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Silk and Spurs

Page 12

by Cheyenne McCray

  Focusing on Zach, she slowly pushed down one stocking in a sensual movement. She could tell her teasing was working as his jaw tightened and his eyes seem to grow darker than they already were. She eased it over her foot then handed the stocking to him.

  “Faster this time.” His words came out dangerously low and she felt the urge to obey.

  She hurried to take off the other stocking and gave it to him. He took her by her upper arms and turned her so that she was facing away from him, then pulled her wrists behind her back. She felt the silk of her stockings as he wrapped one around each of her wrists and tied it securely.

  “Last chance.” He rested his hands on her shoulders and moved his mouth to her ear. “Unless you’ve changed your mind, from this point on, you’re mine.”

  Her heart beat a little faster. “Yes.”

  “Tell me you’re mine.” He brought her up close, her back up against his chest, and he pulled back her head again by her hair. “I want to hear it.”

  “I’m yours.” Something like electricity sizzled through her as she spoke. He had her head pulled back so far that she could see his eyes as he looked down at her. He suddenly looked dark and dangerous.

  “Yes,” he said in a way that made her shiver. “You are mine.”

  Excerpt… The Auction: Claimed

  Cheyenne McCray writing as Jaymie Holland

  Available Now!

  The sun was barely coming up as Leslie slipped her feet off the mattress and onto the floor. She’d teach Rick for escaping and taking control of her like he had.

  When she was out of bed she glanced at him. He had one arm across his eyes and the other stretched out beside him. His bare chest rose and fell with deep, even breaths and she was certain he was still asleep. A sheet was tangled around him and it barely covered his early morning erection and her mouth watered as she thought about a great way to wake him up.

  But she had other plans.

  She knelt beside the bed and found one of the leather handcuffs on the floor. It was still attached to the chain and she wondered at how well he had managed to get away. She’d always heard that SEALs were the best of the best.

  Of course that didn’t mean she couldn’t do her best to take back control.

  It was amazing how he had gotten out last night. Thoughts of that moment sent a thrill through her belly. It had been incredible when he suddenly had her in his control.

  He had taken everything she had dished out without one word of complaint, without one whimper. He had let her restrain him and play with him. He hadn’t had to give up control at all. He could so easily crush her with his superior strength. But he was a man of confidence, a man willing to give up control and not feel threatened by her.

  This time she would use locks, once she had him secured. She picked up the cuff that was attached to the chain then checked to make sure he still looked asleep. She slowly moved the cuff toward the arm he had sprawled out beside him. She reached for his wrist—

  He snatched her arm so fast and sudden that she cried out in surprise. Her head spun as he grabbed her and flipped her onto her back. Suddenly she was looking up at him and he had a look of satisfaction on his face.

  She tugged on her arm and she felt the metal cuff biting into her wrist. Somehow he had cuffed her in the same motion that he put her onto her back.

  Before she even realized what was happening, he was cuffing her other wrist on the other side of the bed.

  Her eyes widened. Rick had chained her to the bed. He was the one who was supposed to be chained.

  This had gone wrong in a hurry.

  The bed dipped and Rick sat on the mattress beside her.

  “Good morning.” He smiled and she saw a mischievous spark in his eyes.


  “I figure that I owe you.” He traced a path from her throat to her cleavage that was still covered by the corset.

  That didn’t last long. As soon as his hand reached the corset, he pulled it down, releasing her breasts. She caught her breath as cool air tightened her nipples and they immediately ached for his touch. As if reading her mind, he lowered his head and sucked one of her nipples. She moaned as the exquisite sensations flowed throughout her. She loved her nipples being sucked and licked. Her next favorite thing to a man going down on her. He moved his mouth to her other nipple and gently bit it, causing her to gasp. He placed his hand on her flat belly as he teased the taut nub with his tongue and teeth.

  He raised his head and looked down at her and the corner of his mouth curved into a smile. “You’re one beautiful woman, Leslie.” He pinched her nipple, causing her to gasp. “And you sure know how to show a guy a good time.”

  She would have smiled if her eyes weren’t watering and her nipple didn’t hurt so much. She obviously didn’t have the same kind of stamina when it came to pain as he did.

  He moved his mouth to hers and softly kissed her. “Don’t you love paybacks?”

  She groaned. “I told you I like to be in control.”

  “Too bad.” He trailed his lips along her jaw and then down the curve of her neck to the hollow of her throat. “I always win, hon. Don’t forget that.”

  “Oh yeah?” she said.

  “Uh-huh.” His mouth was occupied with her nipple again, causing her to arch her back from the pleasure. He bit down hard enough to make her eyes fly open and caused her to cry out in surprise.

  A tough Navy SEAL she was not.

  “Rick.” She moaned as he licked her other nipple. “I don’t like to be out of control.”

  “Get used to it when you’re with me.” He looked down at her again. “Even when you think you’re in control, I really am.”

  “That’s not true.” She squirmed beneath his mouth and hands, loving the feel of it but fighting the want and need rising up inside of her. She was supposed to be on top. That’s how it was for her. After Michael—

  No, she wasn’t going to think about him. Especially not now.

