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BLYSS (Blyss Trilogy #1)

Page 11

by J. C. Cliff

  Well, now, that just pisses me off more. He’s freaking nuts if he thinks he’s going to order me around and make me strip naked so he can do God knows what to me! I’m sure as hell not doing this the easy way. Why did I even get dressed this morning? I mean, why did they even bother getting clothes for me to wear, let alone have someone lay out my attire this morning? Why not just have me parade around naked? That way, they could access the goods twenty-four-seven. I’m livid now, and I feel my heartbeat pick up its pace, readying me for a fight-or-flight situation.

  “I was hoping we wouldn’t have to start our day out like this.”

  “We? Is there someone else in the room?” I ask angrily, dramatically rocking side-to-side to look around behind him. “I don’t see you stripping naked and sitting your bare ass down on that exam table.”

  His lips quirk; he wants to laugh at me. Smug bastard. “I’m not the one who has an appointment here.”

  “Pft...and I do? No, I don’t think so,” I say with a snarky attitude while shaking my head violently. “I don’t remember calling in to make this appointment; in fact, I don’t even remember how I got here. Oh, yeah, now I remember…” I pause before raising my finger in the air and shouting, “I was taken…stolen…abducted…whatever you want to call it, and drugged—Against. My. Will!”

  “I’m going to count to three—“ he begins to say, but I don’t let him finish.

  “One, two, three! Oohhh, the big, bad kidnapper can count? Who would’ve thought?” I taunt him with a condescending tone.

  His tongue slips over the front side of his perfectly-white, straight teeth, slowly licking across them. He’s trying to keep his cool, but I know I’ve poked the beast. He nods his head a couple times at me, his tongue playing with one of his canines. That just serves to make me even angrier, because that shit is sexy. “Okay, I can hear you’ve made your choice loud and clear.”

  My heart rate picks up, and before I can make my move to kick him in the nuts, I realize I’m too late. He drops onto his knees, his legs straddling on either side of mine instantaneously. His body weight squishes my crossed arms and knees further into my chest, trapping me. His hands are on either side of my face, lifting my lips only inches from his.

  “This ought to be interesting,” he says in a heated whisper.

  I’m breathing in rapid pants, from fear, and from his close proximity, and what I think is about to happen. He’s too damn handsome for his own good, and as I’m being assaulted with the potent smell of leather, butterflies begin to take flight inside my womb.

  Suddenly, with no warning, his lips crash over mine. His soft, sensual lips feel so damn good as his seductive kiss teases me, and then he taunts me with the tip of his tongue, willing my lips to open for him. “Mmnnn,” he moans as he changes the angle of his head so he can work those lips over mine from a better angle. I’m caving quickly, and for all that is holy, I want a taste of him.

  This just isn’t right. I know I shouldn’t want this, but even as I have these conflicting emotions, damn it if I can resist him. The temptation I feel could equal what Eve must have felt in the garden, wanting just a sweet, juicy, and luscious taste of the forbidden. Oh, forgive me, please, Adam.

  I give in, responding to his advances, opening my mouth to his. Our tongues tentatively meet for the first time, and I’m jolted as an unexpected electrical current runs through me. It shocks the living hell out of my soul, ripping through me unapologetically. I hear a whimper escape from my mouth into his.

  “Julianna,” he whispers over my lips before he suddenly deepens the kiss. Holy hotness, I can’t even think. I’ve never felt this extreme zing with anyone before, especially from just a kiss.

  We continue with intense passion, and I can’t seem to get enough of him—his hot body, his taste, the sounds he’s making. His hands glide from my face down to my shoulders, clasping them tightly. Never breaking the kiss, he makes his way to his feet, pulling me along with him. I’m drunk and dizzy from the ferocity of his tongue alone, but combined with his muscular chest pressing into mine and his intoxicating smell of leather, it’ll take an ungodly force to make me let go of him. I know somewhere in the back of my mind my conscience is screaming at me at the top of her lungs, but she may as well be screaming under an ocean of water, because Travis is taking place front and center. My trembling fear has been replaced with unexplainable lusty cravings. This is aberrantly wrong, I know it is, yet my body cries out with untamed desire.

