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Unforgettable Embrace

Page 19

by Clancy, Joanne

  They made their way to the top of the church so they could get a good view of Simon singing in the choir. Rachel was overcome with a sense of peace as she took her seat in the pew. The church was decorated in seasonal colours of red and gold, with wreaths of holly and ivy on the altar. Rachel enjoyed the mass and Simon's singing with his school friends. Afterwards, they visited the manager, and Mia tried to struggle out of her mother's arms to play with the baby Jesus. "Baby, baby," she kept pointing at the little statue of Jesus in his crib. They left the church quickly, before Mia decided to scream the place down in her attempts to get into the manger.

  Chapter 34

  "I think I'm about to explode," Rachel groaned, undoing the top button on her jeans.

  "You should have worn your joggers like me," Joe, her brother, said, patting his round stomach.

  "Some of us like to make an effort," Colette, Rachel's younger sister said, in disgust.

  "You don't need joggers anyway, Colette," Holly said, enviously eyeing her sister's flat stomach.

  "She never eats anything," Joe teased her, "too worried about her acting career."

  "It's all part of being an actress," Colette explained, "everyone says the camera adds at least ten pounds. None of us actresses are bigger than a size eight, and I certainly don't plan on reaching a size ten anytime soon."

  "Heaven forbid, a size ten," Holly grinned.

  "I think the last time I was a size eight, I was aged eight," Rachel laughed.

  "We'll have no squabbling now kids," Angela, their mother, interrupted. “It's Christmas Day." "Exactly," Will agreed, "a time for peace and goodwill to all men."

  "Put a sock in it you," Holly threw a cushion at her husband.

  "Let's just see what's on TV, shall we?" Joe suggested, grabbing the remote controls and channel surfing.

  The usual films were on the box, so they all settled down to watch Indiana Jones, much to Simon's delight, who loved any action film. Little Mia was sound asleep, tucked upstairs in her cot, having her afternoon nap, completely panned out from all the excitement of Santa and presents.

  Christmas dinner had been less stressful than Holly and Rachel had originally anticipated. Holly was a firm believer in delegating and had been clever enough to have each of her guests bring an item to contribute towards the dinner. She'd been up bright and early that morning with Simon, who'd woken the whole house at six o' clock.

  She'd popped the turkey in the oven, and she'd spent the morning cooking the stuffing, whilst keeping a close on the turkey and basting it at regular intervals. Rachel was in charge of the vegetables and had discovered the most divine sauce for Brussels sprouts, which went down a treat with everyone. The girls' mother brought her bread sauce, made with her own secret recipe. Colette brought Christmas cake and pudding with brandy butter, which she barely touched. Joe just brought himself, but in his defence he did volunteer to do all the washing up afterwards.

  The whole family spent the afternoon watching television, nibbling on sweets and dozing in their armchairs. Rachel reflected back on the past year, something she always liked to do at Christmas. I've achieved a lot, she thought, feeling quite proud of herself. I got out of my comfort zone and took a leap into the unknown. I've experienced new places, met lots of people and broke out of my shell. I wonder what the year ahead has in store for me, she mused.

  Her mind wandered to Batt, and she felt guilty. He'd been texting her quite a bit, but she only really found herself responding out of politeness. She wished, in a way, that he'd stop contacting her, but part of her didn't want to lose him completely either. This is a new departure for me, she sighed to herself, a man's chasing me and I'm not that interested. Make your mind up, woman, she scolded herself. She'd invited him to come out with her and her friend's for New Year's Eve. Well, he'd sort of invited himself really. He'd hinted very heavily that he didn't have any plans so she'd felt obliged to ask him to come out with her. He said he'd stay at a hotel in the city. Of course her friends couldn't wait to meet him. Rachel had told them all about him and they thought he sounded fascinating.

  St. Stephen's Day was spent hunting for bargains in the shop sales. Rachel wasn't in the mood for shopping. She was still feeling bloated from the previous day’s festivities and indulgences, but Holly had insisted on dragging her around the shops, despite her protests. It was complete and utter insanity in the shops.

