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Unforgettable Embrace

Page 3

by Clancy, Joanne

  She jumped off the treadmill after pounding on it for twenty minutes. She felt like her heart was about to explode out of her chest it was beating that quickly. She made her way weakly towards the showers, gasping for breath all the while.

  “Are you OK?” Helen, a staff member asked her in concern.

  “First day,” Rachel puffed.

  “It'll get easier.” Helen smiled sympathetically.

  “Well, it can't get much worse,” Rachel stormed off into the ladies changing room. Easy for her to say it'll get easier, Rachel thought, Miss Gym Bunny, always glowing with health and vitality, looking like she'd barely break a sweat after running a marathon.

  Rachel scrubbed her body until it was bright pink and almost raw. She was in the mother of all bad moods. She was absolutely exhausted and a touch light-headed. All she could think about was how hungry she felt. She could easily have demolished some fish and chips there and then, and the only food she had to look forward to was a boring, limp salad and she'd worked up an appetite after all that running. She was starting to regret binning the tasty junk fund from her cupboards. She contemplated getting a take-away on her way home from the gym, but decided to resist.

  Rachel flung her gym bag into the boot of her car and tore down the road at top speed to Tesco. She grabbed a trolley and started firing vegetables, yoghurt and fruit into it.

  “What did those poor apples ever do to you?” Rachel was startled out of her tantrum by a man's voice behind her.

  She swung around with a curt response on the tip of her tongue, but was left speechless when she found herself looking into the most beautiful blue eyes she had ever seen. They weren't your usual run of the mill blue; they were more a light blue, almost grey, fringed with thick black eyelashes.

  “I'm just having a bad day,” Rachel responded, “the apples are completely innocent.”

  She felt herself blush under his steady gaze.

  “Well, they're not going to taste too good if they're battered and bruised,” he grinned at her.

  “I suppose not,” Rachel replied as she scurried away. Suddenly, she felt overwhelmed by embarrassment and couldn't wait to get home.

  The phone rang as Rachel was unpacking her groceries. It was Jen.

  “How's things, girl?” Jen asked her friend.

  “Well I almost self-combusted at the gym, and I've resisted eating any junk food all day. I've only eaten a Caesar salad for dinner, so I'm feeling a bit deprived and sorry for myself at the moment,” Rachel said disconsolately as she flung herself onto the couch.

  “You should be proud of yourself, that's a great start,” Jen encouraged.

  “Yeah, yeah, coming from the woman with the perfect figure,” Rachel said moodily.

  Jen rarely thought about food, and was so full of energy that the little food she remembered to eat was quickly burnt off. She was a size eight and five foot six inches tall. She still had the perky breasts and trim butt of a teenager and her flat stomach was the envy of all her friends.

  “It's hardly perfect,” Jen retorted, “I wish I had your breasts and curves. You just need to tone up, that's all.”

  “That's all!” Rachel practically spat down the phone. “I almost passed out at the gym today, and when I was attempting to run my thighs and butt were wobbling like jelly. No wonder all the skinny people I know are so miserable and bitchy, they're bloody starving all the time, and if they're not starving they're killing themselves at the gym. I'm starting to wonder if I should just accept my wobbly bits and resign myself to a life of chubbiness; at least I'd be happy.”

  “Don't be so dramatic,” Jen chided. “You don't have much weight to lose and you'll feel amazing when you've lost it. Anyway, I think you're gorgeous just the way you are. Maybe you should start viewing your exercise sessions as being good for your health rather than fat-busting sessions.”

  “Maybe,” Rachel sighed. “I do want to get fit and healthy.”

  “Never mind all this weight-loss misery,” Jen interrupted, “what are your plans for tonight?” “I am going to chill out on the sofa in front of the television,” Rachel replied.

  “Wrong answer!” Jen scolded. “No more vegetating on the sofa for you missy. I'm in charge of your leisure activities for the next month, and I say you get your glad rags on and I'll be around to your flat to collect you in an hour.”

