The Other Family

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The Other Family Page 18

by Linda A. Hardy

  “what do you want? How did you get my number?” I almost spat through my phone

  “I want to say I’m sorry, I’m sorry for what I have done, truly, truly, sorry but please, please don’t press charges, please”


  “if I have criminal charges against me I will lose my job, please I’m begging you drop the charges, I‘m going to seek help, I‘m going to have counselling”

  “you stalked me, you assaulted me, you raped me” I almost sobbed but managed to hold myself together

  “please princess, drop the charges, do you want the cops to know about your extra curricular activities? Do you? I’ll tell them, I’ll tell them everything, I have you on video playing with that girlfriend of your’s, do you want the cops to watch?, I’ll show them”

  “you bastard”

  “now now, all you have to is say you don’t want to press charges, that’s all, you do know princess I didn’t rape you, it was consensual sex, you know that, you said yes babe, remember, you told me yes“

  “you forced me you bastard“

  “no force involved honey, you know we play games together in which we handcuff each other sometimes, you like it when we do something kinky together, that’s what I told the cops, we were role playing like we’ve done in the past, we had a lovers tiff that’s all and lost our tempers“

  “that never happened and you know it“ I almost shouted

  “that last orgasm said it all princess, didn’t it? you enjoyed it, we both know that, you like being fucked honey, you like being spanked, gives you a thrill doesn‘t it?, you like being made to feel sexy. We‘re kissing fucking cousins, so drop the charges honey, we’re family”

  “fuck off” and I hung up, and I’m not excusing swearing, not this time, I was shaking, I stood there crying, maybe if I had not of gone looking for the other family this would never of happened, I was starting to blame myself, this is all my fault.

  I did not tell Pippa about the call, later that night when I was lying in bed I started thinking about my own behaviour over the past weeks, I was out of control, not knowing what I was doing, allowing people to use and abuse me, I wondered if I was the one who needed help, I got out of bed and walked into Pippa’s bedroom, she looked asleep, but I climbed in beside her, she turned and I asked if she would be my teddy bear, she opened her arms and held me as we fell asleep.

  The following morning upon checking my phone there was a text

  lets kiss and make up? Al xx

  I told Pippa the next morning about Allan calling me while she was in the shower and showed her the text message, she suggested I ignored him, do not react, he probably gets his kicks from my reaction, I also told her that maybe I needed help, that I think I am not feeling myself, how I had been behaving out of character, she took me to her doctor but first applied some makeup to help cover the bruising on my face, when I left the doctor’s surgery I had a prescription for anti-depressants.

  “the happy pills take a couple of weeks to kick in darling, but once they do you’ll be feeling like your old self again, I know I have been there, and I am here for you ok” Pippa assured me with a hug, right now I really needed a friend, someone to lean on, someone who is understanding of how I am feeling and Pippa is just brilliant, being there for me but not fussing, I don’t think I could stand fussing, it would be overbearing.

  Throughout the day there were more text messages

  It was only a little tiff baby, come on, say you love me again Al xx

  We both lost our cool, ok, it was stupid, ring me baby Al xx

  I got you a present honey, I brought you that red dress you liked Al xx

  We were so good in bed together, you know you can’t resist me Al xx

  I’m waiting for you princess, come and get me you tiger Al xx

  You staying at Pip’s again, yes I know where you are, Al xx

  I just ignored all the text messages and showed them all to Pippa, she was very concerned about the last one but said under no circumstances do we answer the front door if anyone knocks, I ignored all the texts and did not respond, then I got another text message

  The cops found this on my phone, I tried not to show them, don’t worry honey only a few coppers got to see it, Al xx

  The text contained an attachment, a video, I don’t know how it was taken, Allan and I were in my bed at my flat, he was laying on top of me, his face turned towards me, his tongue licking my nipple, it looked a bit haphazard with the camera moving but you could tell we were having sex and with each thrust I was saying yes and then there was a close up of my face as I climaxed, that moment of pure delight and satisfaction when I screamed yes. I texted him back, I’ll do what you want ok

  He replied back straight away, that’s a good girl, I knew you would change your mind once you saw how good we were in bed together Al xx

  I showed Pippa the text message with the video, I felt disgusted with myself and ashamed, she called him every name under the sun, but I got no more text messages from him after calling the police and having the charges dropped.

  Over the next two weeks we spent time together searching for houses, she asked if I would live with her, she suggested I get away from Croydon and London and move out closer to the countryside where as she called it we had “space to breathe”, I called work and spoke to Penny and told her I would not be coming back, made out my business venture had taken off and I was now my own boss, she sounded thrilled for me.

  Pippa’s house sold within weeks from going on the market, she stood in front of me waving a brochure of some description but told me I was not allowed to look at it until we got there “let’s go look at our new place, its perfect” said Pippa.

  I had no idea where we were going and I did wonder at times if Pippa knew where she was going, taking us down country lanes only just wide enough to fit a car, then we stopped on the outskirts of Guildford in Surrey at what I could only describe as a mansion, the brochure Pippa was holding described it as a detached house with four bedrooms, two bathrooms, a conservatory and a studio. We were met by an Real Estate Agent when we arrived and he showed us around the property.