  "You'd think it was a life and death situation the way people are behaving," Rachel complained, after she'd been shoved and elbowed for the umpteenth time.

  "It's all good fun," Holly smiled, up to her elbows in the bargain underwear section in Debenham's department store.

  She'd made a killing in the sales already, having bought new winter coats for herself and the children at seventy per cent discount. She'd found a gorgeous pair of black ankle boots for herself and Egyptian cotton sheets at half price. All in all she was absolutely thrilled with her purchases.

  Rachel bought a black fur-lined gilet and a camel coloured jacket, which apparently was all the rage that season. She was on the look-out for an outfit for New Year's Eve, but hadn't managed to find anything just yet. She didn't particularly feel like trying on clothes, given that her stomach was swollen to twice its usual size. Serious dieting for the next week, she promised herself, looking at her reflection in the full-length mirrors of the changing rooms, which were unforgiving, to say the least. She bought herself some miracle control underwear, just in case the dieting didn't work. I'll need a bloody miracle to flatten this stomach, she thought to herself, sucking it in won't work this time, it's gone beyond that.

  Eventually, she left the shops with a very flattering black lace back tunic with a ruffle detail on the front. Hopefully the ruffles will distract from my chubby tummy, she thought. She bought some black, open foot leggings and a pair of sky-high animal print platform shoes. She was going to get her hair restyled and highlighted the following day, so she'd be glamorous for New Year's Eve. Jen had been given free VIP tickets to the New Year's Eve party at Scott's and had insisted on Rachel and Liz going out with her. Batt was coming along too and so was Jen's fiancé. Rachel was dreading the party already, but she'd put on a brave face for Jen, who was very excited at the prospect.

  Chapter 35

  "What time is the taxi picking us up, Jen?" Liz asked, as she put the finishing touches to her makeup.

  "I booked it for quarter to eight, so twenty minutes til the party starts, girls," Jen said.

  "I think the party has well and truly started," Rachel chuckled, "I feel quite tipsy already." Rachel and Liz had descended on Jen's house in the early afternoon, and the girls had been nibbling on snacks and sipping cocktails for the past few hours.

  "These concoctions of yours are lethal," Liz said, feeling a bit light-headed herself.

  “They taste so refreshing, like fruit juice, but they are just a teeny tiny tad stronger."

  She hiccupped, as if to prove her point, and the girls collapsed into fits of giggles.

  "It's New Year's Eve, girls," Jen said, "if we can't let our hair down and get trolleyed tonight, of all nights, then when can we get tipsy? Besides, I'm soon to be a sensible married woman, and who knows what condition I'll be in this time next year."

  "You'll never hang up your party shoes, whether you're married or single," Rachel laughed. "You'd be surprised," Jen continued, "Vic and I have been talking about planning a family together, so I might be pregnant next New Year's Eve, then there'll be no drinking or VIP nightclubs for me for a while."

  "So we better party hearty tonight, girlfriends," Liz said, clinking her glass shakily in cheers with her friends. I'm looking forward to meeting your respective boyfriends. I'll feel like a bit of a gooseberry hanging out with you two without a boyfriend of my own."

  "Batt isn't my boyfriend," Rachel said defensively, "I only invited him tonight cos I felt guilty for not contacting him much, plus he said he didn't have any plans for tonight, and I felt sorry for him being alone. We're fr
iends, nothing more, nothing less."

  "I'm sure Batt doesn't think so," said Jen.

  "Well, he can think whatever he wants, I'm not on the market for a full-time steady boyfriend at the moment," Rachel said.

  "Just a part-time, sometimes sleep over boyfriend," Liz said, her eyebrows raised.

  Rachel blushed then, "I didn't plan for us to sleep together, it just happened, and it's not like he exactly suffered. We haven't had a serious chat about going out with each other. I should probably clear the air when I see him again later. He's a really nice guy. It's just the wrong time for me."

  "Ok, ok, enough of the heavy stuff ladies, our taxi's here, so let's get the show on the road," Jen said, shooing her friends out the door.

