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Interference (Prescott Family Book 1)

Page 22

by Mignon Mykel

  I’m pretty sure Sydney had a thong on the floor up there, so I sure as hell hoped Myke had just done a quick see through.

  “God, Sydney, my brother doesn’t need a place of this size. Maybe for his ego, but…” Myke laughed at her own joke as she neared Sydney. When she saw Syd’s face, she glanced over her shoulder and her green eyes met my own.

  “Cael!” She turned and ran to me. I had no choice but to catch her when she threw herself at me. I was close with all my siblings, sure, but of my sisters, Myke had always been the one I was closest to. Even though she’d been in college when I left home for college myself, I think she felt my leaving the worst of all.

  “Hey, Mykey.” I squeezed her into a hug and looked over her shoulder to Sydney, who still stood there with her hands clasped in front of her, her lip in between her teeth. Sorry, I mouthed to her. I really didn’t want her bombarded with my siblings without me being there.

  Her lips curled slightly.

  “I can just…”

  I gently placed my big sister away from me and lifted my brows. “You’re not going anywhere, Syd. You’re here to meet them.” I gave Myke my best stink eye. “I’m sorry you had to meet one of them on your own. I hope she wasn’t too much of a terror.”

  “Oh no, she was fine.” Sydney shook her head. In her words, I could hear the slightly timid Sydney I first met back in April.

  “Myke.” I looked at her and lifted my brows.

  “What? I wanted to meet her.” She shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly. She was the sister I was most worried about meeting Sydney and if she did anything to scare Sydney away, I wasn’t sure how long it would take me to forgive her. “See you in a bit, Sydney.” Myke smiled at her then hugged me again. “She’s quiet, but I like her,” Myke whispered into my ear.

  I chuckled, thinking about how not quiet Sydney could be. “Go, Myke. We’ll be over in a few.”

  With a wave over her shoulder, Myke left the room. I turned my eyes toward Sydney and with my gaze heated and on her, I made my way toward her.

  My family could wait a few minutes.


  When I had exited the elevator earlier, I wasn’t prepared for the pretty woman with long blond hair, swinging straight to just above her butt, waiting at Caleb’s door.

  But apparently she was prepared for me.

  She had smiled, thrust out her hand, and introduced herself as Cael’s older sister.

  Now, I was a generally friendly person. I liked to meet people and was usually pleasant, but meeting his sister without him there had been a little nerve-wracking. I was a sister, too. Granted, I was a younger sister, but I was well aware that sisters often had harsher judgements over their brothers’ girlfriends so knowing Mykaela had gone out of her way to meet me prior to Caleb being there…

  It made me nervous.

  I had let her into Caleb’s suite, where she immediately began looking around, smiling and chatting away like she and I had known one another for years. It was a completely one-sided conversation, true, but she seemed like she was nice. I didn’t get the feeling that she didn’t care for me.

  When Caleb walked through the door, though, I was so incredibly relieved.

  But now he was stalking toward me with a gleam in his eye.

  “Caleb?” I fumbled my hands in front of me.

  “Stop biting your lip, Chief.”

  “I’m not.”

  “You were.” He kept moving toward me, prowling really, until he was standing right in front of me. The toes of the dress shoes he wore went right up to my bare toes. I curled them into the floor.

  His hand reached for my face and he proved that I did indeed keep biting my lip when his thumb dislodged it from between my teeth.

  “You’re all tense, Syd baby.”

  “It was just…unexpected, meeting your sister.”

  “I’m sorry.” His eyes were heated and hungry, but I could hear he meant it. “We gotta relax you before you meet everyone.”

  I wasn’t entirely sure of his intent until he took my hips, pulling me close. I looked down before I was against him and saw he’d gotten hard in the short amount of time since Mykaela had left the room.

  “Jesus, Caleb, turn that thing off.”

  He chuckled and ground himself against my stomach. “You could get me off. And then I could get you off. You’ll be nice and relaxed then.”

  “Your family is expecting you.”

