Book Read Free


Page 22

by Lindsay Delagair

“I don’t want to discuss this over the phone. Can you get to Norfolk right away?”

  “Tell me now!” she demanded, her unique brand of anger seething just below the surface. “I don’t like playing games and you know that. What did he do, have a heart attack?”

  “He was—was butchered last night.”

  She paused. First, she wanted the correct amount of stunned surprise, and secondly, she really was surprised. “What do you mean? Tell me exactly what happened.”

  “We don’t know for certain, but someone planned this very well. The guards were gassed. We found them unconscious in the game room. Whatever was used was quick. Their cards were scattered on the floor, their drinks spilt; they didn’t run more than five feet before they dropped and they don’t remember a thing. Darlene said that—”

  “She’s alive?” she asked, slightly annoyed. She didn’t tell Micah to kill her, but she had half-hoped he would.

  “Yes. Whoever did this tied, gagged, and blind folded her when she came into the bedroom to go to sleep. All she could tell was that it was a man—one man. He put her in the closet, but she could hear everything.”

  “So what happened!” she snapped.

  “I don’t think you want—”

  “I am the new Boss of this family. I am your Boss. You will tell me everything I need to know—and you will do it now or you will be out! Do I make myself perfectly clear?”

  “Did you order this, Sharon?” he tersely questioned.

  “Ask me that again and I’ll have you shot,” came her non-idle threat. “Tell me about my father.” She could hear the older man’s frustration just from the way he was breathing on the other end of the phone, but she doubted he would continue to resist.

  “She said she heard the struggle when your father entered the room. The man used a silencer, but she definitely heard the muffled shots. He pushed him onto the bed to shoot him because there are bullet holes through the bloody pillows. Our men are digging the slugs out of the wall now. He must have taken your father’s body down to a boat in the river, and—”

  “Where is his body?”

  “We don’t know. We—“

  “Then how the hell do you know he’s dead?” she questioned. She wanted proof.

  “There was blood everywhere and because he—he,” Aldo stammered.

  “Just say it you old son-of-a-bitch! Spit it out!”

  “He carved his heart out and stuck it to the damn bedroom door!! Okay?! There!! Are you happy now?”

  She was honestly silent this time—she wasn’t faking. Her smile slowly reappeared. I’ll be damned, she thought, he actually did what I told him to do. “Make sure our men are on the river for the next several days. I’m sure he dumped him, but I don’t want someone else to find his body. We don’t need the police involved.”

  “Boss,” he said and then paused.

  “What?” She liked the sound of being called Boss, and Aldo always was a prude for protocol.

  “There is one more thing.”


  “He left a note stuck in the mess on the door.”

  She swallowed, but tried to make sure it wasn’t audible, “So what did it say?”

  “It said,” he began, taking in a deep breath, “Compliments of the new Boss.”

  Cute, Gavarreen, she thought, too damn cute. “Well then I guess we should suspect someone to try and take over our family, but they forgot something very important stands in their way.”

  “What’s that?”


  The call ended.

  She smiled as she touched the screen on her phone, replaying the video she’d taken of her bedroom encounter with Micah. She’d already watched it a least a dozen times, and every time it increased her desire and need to have him again. He didn’t know she had a camera in the room, and had he figured it out and guessed her reasons, she most likely wouldn’t have survived their night together. But she did survive it, and she had never experienced anyone like Micah Gavarreen. He was a raw and intensely savage, sexual man—she loved every second of teetering on the edge of his control, and she made sure she kept him on that edge all night. She thought about the fact that Micah, by killing her father, had given her the deepest desire of her heart— and, in considering that, she felt a strange emotion welling up inside that was completely foreign. She didn’t understand love, but she did understand possession. Micah would become her possession—forever. She licked her lips and then smiled as she blew a kiss to her phone, “Good job, Gavarreen. Now it’s my turn.” She dialed Giovanni.

  “What do you want now?” came his angry greeting.

  “Well,” she said with a brief pause, “you may not believe this, but I wanted to let you know our game is almost over. I’m afraid Gavarreen went ballistic and killed my father in retaliation for me taking his wife. He’s unintentionally boosted my rank; I’m the new Boss.”

  “Congratulations,” he stated without emotion. “You must be so proud of yourself.”

  “Answer me something truthfully, Giovanni—with all the honesty due a Boss. Have you hurt her? Did you screw her after our phone call?”

  “I know how to follow orders.”

  “That’s not an answer. Have you done anything to hurt her?”


  “Give me your solemn word of truth.”

  “I give you my word; she is unharmed. However, I will say it is becoming increasingly difficult to keep your men away from her.”

  “I’ll speak to them; you just make sure no one hurts her.”

  “Why the sudden concern over her welfare? Did you suddenly realize you cannot control him?”

  She smiled, “Oh, I can control him, but I told Micah she would be released unharmed.”

  “I am surprised. I had a feeling you hated her.”

  “Trust me, Giovanni, I do hate her. Hate her enough to allow her to live after I ruin the most important thing in her world. When I’m through with him, you’re going to do one final thing for me before you let her go.”


