Book Read Free

Where Love is Found

Page 14

by Tiya Rayne

  I sent him a text back.

  Me: Pretty presumptuous of you to assume I don’t have plans already.

  Jackson: LOL! Saturday @ 12. Wear something comfortable, again.

  I bit my bottom lip wondering if I should give in so easily, or make him sweat it out a little.

  Me: Ok. I better like this date.

  Jackson: You’ll love it. And don’t think I didn’t notice you called it a date. Have a great day, beautiful.

  I laughed at my slip up. He was never going to let me live that down.


  “Grams!” I called out as I walked into my grandparents’ house.

  It had been three weeks since that day in my office. Since then, Jackson and I have gone on three official dates, and two unofficial dates. I’d been rock climbing, biking, and white water rafting. Every date I was tempted to curse his ass out once we arrived, but Jackson always managed to make me try it. And just like that first date, I actually enjoyed myself. I was always completely sore the next day, but it was worth it to hang out with Jackson.

  Unfortunately, there had been no repeat of his office. The most he and I had done was make out like two virgin twelve-year-olds. Trust me, I’d tried to go further with him. That man had the patience and restraint of a monk. After the first two weeks, I finally gave up trying.

  “In the kitchen, Duck!”

  I followed her voice into the kitchen. She was at the stove stirring something in a pot that smelled delicious.

  “Hey, my Duck. You look stunning today.” I placed a kiss on her cheek and then went to the fridge to grab a bottle water.

  “Thank you, I got this top from Macy’s last fall.” I turned back to Grams.

  She was staring at me with a smile on her face.

  “Duck, you are always beautiful, but I’m not talking about your clothes. You’re glowing, honey.”

  I chuckled. “Good highlighter, that’s all.”

  “You mean a good man. I know that look, I’ve been wearing it for fifty-six years.”

  I fought the blush that wanted to take over my face. I had no idea what Grams was talking about. I looked absolutely the same as I always did.

  “I told you, Jackson and I are just friends.”

  “Mmhmmm. You just keep telling yourself that. Love has a way of catching up to you. You can run from it all you want, but sooner or later, it comes for you. The more you fight it, the harder it takes over you.”

  I rolled my eyes and folded my arms over my chest. “There is no such thing as love. It’s just a word people use to justify their need to sleep with each other.”

  Gram’s eyes widened. “What on earth are you talking about? Who put that foolishness in your head? I know not your mother.”

  I sighed. This was an argument I didn’t want to have. Grams would never understand that I knew the truth about that four letter word. It wasn’t real. It couldn’t be.

  “Don’t worry about it,” I said waving it away.

  “No, Charlice.” Grams dropped her hand towel and stepped closer to me. Her eyes watched me closely. It unnerved me the way she was looking at me. I felt naked, as if she could read all my secrets.

  “What are you hiding from me?”

  I laughed off her concern. “What? Nothing.” I shrugged.

  She continued to stare at me. Those light-brown eyes reading me so clearly. The look in her eyes changed from interest to sympathy before she looked away from me.

  She saw something. I didn’t know what it was, but I knew my Grams’ might have read one of my secrets.

  “What happened between you and Bernita?”

  That was definitely not a conversation for today.

  “Grams, it’s nothing.”

  “It’s not nothing, Duck! You got more secrets than a shady politician hidden behind your eyes. I know something happened. Every time I ask Nita, she changes the subject, and you just say nothing.” Grams stared at me for a moment longer, her eyes squinted like she was trying to read something in the distance. I squirmed slightly under her gaze.

  “Did she tell you something about your father?”

  “My father?” Now I was confused. “How can she tell me about someone she probably doesn’t even know?”

  Grams grunted and turned her back to me.

  Hold up!

  “Wait a minute,” I squealed. “Sadie Rose, do you know who my father is?”

  “Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine.”

  “Oh no, you don’t,” I said, stepping back in front of my Grams. “Don’t try to sing your way out of this. Who is my father?”

  “Now, Duck, don’t you go digging up old wounds. Some secrets need to stay buried. Never mention this again.”

