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Hard Love

Page 17

by Joanne Schwehm

  Those words kicked up my animalistic tendencies. I wasn’t going to go shifter on her, but she had been my prey for weeks. It sounded like she needed a bit of a reminder.

  “I beg to differ.” The pulse in her neck throbbed against my lips. The purse she held in her fingers dropped to the floor. Her soft skin tasted sweet like her perfume as I dragged my tongue from the notch at the base of her neck up to her chin. Margo’s head fell back, giving me ample real estate to enjoy. When it lolled to the side, I braced the nape of her neck with my hand, right before I took her earlobe between my teeth. “Did you lock the door?”

  “Mmm-hmm.” Her eyes were closed; her face had a euphoric glow.

  “Are you wet for me, Margo?”

  She breathed out, “Yes.”

  “Good, because I need to slide into you and stay there for a while.”

  Margo stepped back with a dazed look in her eyes. In one swift pull, her top was off. Her rose colored nipples poked through the sheer, light blue fabric of her bra. My lips were on them, nipping, sucking, and tasting, as if I was a starved man. The sting on my scalp from her fingernails was the best pain I’d ever felt. Within seconds, Margo was naked and lying on my couch.

  “Noah, please . . .” She dropped both her knees to the side, and even if my clothes had been on fire, I couldn’t have taken them off that fast.

  Her bare pussy glistened, begging for me to take care of her needs. On a groan, I slid into her. Our lips stayed connected throughout our lovemaking. Tender words weren’t necessary to know how we felt.

  My back relished in the way she massaged and strummed her fingers from my waist to my shoulders. Our chests rubbed against each other with every movement; the need to draw this out was pointless. I’d make it up to her later, but right now, I needed to claim her once more, to feel her splinter beneath me. Like a pulsating vise, she slowly began to tighten around me.

  I captured Margo’s moan with my mouth. Her eyelids fluttered, we matched thrust-to-thrust, hip roll to hip roll, until her body was sated. I let go and made love to her with vigor. Each emotion I felt for her, from when she told off my mother to her saying she handled the reporter, flew out of me as I came deep and hard.

  As if I were blind, I closed my eyes and studied her face with my fingertips. Each dip and curve of her soft skin was like a balm. “You’re mine, Margo. I want you by my side. I should have protected you. Instead, you were put in the line of fire.” I rested my forehead against hers. “I’m sorry.”

  Gentle hands cupped my cheeks. “You’re not to blame for anything. And if you couldn’t tell, I’m capable of handling whatever comes my way. I’m not hurt by her words. Not to sound harsh, but she doesn’t mean anything to me. Hurtful words from a stranger are just that—words. Did they sting a bit when we were face to face? Yes, but that’s mainly because she’s your mother and of course I’d prefer her to like me. But your relationship with her is just genetics. You can’t pick your family, but you can choose with whom you surround yourself. You’re the only one in the Winston family whose words and actions affect me. You may not have the same DNA, but you have always considered Adam and Cade your family. You can add me to that list.”

  “Not sure I want to think of you as my sister.” I glanced down at my dick, still buried inside of her.

  She swatted my shoulder. “Second cousin twice removed?”

  “Not even that.” I pecked her lips, slid out of her, and pulled her onto my lap. “You’re the most important person to me; that’s better than any title I could give you.”

  “Fine, I can deal with that.” We both got off the sofa. “Can you hand me my bra, please?”

  I picked it up and held it out to her. “Boxers, please.”

  Margo bent down, her tits filled with the pull of gravity. “Here you go.” She pointed to the floor behind me. “Thong?”

  Looping my finger through the scrap of fabric, I handed it to her. Before asking for any more articles of clothing, I watched her get dressed. Even the way she slipped her underwear on was sexy as fuck. Without prompting, Margo handed me the rest of my clothing, so I reciprocated in kind.

  We were put back together just in time to answer the knock on my office door. Jan stood in the doorway, grinning from ear to ear. “I didn’t interrupt you, did I?” Margo blushed and turned to look out the window. Sure, now she gets shy. “I tried buzzing you, but you didn’t answer.” Oh, was that the sound I heard?

