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Hard Love

Page 7

by Joanne Schwehm

  Haley let out a loud, “Ha,” followed with, “and you’re not?”

  “Yes, but . . .”

  “No buts. Pull up your big girl panties and have some fun. You deserve it.”

  “It’s not funny, and I refuse to let it happen again.”

  “I’ll bet you a month’s supply of Ben and Jerry’s that he’ll be back in your pants in a week.”

  I thrust my hand out. “Deal.”

  When I walked back into my bedroom, I couldn’t help but grin. My bed sheets were rumpled from the night before. I flopped down on them, running my hands to the side where he was. They smelled like him, and I couldn’t stop my lips from curving upward. That’s the thing about Noah—deep down, he made me happy. Even if we didn’t have sex last night, just being with him and watching the movie was fun. I needed to get out of my own brain. Haley was right; I needed to take control.

  Still, Noah could be as addicting as shopping. Just picturing Noah at the gym, his skin glistening with sweat as he worked out, made my body come alive. I shook my head. Controlling our relationship would be easy, but controlling my heart . . . not so much. In other words, I was screwed.

  Chapter 8

  My friend is a douchebag.

  “Thanks for ditching me last night.” Cade wiped his face with his gym towel.

  “You’re welcome.” I positioned myself under the weights. “Spot me.”

  Cade moved behind me as I lifted the bar and began my reps. “Was it the chick from the restaurant that called your dick away? What’s her name?”

  Shit. If he knew the truth, I’d never hear the end of it. I brought the bar down to my chest before lifting it again in a huff. To say I was thankful he didn’t recognize her in the restaurant would be an understatement.

  “Sally. She’s cool; I like her.”

  “You like her? Like as in, you’re banging her, or that you want to have a meaningful relationship with her?”

  For some reason, Cade asking if I was banging her didn’t sit well with me. Why, I had no fucking clue, it just didn’t. If I didn’t answer correctly, he wouldn’t shut up about it. “We’re friends. That’s all.”

  A laugh broke out, causing me to glare up at him and not concentrate on the weights in my hands. I almost dropped them on my chest. His hands reached out, grabbed the bar, and set it on the arms of the bench.

  He tossed a towel to me as I sat up. “You’re trying to tell me you just hung out with her? Losing your touch?”

  “My touch is just fine, thank you. I just don’t think you need all the details. Let’s just say, she’s fun, and I enjoy her company.”

  We moved over to the leg machines. “Well, at least one of us got laid last night.” He waggled his brows.

  “Yeah, who did you take home? That Melissa chick?”

  “Missy? No. I left shortly after you ditched me because I ran into Tina.”

  “Your ex, Tina? I thought that was over?”

  “It is. She was with some guy she met online. When I walked by her table, he was all over her and she was trying to thwart his advances. I almost kicked the shit out of him. No means no. Apparently, my act of chivalry turned her on or something, because from that point on she was all over me. She told me her pussy ached for me. Who am I not to come to the aid of an aching pussy?”

  I couldn’t help but laugh. “Well, it isn’t like that with us.”

  “Us?” We both finished our reps and headed toward the locker room to get cleaned up. “You’re an us?”

  “No. Like I said, we’re friends.”

  Cade chuckled. “Yeah, okay.”

  We walked out of the gym and to the diner next door to refuel. Our usual booth was open, so we sat there. Thoughts of Adam kicking my ass—or at least trying—popped into my head. “Have you talked to Adam lately?”

  “Yeah, he sent me a text yesterday. He’ll be back in a few weeks. Their office in L.A. needed his attention longer. But, he wants to get together when he returns.” Cade flagged down our waitress and we ordered our meals.

  “Sounds good to me,” I said with confidence.

  “You should bring Sally; I’m sure he’d want to meet her.” Cade laughed, but I didn’t. I was sure it was because he knew Adam and I had the same taste in women. Technically, we all did. But since this woman was related to him, his reaction would be entirely different.

  “We’ll see.” He knew that was code for, not a fucking chance in hell.