  “Us. They’re expecting us.” He bent down so he could put his hands on my ass under the dress I was wearing, hoisting me up so we were eye level. “I can be quick. God knows you can be quick too,” he teased.

  “No one likes a five-second rodeo, Caleb.” I wrapped my arms around his neck and brought my knees up so I could wrap my legs around his hips, locking my ankles behind his back.

  “Mm. Rodeo. Reverse cowgirl…”

  I shouldn’t have reminded him. “Caleb, no. We don’t have time.”

  He walked us toward the stairs, carrying me effortlessly up them. “We have plenty of time. My family’s not going anywhere.”

  “But they’ll know, Caleb!”

  “And I’m a grown man. I could care less if they knew I was having sex next door while they waited.”

  “But I care.”

  He reached the top of the stairs and put me down. “If you really don’t want to, then we won’t.” I could hear he was disappointed, but come on. The sooner we met with his family, the sooner I could relax.

  “I just want to get meeting them all over with, you know?”

  “They’re gonna love you, Syd.” He rubbed his hands up and down my back. “Hell, Jonny wouldn’t shut up to mom about you.”

  I rubbed my hands over my face before groaning into them. I didn’t notice when Caleb leaned down, his lips to my ear.

  “Let me relax you, Chief. I can wait to be in you, but let me relax you.”

  I peeked at him through spread fingers. “How is that fair to you?”

  His grin was cocky. “Baby, if you haven’t learned by now that I love getting you off, you should pay closer attention.”

  I thought about it for a few minutes. Ok, seconds. I watched as he began stripping himself from his date clothes and went to a dresser to pull out khaki shorts and a tee.

  “Ok, quickly,” I agreed. I was wet and uncomfortable anyway, so what would it hurt? His grin of satisfaction could probably be seen worlds over.

  He finished stripping by pushing off his boxer briefs then went to the bed. “You trust me, yeah?”

  “Yes, Caleb, I trust you.” I watched him, unsure what his plan was.

  He lay down on the bed in the opposite direction, stomach up. With one hand, he fisted himself, hard and up at his belly. His head rested off the edge of the bed and he was watching me upside-down. “C’mere.”

  I knew where this was going now. He must have really liked the whole sixty-nine thing. I was torn between confidence and unease, only because I figured this go-around I would be standing while he went to town on me. Still, I walked to him.

  “Take off your panties but keep on the dress.”

  I lifted a brow but did as he said. My eyes were fixated on his hand, slowly pumping himself up and down.

  “Now turn around.”

  Ok, not what I was expecting.

  I turned and he must have let go of his cock because both his hands were on my hips, guiding me back toward his head. I stumbled on my feet a little on the trip back, but Caleb held me still. He nudged his head between my thighs and I widened my feet to better accommodate him.

  His hands dropped from my hips and I looked over my shoulder to see that one hand was back on his cock, squeezing at the base. I turned my attention forward again when I felt his other hand move around my thigh and rest, fingers spread, over my mound. His thumb reached into where I knew I was wet, and pulled back. I looked down, but all I saw was skirt.

  Just as I went to bunch up my dress so I could watch, his tongue flicked over my exposed clit
. My knees almost went out on me, I was that ready for him. I grabbed for his wrist, my hand squeezing it for an anchor.

  “Get those nipples going, Chief,” he said against my core.

  I let go of his wrist so I could use both hands on my nipples. The double stimulation there with his tongue lapping and his mouth sucking down there had zings of energy running through my body. But when his thumb moved so he could press down on my clit before rubbing circles over it and his tongue started to thrust in and out of me, I had to anchor myself to his wrist once again.

  When I realized I was rolling my hips, grinding myself over his face so his tongue would fill me how I wanted him to, I stopped.

  “Keep going, Sydney.” Him talking against me like he did… The vibrations from his mouth, his thumb on my clit, one of my hands still rolling a nipple… Just like that, I shattered above him.

  I tightened my hold on his wrist as my legs shook. I dropped my hand from my chest to try and reach under my dress to stop his ministrations.

