The Other Family

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The Other Family Page 17

by Linda A. Hardy

  “I want you so badly, I want you to have me, I’m all yours”

  “oh yes princess, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, Yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss” he shouted, he had climaxed, and then told Pippa to untie me and turn the lights back on and Pippa sat next to me on the bed, “thank you for the pleasure ladies, I enjoyed tonight immensely, soon my princess, soon, you will have me all to yourself just as you wanted” and with that he terminated the session, we had only been in the bedroom half an hour but it had felt so much longer.

  “Pippa get rid of that camera, I don’t want to see it, get rid of it” I felt upset, not a finger had been put on me yet I felt violated, I got up off the bed and walked into the spare bedroom and got changed, I wanted to fling this flimsy red negligee in the bin, and the wig and everything else.

  “darling its alright” Pippa tried to calm me down

  “I don’t feel alright”

  “yes I know, that was very intense, I have never had anything like that before”

  “I think it was the darkness, his voice felt like it was right in the room beside me, and he was, you know, masturbating, I realise they probably do that when we’re being watched but that was really full-on, I feel sick, I can’t do this anymore”

  “I feel quite the same myself darling, lets get dressed and go out and find ourselves something strong to drink”

  “I have a better idea, lets go out and buy a few bottles and come back here and get drunk”

  “tonight darling we’re going to have a party, just the two of us, and we’re going to party like its 1999, isn’t that a song?”

  “yes Pip, it’s a song, and I stayed at home that new year, I know what you were doing, you were fucking someone no doubt” I said with a smile

  “ah you know me well darling, I don’t actually remember much, think I drank too much that night” and with that we both laughed and went and got dressed and headed out to buy some party food and a few bottles of scotch and ginger ale.

  That night we laughed, we danced, we sang songs, we were terrible singers, we got drunk, we played spin the bottle and I won and we made love on the living room floor, the next morning we were still lying on the floor and when we tried to get up both of us felt achy and stiff, but Pippa was smiling “no more The Ring, no more entertainment business, I have a plan”

  “what’s the plan” I asked

  “you will see, its going to be great, the best thing that ever happened to either of us, Lindsay Harrison, Genealogist - watch this space” and we laughed.

  Chapter 37

  When I arrived back at my flat, I had my arms full, what with pulling along my little overnight case, I had stopped at the local supermarket to get a few groceries before heading home, and had bags of shopping in my hands as well, I could barely hold the key and open the door, I pushed the door with my foot and walked into my flat and dropped everything on the dining table and left the case on the floor next to it, I went to turn around to go and shut my front door when the courier man was standing in the doorway with another parcel for me.

  “excuse me, have a package for Lindsay Harrison”

  “what another one, I have not ordered anything”

  “you need to sign for this one” he said as he walked into my flat and kicked the door shut behind him.

  I suddenly felt alarmed, I was alone in my flat with this man, but I tried to tell myself to stay calm so I asked him “where do I sign for the parcel?”

  “why don’t we sit down Lindsay, I’ve come to see you my princess”

  Alarm bells were going off in my head, oh my god, who is this man? I thought to myself, how do I get out of here?

  “Lindsay lets sit on the sofa, I want to talk to you, sit down now, I won’t tell you again”

  “who are you?” I said with a slight quiver in my voice, I was trying to think what to do so I asked him if he wanted a drink, a cup of tea or something, I just wanted a few moments away out of sight from him to use my phone, send a text, anything to call for help, but he was on to that and just pointed with his finger at me and then at the sofa.

  I somehow moved and sat down, I thought of screaming, but did not know if my neighbours were in the building, there might be no one here to hear me, and screaming might make him do something unpredictable.

  “who are you?” I asked again

  He moved and sat beside me on the sofa and put the parcel beside him on the floor, “I have been watching you Lindsay, from the moment I found out about you, I was intrigued, and then the day we bumped into one another, I wanted to find out more”

  My brain was trying to think, where had we bumped into one another? Where was it? It could have been anywhere, he had obviously seen me somewhere but I just could not fathom when, where or how and he knew I played the red head with Pippa, how?