  “the studio could be your office” Pippa said with delight, “and I’m going to be your Business Manager, Website Coordinator and PA”

  “in other words your going to be my secretary” I said with a smile

  “darling please, a PA has more class, secretaries sit on their bosses laps and screw them”

  “really” I said with raised eyebrows, “that could be arranged” I said with a laugh, and with that we both laughed.

  “you sure you can afford this, it looks very grand” I said to her

  “of course I can, I made a fortune in my previous business venture” she said with a wink.

  The coming weeks were spent with going to and fro from Pippa’s house to my flat to the new house, with packing boxes, discarding junk, and measuring rooms for new furniture, Pippa even had a plaque made up and called the house The Genie House, when I asked why The Genie House, Pippa said “because you’re the genealogist and I’m the genie in the bottle, rub me the right way and you can have anything you want” she said with a pout and a smile, she is such a flirt.

  A week in our new home and we were still unpacking boxes, still deciding which way around the furniture should go, we each had separate bedrooms with our own bathroom, we just had the landline telephone installed and was finally connected to the 21st century, internet at last, Pippa suggested we needed some house rules to help protect ourselves in future, and the number one rule was to never allow anyone inside our home if we are home alone, this is our sanctuary, our safe place, no one was going to make us feel unsafe in our home, we had a alarm system installed as well, whenever we went out, we went together, always, safety in numbers was our motto.

  Pippa and I had decided to have a house warming party and invite our families, we were sitting down in the living room discussing what to buy for the party when my phone beeped indicating
I got a text message.

  Nice house, big bedrooms, let’s play threesomes, Al xx

  I showed Pippa the text, and she got angry, oh boy did she get angry, “right, that bastard is not going to scare us, time he got what’s coming to him and shut him up once and for good, he cannot keep doing this, where does he live, I have something that I have kept for insurance purposes, that will shut him up?”

  “what have you got? I don’t know where he lives, London somewhere probably” I said shaking

  “you don’t need to see what I have got darling, but trust me, ok, what about his family, do you know where they live?”

  “I spoke to his father before on the phone and Allan answered it but I don‘t know where he lives either, London somewhere”

  “must be a way of finding out?”

  “let me do some research, maybe I can find something online“, I remembered Charles Lello had said his eldest son was in politics, Michael Lello, found him straight away, MP for Harrow, very posh I thought.

  “time for the stalked to do the stalking darling, secret service man may not be listed in the telephone directory or online anywhere but he has to see his family at some point, we need to follow Michael Lello, that is the only lead we have to find his brother” said Pippa.

  Another text arrived from Allan that evening, Just warming up for you baby, Al xx. A picture was attached showing his erection.

  The following day we drove up to London and soon found Michael Lello’s office in Harrow, we parked nearby and strolled down the street to a coffee shop where we stopped for a very long drink, over the coming days we looked through every shop window in the High Street, pretending to be shopping whilst watching the comings and goings from his office, at the end of the day we saw him leave his office and walk to where his car was parked, he drove off and we quickly ran to Pippa’s car to follow, it did not take us long to find him again and he led us to his home, we kept a discreet safe distance.

  On the fourth day we were starting to think this is going to take too long to get anywhere, may need to rethink strategy but then we saw him leave his office early, we quickly dashed back to the car and followed, he did not go home, instead he drove from Harrow towards Hampstead, near the Heath, very posh and a very exclusive neighbourhood, he stopped at a house and parked outside and was met by another man, I could see it was Allan, his brother.

  “that’s him” I said

  “note down the address darling, we’re going to play a couple of lost tourists tomorrow this is going to be such fun”

  At that moment we saw an elderly gentleman appear, “that’s his father Charles Lello, he must live with his son” I said

  “perfect, just perfect, come on darling lets go home and go over our strategy for tomorrow”

  Chapter 38

  The following morning we were in London before the crack of dawn, we sat in the car nearby to the Lello residence and saw Allan leave in his BMW just after 7.30am, we found ourselves a very upmarket café and ordered some breakfast.

  “how can people afford to live around here, look at the price of this breakfast” I said to Pippa, we had the perfect view of the street that he lived in from the café and could see every car come or go, Allan did not return, by 8.30am we were ready to play our roles, Pippa had adorned a blonde wig and I had put the wig with the long red hair on. Pippa knocked on Charles Lello’s door and waited several minutes until he answered

  “yes may I help you?” he said

  “oh hello, we’re tourists and we seemed to of got ourselves lost, we left our hotel to find somewhere to have breakfast and seemed to of taken a wrong turning and now we don’t know where we are, we have knocked on nearly every door hoping someone was home to help us, we have a map but can’t make heads or tails of it, can you take a look and see where we are?” said Pippa

  “well I need my glasses, can you wait here a minute?”

  “sure no problem” said Pip

  We stood on the doorstep but Charles had gone and left the door slightly ajar, so Pippa grabbed my arm and pulled us both inside.