  “Not interrupting. As usual, your timing is perfect.”

  Jan gave me an all-knowing look. “Adam Perry is here to see you.” Margo’s head snapped toward Jan. Her slight blush turned a pretty shade of fire engine red.

  “Send him in.”

  Margo let out a sigh. “That was a close one.”

  I dipped my head in the direction of her chest. “You skipped a button.”

  In pure panic, she looked down and rubbed her hand over her breasts before once again smacking me on the arm. “I’m wearing a T-shirt, you jerk.”

  “But watching you feel your tits was hot.” I laughed, but she didn’t, nor did Adam, who was now standing in my office.

  Adam snarled, “Dude, cut me some slack here, will you? It’s hard enough for me to wrap my head around the fact that you two are dating.”

  “You may as well get used to it. What’s up? I just talked to you.”

  He ran his hand through his hair. “You didn’t sound like yourself on the phone, so I thought I’d check on you. If I had known my sister was here, I wouldn’t have come.”

  “Hey!” Margo tossed her hands on her hips. “That’s rude. Take it back.”

  “Take it back?” Adam shook his head. “What are you, ten?”

  She grabbed his nipple through his shirt and twisted. The way the cotton fabric bunched up between her thumb and forefinger even had me cringing.

  Adam swatted her hand away and started rubbing the aching spot. “Jesus Christ, I take it back.”

  Margo sat on the edge of my desk, gloating. “That’s more like it.”

  “Seriously, I don’t know what’s gotten into you.” Adam looked at his sister in disbelief.

  She coyly replied, “Well, if you were here ten minutes ago . . .”

  Adam threw his hands in the air, “Okay, I’m out.” He brought his attention to me, not amused in the least that I was laughing. “I’ll see you on Friday. You may as well bring the brat since I’m sure you’ll be happier with her there.”

  Margo hopped off the desk to hug her brother. “I’m sorry, I was just playing around. You stay and hang out with Noah; I have work to do.” She chastely kissed me on the lips, then did the same to her brother’s cheek and left.

  Adam sat down. “I’ve never seen her like that before.”

  “Like what?”

  “Happy and carefree. You remember how she was as a kid, reserved and always serious? Even as an adult she has been that way. She’s not the type to take herself lightly or poke fun at a serious situation. Today, she seemed very relaxed. I have a feeling that’s because of you.”

  My eyes glanced at the door she just walked out of. “I would love to think that was because of me. Your sister is very special.” He went to say something, but I needed to get this out of my mouth and off my chest. “I’m going to tell you the same thing I told her.” He watched me intently. “She’s the most important person in my life.” Adam remained silent, clearly stunned by my admission. “You know my track record or lack thereof.”

  “That’s what scares me, Noah. Not to rehash this, but you’ve never had a long-standing relationship, and I understand why. If I were you, I don’t think I’d want one either, but this is Margo we’re talking about, not just some random hook-up.”

  Did he think I didn’t know that? Every time we were in the same room, I wanted to tell her I was falling in love with her, but the words got lodged in my throat. The last time I told someone I loved them was when my grandfather was on his deathbed. Those words had never been uttered to a woman. Even when
Margo kissed me goodbye I wanted to say it, but I didn’t.

  “Let me tell you something. When I first asked her out, she was hesitant, which was a first for me.”

  Adam scrubbed his jaw. “So, my sister is what? A challenge?”

  “God, no. She’s a breath of fresh air. With her, I know that she wants me for me and nothing more—not my status, money, or anything materialistic. Just me. Do you know how rare that is?” He nodded in agreement because he did understand. “I’d give her the world—that’s how much she means to me.”

  Adam glanced at his watch before standing. “Noah, if there’s any man I’d want for my sister, it would be you. Just don’t hurt her. I’d hate for you or our friendship to suffer because of that.”

  “I would never want that either.”

  “I’m glad to hear it. Anyway, I’m glad everything is okay, and next time I’ll call before coming over.” Adam headed toward the door. “See you on Friday.”

  Once the door clicked closed behind him and I was alone, I confessed. “I’m in love with Margo Perry.”