  “I’m sending you a video. When the time comes, I want you to make sure she watches it.”

  CHAPTER twenty-four

  “Why the hell didn’t you tell me what was going on?” David asked, clearly angry with his little brother. “And where are you?”

  “You didn’t need to know.”

  “Since when do I not need to know?”

  “David, shut up and listen for a minute. There’s a plant in the Family—someone close to Botachelli, and I think it’s your new capo.”

  “I know about the plant, and it’s not him.”

  “Did you talk to Gwen?”

  “Hell yes I talked to her. Who else do you think she would call when she found out what you were up against? Now, do you want to tell me where you’re at, or do you want me to have to walk right into the Moretti Family office and shoot that little bitch before she causes any more trouble? I know she’s the one who has Leese.”

  “I’ll need your help at some point, just don’t try to step in blind—you’ll end up getting yourself killed, and I’ll never see Leese, again. I need the new capo’s name.”

  “You don’t want to know,” he paused for a deep breath. “I’m trying to figure this out, but the only one who would really benefit would be Rizzo.”

  ”I’m ninety-nine percent sure it’s not Rizzo, but your capo is new and—”

  “No, it’s not the new capo. And, you’re right, ever since Rizzo made underboss four years ago, he’s been pretty much flawless.”

  “Did Botachelli make you take an oath of silence about the new capo?”

  “No. Just believe me when I say he’s not the leak.”

  There was an unusual tone to David’s voice. Something about this new capo wasn’t right. This guy was too secretive. Those within the Family rarely ever had their identity shielded from the other members. “Well, I think he is,” Micah stated, his temper starting to show through his words.

bsp; “What about Jerry? He’s had his nose shoved so far up Botachelli’s ass since he made associate last year that he’s around him constantly. Even Botachelli said he’s starting to think the guy is dirty.”

  Micah could tell that David was trying to change the direction of the conversation. “You’ve never liked any of the capos—what’s different about this one? What’s his name?”

  “You want my opinion? I say Jerry is the most likely—”

  “If you don’t tell me what you know about the new capo, then I’ll just find out from Botachelli.”

  “He’s not going to tell you.”

  “I’ll find out.”

  “Just like I’m going to find out what you’re not telling me?” came the sarcastic reply. “I heard news of a big hit last night, Micah—it has all the marks of something you would have been able to pull off.”

  Micah knew the news of the hit would travel fast through the surrounding Families. Bosses are rarely ever targeted, but when they are, everyone goes on alert. “I need a name!” he growled in frustration.

  “You really want to know?! You don’t trust me enough to believe me when I say he isn’t the one you want?”

  “I need to know everything about him.”

  “Well, then I guess I should tell you he is working for Sharon, but he’s not the leak.”

  This was more riddle than Micah’s temper could stand, “You knew this? You stupid bastard! He’s got to be the plant! He’s—”

  “He’s you.”

  “What?” He thought he misunderstood what David said.

  “That’s how I know he’s not the leak; you’ve been my capo. You just didn’t know it until now.”

  Micah was dumbfounded.

  “Not long after we took you in front of the Family and Botachelli said he wasn’t releasing you until you cleaned up the D’Angelo disaster, I told him whatever needed to be done—I’d take your place.”

  A knot formed instantly in Micah’s throat. This was why Botachelli agreed to let him be just an advisor? This was why he hadn’t been called back to Louisiana, and why David had been spending so much time away? He couldn’t believe it. Everything he told Botachelli needed to happen, every snake he’d helped move into the organization for D’Angelo that he told Botachelli to hit—all of it—he’d been putting his brother on the line. “Why, David?” was all he could manage to ask.

  “You’re my brother,” he stated with an emotional pause. “You wanted a shot at happiness with Leese, and I knew it wouldn’t happen any other way.”

  “But—but you and Nadia? You—”

  “I only agreed to do whatever you told Botachelli needed to be done. I told him, after this was over, I want out, too.”

  “Does Nadia know about Leese?”

  “She knows.”

  “How is she? I know she’s gotta be freaking out.”

  “You know I worried about that too, but she’s actually a very strong woman.”

  Micah finally felt a reason to smile. It seemed his brother was developing a sensitive side, but then again, it didn’t surprise him; Leese did the same thing to him. “Are they safe?”

  “I’m scrambled, are you?” David asked referring to his signal scrambler on his phone.


  “Were in Nova Scotia right now.”

  “Perfect. Mom covered your trail?”

  “Like a pro, as usual. You’ve got to tell me what the hell you’re doing? Are you the one who hit Vitale?”

  The moment of silence seemed far too long.


  “Shit, Micah—you’re creating one hell of a nightmare. If she loses her grip on that clan, they’ll be after you.”

  “She’ll lose it, I’m sure. I’m still trying to figure out what she’s using for a bargaining chip, but it’s who is backing her who’s the real problem.”

  “Don’t tell me she’s in bed with Caprizio.”

  Micah gave a bitter laugh, “I don’t know if she’s slept with him, but that won’t matter when he tears both Families apart.”

  “Damn, I’d been hoping all along that you were wrong about him.”

