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Hard Love

Page 21

by Joanne Schwehm

  Margo studied me since I wasn’t making any sense. I sipped my coffee and set my mug down on the side table. “Yes, we can do that over dinner or on the phone, but I want more.” There was that word again, want. “I need more. I’m committed to you—to us—and want to share everything with you.” I took her cup from her hand and set it next to mine. “Logistically, this works, because your lease is up soon, and Haley won’t be coming back. Truth be told, even if she was, I’d want you with me.”

  “Noah, I can’t afford to live in your apartment. I know you’re a billionaire, but I’m not, nor will I ever be, a mooch.”

  “I own my apartment, but if it will make you feel better, we’ll live here.”

  Margo snorted, “Right, you’d live in my tiny apartment when your balcony is bigger?”

  “If it means being with you, then yes.”

  “No, I can’t have you do that. It’s ridiculous.”

  “Then it’s settled; you move in with me. Unless of course, you don’t want to.”

  Every part of my brain slapped my mouth for blurting out that last phrase. What if she didn’t want to? The energy in the room shifted, and I was sure it had nothing to do with caffeine. I could drop on my knee and propose to her, but I wasn’t ready. If and when I did ask her to be my wife, it wouldn’t be in my boxer shorts.

  She finally put me out of my misery. “Of course, I want to live with you, but I need to pay something.”

  Then it clicked. “I know, you can pay me in services.”

  Margo’s jaw dropped. “What?”

  I couldn’t contain my laughter. “No, no. Not those services. You can be my stylist.”

  She cocked her head to the side. “You want me to dress you?”

  “If I was being honest, I prefer when you undress me. But yes, for business and events, I’d like you to select my wardrobe. Look, if you don’t live with me, I’m going to hire you anyway. So, you may as well kill two birds with one stone.”

  “Hmm . . . so you’ll wear anything I select for you?”

  Something in her tone had me second-guessing my proposal. I quirked a brow. “Just remember, you’ll be on my arm at any and all events I attend, so if I look bad, that’s on you.”

  “Noah, I could dress you in a clown’s suit and you’d still make the best dressed list.”

  “Is that a yes?”

  Her lips twisted. “On one condition.”

  Negotiating. I liked this side of Margo. “Okay, hit me with it.”

  “You tell Adam.”

  Before she could add anything else, I pulled her close to me. Her arms wound around my body. “I’ll tell the world.”


  Five months and three weeks later.

  We were all at The White Orchid for the Exquisitely Yours Pay It Forward event. Alex Logan and his staff outdid themselves; the entire VIP area was transformed. It no longer looked like a nightclub but rather a fashion gallery.

  Having Noah there for my first hosted event meant the world to me. Too bad I had to run around like a chicken with its head cut off while Noah, Adam, and Cade were chatting it up with Brett at the bar. What I wouldn’t have given for a martini at that moment.

  “This place looks fantastic.” Rochelle beamed as she spun in a circle like Julie Andrews in the Sound of Music. “Can you believe all of this? Did you see how many designers and photographers are here?”

  Easels holding designers’ sketches lined the walls, promoting their clothing lines. Vendors milled about the room placing orders. It was a complete success.

  “It’s incredible; you really outdid yourself, Rochelle.”

  “We outdid ourselves.” My perky assistant threw her arms around me. “I love my job, and you’re the best boss.” Someone called her name. “I’ll be back. You should relax and have fun.” She patted my arm and sauntered away.

  I scoffed. “Relax, sure. That will be an easy task.”

  My mother waved at me from across the room. When Rochelle told me my parents had RSVP’d yes, I was pleasantly surprised. Not that they wouldn’t want to be there, but it would be the first time my father would see my business in action. Even though we were mentioned in the papers fairly regularly, something told me he still didn’t take my business seriously.

  “Margo, this is fabulous.” My mom beamed. “We are both so very happy for you.”

  “Yes, you really did it. I couldn’t be prouder.” The words my father said were something I had always wanted to hear from him. I know that when I ventured out on my own, rather than joining the family business, it was a hard pill for him to swallow. “I’m going to say hello to Adam and leave you ladies to it.” He leaned in and kissed my mother on her cheek.

  I sat down at one of the small tables with my mother. “Is everything going okay with Noah? You know I love that boy as if he was my own, but you’re my daughter and you come first.”

  My eyes cut to where Noah was laughing alongside my father and Adam. “Yes, it’s been wonderful. You and dad were great examples to me, but Noah didn’t have that. His parents were nothing like you guys.”

  “I know. I remember him as a young man, so confident, but he had a hardness to him. But not today. Look at him.” Once again, I glanced toward him, but this time, he was walking toward us.

  “Hello, Mrs. Perry.”

  My mom stood and wrapped her arms around him. The grin on Noah’s face created one on mine. “Don’t you think it’s about time you called me by my first name?”

  Noah chuckled. “Maybe one day. Can I join you?”

  “You can take my seat, there’s a designer I would like to speak to. Have fun, kids.” In a flash, my mom was gone.