  "What about Vic?" Rachel asked, "I thought we were meeting him tonight?"

  "He had a last minute job to do this afternoon. He said he'll meet us at Scott's around nine. Now come on, let's go, the taxi driver's going mad waiting for us."

  Fifteen minutes later and they were joining the mad crowds queuing outside Scott's.

  "Follow me, girls," Jen strode confidently to the front of the queue. "VIPs," she smiled sweetly at the security staff who were guarding the entrance, and flashed them her passes.

  "Welcome, ladies, have a great night," the bouncer opened the door for them and they were whisked inside the warmth and music. The place was buzzing.

  The hostess greeted them at the door and led them to the VIP section.

  "Champagne will be with you shortly, ladies," she smiled, hurrying away on impossibly high heels.

  "How does she walk so fast in those shoes?" Rachel asked, in amazement.

  "Practice, my dear, practice," the hostess arrived back, making the girls jump.

  "She's like Wonder Woman," Liz said as she sped away.

  "You two are so drunk already," Jen laughed, pouring the champagne into their flutes.

  "Moet, very posh," Rachel said.

  "VIPs darling, VIPs, only the very best for us tonight," Jen said in her haughtiest voice.

  "Oh rather lah di da, quite frightfully so," Liz said, knocking back her glass of bubbly in just a few gulps.

  "Steady on girl," Rachel said, "we better start pacing ourselves or we'll be on the floor in an hour."

  "Anyone fancy a boogie," Jen jumped to her feet, "I love this song!"

  She grabbed her friends' hands and they all made their way to the dance floor. They danced and sang along to the next three songs, then they were so thirsty they had to stop for a drink. There was a cute guy sitting in their section, with a big smile on his face. Jen ran to him and flung her arms around him, hugging him tightly and planting a very big kiss on his lips. Liz and Rachel stood together, awkwardly looking on.

  "Girls, this is Vic, Vic these are my girls, Rachel and Liz," Jen disentangled herself from Vic and remembered her manners.

  "Very pleased to meet you, ladies," Vic stood up and shook hands with Liz and Rachel, pecking them both on the cheek.

  "We've heard a lot about you," Rachel said.

  "All good, I hope,"Vic smiled.

  "Definitely," Liz said, smiling up at him.

  He was a very handsome man, and very tall. He had jet black hair and pale grey eyes, which were quite startling against his tanned skin. He was lean, but well-built at the same time. Jen had told the girls that he was well into working out and was currently training for a triathlon.

  "Drinks are on me, ladies, what do you fancy?" he asked.

  "We'll just have some iced water for now, darling," Jen said, "we still have most of this bottle of champagne to get through and we don't want to crash and burn too early."

  "Don't be daft, gorgeous, you have to crash and burn on New Year's Eve," he said, "I'll surprise you," and he made his way slowly to the bar, pushing through the crowds.

  "First impressions, girls?" Jen asked, "favourable, I hope?"

  "Yes, he seems lovely," Rachel said.

  "I like him," Liz agreed.

  "Good, I knew you'd get on well with him. He's a bit nervous so don't ask him too many questions, Liz," Jen warned her friend.

  "Me?!" Liz cried, "I would never do that!"

  "You would!" Rachel said, "I remember the first time I met you I felt like I was undergoing the Spanish inquisition with the amount of questions you were firing at me."

  "Oh, gosh, I never realised. I only asked cos I was really interested in you."

  "I know, I don't blame you, sure I'm a very interesting person," Rachel laughed, hugging her friend.

  "Cheeky," Liz said, hugging her back.

  Vic suddenly reappeared with a big bucket of ice and another bottle of champagne.

  "It's mayhem out there," he said, sitting down in relief.

  "Let me pour you a nice refreshing glass of bubbly, sweetheart," Jen said. “Ladies, more champagne?"

  "I dunno, I'm feeling a bit light-headed," Liz hesitated.

  "It'd be rude not to," Rachel said, holding out her glass.

  "Go on, then."