  “You taste so sweet, Julianna,” he says, and then plunges his tongue in and out of my mouth again and again. My belly dips as I lose myself to his kiss. I’m glad his body has me pressed into the wall, because my legs are worthless. One hand moves to my breast, squeezing gently, while his knee moves between my thighs, spreading my legs open. The man exudes sex. My heart is beating a mile a minute. I know I’m not a cheater, nor a slut, so why am I letting a complete stranger—a known criminal, no less—seduce and take full advantage of me? All reasoning flies out the window when I notice half the buttons on my blouse have been undone. His calloused fingertips have slipped inside, running along my skin and underneath my bra. His touch sends me spiraling as we both pant heavily with uncontrolled want. I feel my panties growing damp, and my nipples harden. I find myself responding to him unashamedly as I arch my chest into his hands. Running my fingers through his short hair, I pull him deeper into the kiss.

  “You have me on fire,” he breathes over my lips. His thumb strokes over my pebbled nipple, and I let out a moan. Damn, the man can kiss. He’s so good that I don’t even notice he has my pants unzipped until they are halfway down my thighs. I want to tell him I’m on fire, as well, but I’m in such a lusty haze of want as his other hand snakes around to grab my ass that I can’t speak, especially when he grinds himself into me. I feel his erection press against my stomach, and I feel flutters of desire take off deep within my core. The room is no longer cool; it’s an inferno, and I feel myself breaking into a sweat.

  All too soon, he breaks the kiss, resting his forehead against mine and breathing heavily with desire. “Looks like the hard way just backfired on me…literally,” he says as he adjusts himself behind his zipper. He exhales a large breath through his mouth, swallows hard and tells me, “All right, I’ll make you a deal. How about I trade your clothes out for a robe? I’m not sure I can stand to be in the same room with you naked anyway. I don’t think I can behave myself at this point.”

  “I guess I could live with that, for now,” I mumble, my body still shaking from the aftermath of his heated kiss. He nods his head and breaks away from me. I look down to see the predicament his member is in, and I smirk.

  He tilts his head, regarding me. “You checking out my package? Didn’t your mother ever teach you it’s not nice to stare?”

  He’s trying to play flirtatiously, but the comment just squelches the heated moment, reminding me I miss my home, my family, and the smirk dies on my lips. “My mother died before I turned two.”

  He closes his eyelids tightly, dragging a hand down his face as he says sincerely, “I’m sorry.”

  “You didn’t know; it’s okay.” I shrug and look away.

  He opens his eyes, observes me for a moment, then turns, and walks toward a small closet I hadn’t noticed before. He pulls out a light blue, terrycloth robe, and when he brings it to me, he tilts his head and gives me a small grin. “It’s powder blue…matches your beautiful eyes.”

  I ignore his statement. I get that he’s trying to ease his faux pas, but I’m not getting undressed for a spa treatment, and even after our passionate exchange—and with my pants still around my trembling thighs—I haven’t quite forgotten who he is or what he’s wanting me to do. “Would you please turn your back so I can change?” He smirks at me, eyeing my disheveled clothing. “Yes, I know, but I still value my modesty...please.”

  He politely turns around while I get changed. It might’ve been a mistake to have him turn around, because now I can’t seem to pull
my eyes from his body. His shoulders are so strong and broad, and he’s got to be at least six-foot-five. Good Lord, the man is a work of art, and his ass—holy hell. The way his jeans tightly hug his backside…oh, my.

  “It’s quiet back there; are you staring at my ass?” Oh, crap, how embarrassing. I reluctantly pull my gaze away from those delightful glutes, cursing at my rising blush.

  “Don’t you wish? Don’t flatter yourself, big guy.” He chuckles at me, as if he knows I was just busted. Once I finish changing into the robe, I ask irritably, “Hey, where’s the belt on this thing?”

  “Wouldn’t you like to know?” he growls.

  “No. No, I wouldn’t like to know. One can only imagine what you’d do with a belt.” He snickers at our banter. I’m sure between his chosen profession and his good looks, he’s most likely the biggest womanizing jerk alive. He probably has a new partner every day of the week. I immediately hate myself for my weak body and for letting him kiss me.