  Noah picked up my hands and brought his lips to my knuckles. “Congratulations. You wanted to pay it forward, and did you ever. It’s unbelievable the number of designers and people who are here. I’m so proud of you. By the way, I met a woman who designs beachwear. I hope you don’t mind, but I took the liberty of ordering you a few items.”

  “I’m sure you did.” Rochelle started waving at me frantically. “Duty calls; go have a drink for me . . . or three.”

  Mmm . . . ahhh . . . that feels so . . . ahhh.

  Noah’s thumbs methodically rubbed the arches of my aching feet. “Why did I wear those shoes?”

  “Because they’re hot as fuck?” He laughed, but my poor toes did not find his comment remotely humorous.

  “No, because I’m stupid.” Noah’s guffaw caused me to glare at him. “Men have it so easy.”

  He glanced down at me sprawled out on his couch, my legs on his lap and his hands doing magical things to my sore puppies. “Yes, you have a very rough life.” I started to pull my feet away, but he tightened his hold on me.

  More rubbing. “Is this what life will be like?”

  “Well, I like to think it will be more than just foot rubs, but anytime you need one, I’m your guy.”

  “You’re always my guy.” My heel felt his hard-on through his slacks. With gentle pressure, I rubbed my foot against it.

  “Margo, if you keep doing that, your foot massage will come to an abrupt end. I will carry you into our bedroom and make love to you until the sun comes up.”

  “Was that supposed to be a threat?”

  Noah tossed me over his shoulder and cave-manned me right into our bedroom.

  “Where are we headed?” It was the fifth time Margo had asked that question in about the same number of minutes.

  “Do you know what the word surprise means?” Her lips twisted to the side, she crossed her arms, and let out a huff. Of course, that little move just made me laugh.

  Joel walked up to us. “We’ll be taking off in about five minutes.”

  Margo sat up straight, fanned her eyelashes a few times and . . . did she just stick her chest out? “Joel,” she wound a curl around her index finger, tilted her head, and smiled, “how long is the flight?”

  My pilot glanced at me, and I just shook my head. I knew he wouldn’t give up any in

  “Thank you, Joel, that will be all.”

  “Yes, sir.” He tipped his hat and disappeared into the cockpit.

  Margo huffed. “You do know I’m not going to sleep with you on this flight, right?” She slipped the two silver pieces of her seatbelt together with a resounding click.

  “Threatening me with sex, or lack thereof, will not get me to talk. But you might want to rethink your plan when I go and get comfortable in bed.”

  “Why? Will we be flying overnight?”

  I shook my head. “You’re ridiculous.”

  Once we were airborne, Margo’s inquisition slowed down. Rather than questions coming every sixty seconds, they were now about one an hour.

  Her nose went into the air and she inhaled. Allison, our flight attendant, appeared with an array of ginger goodies in a basket. Margo had her pick from an entire tray of treats. Of course, she took one of each.

  She let out a moan, then a sigh. “These are incredible. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  Joel’s voice came over the intercom. “Please prepare for landing.”

  Once the wheels touched down, Margo allowed herself to peek out of the window. Palm trees greeted us as far as the eye could see. She let out a gasp and turned toward me.

  “We’re in Naples? I love it here!”

  What I had planned would be a turning point for our relationship. Dinner was going to be served on the outside terrace, even though Margo thought we were dining at an exclusive restaurant. Technically, it was, since we were the only ones there.

  A crisp, white tablecloth swayed with the sea breeze, and white sparkling lights surrounded the perimeter of my flagstone patio.

  “Noah?” Margo was a vision in my grandmother’s dress just as I knew she would be. God, this woman took my breath away at every turn.

  “You’re absolutely stunning. Do you realize how beautiful you are?” I placed my hands on her hips.

  “It’s the dress.” She ran her hand over her torso. “I’ve never in my life worn something so exquisite. And you in your tux, just gorgeous.”

  “This is much more than dinner. I wanted to do something special for you. Do you know what today is?”

  “No, what?”



  In a swift move, I clicked on the Bluetooth speaker. Better With You by Kris Allen began to play. “Margo Perry, will you go to Prom with me?”

  Her eyes filled with tears. “Yes.”

  I pulled her close to me and we started dancing. “I was such a fool all of those years ago.”

  Margo shook her head. “No, you weren’t. Maybe a little slow on the uptake, but not a fool.”

  This woman held my heart in her hands, and although that should be terrifying, I wasn’t scared. Everything Brett said to me that night at The White Orchid still replayed in my head. There was no way in hell I wanted her to have any other man’s last name. Like Margo, I was the one who wanted that guarantee.

  The curve of her cheek felt like silk under my knuckles. “I have something for you.”

  She followed me to the table where a small box sat. Her eyes sparkled with each flicker of the candle on the center of the table. “What is it?”

  “Open it.”

  Her fingers trembled as she pulled the white satin ribbon and opened the box. She laughed. “You got me a handkerchief?”

  She held the white cloth with lavender edging and looked at me. “When you sent me mine, you said to use it the next time I wanted to be a chivalrous hero. But I just want to be your hero.”

  Margo smiled. “I remember. I also remember what a disaster I was that day.”

  “No, you were gorgeous.”

  “Yes, stunning.” She laughed sarcastically. “But, it was a great day.”

