief Ven. Ven has asked the Council to honor the treaty if Taftlin invades. Richard has demanded that the elves stay out of northern affairs that don’t affect us.”

  “What have the old windbags decided? Tuck tail and hide?” Jovan snipped.

  Allric sighed and a knot formed in Bethany’s gut. He remained silent for a moment before continuing. “We are to protect our allies.”

  Bethany sunk into her chair. “That would mean war. King Richard is not that stupid. Taftlin isn’t a powerful country anymore. It would be suicide
for them.”

  Eve shifted in her chair. “The slave nations stand between us and Taftlin. They will protect their own interests. I doubt they’d let elves march through their territories.”

  Allric nodded before a wide yawn escape him. “Rygent is allied with us. Our allies will not stand by and watch one of their own be slaughtered by slave owners. Everyone will be at war by this time next year if Taftlin invades.”

  Bethany crossed her arms. “This is what you’ve been hiding from me and Jovan.”

  Allric frowned. “Yes. I decided that it wasn’t worth distracting from the search for Garran’s murderer. Plus, you had the new initiate class and I know you both look forward to it. As Jovan said, sabre rattling. It was a mistake to withhold it, I apologize.”

  Even without his words, Allric’s tired eyes were apology enough for her. She crossed her arms and said, “I agree with you. King Richard has proven himself a sensible man over the years.”

  Allric paled. “That’s true. But King Daniel isn’t known for his sense or intelligence.”

  Bethany gasped. “Daniel? ‘Bethany is an elvish whore’ Daniel?”

  Allric’s smile was forced. “The very one. King Richard was killed over a month ago according to this letter –” he held it up – “that I received last night. These two are letters I received this morning detailing Daniel’s belief that the Rygents killed his father using their Power. Thus, he has opened his borders to Magi to join his army to combat the evil Rygents.” He looked at Eve. “Direct quote.”

  “This is insanity!” Bethany ran her hand across the back of her neck. “One of the most powerful groups of Magi is within a day’s ride of the temple and now we have Daniel opening his borders?”

  “Yes,” Allric answered. “All Taftlin citizens are commanded to leave our allied territories before Harvest or face execution squads of Magi which will seek them out.”

  “I’d like to see him do that,” Jovan snorted.

  Allric shook his head. “I wouldn’t. We are ordering all Taftlin citizens to leave the temple.”


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