  “You can turn around now.” I’ve wrapped the robe tightly around my body, as if that could prevent him from getting me out of it if he really wanted to. He gestures for me to have a seat on the table again. I begrudgingly walk to the exam table and carefully sit down, trying to keep the robe from opening. I clutch it to my chest as my heart rate picks back up, and ask the most pertinent question of the day, “What are you going to do to me?”

  Before he can answer, someone knocks on the door.


  “Perfect timing,” Travis mumbles as the door clicks open and a tall, weasel-looking man steps into the room. I stare him down, and it’s hard not to immediately stereotype him as a nerd; he’s even sporting a pair of thick, black-framed glasses. He’s wearing a gray, pressed, button-down dress shirt with a tie, and his black hair keeps falling over his eyes. He looks old enough to be my father, too old to try to sport the trendy hairstyle. I clutch the robe Travis gave me, wrapping it even tighter around my body.

  “How are we doing today?” he asks, looking directly at me with a small smile on his face. He’s acting as if I’m here on my own free will for a new patient appointment. Surely he’s joking, because if he’s not, the man has lost his damn marbles.

  “How the hell do you think I’m doing? I’m being held captive; how would anyone be doing in a situation like this?!” Before I can rip him a new asshole, Travis pipes in, immediately cutting to the chase.

  “Despite her body weight and our discussion this morning, Jared, I think we need to double up on her dose.”

  Jared shakes his head. “Her bodyweight-to-drug ratio is spot on, Travis.” They both speak over me as if I’m not in the room at all. “She should be fairly well-adjusted by now. It’s always important to work with the minimum dosage for the first five days, and then we can go from there.”

  “What the…drugs? Still adjusting? What the hell are you guys talking about?” I yell.

  Travis holds out his hand with his palm facing toward me, a gesture for me to shut up so he can speak. “She’s too strong-willed; she’s fighting the Blyss tooth and nail. I’ve seen many women on this same dosage, and none of them—and I mean none of them—have fought me to the degree she has.”

  My mouth is agape in disbelief as they treat me like I’m a voiceless lab rat, which only serves to piss me off more.

  “Hmph,” Jared says, scratching his chin. “Well, I suppose we can increase the dose by twenty milligrams more then back off accordingly once you feel she’s acclimated. We will need to monitor her blood levels a little more closely if we do, and add in an extra blood draw.”

  Okay, I’m passed pissed off now. They have been talking ‘many women’, blood draws, something about being blissful, and increasing the dosage of a drug they have been pumping into my body like I’m not even here. I have no idea what these drugs are or what they do, but I can only assume they’re what’s making me unnaturally-attracted to Travis and act like a horny dog around him. The visualization of me humping Travis’ leg as if I was a bitch in heat not five minutes ago sends me flying off the table.

  No longer concerned with the modesty issue, I let go of my white-knuckled death grip on the edges of the robe and have my fist connecting with Jared’s nose before anyone knows I’ve moved. My hand hurts like hell, but my adrenaline has me swinging a second time, ignoring the pain. Right after the second hit makes contact with Jared’s jaw, Travis has my arms pinned together behind my back before I can do any more damage. My entire body is exposed, my chest prominently displayed and heaving with huge gaping breaths, but I’m so spitfire-mad I don’t even care.

  “You’ve been drugging me?” I hiss at Jared, who stands in front of me still in shock and rubbing his jaw. Since Travis is so nice to hold me in place, I take the opportunity to use his strong, unwavering body to support my next move. My right leg generates power as I swing it out and around, my foot connecting with the side of Jared’s weasel head in a roundhouse kick. The move knocks his glasses clean off his head, and he drops down to the floor like a sack of potatoes.

  “Son-of-a-bitch!” he bellows from the floor. Before I can get my foot to connect with Jared’s head again, I feel my body being lifted off the ground. I’m airborne, and then I crash with my back slamming onto the exam table. The wind is knocked out of me when Travis’ full body weight lands on top of mine. I try to struggle, of course, but his more-than-six-foot, hard-bodied frame easily overtakes my five-and-a-half foot, petite body.

  “Settle the fuck down!” Travis shouts, pinning both of my wrists down above my head. My chest is heaving from fury and exertion. I feel his muscular thighs press over my legs as I sink further into the foam cushion of the table. His chest is heavy on mine, and both of us are glaring into each other’s eyes with anger and defiance.