  I flinched at her words, but she didn’t notice. Never mention it again. Those words swarmed my head. I had to close my eyes and focus hard to make them disappear.

  When I finally locked the gates on my unwanted memories, I opened my eyes, and Grams was watching me. I smiled charmingly.

  Despite how this visit had turned out, I actually had a reason for it.

  “I came by to ask you a favor,” I said as gleefully as possible trying to chase away the somber mood in the room. “I wanted to see if you could teach me how to cook.”

  Again Grams’ eyes widened, this time from shock and joy.

  “You?” she teased, placing a hand to her hips. “Charlice Rose Jeffries wants to learn how to cook?”

  “Yeah, I mean I’m thirty- three, I should be cooking my own meals and not always eating out. I’m trying to be healthier.”

  Grams threw her head back and laughed. “Healthy my ass.”

  I choked on my laughter.

  “Grams!!” I chastised her jokingly.

  “Don’t Grams me. You’re learning to cook for Mr. Jackson.”

  “He may benefit from it.” I shrugged.

  “Girl, come on over here. I’ll show you how I won your grandfather over. My famous fried chicken and cornbread had your grandpa ready to marry me after our third date. I’ll have your Mr. Jackson asking for your hand in marriage in no time.”

  I snorted. “Maybe we should stay away from the fried chicken, then.”

  Grams’ laughter brought a smile to my face. I’d much rather see her smiling like this than the way she was earlier. I’d do anything to keep my grandparents happy and spare them from my truths.


  It only took Grams three days to teach me how to cook a basic Cajun chicken and rice casserole. Most of the time was spent with me arguing with her that I didn’t need the fried chicken and cornbread recipes. Poor Papa and Eli had to stomach through three days of my casserole for dinner until I felt comfortable enough to make it on my own.

  Tonight I was going to surprise Jackson with a home cooked meal. The casserole was in the oven. The beers were in the fridge and the store bought cake was on the table. I finally had a chance to use all those nice dishes I bought when I got my house.

  I once again fixed my hair in the mirror. I’d gone to Devin and decided on long auburn layers cut to the shoulder. It was a bold look for me, but I wanted something different. Something special. I felt silly for going through all this trouble. I was jumping through a lot of hoops just to get laid.

  The doorbell rung breaking me out of my downward spiral of thoughts. I gave my appearance one last look. A bohemian inspired maxi dress with a deep V and front split, and strappy Giuseppe flats was the outfit I decided on.

  I stopped at the door and took a breath, for some reason my heart was racing. I opened the door to find Jackson holding a bottle of wine and flowers. He was dressed casual today in a blue plaid button up shirt. The sleeves rolled to right below his elbow. His dark wash jeans were loosely fitting his thick thighs. Jackson looked fucking fantastic in casual wear.

  “Oh my God! Jackson those are beautiful.” I said after noticing the combination of blue and purple flowers.

  I was not a flower person. Other than a rose I didn’t know what any of them were
called. But I knew I loved this arrangement.

  I stepped back and allowed him and Lady to walk in. I was so used to the dog I didn’t even second guess if she was coming with him anymore.

  He handed me the flowers, but his eyes were glued to my outfit.

  “You look stunning, Char.”

  I blush, “Thank you! I’m going to put these in water.”

  I closed the door and headed into the kitchen, Jackson and Lady were right behind me. I grabbed a vase I got one year for my birthday from my godchildren and filled it with water at the sink.

  “I noticed that a lot of your things are purple and blue, I assumed you liked those colors.”

  I looked up at him and smiled. He’s right, those are my favorite colors. I didn’t think anyone knew that about me. Well, maybe Naya, she’s always asking me what my favorite things were.

  “Oh and I brought you wine.” He held up the bottle for me to see. “I…uh…. Don’t know much about wine, but the lady at the store said it was good. It’s also pretty cheap.” He rubbed the back of his neck.

  “Trust me, I’m not picky about my wine. This is good.” I took the bottle from him after placing my flowers in the center of my island. I placed the bottle of wine in my refrigerator and grabbed a beer out for Jackson. I handed him his beer and he smiled.