  “Oh, no way, Jen, I can't face it, I'm half dead from the gym. I bumped into a really handsome man today in the supermarket and I was totally tongue-tied. I even went bright red in the face.” “It just proves that he found you attractive enough to chat-up,” Jen teased her friend. “You've still got it, my dear. I'll be at yours at half past seven so be ready,” and with that Jen hung up the phone.

  Chapter 5

  Rachel dragged herself unwillingly off the couch. She really wasn't in the mood to go out clubbing, but she knew Jen wouldn't take no for an answer. All she wanted to do was curl up and watch a good film, but her friend would be banging down her door at 7.30pm sharp. Jen was a very punctual person and took it as a personal insult if anyone was late.

  Actually, Rachel found Jen's punctuality slightly obsessive, and it annoyed her sometimes, especially when she started nagging if anyone was even a few minutes late. Rachel confronted her about it once and Jen had explained that she used to be late for everything, and had even gotten fired from her first job for her poor time-keeping, so she said she'd made a promise to herself never to be late for anything again. Jen described herself as having an “all or nothing” personality; type A personality the Americans called it.

  Reluctantly, Rachel went to her wardrobe and surveyed the contents. The colour scheme was mostly black or navy blue, quite drab really, she thought to herself. I really have to add some colour to my clothes, she mused. It's all so dull and boring. She flicked through the hangers, searching for a pretty top. She’d already decided to wear jeans and her Louboutins, of course. All she needed now was a top. She didn't own anything remotely dressy enough for a night out on the town with her glamorous friend.

  Jen had a flair for fashion. She studied fashion magazines endlessly and had a knack of being able to turn a drab outfit into something cute and edgy with the addition of a scarf or necklace. Her friends called her “the accessories queen”. Jen had offered to take Rachel shopping for some new clothes but somehow they never got around to it. Rachel made a mental note to set a date with her friend for a shopping spree soon.

  She and Tony had been together for so long that she couldn't even remember the last time she got dressed up with the intentions of being attractive to a man. Of course she had wanted to be attractive to Tony, but he always told her she was beautiful whatever she wore.

  Several times she had experimented with an edgier, sexier look, but Tony had insisted that he preferred her natural beauty, which she preferred for herself too. It was easier and more comfortable to be natural.

  All of that would have to change with the new and improved her, she had decided. She had become an avid follower of women's magazines and fashion programmes on television, but when she tried to put similar outfits together herself she thought she looked ridiculous. Trial and error, she figured.

  She had lots of work outfits and casual clothes but nothing that could be described as sexy. She didn't have a clue what to wear, so she decided to start with her hair and makeup. She got out her curling irons and put some loose waves into her hair.

  I think I'd like a new hairstyle too, she thought as she looked in the mirror-something lighter, maybe some highlights, and a fringe, with layers at the sides. I'll make the hairdresser appointment for next week after work, she thought.

  Then she applied her foundation and carefully lined her eyes in black kohl pencil. She pulled on her favourite blue jeans and finally settled upon a black corset-style top that Tony had bought her one Valentine's Day.

  She'd never had an occasion to wear it before and thought that tonight would be as good a night as any to model it. After all, under
wear was the new outerwear, at least that was what all the magazines were saying, and it was the only sexy item of clothing she owned. Good thing I haven't eaten much today, she thought as she sucked in her stomach, this top is bloody tight. She was just putting the finishing touches to her ensemble when the doorbell rang.

  Jen bounced in the door, in her usual energetic fashion, all smiles for her friend. She looked stunning, as ever, long black shiny hair flowing down her back, makeup immaculate, and a beautiful floaty dress which just came to the top of her slender thighs. Rachel couldn't help but smile at her friend.

  “What perfume is that, Jen?” Rachel sniffed the air, “it's absolutely divine.”

  “It’s Coco by Chanel,” Jen replied, “the eau de parfum.”