  Rachel and Liz hit the dance floor, leaving Jen and her fiancé canoodling in the corner.

  "What time is Batt getting here?" Liz shouted over the noise of the music.

  "He said between nine and ten. He'll text me when he's outside so we can let him in on the VIP pass."

  "I can't wait to meet him," Liz yelled.

  Rachel smiled. She was a little in trepidation at seeing Batt again. It had been a month since they'd last seen each other, and they'd only spoken on the phone twice. Rachel found it easier to text him, as she felt slightly embarrassed about their last encounter. She was sure Batt wanted to make things official with her, and she really didn't want the pressure of a committed relationship in her life. She promised herself she'd be honest and straightforward with him when she saw him again.

  Suddenly, she felt hands on her waist and someone moving their body very close against hers. She swung round, almost knocking him off his feet.

  "Hi Rachel," he smiled, composing himself quickly.

  It was Batt, looking very, very handsome indeed. He'd had his hair cut shorter with a flick in the front and he'd gelled it expertly. The pristine blue shirt he wore accentuated the blue in his turquoise eyes, making them sparkle. He looked the picture of health and seemed very happy to see her. He couldn't stop smiling at her. Rachel felt her cheeks turn pink. He hugged her close and planted a big kiss on her lips. She couldn't help but kiss him back. She felt something stir within her when he kissed her, and she was brought right back to the first night they'd slept together. She had butterflies in her stomach, something she did not expect to have when she saw Batt again. They couldn't stop gazing into each other's eyes.

  "I'm Liz," Liz shouted over the noise.

  "Oh, Liz, sorry, this is Batt. Batt, this is my good friend, Liz," Rachel finally came to her senses. She brought Batt to meet Jen and Vic who were animatedly discussing their wedding plans.

  Batt chatted easily with everyone and they all seemed to like him very much. He was an excellent conversationalist, Rachel remembered, and kept everyone entertained with stories of his travels and the different adventures he'd had on his motorbike. Rachel found herself looking at him differently. She realised she was very attracted to him and whatsmore she genuinely liked him. She hadn't thought she'd liked him this much, after all, she'd told herself that she wanted them to just be friends, but she caught herself wanting more than that now. She was starting to feeling confused by her sudden change of heart and mind.

  "He's absolutely gorgeous!" Jen said, when Batt and Vic went off to the bar to get more drinks, leaving the girls alone.

  "Totally scrumptious," Liz agreed, "if you don't want him, I'll have him."

  "He's so friendly and chatty," Jen continued.

  "Why don't you like him?" Liz asked in amazement.

  "I never said I didn't like him," Rachel said, "I just thought it was all too much too soon."

  "It's been almost a year since you broke up with Tony," Jen said. />
  "Maybe it's time to give love a chance again. He seems mad about you, the way he was looking at you and kept touching you so gently."

  "Yeah, he talks about you almost reverentially," Liz said, "I wish I could find someone who adores me like that."

  "I do like him, more so now that I've seen him again," Rachel admitted, "he's even more handsome than I remembered."

  "I'm not telling you what to do or anything, girl," Jen said, "but if I was you I'd give him a chance."

  "Maybe," Rachel deliberated, "maybe."

  "Five. Four. Three. Two. One. Happy New Year!!!!"

  Balloons and streamers came floating down from the ceiling and everybody was soon covered in confetti. Batt grabbed Rachel and kissed her long and slow. She thought she was going to melt in his arms.

  "Sleep with me, tonight," he whispered in her ear, as he held her close.

  "Ok," she whispered her response. She disentangled herself unwillingly from his arms to hug her friends’ goodbye.

  They couldn't keep their hands off each other in the taxi to Batt's hotel. He was staying at the Queenborough House Hotel in the city centre, so they didn't have far to travel. She couldn't believe how much she wanted him and how much she'd missed him. They spent the night passionately locked in each other's arms. When they made love she truly believed that he loved her with all his heart. She'd never experienced anything like it before. She never wanted to let him go. She wished they could stay in that bed together forever, lost in each other.


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