  “I already got my beer in the fridge? Sooner or later I’ll have my toothbrush at your sink.”

  I laughed out loud. “I doubt it.”

  “So what’s on the menu tonight? It smells amazing in here.”

  At his compliment I lifted my head a little higher.

  “Cajun chicken and rice casserole.”

  “MMMMmmmm, that sounds right nice. A woman that is beautiful and can cook.” Jackson teased.

  “Look, don’t start giving out compliments until you’ve actually tasted the food.”

  Jackson placed his beer down on the counter and sauntered over to me. I watched his wide shoulders and that dimpled smile that drove me crazy. Damn he’s sexy. His heat and delicious scent hits me before he did. My back was pressed up against the kitchen sink. He placed both his hands on the counter behind me trapping me in.

  “What do you think you’re doing?”

  Those hazel heavy lidded eyes stared down at me.

  “I haven’t got my kiss yet.”

  “And you feel that you are entitled to it?” I crossed my arms over my chest, and cocked one eyebrow up at him.

  That smirk lit up his face.

  “The moment you came to the door in this thin ass dress I was entitled to everything. You’re making it hard for me to behave myself.” One of his big heavy hands landed on my hip and he pulled me closer to him.

  My bottom lip slipped in between my teeth. I knew just how hard I was making him. His difficulty was brushing against my stomach demanding my attention.

  “Who said I wanted you to behave yourself.”

  His lips landed on mine before the words were fully out of my mouth.

  Jesus! Jackson’s kisses could start a forest fire. His tongue danced along mine while his hand tightened on my hips. I didn’t even remember my arms going around his neck. When his hand grabbed a handful of my ass and squeezed, I was ready to say fuck this food and let’s take this to the room. I moaned into Jackson’s mouth and he slowly started to gather the material of my dress, causing it to rise up my legs.

  The stove beeped letting me know the food was done. Jackson started to pull away, but I was not having it. My fingers tangled in his thick hair as I pulled him closer. I could feel his smile against my greedy lips. He finally broke away from me.

  “Your food is going to burn.”

  “Who the fuck cares.” I grabbed for him again and he chuckled as he dodged me.

  “Get the food, Char.”

  I groaned as I turned around to get to the food. His hand smacked my ass. I looked over my shoulder and caught him staring at my butt with a look of amazement. Yeah, I opted out of panties for tonight.


  We were sitting at my never before used dining room table. The table was made of dark walnut with baluster turned legs. It set six people in high back gray fabric dining room chairs. The entire set was almost six thousand dollars. And none of that mattered at the moment as I watched Jackson take the first bite of the meal I’d prepared for him. I wasn’t this damn scared when I opened up my firm. I had sweat pouring down my back towards my ass. I watched Jackson wrap his lips around the prongs of his fork. Keeping my eyes on his face carefully. When he didn’t immediately spit it back out, I actually started to breathe again.

  “Not bad.” He said.

  I finally picked up my fork and took a bite. The first bite was alright, it definitely wasn’t like the one Grams’ cooked. The second bite was too salty and the rice was still a little hard. After the third bite, I was done.

  Well, that was a bust.

  “You don’t have to keep eating it, Jackson. I know it’s bad.”

  Jackson laughed as he puts down his fork.

  “You’re right, it’s bad baby. But you went through all the trouble to make it, so I’m going to eat it.” He took another bite and chewed. “It’s like crunching on small pebbles.”

  That’s it, I was done.

  I stood from the table and grabbed my plate. “Don’t force yourself. We’ll just order something.” I took my plate into the kitchen and raked the disaster meal down the garbage disposal.

  I didn’t realize how badly I wanted to make a good meal until now. I’d never cared to learn how to cook, because I never needed to. However, right now I felt like a failure, and I haven’t felt this way in a long time.

  I didn’t hear him come into the kitchen, I just felt his body behind mine and his arm wrap around me.

  “I’m sorry I ruined dinner.”

  “Hey!” Jackson turned me around to face him.