  “Smells like summer meadows,” Rachel said, feeling instantly uplifted.

  Jen always put her in good humour, nobody could be miserable for long when she was around.

  “Wow, look at you, Miss Sexpot,” Jen grabbed Rachel's arm and twirled her around. “I've never seen you look this hot.”

  “Ah, Jen, will you stop,” Rachel said, blushing a little, “you don't think it's too much, do you?” “Not at all, girl, if you've got it flaunt it, that's what I say, and you've certainly got it,” Jen teased. “I never knew you had boobs like that!”

  “The corset helps too,” Rachel patted her ample bust.

  “Wish I had boobs like yours,” Jen said.

  “I wish I had a figure like yours,” Rachel retorted, “I can't believe you don't even have to work out.”

  “It's handy alright,” Jen agreed, “but I suppose I burn a lot of energy cos I'm always on the go and stressing about work.”

  Jen worked as a sales manager at a large car-leasing firm. Her salary was excellent but mostly commission-based, so she had quite high targets to achieve every month and a lot of schmoozing of clients. She was superb at her job, having started as a junior assistant and worked her way up to manager in less than two years. She was very ambitious and had the position of area sales manager set firmly in her sights. Rachel wondered where she got her drive.

  Jen had said that she was lucky enough to have found a job that she loved and she got a massive buzz from making a sale. She thrived on the stress and ironically it was that stress that made her push herself to work harder. She also loved cars, and one of the perks of the job was that she was able to buy prestigious cars at relatively low prices. Jen's current car, a sporty little red number, was the envy of all her friends.

  “Come on then, missus, time to get going,” Jen said. “The taxi's outside waiting for us.” “Where are we going?” Rachel asked, as she locked her front door behind them.

  “There's an amazing new place that's opened in town, called Scotts. It has several floors; downstairs is a wine bar, which supposedly is very cosy and intimate, then upstairs is the nightclub which opens later. It's had nothing but rave reviews and I've been dying to go for the last few weeks,” Jen replied.

  “Oh no, it's not one of those really hip and trendy places, filled with beautiful models,” Rachel was beginning to panic, “I'm not dressed up enough for a place like that and I don't really think it's my scene.”

  “Don't be daft,” Jen replied as she jumped into the taxi, “you look fabulous and we are going to have a blast tonight.”

  “OK, if you say so,” Rachel didn't feel very convinced as the taxi whisked them down the road into town.

  It wasn't long before they were being ushered into Scotts by two very tall, muscular bouncers. The place was very busy, full of attractive, professional types. The décor was mostly oak panelling and floors, with marble table-tops and lots of mirrors. All very pretentious, Rachel thought, as she sucked her stomach in even more. Jen was thrilled with the place and quickly made a bee-line for the bar.

  “What would you like to drink, Rach?”

  “Whatever you're having,” Rachel had to almost shout over the buzz of voices and music. “Two Appletinis please,” Jen smiled flirtatiously at the bartender, who of course smiled back, instantly bewitched. Jen had that effect on men.

  “I'm just nipping to the loo,” Rachel mouthed to her friend.

  She hurried to the loo and was so relieved to be able to breathe out again. She looked at herself in the mirror as she slowly washed her hands, trying to delay as long as possible before facing the bar and all those people again.

  Try to enjoy yourself, she told herself firmly, be cool.

  So she took another deep breath, sucked in her stomach and tried to find Jen in the ever-increasing crowd. She heard her before she saw her-laughing as usual and chatting to a group of several trendy-looking men and women. Rachel's heart sank a little as she made her way through the crowd towards her friend.

  This really isn't my scene, she thought.

  It turned out that the group was actually work colleagues of Jen's. Jen introduced Rachel to the group and continued chatting animatedly with a very blonde-haired woman. Rachel had a few polite words with several people and then decided to get another drink. She went for a white wine spritzer this time and downed it quickly, then ordered another one. She stood at the bar, observing the people around her.