  Thankfully, he took some care and let go of my now over-sensitive clit all while lapping up the wet juices that came with my orgasm. When my body stilled and I released his wrist, Caleb scooted from under me so he could sit at the edge of the bed. His goatee was wet and…

  He had cum all over his stomach.

  He grinned wide and winked at me. “I told you, Syd. You do it for me. You coming all over my face… Fuck, that was hot.”

  He sat at the edge of his bed, stark naked, and I stood in front of him in just my dress. We were quite the pair.

  I reached out so I could rub at his chin. My wetness was glistening in his whiskers. “You need to clean up.”

  “Let’s take a quick shower then we can head next door.”

  “You don’t take quick showers, Caleb. You like to mess around.”

  “I promise I’ll keep my hands to myself. We have to meet my family for dinner in…” He looked back over his shoulder to the nightstand. “Fifteen minutes.”

  “What!” Fifteen minutes? He knew when we had to go and still he decided it was an ok time to mess around?

  He chuckled and stood. Before I realized it, my dress was up and over my head, spilled on the floor. “At least you don’t look like a scared child anymore. Let’s shower, babe.”

  True to his word, our shower was quick. Thankfully, I didn’t have to wash my hair, so that shaved off some time. I put on my panties and dress from before while Caleb changed into the clothes he had pulled out prior to our tryst. When I went to put my hair up in its signature bun, Caleb shook his head.

  “Keep it down. Please.”

  He was so good at demanding things that when he added little words like please, I couldn’t help but do as he asked.

  I pretty much always did as he asked, actually.

  Finally, we were both set and ready to go. He took my hand, holding it securely in his with our fingers intertwined, as we walked to the next door over in the three-door corridor. He knocked once and the door swung open, revealing a man who looked just like Caleb.

  Or rather, what Caleb would look like in twenty years.

  And that was freaking hot.

  “Damn, you’re a sight, Cael,” he said, pulling him in for a hug. Caleb kept his hand in mine while he wrapped his arm around the man who had to be his father. When the hug ended, Caleb pulled me closer to him. “Dad, this is Sydney. Syd, this is my dad, Noah.”

  I offered my hand and smiled. “It’s so nice to meet you, Noah.”

  Rather than take my hand, Noah wrapped me in a hug as well. I couldn’t say I had ever received a hug from someone I didn’t really know before.

  “Dad, let her go,” Caleb chuckled.

  “It’s nice to meet you too, Syd. Come on in, guys. Everyone’s around.”

  We entered the suite that was the same size as Caleb’s but looked to have a few guest rooms as well. In the middle, where the living area was, was where his entire family sat.

  Myke stood first when we entered and she smiled. “You guys can sit here.” She pointed to the spot on the couch she’d been sitting on.

  Caleb led me into the masses and after he sat, he pulled me into his lap. “Guys, this is Sydney. Syd, this is my family.” He went on to introduce his mom, then reintroduced me to Jonny. Next to Jonny was a woman named Jenna. She was gorgeous but seemed disinterested. Comments Caleb made about her were starting to make more sense.

  On the opposite couch were all three of his sisters, now that Myke had moved away. Then there was his youngest brother, Porter, who sat in a highback chair, looking bored but I could see the interest in his eyes.

  If Noah looked like Caleb in twenty years, Porter looked like Caleb must have ten years ago. The genes in this family were strong.

  Jonny had similar features to Caleb and Porter, but definitely favored their mom. Myke and Avery did too, leaving McKenna with the dark hair like Caleb and Porter. Her eyes though, they were blue like their mom. Throughout the mix of dark hair and light hair, though, you could see the family resemblance in everyone.

  I sat back and listened as Caleb talked about the last couple of weeks and as he asked Avery, who he called Ace I remembered him telling me, and Porter, about their summer hockey games. Rather than feel left out of the conversation, I enjoyed seeing Caleb interact with his family. It actually solidified the way he was with me.

  He wasn’t putting on a sweet, nice show with me. He was a genuinely kind person.