  “Tell me, Leslie,” Rick said as he nuzzled the curve of her neck. “What makes you so determined to be in control with men?”

  It was as if he had read her mind. She had tried to figure herself out for a long time. She believed that it had to be Michael. She always liked control, but not in a relationship. Once he had been her Dominant partner and she’d been his submissive. It had been the only time she had let a man be in control and it had been amazing in the initial stages. But after their relationship ended, she swore she would always be in control from that point on.

  “I belong on top.” She tried to get out of his grip.

  “I am going to enjoy this.” He moved his mouth close to her ear. “And so are you.”

  “Ha.” She kicked at him but he grabbed both of her legs. She couldn’t begin to get out of his grip the way he had her. He easily picked up the leather cuff that was still attached to the chain at the foot of the bed and cuffed one ankle with it even as she fought to get her legs away. When that one was done he had an easy time of cuffing her other ankle.

  He tightened all of the restraints so that she couldn’t even wiggle. Her heart beat faster and she bit the inside of her cheek. How was she supposed to get out of this? She wasn’t Houdini like this man seemed to be.

  When she was secured, he moved up and braced his hands to either side of her chest and looked down at her. “How does it feel, Leslie?”

  “I don’t like it.” A bald-faced lie. She was so turned on that she wanted to squirm from need.

  He gave a soft laugh. “We’ll see.” He brushed his lips over hers and she couldn’t help a sigh of pleasure. Then he eased off the bed and she turned her head enough to see that he was going through her bag of tricks.

  She swallowed as he pulled out a red ball gag and a black blindfold and carried them back to her.

  “Ohhh. Look at this. Never used one of these. Can’t have you making too much noise so let’s try it out.” He put the ball gag to her lips. She refused to open her mouth. He pinched her nipple
and she gasped in surprise and he pushed the ball into her mouth. He raised her head enough that he could buckle the back of the gag. The corner of his lips turned up into a smile. “That will keep you from complaining about not being on top.”

  She made a sound of argument as he put the blindfold over her eyes, a sound that he ignored. When the blindfold was on, he kissed the corner of her mouth. “There. That’s better.”

  Her thoughts spun. What was he going to do now that he had her down tight?

  He moved his mouth to her ear again. “You’ll see,” as if he knew what she was thinking. He inhaled deeply then ran his lips along her jaw then nuzzled the curve of her neck.

  Excerpt… The Auction: Bought

  Cheyenne McCray writing as Jaymie Holland

  Available Now!

  “When I was dating whatshisname,” Roni said. “I discovered something about myself.”

  “What’s that?” John asked.

  “I get excited when I experience fear.” As she said the words, his expression didn’t change but she felt a subtle shift in something in the air. “Not crazy stuff… But fear. Including being out of control to someone.

  “I didn’t know the congressman well when we first played,” she continued. “I got the taste of being out of control to someone that I barely knew.”

  “Is it something you think of often?” he asked.

  “I do.” She nodded. “When it’s someone I don’t know well, it is a different type of excitement that is amazing. As you get to know someone in the right relationship, the submission gets better, but that certain excitement and fear from the early times can’t be recreated the same way. That might sound crazy, and some would say it is dangerous.” She raised her hands. “There you have it. True confessions.”

  Yes, she was drawn to it. She wanted the feeling that she thought about alone in her bed. She wanted to experience that excitement now and she wanted it from John.

  “Stay here.” She set her bottle on an end table as an idea—a rather naughty idea—came to her, and she stood again. “I’ll be right back.”

  She hurried to her garage where she found packages of new rope and then went back inside and handed the packages to John. He took them with a wary look in his eyes.

  “I want you to show me how well you know how to use rope.” She stood and held out her wrists. “Come on. Put your money where your mouth is.”

  He stood and suddenly he seemed so tall and almost intimidating. Giving this man, a virtual stranger, some rope and letting him tie her up… She might as well be offering herself up as a sacrifice to the gods.

  It was crazy what she was doing but she trusted her instincts. They had always served her well in the past. Okay, there was the congressman, Mr. Cheating Dickhead, but he had introduced her to KC so that had worked out just fine. She had only gone to a couple of the club’s events with him, but they had been exciting and fun.

  She kept her arms outstretched, her wrists in front of her as he took a rope out of one of the packages. He clasped her wrists in his hand and jerked her close to him, so close that she could feel his body heat, smell his masculine scent and her heart started pounding in a rapid beat.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” His heated expression was doing dangerous things to her body. “Once I start, I don’t stop.”

  She loved the way he said it, the power in his voice, and the meaning in his words. Yes, she wanted this.

  She shivered with excitement, she said, “I know I do.”

  Instead of tying her wrists in front of her, he turned her around and took both of them behind her.

  She bit her lower lip as she felt him making secure cuffs out of the rope, wrapping it around each wrist so that the cuffs were about two inches wide. He pulled at her hands, testing the rope and she felt how snug and secure they were tied.

  Fear mixed with excitement as he began tying her arms at the elbows behind her so tightly that they were almost touching. Her arms started aching but she didn’t complain—she loved how he was taking control.

