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Her Private Treasure

Page 18

by Wendy Etherington

  “Not anymore.”

  “Does my house have anything to do with your decision to stay?” he teased. “I do love your house,” she hedged.

  Laughing, Carr hugged her. “We’ll move you in tomorrow. And remind me to call Charlie McGary and have him call off the Virginia search.”

  “The Virginia search?” Malina asked.

  He moved to the couch, where he sat and tugged her into his lap. “Charlie’s my real estate agent.”

  Her eyes widened. “Wow. You weren’t afraid of the temptation to go back to the Dark Side?”

  “I figured I’d have a high-ranking federal law enforcement officer to keep me on the right path.”

  “Yes, you would.”

  He cupped her cheek in his hand. “You’re my life. I couldn’t let you go without me.”

  “Carr?” she asked as he brushed her cheek with his lips.


  “You still talk too much.”

  “I bet I can fix that.” As he kissed her, he poured all the love and promise he’d been holding quietly inside for so long. Neglected as it had been, his heart overflowed with gratitude.

  Unfortunately, the next thing he heard wasn’t a chorus of angelic approval, but Al Duffy’s scratchy voice.

  “No more mopin’ around. You hear, boy? Ain’t dignified for a man to be so depressed about a woman who can’t even cook.”

  LATER, LONG AFTER DINNER and sunset, Malina lay in the master cabin’s bed, her head pillowed on Carr’s bare chest just as she had the first time they’d been together.

  That night the sea had undulated beneath them, rocking them in a steady cradle of contentment, even as she’d convinced herself she was simply releasing stress from her demanding job. Tonight, the waves continued their relentless motion, and she was completely different.

  She could finally appreciate fulfillment with the love of her life. She didn’t have the constant drive to wonder what professional challenge might be over the next horizon. She didn’t worry about what compromise might cost her.

  At last she understood her mother’s internal peace.

  Still, she wasn’t her mother in many ways.

  She turned on her side and propped her head in her hand. “I still think Al Duffy was being difficult, not—as you so innocently believe—trying to get us together.”

  He mirrored her pose. “It seems imminently obvious that he saw you, worried you wouldn’t stay long enough for me to see you, knew how much I needed to see you, so he took matters into his own hands. Drastic matters maybe, but still pure of heart.”

  She snorted in derision. “Oh, please.”

  “You two are going to have to find a peaceful middle ground eventually. Al’s a good guy down deep.”

  “Way down.”

  “Maybe so, but he does know everything about this area. He can navigate through these waters, under any weather conditions, with his eyes closed.”

  “I can shoot accurately with my eyes closed. Who’d you rather have in a fight?”

  He paused. “I think you’ve won your argument, Agent.”

  “Of course, I have. But do you know what became of Simone Anderson?”

  “The abrupt segue of the day award goes to…”

  She slapped his chest lightly. “Come on, Simone Anderson.”

  His eyes darkened with regret. “She was my client for the case against Nelson Chemicals. Most of her family was poisoned by the runoff water from their plant.”

  “You remember her?”

  “I’ve had a lot of free time on my hands the last week. You might say I took a walk down memory lane.”

  “And did your stroll reveal where she is today?”

  “No.” He slid his hand across her hip, drawing her closer and confirming what she’d thought—he was afraid to know too much. Another case like Bailey Industries was too painful to face.

  “Simone works for an international peace organization that strives to eliminate river and stream chemical poisoning produced by industrial plants in third-world countries.”

  Carr went still, then shook his head as if trying to clear his thoughts. “She what?”

  “You heard me. She credits you with opening her eyes to the neglectful policies that run rampant in countries without a legitimate legal system. How about Bruce Carmandy?”

  “Who? I—” He stopped, and Malina could clearly see his brain straining to switch gears. “He was paralyzed by a bus hitting him on Seventh Avenue in New York City.”

  “By a bus driver who had a serious history of drug abuse. With his settlement money from the city, Carmandy got a great apartment overlooking the East River and paid for the driver to go through rehab yet again. Apparently the treatment stuck this time. The two men started a company that builds motorized wheelchairs.”

  His eyes full of wonder, Carr stared at her. “How did you find out all this?”

  “I investigated. I’m highly trained, you know.”

  “I know. But why?”

  “To show you that your debt is paid. You don’t have to redeem yourself anymore. You’ve made mistakes, but the good completely outweighs the bad.” She slid her fingers through his silky hair, letting her gaze rove his beloved features. Beaches, oceans and sunsets included, she’d never tire of that view. “You’re a great man. Not just in my eyes, but many others.”

  “Thank you.” As she felt a deep breath of relief escape his chest, he kissed her lips, then trailed his mouth along her jaw.

  Carnal sensations that had shifted briefly into dormancy reasserted themselves. She inhaled his sandalwood-scented cologne and knew this was the place she belonged for the rest of her life.

  “Is this ‘you’re redeemed’ thing just a ploy to keep me from butting into your cases?” he whispered between kisses.

  “I refuse to answer that question on the grounds it might incriminate me.”

  He held her tightly against him. “I love you.”

  “Same goes, Counselor. Same goes.”

  ISBN: 978-1-4268-6569-5


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