  I was trying to be brave so I asked again “who are you? What is your name?”

  “call me Al, Lindsay, me and you we are very very close”

  “what do you want?”

  “to talk to you”

  “what do you want to talk about?”

  “there are many sides to you, isn’t there Lindsay?, the Miss Goody Two Shoes and the Little Miss Naughty, you live in a world of your own at times, totally oblivious to who is around you, I have been following you for weeks, someone throws themselves at you and you let them take advantage of you, like that boy upstairs you had a fling with, you thought he liked you, when all he wanted was a fuck buddy, I could see where that was heading”

  I was feeling more alarmed and starting to shake, “how do you know so much?” I said

  “I know a lot of things Lindsay, its my business to know and watch what people do, and I know everything about you and what you do Lindsay, from visiting your Uncle Billy’s every Sunday to finding long lost relatives to your fuck sessions with your girlfriend Pippa”

  I sat there feeling shocked, scared, not knowing what to do or how to get out of this situation, my brain was a muddle, I could not think, he appeared harmless in a way, very calm and placid, threatening but not threatening at the same time. He pulled the parcel towards him and opened the box and pulled out a red wig, “put this on for me please princess”

  I gasped, and muttered “no”

  “I don’t take no for an answer” and he looked at me with such intensity I immediately feared for my life, I took the wig from his hand and put it on.

  “that’s better princess” he said

  I felt like I was about to burst into tears.

  “I do love redheads, did you like the ribbons and negligee and wig I sent you?”

  “what! They came from you?”

  “of course they did”

  It was not my neighbours after all, all this time I had been thinking it was Gareth and Madelaine upstairs, and they had nothing to do with it, this man sitting beside me, Al he called himself, I had no idea who he was.

  “did you put some red roses on my grandparents grave” I bravely asked him

  “yes I did, nice touch don’t you think?” as he smiled at me

  He then pulled something else from the parcel, a red mini dress, “I want you to put this on”

  “I’m not wearing that” I said

  “ah” he laughed “you can either go to your bathroom and get changed and put it on, or you can stand here and I’ll strip you and I will put it you myself, what do you prefer? He said with a leer

  I stood up and grabbed the dress and was about to walk towards my bathroom when he suddenly stood and grabbed my arm “I want your phone, and make sure you leave your bra and panties off, I like the natural look underneath a dress”

  I walked into my bathroom and shut the door, why had I not thought of putting a lock on the bathroom door?, mainly because I lived by myself and never needed to lock the door, there was no way I could even squeeze out of the bathroom window, infact a child could not squeeze through that window it was so small, there was no way out of here, I was feeling like I was starting to panic, I pu
t the dress on, which left little to the imagination, it barely covered my thighs, and the vee neck on the front went may past my cleavage revealing way to much flesh, I wondered what Pippa would do if she were in this situation, and I suddenly realised, “she would entertain him”, of course, lets try and get him a drink, I could get in the kitchen, maybe grab a knife, anything to protect myself.

  When I opened the bathroom door however he was standing on the other side waiting for me, “well look at you, what a very pretty sight” he suddenly lifted me off of my feet and slung me over his shoulder and carried me into my bedroom, he flung me on the bed and before I realised what happened he had handcuffed my arms to my bed.

  I had always loved old furniture, and had one of these big queen size brass beds, they looked old-fashioned but I loved it, now I was attached to it and unable to get away, I knew what was coming next, he was going to rape me, maybe I should just let him do it, so long as he didn’t kill me what did it matter, as Pippa would say it is only s-e-x, then its over with.

  He was eyeing me up and down “look at you, so beautiful my little redhead princess, it was such a pleasure having you last night” he whispered in my ear.