  “I agree. Flip it over.”

  Margo turned the small square and studied what she saw. The letters NWM were embroidered on one of the corners. “N-w-m, n-w-m . . .” Her brows furrowed as she continued to stare. “Not with me? Never was mine? Never wanted Margo?”

  “Seriously? And I’m the hardheaded one?” Margo let out the same melodic laugh that first drew my attention to her. “It stands for us, or who I want us to be . . . Noah and Margo Winston. You can carry it on our wedding day.”

  She cocked her head to the side, eyes wide. “What? But you don’t believe in marriage.”

  “Correction, I didn’t believe in marriage—you changed that. I want you to have my last name, but right now, we’re still learning about each other. Who knows, you might have a change of heart, and NWM will stand for, “Noah Without Margo.” I tossed her a wink.

  A reassuring, “Not a chance,” flew out of her mouth.

  “But until you have my name, I want you to know how committed I am to you.”

  I reached into my coat pocket. Her eyes followed my every move. When she saw the ring between my fingers, a tear ran down her cheek. “Noah . . .”

  “This is my commitment and promise to you.” I held the exquisite, three carat pink diamond ring in front of her. “I’m not doing this because I think we will ever end, because I know that won’t happen. I’m doing this because I want to share all of my beginnings with you.” I took her hand in mine. “For the rest of my life, your kisses are the only ones I want to feel on my lips. Your body is the only one I want to hold. You’re the one I want to share a morning sunrise, fall asleep with at night, and share my good and bad times.

  “There aren’t many people in this world who are as lucky as we are.” She sniffed and stared at her handkerchief, but rather than use hers, I pulled one out of my pocket, the one she’d given me, and handed it to her. “Be mine forever, Margo. One day, I promise to give you my last name—if you want it, of course—but until then, wear this ring knowing our future is just that—ours.

  “Will you wear this ring as my commitment to you, to us and our future?”

  She nodded. “Yes.”

  Three little letters changed my life. I slipped the ring onto her finger. “Soon, we’ll tell the world, but for now I want you all to myself.” I pulled her onto my lap and wrapped my arms around her.

  “Sounds good to me.” The warm night air floated around us. “I’m starting to like your surprises.”

  I chuckled. “That’s good to know, because I have a few more in store for you.”

  Her gorgeous green eyes met mine. “Is that so?”

  “It is.”

  “Care to clue me in?” She dramatically batted her long lashes.


  “Is this what the rest of our life will be like?”

  “You better believe it.”

  The End

  Keep reading after the acknowledgments to meet Alex and Aubrey in the first two chapters of Unexpected Chance.


  There are so many people who stand behind me and support me while I close myself in my office and write. I hope I don’t forget anyone, and if I do, please know it wasn’t intentional.

  First and foremost, my family. Thank you for putting up with me and my craziness while I’m writing. You three are my world, and I wouldn’t be able to do what I love without your love and support. I love you more than anything.

  To my beta readers Ann Marie, Stephanie, Lauren, Mariah, and Leigh Ann, thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedules to read for me. Your feedback, comments, suggestions, and more importantly, your honesty, were incredibly helpful. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  Ann Marie, thank you for always being there and for your honest opinion and advice. Thank you for reading Hard Love chapter by chapter and for talking me off the ledge more than once. I don’t know what I’d do without you. Love you!

  The ladies in PLL, thank you for being there with words of encouragement, making me laugh, being a sounding board, and so much more.

  Thank you to Ena Burnette and Amanda Wooden from Enticing Journey Promotions for handling everything from the c
over reveal to the release.

  To all the bloggers, thank you for all the time you spend supporting authors and reading our stories. You take time out of your personal lives, and I am very thankful.

  Sommer Stein at Perfect Pear Creative Covers . . . seriously . . . this cover blew me away. I love, love, love it! Thank you from the bottom of my heart for knocking it out of the park!

  Kiezha of Librum Artis Editorial Services, thank you for editing Hard Love.

  Julie Deaton of Author Services by Julie Deaton. Thank you for proofreading Hard Love for me and for your friendship.

  Kathryn Katie Mac Crane, I love you to pieces! Thank you for being there for me. I shall forever be your Guida. xo

  Tami at Integrity Formatting, you’re always a pleasure to work with. I really don’t know what I would do without you. You truly are the best! Thank you for making my book pretty. I can’t wait to work with you again!

  Kimberly Brower and Jess Dallow at Brower Literary Agency, I am honored to be part of the Brower family.

  To the team at EverAfter Romance, I am so happy to be part of the EverAfter family. Thank you for all of your support.

  My awesome reader group, Joanne’s Book Junkies, thank you for the fun, laughter, chats, and for supporting me. I think you’re all fabulous!

  Thank you to that boy in high school who turned me down when I asked him to the Senior Ball. It’s true when people say, “Everything happens for a reason.”

  Most importantly, I’d like to thank the readers. We all love to read and talk about the books and characters we love, and I am so thankful for all of you. Thank you for taking the time to send supportive messages. Your enthusiasm keeps me going, and there isn’t a thank you big enough for that. xoxo

  Thank you for reading Hard Love

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