The Other Family

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The Other Family Page 16

by Linda A. Hardy

  “no, I think I would prefer a bed and breakfast myself”

  “same here”.

  We drank our tea and not long after there was a knock at my door and it was the agent, Madelaine thanked me for the cuppa and went upstairs with the agent. I immediately grabbed my phone after she left and called Pippa, there was no answer, I tried again ten minutes later, still no answer, twenty minutes later I tried again, still no answer, “Pip where the hell are you?” I wondered, and then I realised, she is probably busy with a client, a part of me actually felt jealous knowing she was with another woman, just thinking about it at that moment made me feel uneasy. Half an hour later my phone rang and it was Pippa, “I’ve been calling you, going out of my mind here” I said to her

  “I was entertaining darling, could not stop in the middle of…”

  “yes I know, I don’t want to hear the details” I said sounding perhaps a bit too snappy

  “you sound rather stressed darling, what’s the matter?”

  “I’ve been out shopping…”

  “oh is that all, did you buy me something nice” she said with a laugh

  “Pippa will you be serious a moment”

  “yes ok, so you went shopping, and…”

  “when I got home there was an envelope sitting on my floor, someone had pushed it through my letterbox, the envelope contained two red ribbons with a note saying, red ribbons for your pretty hair love red ed, someone knows Pip” I said as I started crying.

  “darling don’t be upset, look I will see if I can speak to a person who runs the website that I use, make sure that personal information is not divulged, but your not even advertised on the site, so there could be no way anyone darling and I mean anyone, could know who you are, do you want me to come up?”

  “um no I’m ok, it just freaked me out that’s all, oh and guess what, I had my new neighbour here for half an hour straight after seeing those ribbons, she’d gone and locked herself out of her flat but at least I found out what her husband does for a living, he is the Manager at the Savoy Hotel in London, I bet it is him, it has to be him who put the ribbons in my door”

  “is he now, interesting to know, maybe he’ll let us have a room” she said with a laugh

  “Pippa why does everything you say and do have to have sexual innuendo in it, even your text messages are always of a sexual nature”

  “because darling, I’m Sassy and I’m sexy and it makes you smile, and if you keep seeing sexual innuendo in everything darling it means only one thing”

  “oh and what would that be?”

  “you’ve got s-e-x on the brain darling and your clearly not getting enough of it” and she roared with laughter

  “and yes, you on the other hand are clearly getting too much of it” I said laughing

  “there’s never too much of anything darling” she said with a laugh, and continued “look be careful of Mr Creepy upstairs darling, we cannot prove that he put the ribbons in your door, just like we don‘t know he is the man with the gravely voice, come down earlier on Wednesday and we‘ll have a good chat about what we‘re going to do that night ok”

  “ok, I will be there after lunch then”

  “call me if you need me, kiss kiss my darling, miss you”

  “yes miss you too”

  After my conversation with Pippa I felt a lot better, she is right of course I thought to myself, no one could know that I am Red Dixie, the only person who knew me with that name was Pippa and we never spoke to each other during our play sessions online so it was only a nickname known to us, the only person who knew about my “relationship” with Pippa was Kevin, but he did not know about the red wig I wore, he did not know about the character I play with Pippa, he only thought she was a girlfriend, nothing more than that, albeit one that I had screwed, and I do not think it would have been him to put the ribbons through my door, and then I twigged, of course, Madelaine, Madelaine who had locked herself out and was waiting for me to come home, Madelaine who ten seconds later after my seeing the ribbons was knocking on my door, she wanted to see my reaction, and thankfully I did not give her one, she and Gareth are working together, she may of been with him when they were watching Pippa and I, maybe they get their kicks watching two women together, maybe that is the only way Gareth can perform with his wife! Yes I had worked it out, I needed to be careful of the two of them, I was starting to wish that I lived somewhere else.

  Chapter 35

  The next morning my phone rang very early at 6am and I wondered who the hell would be ringing me at such a time, I was still asleep, well I was. I answered the phone rather annoyed, “hello”

  “Oh is that Lindsay Harrison?, I see your ad in the paper about researching family tree’s and I noticed you are in Croydon”

  “yes this is Lindsay, how can I help you?”

  “oh by the way I’m calling from Australia”

  “what, oh really, wow” I was now more alert hearing that, and continued “what can I do for you Mr…”

  “oh sorry, my name’s Don, I live in Brisbane in Queensland, have you heard of it?”

  “yes Don I have heard of it, what can I do for you?”

  “well I have been researching my family tree, and I want to find out if my great grandparents are buried in Croydon, I am hoping they have a headstone, would you be able to go to the cemetery and look for me and take a photograph of the grave? Just it is a bit hard from my end doing that sort of thing”

  “of course I can Don, do you want to email me the details about your great grandparents?”

  “yes I can do that”

  “so how did you see my ad?”

  “the newspaper is online, I read it all the time, keeping up with the news from back home”

  “of course, the wonders of the internet, what did we do before it came along I don’t know”

  I noted down Don’s email address and I gave him mine, and I thanked him for his call and said I looked forward to receiving his email. How exciting I told myself, I have a client all the way from Australia, things are looking up.