  I had been thinking about her more than I wanted to admit. The best part of not wanting to get attached; my mind was able to stay clear and focused. There was a reason I was listed as most eligible, aside from my looks and money. It was because I didn’t want to be ineligible. The only problem was that Margo had started to make me question that theory.

  After I cleaned up a few emails, I went to get ready for dinner. I slid open my “large for New York” closet. When I bought this apartment, my realtor told me this closet was a woman’s dream come true. She may have even sighed.

  Dressed in my charcoal gray suit, black vest, white shirt, and thin black tie, I headed out to pick up Margo. Thankfully, Arthur was available. Usually, I gave him the weekend off, but I didn’t want to fuck around with driving or hiring a different car service.

  When we arrived at Margo’s, I couldn’t help but smile. The crisp spring night air was typical for this time of year. Thankfully, the rain held off.

  She opened the door on the third knock, and I just stared at her. Gorgeous. That was the only word to describe her. We looked like we planned what we were wearing tonight. Her black dress with a gray paisley print matched me perfectly.

  “You look beautiful.”

  “Thank you, so do you. I wasn’t sure what to wear, but Haley told me a bit about Geoffrey’s. I hope this is okay.” She glanced down at herself.

  Doing my best impression of a blind man, I just focused straight ahead rather than rake over her curves with my eyes. The same ones I touched and kissed last night. “The dress is perfect. Are you ready? Arthur is waiting downstairs.”

  She pulled a black coat off the rack by the door. Without a thought, I took it from her and helped her put it on. “Thank you. That’s very nice of you.”

  “I’m a nice guy.”

  Margo smiled a smile that rivaled a cover model’s. “Yes, I know.”

  Arthur and Margo had a quick exchange of hellos before we started to make our way uptown. Margo’s reflection in the window pleased me. Her features were soft, and her eyes sparkled with the lights that filtered through the sedan as we maneuvered our way through the city. It still boggled my mind that this was the same woman who stared at me while doing her homework. Not to mention the same woman I had sex with last night.

  When we pulled up, there was a line outside. Red velvet ropes stopped people from entering. A large man in a black suit would move it to let a couple in here or there, but for the most part, unless they knew someone or had a standing reservation, they weren’t getting in.

  “Wow, it’s packed.” Margo’s jaw dropped as we walked toward the entrance.

  As an explanation, I offered, “They recently added a jazz club upstairs.”

  With my hand on the small of her back, I steered her past the ropes and to the door. She paused and looked at me with awe in her eyes. All it took was a nod to the large man to acknowledge me.

  “Good evening, Mr. Winston.”

  “Thomas, how are you tonight?”

  “Fine, sir.” His eyes cut to Margo, and he looked at her a bit too long for my liking. “Enjoy your evening.”

  We entered, and when I turned back to him, his eyes were on Margo’s ass. It wasn’t that I blamed the guy, but seeing the way he watched her was unsettling, making me wonder, why? Not why he was looking at her, but why it bothered me.

  Margo’s eyes went wide as she studied the décor. White linen covered the tables, a candle set in the middle of each one, creating a romantic ambiance. Couples were sipping cocktails and smiling at each other. One l
ooked like they just got engaged because she couldn’t stop staring at the sparkling rock on her left hand.

  Once the host showed us to our table nestled in the far-right corner, I pulled Margo’s chair out for her.

  “I hope this is acceptable, Mr. Winston.”

  “Yes, Seymour, it’s fine. Thank you.”

  He looked at Margo, “May I take your coat?”

  She nodded. I helped her out of it and handed it to Seymour. “Thank you.”

  When he walked away, Margo looked at me with that cute crease that would form above the bridge of her nose when she tried to figure things out. I remembered it from the day she chewed the eraser off the pencil while doing her homework. Maybe I paid more attention to her than I thought I had.

  “Seymour? You know him by name?”

  “Yes, Geoffrey had a private opening, and I was here. He introduced me to his staff. Plus, I have connections.”