  Chapter 23

  What did she just say?

  Well, that was interesting. I’d always wanted to hang out with my brother and Noah—for obvious reasons, but being in the same room with them, with the scent of sex still in the air, was a bit unnerving.

  “Hey, girlfriend!” Haley burst into the apartment. “I brought ice cream.”

  She set her purse on the side table and handed me a bag before heading to the kitchen to grab spoons. I pulled the cold container out. “What’s the occasion?”

  Haley flopped on the couch. “Well, I happened to see an article online today and wanted to tell you how proud I am of you.”

  My spoon hung in mid-air. “What article?”

  She stuck her ice cream laden spoon in her mouth, grabbed my iPad from the coffee table, punched in a few things, and spun it around. When she slid the spoon out, she pointed with her pinky finger. “That one.”

  Exquisitely Margo by Michael Evans, staff reporter. “Holy shit. It’s live already?” That was fast.

  Haley nodded. “It’s a great article. I’m not sure why my best friend didn’t call to tell me about this. I would have given a statement, but I suppose having Noah Winston in your corner doesn’t hurt.” She slid another spoonful into her mouth and mumbled, “You should really have some of this.”

  “He interviewed Noah? Rochelle didn’t give the reporter any personal contacts.”

  She shrugged one shoulder up. “Why wouldn’t they go to him for a comment? After what his mother said about you? Plus, if I was this dude, I would have asked your boyfriend a few questions, too.”

  I scanned the article, skimming over what my references said in search of his name. When I scrolled down the page, my eyes could barely focus on what I was reading.

  When I asked one of New York’s finest how long he had been dating Ms. Perry, his answer even caught this reporter off guard. “Our time can’t be measured. We are two people who crossed paths after several years. The status of our relationship is just that, ours. Margo doesn’t need me to validate her, or what we mean to each other. Once you start relying on someone else for your own happiness is when you start losing yourself.”

  Michael did a great job emphasizing all of my strong points, even highlighted my company, but all my brain could do was focus on what Noah had said.

  “That’s pretty hot, right?” Haley pointed her spoon toward the iPad. “He just told the world that he’s taken. Women are going to hate you.” She laughed at my scowl. “I’m just kidding . . . kind of.”

  “He didn’t tell the world; this was printed in The Washington Probe, that’s not a massive publication.”

  Haley snorted, “Girlfriend, several papers have picked up this story. Just because you live under a social media rock doesn’t mean everyone does.”

  “Enough about me; what’s going on with you?”

  “That’s the other reason why I’m here.” Haley squirmed in her seat. “Seth and I are throwing ourselves an engagement party on Friday night.” She let out a laugh. “Sounds cliché, but I told you I’ve always wanted everything and anything that a proper wedding would include. The party will be in the VIP section at The White Orchid. I already confirmed that Tyler and Brett will be tending bar. As my maid of honor, you must be there and bring your boyfriend.”

  “I wouldn’t miss it for the world. We were supposed to go out with my brother and Cade; is it okay if they come, too?”

  She beamed, “Of course! The more the merrier.” I hadn’t seen Haley this happy in a long time. If I wanted to invite a group of strangers, she wouldn’t have refused.

  “Ooh, I had an idea I wanted to run by you. I’m thinking of trying to book Raging Urge to play at the wedding. I just read an article on rock stars, and Ryker and Max are gorgeous, plus, their music is the shit! If they’re not available, maybe I can get Jack Lair.” She sighed. “He’s hot, too. What do you think?”

  “Yes, I think you should try to have the most gorgeous musicians play at your wedding; I’m sure that would go over big with your fiancé. Although, Leila Marino from Devil’s Lair is beautiful, so maybe Seth won’t care.”

  Her lips twisted. “Fine, I’ll hire a DJ. They probably wouldn’t fit into our wedding budget anyway. Maybe you can have one of them or both at your wedding. Your man can afford it.”

  My wedding. Heat swarmed my body from the outside in, as if I was a marshmallow over an open flame. “Don’t get ahead of yourself. Noah and I are a long way from taking that step. We just reconnected.”