  Now I was fully awake I went and made myself some breakfast and a cup of tea and went and switched on my computer to check my emails and there was Don’s email waiting for me already.

  G’day Lindsay,

  Was wonderful to hear your lovely voice, I do so miss hearing that Pommy accent.

  My great grandparents, they should be buried in Croydon, well that’s where they died. Great grandfather was Edwin John Blackmore, and great grandmother was May Charlotte Blackmore formerly Welch.

  I thought it might be helpful if I attached their death certificates, let me know if you need any more information and thank you for your assistance.


  Don Blackmore

  I opened the attachments Don had emailed me, Edwin John Blackmore’s death certificate stated he had died in 1922 at the age of seventy two, and his wife May Charlotte Blackmore’s death certificate stated she had died six years later in 1928 at the age of seventy eight, both had died at their home by the looks of things, at 66 Aurelia Road, Croydon, which upon looking at a map was right near the cemetery.

  I thought to myself that this should not be too difficult then, all I needed to do was go along to the office at the cemetery and ask whereabouts they were buried and once found I would take a photograph of the grave and send Don the picture in an email, easy.

  I thought I would go along to the cemetery later that day and make my enquiry, I also considered going back to bed, but I was wide awake now so instead I thought I would go for a little walk around the block and get some fresh air, sometimes a walk in the early morning is the best time to go out, you get to see the world waking up to start another day, I find it very refreshing and invigorating.

  When I returned to my flat, I opened my door and noticed the mail on the floor which included a small soft package, the package had my name and address on it which had been typed out on to a label, it contained no postmarks, no stamps at all
, this had been hand delivered I was thinking, I sat myself down and opened the package, and I pulled out a red lace baby doll negligee with a typed note saying

  I think you will look very pretty wearing this, love Red Ed.

  While I had been out on my walk, someone had been to my flat, Gareth or Madelaine had seen me go out and popped down the stairs and pushed the package through my letterbox is what I was thinking, it had to be them! How stupid can they be, making it look so obvious, I was not going to let them get under my skin.

  I tried to stay calm, and not let it fluster me like last time with the ribbons, you two upstairs are not going to scare me, I said to myself. I wanted to go upstairs and confront them but doing that will let them know that I am on to them and I did not want to do that, I wanted them to see that nothing out of the ordinary had happened, I would not be scared by their tactics.

  Mid afternoon I went along to Mitcham Road Cemetery and walked into the office where I spoke to Sharon and enquired where Edwin and May Blackmore were buried, I gave her the dates they both died and their address at the time and she gave me a map of the cemetery and had marked where they were buried, thankfully they were both buried in the same grave and I made my way to the spot marked on the map.

  When I arrived at the spot it was very disappointing, there was no gravestone, just a tiny wooden cross with the name Blackmore etched on it, nothing more, the grave was under a small tree and the grass had overgrown and I could clearly see the plot was not cared for, no one had visited this grave in a long time by the looks of things, I tried pulling out some of the long grass to tidy the plot before I took a photograph for Don, if I felt disappointed then I thought Don will be disappointed as well when he see’s this.

  While at the cemetery I visited my grandparents grave, when I got there I noticed a bouquet of red roses, which I thought was a odd flower to put on a grave, roses yes but not red one’s, I have always associated red roses as something you give for Valentine’s Day, there was a small card attached saying : Hope you like red roses Lindsay, xx

  Now I was freaking, I had not left these roses, but the note looked like it had been left by me, so if any of my family visited the grave, which to be honest, they never did, but if they did, they would think I had left the roses, I picked them up and walked away from my grandparents grave and as I walked out the cemetery I dumped them into a rubbish bin.

  My neighbours had gone too far, this was not acceptable, when I get home I am going to go straight up to their flat and tell them what I think I said to myself, I was now angry, by the time I got home the anger had subsided and I suddenly had cold feet, just as well as I went upstairs and knocked on their door there was no answer, they were not at home, some other time then, but then I had a thought, how did they know where my grandparents grave was? How could they know that my grandparents were buried in that cemetery? There are other cemeteries around Croydon, they could have been buried in any one of them, but how did Gareth and Madelaine know? That I could not work out, yes sure they could do the same as me and go into the office to ask where they were buried but first you would need to know which cemetery they are buried in, I only took pot luck today that Don’s great grandparents were buried in Mitcham Road Cemetery because of where they lived, which was directly opposite the cemetery, something strange is going on, keep calm Lindsay I told myself, your safe in your flat.

  I emailed Don and attached the photograph of his great grandparents grave, and actually apologised for their not being the gravestone he had expected.

  Chapter 36

  Wednesday morning I checked my emails and had a reply from Don, he thanked me for the photograph and said he was not expecting to find much but knowing there was at least a cross on the grave was better than nothing.

  I noticed I had no unusual packages or envelopes that morning, good, maybe Gareth and Madelaine had given up, I was reading the train timetable to work out what time to leave to make my way to Pippa’s when there was a knock on my door.