  “I have a feeling you’re the type of man who has a lot of connections. Money and power does that.” My eyebrows shot up at her brash comment. She bit her bottom lip. “I’m sorry. That sounded better in my head.”

  The waiter delivered my favorite Merlot, and after the obligatory inhaling of the cork and small tasting, I smiled at the older gentleman and said, “Excellent, thank you.”

  Once we both had our glass half-filled with wine, the waiter departed. I raised my glass. “To getting to know each other better.”

  “To friendship.” She brought her glass to mine and gave it a gentle clink.

  “To dating.” I took a sip and set my glass down, not giving her time to debate my toast.

  Our meals were delivered and Margo marveled at her plate. “Wow, this looks too good to eat.”

  So did she, but I didn’t go there, I just agreed with her assessment of the duck confit.

  Spending time with Margo was effortless. We chatted about her job and how much she loved it. There wasn’t any doubt in my mind that she was passionate about her business, since her face lit up at just the mention of it.

  “Do you like being your own boss?” It was a question I was rarely asked because it was expected of me. But, Margo chose this path for herself. So many times I had wished my position at Carris wasn’t as man in charge. Don’t get me wrong, I was proud of the work I’d done and enjoyed the benefits that came with it. However, there were days I’d like to just clock out and go home.

  She placed her fork down. “I do. It’s more stressful than I thought it would be, and I constantly worry about making it work, but I wouldn’t want it any other way. I don’t need to tell you how gratifying it is when your checkbook shows profit at the end of the month. Granted, not all months are good ones, but I try to focus on the positive. Exquisitely Yours is my baby. I’d feel awful if I failed.”

  “You won’t fail. I have faith in you. Plus, I’m happy to hear you balance your checkbook, since we both know how great you are in math.” I smirked and took a sip of my drink.

  “Ha-ha. Very funny, Mr. Winston. Although, I suppose if I ever did have a question, I could find a tutor. One who is smart, extremely attractive . . . and single.”

  And now she’s teasing me—or is she baiting me? Either way, if anyone was going to help her, it would be me. “I think you’re all set in the tutoring department. But, if you get stuck, I’d be more than happy to oblige. You know first-hand how skilled I am with figures.”

  She let out a giggle. “Yes, your reputation confirms that.”

  Before she could get another word out about my reputation, I placed my hand on hers. “The thing is, Margo, yours is the only figure I want to concern myself with. So, you can rest assured that your books will always be balanced.”

  A blush crept up her face. “Just mine? Are you sure about that?”

  “Positive.” No more needed to be said on the topic.

  Not long after we finished our dinner, we headed out of the restaurant. “Would you like to go for a walk?” She glanced down at her feet. Shit. How did I not notice the fuck-me heels she had on? Perfect for being in the air or wrapped around my back while she laid on hers, but not so much for walking. “Never mind, we can just go for a drive.” After the visual of fucking her with nothing but her heels on, if we did go for a walk, I’d be doing it with a limp.

  Back in the car, Margo began to yawn. “Tired?” Without thought, I placed my hand on her thigh and felt a shiver run through her. Good.

  Her beautiful green eyes met mine. “Yes, just a bit. Is it okay if I take a raincheck on the drive? I think I’d like to go home.”

  Arthur heard her and on my nod, we drove to her apartment building. “I had fun tonight.” A wavy strand of her hair blew in the breeze, and I couldn’t help but tuck it behind her ear. “Thank you for coming out to dinner with me.”

  Before I could say goodbye and that I’d check on her in the morning, she rolled up on her toes and kissed my cheek. “Thank you for dinner.”

  “You’re welcome. I hope you sleep well.”

  “Thank you. Good night, Noah.”

  The door closed behind her and as soon as I heard her turn the deadbolt, I turned to leave, but not before giving her door one more glance. I wasn’t sure what I expected, but it remained closed. “Sweet dreams, Margo.”

  Chapter 9

  Friends don’t look at each other’s asses.

  Rather than sit at home and stare at the computer, or worse yet, daydream about a certain hardheaded man, I decided to hit the streets of this vast metropolis with Haley and do a little bit of people watching.