  “Pfft.” She waved her hand back and forth. “Just because you both haven’t declared your undying love for each other doesn’t mean it’s not obvious to everyone around you. You’ll see, pretty soon you’ll be the one with a rock on your finger.”

  I glanced down at my hand and wiggled my left ring finger. Could she be right? No. I shook my head in an attempt to rid my head of even going there. To appease her, I said, “Maybe one day.” Fine, maybe that was to appease myself just as much, because I would love nothing more than to marry him one day.

  “By the way,” Haley added, “you owe me a month’s worth of Ben & Jerry’s.”

  The White Orchid was packed. Of course, it was Friday night, so this was nothing unusual. When I glanced up, I saw Haley talking to a few of her co-workers. Noah’s hand was on the small of my back as we made our way to the stairs leading to the posh VIP section.

  Music filtered through the club’s speakers, but it wasn’t loud enough that you couldn’t hear yourself think. That came later, when the dance floor opened, but right now, couples were mingling, friends were talking, and strangers were getting to know each other.

  “Hey, Margo.” Tyler walked up to me carrying a case of tequila. He leaned in and kissed my cheek. Noah’s arm moved from behind my back to around my shoulders. Tyler smirked, not missing the hint Noah tossed his way. Before I could introduce them, he smiled at Noah. “I’m Tyler, one of the bartenders and co-owners of the club.”

  “I’m Noah, Margo’s boyfriend.” His tone was full of possessiveness, and it was quite the turn on.

  “Yes, I know. You’re a lucky man; she’s a great girl.” Tyler glanced down at the box of liquor. “I’d shake your hand, but . . .”

  “No worries.” Noah’s voice softened a bit, but not enough. “Babe, we should get moving.”

  I nodded. “We’re here for Haley’s party.”

  Tyler tilted his head toward the stairs. “Head on up. Brett will be taking care of you guys tonight. I need to get to the bar.” He looked at Noah, “Good meeting you. I hope to see you around.”

  When Haley spotted us, she squealed, “You made it!”

  Were we late? “Of course we did. Is my brother here yet?”

  She nodded enthusiastically. “Yes, he’s here with his hot friend and with that woman from the paper. Holy shit, Louisa is even prettier in person.” Haley’s words were a bit slurred. Maybe we were late
or she just started early. “Come on, we’re doing shots.” Haley snatched my hand and pulled me toward the other guests with Noah at my side.

  “Everyone! This is my maid of honor, Margooooo.” Yup, she was drunk. She put her hand on Noah’s chest. “And this handsome hunk is her fiancé, Noah Winston.”

  What did she just say? Noah’s head snapped toward me so fast I didn’t know what to do. I looked at him with wide eyes and shook my head.

  He gave one nod. Mirroring my thought, Adam was the next one to question that announcement. “What did she just say?”

  I swallowed hard. “Nothing, she . . .”

  Before I could finish, Cade and Louisa walked up to us. Cade looked as bewildered as we all did and felt. Louisa, on the other hand, looked thrilled—maybe she was drunk, too.

  “You’re engaged? How wonderful! I’m Louisa, you must be Margo.” She extended her hand to me, which I took. “Thank you for helping me out with my outfit for the gala and loaning me your boyfriend. Wait until I tell everyone. Let me take a picture and I’ll Tweet it.” She looked at Adam. “My subscriber count is going to soar; I’ll start trending. It’ll be great for business.”

  Brett walked up to us. “Hi, Margo. Can I get you anything?”

  It was then that I realized Noah hadn’t said a word. Even though he was still next to me, I had to look at our hands to confirm they were joined. “Sure, I’ll have one of your specials.” Brett nodded, and I looked to Noah. “Do you want something?”

  “Yeah.” He turned to me, dark eyes, brows furrowed so low they created the deepest crease between his eyes. “You can tell me what the fuck is going on. Why the hell would you tell Haley we were engaged? Did you feel left out, or did you just want to put me on the spot?” He brought his attention to Louisa. “We aren’t engaged; I don’t do marriage.” My heart sunk. He glared at Louisa. “If you even think about posting anything, I’ll sue you for slander and you won’t have a business to trend.”


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