  “that was you? Last night?”

  “yes princess, that was me”

  “but your voice was different”

  “there are many ways to disguise a voice sweetheart”, he then walked out the room and I heard him go into my bathroom where he relieved himself, I tried pulling on the handcuffs to see if they would loosen but no such joy, when he returned he stood to the side of the bed and I noticed his jean were undone, he began undressing and stood in front of me naked, he had a strong body I could see, I would guess he worked out in the gym, he looked me up and down very slowly, I could see he had an erection.

  I tried to think of names beginning with Al, Al who? Alaistair, I did not know anyone named Alaistair, Allan, I did not know any Allan’s, he began fondling his penis while still standing

  “look at me princess, you want some of this don’t you? Answer me”

  “no, no I don’t” I said with a shaky voice

  “I don’t take no for an answer princess”

  He climbed on the bed laying beside me and continued touching himself, he was masturbating, and turned his head to moan into my ear “how good does that feel baby?”, his tongue licked my ear while he moaned with pleasure, “ah Lindsay, my princess, redheads turn me on so much, this is for you, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, oh yes, come on” his hand was thrashing his cock, and with his mouth against my ear he screamed “YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS as he climaxed”

  I cried out “stop it Allan, stop it, stop it”

  “oh so you finally worked out who I am have you?, what took you so long?, that’s right I’m your cousin Allan Lello, remember your other family, I’m Charles Lello’s son”

  This is the one who worked for the Secret Service I realised, a member of The Ring, he had to be, he had watched me with Pippa since the beginning, he is my cousin or half-cousin if there is such a thing, I felt sick at the thought.

  “I told you we were very very close, I have enjoyed watching your sexual interactions with your girlfriend, the two of you certainly go all the way don’t you?, now I want you to go all the way with me, pleasure me Lindsay, kiss your fucking cousin like you kiss that tart of your’s”

  He moved to lie on top of me, his weight felt like it was crushing me, he started pulling at the dress to expose my breasts and I heard it rip, his mouth pushed against mine and his tongue entered my mouth, I wanted to bite him, I wanted to fight him, I tried to push my legs against him, he thrust his naked hips towards mine, somewhere in the distance I heard a phone ringing, my phone is ringing, then my mobile rang, it distracted him a moment but not for long.

  “fuck me like you fuck her, come on” he shouted

  I started crying, “Allan no, please, don’t, please” I begged

  “Allan no no please no” he mimicked, “you don’t say that to her do you?, its always yes, yes, yes, say yes to me Lindsay and it won’t hurt, say yes Lindsay and I’d be gentle with you”

  “no I can’t” I cried

  “say yes Lindsay and it will all be over, say fucking yes” he shouted, and then he slapped me across my face and I cried out in pain, he raised his hand again to slap me again and as he was about to hit me I sobbed out a “yes”

  I felt his body on top of mine, I felt his cock enter me, its only s-e-x Lindsay, that is all it is, it does not mean anything, then I heard a sound, at first I did not know what it was but then realised he was crying, Allan was crying, “is that how you like it you bitch” he cried, “come on say yes now, come on, say it“

  “yes“ I said

  “say it again, louder“

  “yes, yes“ I whimpered

  “keeping saying it or I‘ll hit you“

  I continued saying yes, every thrust and a yes, I felt myself climax, I couldn‘t stop it, he kept going and crying, I was crying too, I felt him climax, “I told you I would have you” and then he whispered “I know how much you enjoyed that, your body does not tell lies”.

  I think I may of blacked out, I can’t really remember what happened next, I remember hearing a loud noise, and Allan being hit by something and falling off the bed and someone shouting “oh my god”.

  I don’t know what the time was when I woke up, Pippa was sitting on the bed stroking my forehead, my hair, giving me butterfly kisses across my face “what time is it?” I asked

  “don’t worry about the time darling, I’m here now, your safe with me”

  “what happened?” but then I remembered what happened, and I started crying.