  The city’s energy was palpable. It didn’t matter the time of day, people moved with a purpose. It was such a difference from some of the places in Europe. Yes, of course there were crowded streets, but not like this. Europeans knew how to relax and take a break during the day; New Yorkers didn’t.

  Time flew by when you’re not looking or paying attention. Granted, I’d accomplished a lot over the past several years, but there was still so much I wanted to do and experience.

  “Ooh, let’s go in here.” Haley pointed to a trendy clothing store. All of their clothes were organic and made with hemp. It was totally up her alley. She loved the Bohemian look and could pull it off. My proportions were better suited for more tailored clothing. After she picked out a cute outfit, we were on our way to the next shop.

  We spent the entire day going in and out of stores. Some were high-end, others weren’t. I made some contacts and left business cards at most of the places we went to, except for the last one—a bridal boutique. I knew for a fact they had a personal stylist on staff, so there was no need for me to pitch my business.

  “Please?” Haley’s hands were in prayer position. “I just want to look.”

  Why my friend liked to endure this torture baffled me. Something in her eyes said she wasn’t being completely truthful about her relationship status. Maybe her moving in with Seth was a prelude of what was to come or just her hoping he’d pop the question even though she said they weren’t getting engaged. But, since I’m a great friend we went in. The friendly salesperson approached us. Once Haley explained she was the one looking for a gown, we were escorted to a small lounge area where the salesperson brought out dress after dress for her to try on.

  I sat on a small sofa facing the dressing room, waiting for her to emerge. When she did, I gasped and tears flowed freely down my face. The pure white, strapless gown, with organza embellishments in the shapes of peonies, hugged her curves perfectly. There wasn’t a train, but it didn’t need one. When she turned to face the mirror, Haley’s hand flew up and covered her mouth as she stared at herself in awe.

  “You’re beautiful.” Her eyes welled with tears at her reflection. She nodded with vigor but remained silent. When the kind woman brought out a veil, and propped it on Haley’s head, we both burst into full-blown sobs. “Oh my God, Haley.”

  She pivoted on the small platform and looked at me. “It’s perfect.”

  The saleswoman stepped away to give us
some time to talk. “Is there something you need to tell me?”

  “I have a feeling Seth might ask me to marry him soon. When we decided to move in together, he said he didn’t want this to be a temporary thing. I, of course, told him that I didn’t want that either, but I needed assurances.”

  My head spun at her admission. It wasn’t long ago she was set to go out with someone else. “Isn’t it a bit soon to be thinking about marriage? You just got back together and said you weren’t getting engaged.” When the corners of her mouth dropped down, I felt like an awful friend. “All I mean is that I don’t want you to be disappointed.”

  “I know. But sometimes you don’t realize how good you once had it until it’s gone. Seth told me he never wants to be without me again.” She turned back to look at the mirror. “This dress is perfect.”

  It absolutely was. Haley looked as though she belonged on the cover of a bridal magazine. When the salesperson came back, I went into stylist mode and found out all the necessary information a bride would need. Luckily, this dress had a quick order turn-around time, and aside from the waist being taken in just a touch, the gown fit her impeccably. Once we had all the information, we left the store and grabbed a cab.

  Haley glowed. “You’re really happy, aren’t you?”

  She nodded vigorously. “I am. I love him so much it almost hurts. Even when I attempted to date other men, deep in my heart, I knew none of them would compare to Seth. When I put on that gown, it just felt right. I can picture us saying vows.” Haley looked at me with worry in her eyes. “That’s crazy, right?”

  Did I dream of walking down the aisle? Of course I did. Were there girls who didn’t? Maybe it was my genuine love of fashion, but I had it all planned out in my head.

  “Margo, did you hear me? It’s crazy, right?”

  “No, it’s not crazy; it’s perfect.” I was happy for my friend, and maybe one day, I’d feel the same way about a man. On the other hand, maybe I wouldn’t. But that was okay, too. Either way, my girl was happy.


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