  My back was pressed against the kitchen sink.

  “I told you I didn’t care if you could cook. The fact that you went out of your comfort zone to cook me a meal, is more important than the food itself. Besides, Lady loves it.”

  I looked behind him to find lady liking her mouth while starring longingly at the tray of casserole sitting on the counter. I laughed, feeling the disappointment over the meal ebb away.

  Jackson’s thumb ran over my bottom lip. His eyes stared at the trail his finger made.

  “I can watch you laugh all day.” He said it as if he was thinking out loud.

  The mood in the room shifted. The horrible dinner was forgotten. The heat from his body pressed against mine had my body tingling all over. I was hyper aware of everywhere his body touched mine. I ached from the simple connections. I wanted more. I think Jackson must have read my desire in my eyes. Those hazel eyes watched me closely as he tilted my chin up, bringing my lips closer to his. His kiss was gentle, soft, and even tentative.

  Not what I wanted.

  Jackson was sweet, but I knew deep down inside, a beast stirred. I wanted the beast. I sunk my teeth into his bottom lip gently and sucked it into my mouth. Jackson growled, but he continued with his gentle kisses. There was no denying that Jackson was a big man, and I imagined when he was with his Ex he had to be gentle. But I wasn’t his Ex. I needed rough.

  “Fuck me, Jackson. Please!”

  Apparently I wasn’t above begging.

  My plea worked. I could feel the change in his body. His hand found its way into my hair. He fisted it and pulled my head back. It wasn’t painful, just enough force to let me know the kid gloves were off.

  His kiss deepened, causing me to whimper into his mouth. I was so turned on I could have climbed his fucking body like a spider monkey. I hiked one leg up, anything to get him closer to where I needed him. I grabbed for his belt buckle. I made short work of his belt, snatching it out of his pants loops and dropping it to the floor—all done with my eyes closed and my lips glued to his.

  Jackson removed his hand from my hair to yank my dress over my head. He tossed i
t somewhere, and then we came back together like magnets. I grabbed his button up and yanked the fabric apart. Buttons flew everywhere, pinging off of appliances. Jackson lifted me effortlessly and I wrapped my legs around him. He turned us around, trading places with me, then placed me on the island in the center of my kitchen. The cold granite was a shock to my bare ass. Jackson yanked off his shirt and dropped it to the ground to join with my dress somewhere. He then grabbed my legs, pulling me to the edge of the counter top, my ass hung off the side. He dropped to his knees, pushed mine to my chest, and feasted on my pussy as if it was the prepared meal for tonight.

  I collapsed back on the counter. My eyes rolled to the back of my head. Jackson ate my pussy like a pro. He spread my lower lips apart exposing my pink center, his tongue danced over my nub before slipping inside. I was screaming and moaning like I was being murdered. When he pulled the hood of my clit back to suck the exposed nub, I came so hard I went cross eyed.

  Jackson sucked and licked me clean until I was crying for him to stop. He stood to his feet and ran a hand down his wet nose to his chin. I sat up and he pulled me to him for a scorching kiss.

  Damn I loved the taste of my pussy on his tongue.

  We both fumbled over his pants button. Finally getting it open and pushing it down his thighs just low enough to release this throbbing dick. It was thick, long, and heavy in my hand. Jackson broke our kiss to dig into his pants pocket and pulled out a string of gold wrapper condoms. He pulled off one from the top of the line and tossed the others to the counter. I watched in anticipation as he stuck the gold wrapper into his mouth and tore off the edge of the foil. He took out the condom and placed the foil on the counter. Once he was fully sheath in the prophylactic, he spun me around, facing away from him. I bent over the island and he entered me so fast and hard I didn’t have time to brace for it. My hips slammed into the kitchen island. I cried out at his abrupt entrance, not from pain, but from the pleasure at being stretched so damn good.

  “Don’t run now, Char. You asked for this, remember?” He taunted as he slid in so hard I had to lift on my toes.

  Curse words flew from my mouth as he broke my pussy in. When he smacked my ass I moaned so loud I could put a porn star to shame.


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