  “hi, have a delivery for Miss Lindsay Harrison” the courier was holding a brown cardboard box.

  “I’m not expecting a delivery”

  “are you Lindsay Harrison?”


  “then this is for you” as he handed me the box.

  I put the box down on my dining table and began to open it, now what, is what I was thinking, when I opened the box whatever was inside was wrapped in tissue paper, I pulled it out carefully and unwrapped it, it was a red wig, long red hair with red ribbons attached and a note saying: Wear this for me tonight and I will cum with delight, love Red Ed xx

  Ok, this is enough, I need to get to Pippa’s as quickly as possible and get out of my flat, I refuse to give those two upstairs a reaction, I will not allow them to see I am rattled by their silly game. I packed an overnight bag as I thought I would stay the night at Pippa’s, I grabbed the wig, the ribbons and the negligee and stuffed them into a bag, I wanted Pippa to see what my neighbours had sent me, I checked the box but there was no postage marks on it, no indication on where it had come from.

  I arrived at Pippa’s just on lunch time and in her typical cheery self, she greeted me with a kiss and a “hello darling, ah you have brought me some presents”

  “no the presents are not for you, take a look”

  Pippa looked at the wig and negligee and ribbons, and read the notes, I then told her what I found at the cemetery.

  “you have a secret admirer darling, oh by the way I checked with the website, there is no way anyone could know who you are, none whatsoever”

  “well I know who it is, my neighbours Gareth and Madelaine Rafferty, I told you he sounded like the man with the gravely voice, I think its them”

  “and the wife as well?”

  “yes, maybe she gets her kicks watching us too”

  “well women do like watching other women darling, lets have some lunch and talk about tonight ok”

  “I did think about going to the police, but what do I tell them “someone’s sending me negligee’s” they’ll have a good old laugh at that wouldn’t they?”

  “the police won’t do anything darling, not until someone puts a finger on you to harm you in some way”

  “oh charming, so I need someone to try and kill me first before they will do anything, but yes you are right”

  Over lunch we talked about tonight, we agreed on a code word should either of us want to pull out, and the code word was “the cat”, Pippa’s idea, so if the cat walked into the room whilst we were doing our thing then all we had to say was the cat and we would end the session, only thing was Pippa does not have a cat, but The Ring or Red Ed did not know that.

  Pippa also thought it would be a good idea to wear what Red Ed had sent me, I did not want to do that, but she suggested I should incase Red Ed got angry and sent more than just these presents to me or did something far worse like try to harm me.

  “darling he knows where you live, if you don’t wear these tonight, he might be sending a lot more than just this” as she pointed at the wig and negligee.

  “I think I need to move, this is too close for comfort, I tell you if they send me anything else I will confront them both, they don’t scare me”

  We went upstairs to prepare for tonight, I thought she would want to make love but instead we laid on the bed together and kissed but nothing more, I asked her if everything was ok “yes just feeling a bit tired of this, cannot do this forever can I?”

  “no, and I am not sure I want to continue either, but it is tempting, like you told me it would be”

  “yes the money darling, so hard to say no too”

  We were dressed and ready, the camera was on and we were waiting for the green light when we knew gravely voice would be there, then we heard him speak.

  “good evenings ladies, a pleasure to see you both once again” said the gravely voice, and he continued, “I want something a little different tonight ladies, I want you Blondie to find a torch” Pippa and I ga
ve each other a strange look as if to say “he wants what!”, “go find what I want Blondie”, Pippa got up and left the room, I was sitting on the bed

  “you look ravishing my princess, I see you like what I brought you, that is very good, do you like it?”

  I did not want to answer back, I did not want to speak to him

  “I asked do you like it?”

  I did not speak

  “playing hard to get are you, I will not allow that, answer my question or else” he said in a threatening tone.

  Or else what I thought, so I answered his question “yes the negligee is lovely, my favourite colour and I love the hair, just perfect” I said, pretending to play his game.

  “yes it is my favourite colour too, I ran my fingers through your lovely hair, can you feel me touching it, you will very soon my princess”

  Pippa returned with a torch and she was asked to take the ribbons from my hair and tie my hands to the bed, she whispered to me “its ok” and then he asked for the lights to be turned out, Pippa was instructed to shine the torch up and down my body in slow motions and to stay out of shot of the camera and I was told to lie still on the bed with my legs apart still dressed in the negligee.

  We could hear him moaning, he was obviously touching himself or screwing someone, the darkness in the room made me feel like he was lying right beside me, his voice beaming out “ah my princess that feels so good, doesn’t that feel good princess? Answer me?” he moaned.

  “yes that feels good”

  “tell me how much you love to play with me, tell me princess, Blondie shine the torch on her face”, Pippa did as she was told, the light was in my eyes, I felt like I had been blinded.

  “answer me princess”, I did not speak

  “tell me princess, now” he shouted

  “I love to play with you, I love feeling your hands running through my hair and all over me, I love your kisses all over me” I said to keep him happy

  “how much do you want me princess, tell me how much you want me”


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