  When he finished he gripped her shoulders. “So you like fear do you?” He gave a low laugh close to her ear that sent chills through her. “Well, you’re getting what you asked for.”

  She swallowed as more chills rolled through her.

  “I can show you fear.” He slid his hands around her throat and lightly squeezed. “I could do anything to you right now. Isn’t that right?”

  She swallowed, her breathing quickening as he increased pressure. “Yes.” She had to gasp the word.

  He kept his hold on her neck and lowered his head and kissed her. It was a hard kiss, fierce and primal. It made her head feel like it was spinning.

  When he broke the kiss he met her gaze, fire in his eyes “You tend to talk too much.” He kept the pressure even as she nodded. “I’m going to fix that.”

  He picked up the additional rope then hooked his arm around her neck and drew her backward toward her room. When he reached her room, he kept his arm around her neck as he set the rope on top of her dresser then searched her upper drawer. He pulled something out and caressed it along her cheek to her mouth. She felt the silky softness of one of her panties as he moved it over her lips. He forced the panties into her mouth and secured them with more rope.

  She looked up at him as he turned her around to face him. An almost exhilarating sense of fear shot through her when she saw the look in his eyes.

  He brought his palms to her breasts and her eyes widened at the dark sensuality in his expression. The heat of his hands traveled through the satiny material and her nipples tightened.

  “I think this is why you flashed your breasts at me.” He began massaging them as his gaze held hers. “I think you had every intention of seducing me.” He grabbed her long hair and her scalp stung as he jerked her head back. “Isn’t that true?”

  Her head was back so far and so tightly that she couldn’t nod or shake her head. With her arms pulled back like they were it caused her chest to thrust out. He lowered his head and cupped her breast with his free hand as he brought his mouth to her nipple.

  She gasped behind the gag. It felt so wonderful with his hot mouth sucking her nipple and wetting the fabric. He moved his hand to her other breasts and sucked that nipple, too.

  When he raised his head, he jerked her hard against him and she felt his rigid erection against her belly. “I want to fuck you, and there isn’t anything you can do about it if you wanted to.” He lowered is mouth to her ear. “But we both know that’s exactly what you want.”

  Excerpt… Taboo: Losing Control

  Cheyenne McCray writing as Jaymie Holland

  Available Now!

  Adam smiled to himself. Some quality time together could lead to some fun activities later. He took her hand as they walked together to the parking lot where he led her to his truck. When they reached the passenger door, he paused and she looked up at him.

  He cupped her cheeks in his palms and lowered his head so that his mouth hovered over hers. Her lips parted and he brought his mouth slowly down. She gave a soft little moan as he nipped her lip before sliding his tongue into her mouth.

  Adam groaned as she kissed him back. Her kiss was almost tentative, as if she wasn’t sure what she was doing, and that turned him on even more.

  He drew her tight up against him and she moaned again. She tasted sweet, her body soft against his.

  When he drew away from the kiss, Casey looked up at him, her eyes wide. Her lips glistened with moisture beneath the parking lot lights.

  Adam brushed the back of his hand over her cheek. “Ready to go?”

  Casey drew her shoulders back. “Yes.”

  They both climbed into the truck and she smiled at him as he started the truck and put it into gear, and headed for the bar.

  When they pulled up to the parking spaces in front of the bar, Adam frowned. The place was closed and it looked like permanently.

  “So much for McKelly’s,” he said.

p; She looked disappointed. “Guess that’s it for the night.”

  “It doesn’t have to be.” Adam moved close to her. “We can have a drink or coffee at my place. I live in Scottsdale, about twenty-five minutes from here.”

  Casey paused and her lips pursed in consideration. Her lips were so damned sexy. He couldn’t wait to kiss her again.

  “Okay,” she finally said and took a deep breath. “I’ll go with you. Just give me your address so I can text it to my sister.”

  Adam’s house was beautiful, Casey thought. His automotive business apparently did well, really well. Nerves tightened her belly as he let her into the house. She jumped as he closed the door behind her.

  She had sent Jett a text when they left McKelly’s and then again when they arrived in front of Adam’s house.

  The entire time he held her hand she felt warm sensations in her belly. Was he really into kink? Curiosity made her bite her lower lip. Did she want to find out?


  Casey followed him and enjoyed the view. He had a nice, tight ass and the leather pants showed it off perfectly. His back was muscular, his triceps well defined. A fantasy spun through her mind of seeing him naked and touching his hard body. Everywhere.

  The house was spacious with overstuffed couches, a recliner, and solid wood furniture that included a coffee table, end tables, and a sofa table. He went to the corner and she realized he had a wet bar.

  He raised a bottle of white wine. “Wine or something stronger?”

  “How about a rum and Coke?” She needed to relax, to not be so keyed up.

  “You’ve got it.” Her masked man drew out a bottle of rum and a can of Coke. “I think I’ll make it two.”

  She neared him and watched the play of muscles in his forearms as he filled two highball glasses with the soda and two shots of rum each.

  Casey raised her eyebrows. “Don’t you think that’s a bit much?”

  He smiled. Damn, his smile was so sexy. “Do you want me to make another one with less rum?”


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