  “Get the hell off me!” I yell, glaring daggers at Travis. I hear Jared struggling to get up from the floor, cursing the entire time.

  “Okay...yeah...I-I see...what you mean,” Jared says, stumbling over his words.

  I glance over at him, and oh, my God, he’s such a dork. I see blood streaking from his nose and dripping over his lip. He must not feel it, because instead of taking care of my handiwork, he runs his visibly-shaking hands through his too-long geeky hair, then bends down to grab his glasses from the floor and proceeds to clean the broken lenses with his tie. I’m sure he’s trying to pull himself together from the shock of being unexpectedly knocked down. I internally smile to myself.

  “Let me...go get a few things, Travis…to make this go…” he searches for the word, “…smoother. I’ll be right back,” he says with a shaky breath.

  “Don’t worry; she’s not going anywhere,” he sneers at me, not having moved his hard glare from mine at all. When I hear the door click shut, Travis shouts at me again, “What the hell was that?”

  “Oh, that?” I say with dripping sarcasm. “That was me fighting for my freedom thanks to years of Jake shoving self-defense moves down my throat. He just got a small taste of my wrath. You ain’t seen nothin’ yet.” He chuckles sardonically, finding amusement in my statement. “You think I’m joking?” I ask angrily, not finding this funny at all.

  “Oh, on the contrary; I think you’re all business, but it will only serve to hurt you in the end. You have to remember—for every action, there is a consequence.” Then he gives me a sultry smirk, and I watch as his eyes slip over my features and notice his pupils growing larger. It’s at this moment I realize the precarious position he has me pinned into. The atmosphere grows quiet as we both shift into a physical awareness of each other. I struggle against the entertaining thought of tasting those delectable lips once again. I close my eyes against the urge, willing the image to go away.

  “Believe it or not, that was fucking hot, and your naked tits heaving under me,” he pauses with a smirk, “are turning me on.” I feel him reposition his hips, and he places his knee between my thighs as he pushes my legs apart. “You feel that, sweetheart? I wasn’t joking when I said you turn me on,�
�� he breathes. I feel the hardness of his cock now as it rests perfectly against my bared heat. My heart begins racing as I try struggling out of his hold, but to no avail. Clenching my eyes more tightly shut, I turn my head away and will his effect over me to disappear. It’s so damn wrong…wrong on so many levels. Why do I find myself turned on and distracted at every turn with this man? He makes me forget everything when he’s near.

  “You need to stop fighting your mind,” he whispers seductively against my ear, his breath sending shivers down my spine, “and listen to your body. Your heat and instinctual responses have already betrayed you, sweetheart. You want this.”

  “Please,” I cry as he continues his assault on my senses, softly kissing me behind my ear, making my breaths come in short pants. I have an innate desire to run my hands all over his body to feel every hard muscle he owns.

  He pulls his head back, and I think he’s stopping. I open an eye to look at him, and he shakes his head. “Mmnn, you are beautiful. Did you know that?” His eyes sparkle with lust, and he begins to gently rock his hips into me. The sensation of his rough denim rubbing at the opening of my core and over my clit sends a mass of butterflies into flight inside my stomach. I’m angry at myself for feeling so aroused, and I’m furious that his words are spot-on.

  “Fuck off!” I scream, trying to buck him off, but it only serves to seat his cock further between my open folds.

  “Oh, yes, baby, we will fuck off all right.” He dips his head back down to my ear and snakes his tongue just along the outer edge, sending goose bumps down my neck. A moan escapes from my lips.

  “You like that?” he asks in a flirtatious whisper against my ear. He circles his hips once, twice, and again, creating a new sensation against my center. “I think you want it rough and dirty.”

  I whimper, trying to fight this feeling of desire. I move my head to the other side, but there is no escape. He follows my movement and gains new territory, snaking his tongue out and sliding it along the column of my exposed neck. Trailing behind his tongue is a raging fire that consumes me whole. “I can feel your pulse,” he whispers as his wet tongue and soft lips encircle and suck at my beating artery underneath my tingling skin. His powerful hips continue to rock against mine, and God help me, it feels rapturous.


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