  “he’s gone sweetheart, he’s gone”

  “how” I sobbed

  “that great plan I had, I thought I would come up and surprise you and tell you what I was going to do, I left home not long after you left me this morning, I did not get an answer when I knocked on your door so I rang your phone, I could hear it ringing, but when you did not answer I rang your mobile, I could hear that ringing too and when you did not pick up I started to worry, I ran upstairs banging on the neighbours door so loud, its no wonder I didn’t break it, and these two Indian’s opened the door and he came downstairs and we managed to break open your door, I ran in so fast and then I saw him on top of you and I grabbed your lamp and hit him with it, he fell off onto the floor, I thought I killed him at first, he was crying, sobbing like a baby”

  “Pippa the superhero” I half grinned

  “your neighbour called the police, they came and took him away, they want to speak to you when your ready”

  “I don’t want to talk to them”

  I later took a long hot bath, Pippa was acting the domestic goddess in my kitchen creating comfort food, Dr Patel knocked on my door later and asked how I was, I thanked him for his help and made out it had been a domestic dispute gone wrong, I felt so embarrassed.

  That evening Pippa asked who he was, and I explained to her how in the course of researching my family tree I had discovered my grandfather had another family, I had spoken to his father, my uncle, Charles Lello on the telephone, Allan must have been the one who answered the phone when I called, I realise that now, he was also with his father Charles the day I went to the cemetery with Lesley, and they had bumped into us, he also made out he was a courier when I received the parcel with the negligee, three times our paths had crossed and I never took any notice of him, is this what he meant when he said I was oblivious to all those around me.

  The following day Pippa came with me to the police station and I filed a complaint against Allan Lello, I did not tell them about the rape, I did not want to talk about that incase they found out about my extra circular activities with Pippa which may come up should Allan mention them, I did not want to feel humiliated in a Court Room or in front of my family, Allan Lello would be charged with assault for hitting me, the police took photographs of my face, which was badly bruised and Pippa
assured me makeup would hide it.

  Pippa suggested I come and stay with her for a couple of weeks, I phoned work and asked for some time off, another family emergency I told Penny, I phoned my mother and said I would be staying with a friend for a couple of weeks, Pippa grabbed the phone and spoke to mum for five minutes sounding like a right mother hen.

  “That is part of my plan” as Pippa pointed at the sign as we arrived at her house, Pippa had decided to put her house up for sale.

  “where you moving too?” I asked

  “oh not sure yet, but I will know the place once I see it”

  “what about your entertainment business?” I said with raised eyebrows

  “what entertainment business darling? I am certainly not doing that anymore, and neither are you, time for a career change, I have got it all worked out, from now on I am going to look after you, my god if I had not of turned up I dread to think what could of happened” Pippa said starting to cry

  I walked towards her and put my arms around her and she put her arms around me, we both stood there in her kitchen crying, and wiping each others tears, I felt her give me a little kiss on the lips, I didn’t respond.

  “I don’t know if….”

  “its ok my darling, I just wanted you to know that I love you, that you’re a special person, that you are the only person who has ever accepted me the way I am, warts and all, you don’t have to kiss me, you don’t’ have to do anything you don’t’ want too, just be my friend” we both cried some more and embraced and I didn’t want to let go.

  After settling myself in the upstairs spare bedroom, Pippa said she wanted to take a shower so I offered to start preparing dinner, having a look through Pippa’s pantry and freezer it was looking like we were having soup for dinner tonight and not much else. While in the kitchen my mobile rang and I looked at the screen and saw it was a number I did not recognise, I felt reluctant to answer it but answer it I did.

  “hello this is Lindsay Harrison”

  “Lindsay, this is Allan, please don’t hang up, please”

  I felt frozen to the spot unable to move, my body instantly went tense and rigid like I just walked outside in the middle of winter with only a flimsy dress on.


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