  If I wasn’t in love with him already, because yeah, I totally was, seeing him with his family would have sealed the deal.

  Still perched in Caleb’s lap, I was brought into the conversation too, being asked questions like where I went to school and what my plans were for after the show. We talked about different reality shows and then that conversation folded into sports which, of course, led to hockey.

  Eventually, the door was knocked on and Noah stood to let in room service. A huge cart was strolled in and the plates were left at the table.

  The conversation easily moved from the living space to the dining space and I found myself feeling more than welcome in this family.

  The Prescotts were loud and fun, and I could definitely see myself fitting in for years to come.


  Day 19 of 21

  The last two days couldn’t have gone off any better.

  Watching Syd with my family… God, I loved it.

  Just a few more days and we would have this show behind us.

  Fuck yes, we made it to the end.

  I grinned as my car made its way back to the ship after a trio-date. We were down to the last three girls, Sydney, Jennifer, and Grace. I was sending one home tonight after spending two days at port in the French Polynesian. Probably Jennifer. Grace was a sweetheart and I could stand to have her around a couple more days. That, and she got along with Sydney. Syd could use someone other than me to talk to.

  When the car got to port, I walked out and up to the ship, telling Stewie my choice for who to send home. He nodded and said they’d take care of it, and to my suite I went. Hopefully the girls’ car wouldn’t be too far behind.

  Being with Sydney all day but not being able to truly touch and hold her like I wanted to, had been hard. Not popping wood the entire day had been hard, too.

  I changed into basketball shorts and a tee while I waited.

  And then I waited some more.

  I glanced at the clock, sure that Sydney would have been back by now.

  When there was a knock on my door, I had to admit, I was slightly confused. Sydney would just walk in.

  I answered the door to a pissy looking Myke.

  “Hey, Myke, what’s up?” I tried to look around her to see if the elevator was coming, but Myke pushed me right inside.

  “What the hell, Caleb!”

  I frowned, unsure where this anger was coming from. “What the hell what, Myke?”

  “You sent Sydney home? What the fuck is up with that? I thought you were in love with her!
” Her voice was raised and she stood toe to toe with me. At five-six, Myke was the tallest of my sisters, but I still had to look down to look at her.

  When she pushed at my chest, I stepped back and held my hands up. “What the hell do you mean, I sent Sydney home? No, I did not send Sydney home. She should be here any minute.”

  “No, dickwad, you sent her home!” Myke reached into her back pocket to pull out her phone, pulling up a text message. Apparently, at some point she and Sydney had exchanged numbers. I wanted to grin at the thought the Myke and Syd got along so well, but I was stuck with an ill feeling in my stomach.

  I read the text message that Myke held in front of me. There weren’t any emoticons or anything to truly show how she was feeling, but I could feel it in her words.

  I’m going home tonight. Keep in touch, Myke. Maybe we can meet for coffee sometime. Your family is great and I loved getting to know everyone.

  “I didn’t send her home,” I repeated. I pointed at the screen and locked eyes with my sister. “I fucking sent Jennifer home.”

  “Well Sydney’s gone. And Grace and Jennifer are not.”

  I felt like my entire world was crashing around me. What the hell happened?

  I went to find my phone but thought better of it, in case Sydney was as hurt as I thought she was going to be. She wouldn’t answer my call. She may answer Myke’s, though.

  “Give me your phone.”

  Myke stared at me for a moment and when she saw whatever it is she wanted to see, she held it out to me. “Fix it.”

  When I took the device from her, Myke turned and left the room, leaving me in silence. I hit the dial button on the text message and began pacing the room, hopeful she would pick up.

  “Pick up, Sydney. Pick up, pick up, pick up,” I murmured over and over again as I paced.

  When she did, my heart cracked. “Hey, Myke.” Her voice was solid, but I could hear the tightness behind her words. I could hear that she’d been crying.

  “It’s Caleb.” She sucked in a breath and, afraid she was going to hang up, I rushed on. “Don’t hang up on me. Please, Chief.”


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