  “nice home you have here” said Pippa pouting at Charles

  “well yes, its my son’s”

  “excuse me, could I use your bathroom I’m bursting to go” I said

  “just up the stairs to the right” he said

  I made my way upstairs, and found the bathroom, gold taps, really, how tacky I thought, then I looked at the bedrooms, it did not take me long to work out which one was Allan’s, the dark navy business suits gave it away and the aftershave I found in the bedroom, plus he had a picture of himself with some redhead on his dresser, and the redhead was not me, but she looked like a younger version of me with the red hair.. I unmade the bed making it look like it had been slept in and with red lipstick wrote on the sheets, “cry baby cry“, that was Pippa’s idea, I then took out his suits and with a pair of scissors I had in my knapsack I began cutting into them, I also pulled out the red wig he had given me in my flat and negligee and red ribbons and left them on top of the bed and made my way back downstairs.

  When I returned downstairs, I walked into the lounge and Pippa had Charles Lello in the perfect position, she was sitting on his lap and his trousers were undone, I took my phone out and took a few shots, I don’t think Charles realised I was taking a photograph.

  “oh Charlie boy your a bit of an old devil aren’t you?” said Pippa pouting and panting pushing her cleavage into his face

  “oh my, oh dear, I don’t know how, you girls” he said with a big grin on his face

  Pippa stood up and stood in front of Charles and lifted her top up to flash her boobs at him and I took a photo with my phone right at that moment.

  “do you like what you see Charlie?“ said Pippa whispering in his ear.

  “oh yes, wow” said Charlie, his eyes nearly popping out of his head, I think Charlie forgot I was even there, I was taking pictures with my phone and Charlie was totally unaware of what I was doing, I was sending a text message.

  My girlfriend has found the perfect sugar daddy, I said in the text message I sent Allan along with an attached picture of Pippa with Charles. Allan immediately phoned me, I did not answer, Pippa meanwhile was sitting on his lap, stroking what little hair he had left on his head, I sent another text to Allan

  Daddy is having such fun with Blondie and attached a picture of Pip sitting on his lap and her hand in a very strategic place in front of his trousers. Allan tried ringing me again and again I refused to answer, I gave her a nod to say “it’s time to go”, she got up and we quickly made our way to the front door and thanked Charlie for his help.

  “oh anytime, anytime, please do come back won’t you” he said with a big grin, and I thought “you dirty old man” and literally the both of us ran like hell all the way to the High Street, as soon as we saw a rubbish bin, we pulled off the wigs and ditched them.

  Once we were back in the car, we burst out laughing and I hoped we had not given poor Charles a heart attack, “the dirty old sod” Pippa said, “like father like son then” I said.

  “while you were upstairs you know what he did? He offered me one hundred pounds to give him a blow job”

  “you got to be kidding me?” I said incredulously

  “I told him I was not that cheap, I offered to do it for five hundred instead” she laughed

  “tell me you didn’t?, seriously, Pip?”

  “no I didn’t, but it was tempting though” and we both laughed, and I started to think to myself how happy I felt, more like my old self again.

  Allan tried ringing me again, I turned off my phone until we got home, I then sent him another text, Nice house, big bedrooms, threesomes was fun and attached a selfie pic of Pippa and I in our blonde and red wigs with Charles sitting between us and both of us kissing Charles on the cheeks and Pippa being the good entertainer that she can be obliged by taking her bra off, you could clearly see where Charles’s eyes were looking in the picture.

  My phone rang a
gain and this time with Pippa sitting beside me and listening in, I answered the call

  “you bitches” shouted Allan

  “oh hello Al, nice to hear from you again, did you like the pictures?” I said keeping it light and cheery

  “what the hell have you done to my father?” how dare you?”

  “don’t worry he was having a great time, he loved every minute of it”

  “stay away from my father, or else?”

  “or else what Al, you did say in a previous text did you not?, nice house, bed bedrooms, lets have threesomes, well you did not say who the other person could be in the threesomes did you? Daddy loved it”

  “you fucking bitch”

  “now now Al, don’t get your knickers in a knot, daddy came to no harm, infact he asked us to come back again, real soon, he is a randy old so and so isn’t he?” I laughed

  “how did you find where I lived?”

  “oh that was easy, as you know so much about me you should of realised that I am a Genealogist, it is my job to find people, dead or alive it does not matter, I look for them all, but find them I do” I said with a light laugh and continued, “oh by the way there’s a surprise for you when you get home tonight, I have more pictures of daddy too you want to see them, he is such a nice man, daddy told us all about that redhead you keep a picture of in your bedroom, poor you, must be hard for a man when he feels inadequate in so many ways, not quite living up to his girlfriend’s expectations, daddy tells me that you prefer to play with boys”

  “you shut up you fucking bitch, I will get you for this”

  “oh no you won’t, I will tell you something I do know though, daddy’s got bigger balls than you will ever have, and just one more thing, we left something behind in your house, let’s hope you find it before daddy does otherwise you might have a lot of explaining to do”


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