  “It turns out that my wife’s Italian architect was mafia—specifically, a trainee under Caprizio.”

  “Does Botachelli know?”


  “I’m flying back to the States tomorrow—you just tell me which airport.”

  “Find the leak, David—that’s all I need right now.”

  “Okay,” he conceded, but then quickly snapped, “Don’t call block my number anymore—that pissed me off!”

  Micah laughed.

  “What?” David growled.

  “All the shit that’s happened and what really pissed you off was me blocking your number?”

  He could hear the smile forming on David’s face through the phone.

  “I won’t block your number, but don’t expect me to answer all your calls.”

  “Where are you?” David finally asked.


  “Still cleaning your tracks?”

  “Something like that.”

  “Just as long as you aren’t in New York trying to tackle Caprizio alone, I’m happy.”

  “No—I’ll need my partner for that.”

  “Damn straight,” David replied.

  “Are you sure Botachelli told Jerry about the drug bust?”

  “Yeah. Gwen asked me to go to him about the plant. He said he told Rizzo to let Donzi and Marty know what was getting ready to go down in their districts, and to stay out of the way. Jerry overheard.”

  “Let’s give him something to ‘overhear’ and see if it leaks to Sharon.”

  “Like what?”

  “Head home tomorrow and tell Botachelli you want to arrange a private meeting. He can either allow Jerry to be present or he can simply tell him, but make sure Jerry is the only one who knows.”

  “Knows what? What’s the bait?”

  “Lambert’s Point train yard in Norfolk, liquid container 78443 on the very north track near the pipeline.”

  “And what am I saying he’ll find there?

  “Vitale Moretti’s body.”

  “I hope you know what you’re doing, bro.”

  “Me too.”

  Ten p.m. the following night, Micah was crouched on the catwalk above the Lambert’s Point water treatment facility. He was two-hundred yards away from the railway, with a night-vision birds-eye view of container 78443. David sent him a text and said Botachelli let Jerry in on the meeting. It had been less than an hour since Jerry left for home. Micah was prepared for a long night, but it didn’t take fifteen more minutes before he spotted Sharon’s rats combing the area. He knew why; they needed to get there before Botachelli’s men were to supposedly arrive in a few hours. If Botachelli got to Vitale’s body first, it would be placed for the police to find. Once the police had a Family under investigation, normal activity that generated income would be crippled. The only thing they didn’t know was that Botachelli had no interest in a body; he just wanted to know if Jerry was a weasel. The weasel was out of the hole.

  The container of sodium hydroxide was found and he watched for the next thirty minutes as her men fought the vapors while they attempted to remove what little was left of the body. The fifty percent solution was used for aluminum production and crude oil treatment among other things, but it also had the capability to render flesh, muscle, and tendons to a liquid brown slime, leaving nothing but brittle, disconnected bones.

  He’d had enough entertainment watching the idiots work. The leak was discovered, and now Micah was going to make sure Jerry had lots of things to tell Sharon Moretti.

  CHAPTER twenty-five

  Sharon told him she wanted to see him the next day. He tried to refuse, telling her a week was too early for them to be seen together, but she wasn’t about to let him go without having him for her ‘last night on the beach.’ She said no one, at least no one who would dare tell, would see them togeth
er. She would be heading to Atlantic City to convene her first meeting of capos since she assumed her father’s position. If she was going to prepare people to fill rolls in Botachelli’s clan as well, she needed to start now before Micah set everything into motion.

  She made no effort to hide her intentions when he arrived. In the week he’d been away from her, her bruises hadn’t healed. They were lighter now, but she still bore the marks and the pain. She pointedly told him that, even though she immensely enjoyed their first encounter, she didn’t want too many marks to take home with her. She told him that tonight he would show her a gentler side of himself.

  He stood there rigid and unyielding as she began undressing him by the couch. Her first priority was to disarm him. He didn’t have his shoulder harness on tonight, but her hand drifted immediately to the small of his back. She wore a large smile as she pulled his Glock from its hiding place in his waistband. “Now why did you even bring this, Micah?” she taunted him, “You know you’re not going to hurt me—not yet anyway. Tonight is strictly pleasure—no business—not your kind of business anyway.”

  She unbuttoned his shirt and pushed it off his thickly muscled arms, then kissed and tweaked his nipples through his cotton tank. She tried, again, to kiss him on the mouth, but he turned his face. She seemed to tolerate his unwillingness to kiss, but she wasn’t happy when he wouldn’t raise his arms to allow her to pull off his tank.

  She had a small platter of star fruit, guava, and strawberries that she had been cutting on the coffee table. She reached over and picked up the sharp little paring knife and slipped it under each shoulder strap.

  He never flinched, nor blinked when she nicked his trapezius muscle as she sliced through the fabric.

  She placed the knife back on the table, but noticed the blood when she returned her attention to removing the destroyed tank, “Sorry,” she whispered in his ear and then slowly suckled the small cut clean. “You could make this a little easier you know,” she continued to breathe in his ear, her hands wandering down to the button on the top of his jeans. “God, I love how stubborn you are,” she stated as she continued undressing him unassisted.


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