  Everyone seems to be having a really good time, except me, she thought, feeling a bit sorry for herself. I can't breathe, I don't know anyone, the music is too loud, it's too dark and I'm starting to get a headache, she sighed miserably.

  She decided to go home and had to push her way towards Jen. “Jen, I'm going home,” she yelled across the noise.

  “Don't go yet, Rachel, the night hasn't even begun.”

  “I've had enough, you stay and have fun, tell me all about it tomorrow,” Rachel shouted.

  “Are you sure?” Jen asked. “Positive,” Rachel replied, “talk to you tomorrow.”

  She pushed her way back through the crowd and out into the cool night air. Rachel was relieved to be out of the hot, noisy atmosphere of the club. She stood for a minute and breathed in the fresh air. Luckily there was a taxi rank just across the street so she didn't have to wait long before she was ensconced inside and on her way home. She paid the taxi driver and couldn't get the keys into her front door fast enough. She switched on the heating and jumped into her cosy, fleece pyjamas. This is more like it, she thought, snuggling into her blanket, sipping a hot chocolate, and eating some very buttery hot toast.

  She pulled out a rather crumpled Mills and Boon novel, one of her secret pleasures. She knew her friends would tease her incessantly if she ever told them how much she liked reading them. She so enjoyed those books with the handsome hero who always rescued the damsel in distress, with lots of sex thrown in for good measure.

  She remembered when she first discovered Mills and Boon. Her mother used to keep a stash of them hidden under her bed, and she was strictly forbidden from reading them. Of course, this made Rachel all the more determined to get her hands on them. So when her mother was outside gardening, Rachel would sneak into her room and read to her hearts content. She couldn't believe the things these women would get up to, and couldn't wait to have a boyfriend of her own.

  She began to think about Tony again. He was the only man she had ever slept with and she wondered how she would feel making love to someone else. Tony was a good lover, she thought, kind and considerate. They had an active, but rather comfortable sex life. Suddenly she longed for his touch, to feel his hands on her body, his mouth on her nipples, biting, licking, and sucking.

  She imagined his tongue exploring her body, his hands cupping her buttocks, pushing himself harder and deeper into her. She wanted him on top of her, growing harder and thicker, thrusting deep inside her. Slowly, she moved her hand between her legs and touched herself lightly. She moaned as she began to softly play with herself, the pressure of her fingers increasing and sending waves of pleasure throughout her body, until one final wave broke into a long, tingling orgasm. She felt all the tension and stress evaporate from her body. It was a total sense of release. She quickly fell into a
peaceful sleep.

  Chapter 6

  “What are your thoughts on arranged marriages?” Liz asked Rachel as they ate bacon and eggs together at their favourite café.

  “I beg your pardon!” Rachel spluttered, almost choking on a piece of toast, “I've never really given it much thought, to be honest.

  “I think arranged marriages could be the way forward,” Liz enthused. “Roshidat, one of my colleagues at work, is from Bangladesh and she seems to be very happily married. We were having a chat the other day and I asked her, in my usual direct manner, how she met her husband. She said her parents and her husband's parents arranged it.

  They have a beautiful daughter, Mahira, together and they've been happily married for the past five years. She never had a boyfriend before him.

  I think it's an inspired idea. Never mind this whole random dating business, leaving everything to fate and so-called Cupid. We should take our love lives into our own hands, after all we plan every other area of our life, why not plan and organise the romantic part too. Surely it's the most important area of all our lives, yet it's the one section we leave to chance and somehow expect it to sort itself out.

  Someone should set up an agency to arrange marriages. Surely, some computer whizz kid could invent a programme to match couples. I realise there are a lot of variables, but each candidate could fill out very detailed questionnaires and then the computer picks your potential future husband or wife. Instead of dating each other, you should set a date and get married. I think it's an inspired idea, even if I do say so myself.


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