Book Read Free

Where Love is Found

Page 21

by Tiya Rayne

  “Aunt Duck?”

  “Come open the door.” I told her, then hung up.

  The moment we stepped on the porch we could hear the cursing and screaming from the inside. Jackson placed a hand on my back rubbing it in circles.

  “Breathe, baby. I need you to breathe for me.”

  Following his directions I exhaled. I hadn’t even noticed I was so tensed.

  “I could kill him.” I mumbled to Jackson.

  “Killing him won’t help. We would end up on the run from the cops, because I’m not letting you go to jail.”

  That got a smile from me.

  “When we get in here, let me handle it.” I warned Jackson.

  Devin was my family and I didn’t want him mixed up with this bullshit. Besides, I owed Miles this ass whooping.

  “You got it.” He agreed easily…..a little too easily.

  I didn’t have time to question him further because the door opened and a red eyed Kyle stood behind it. She ran into my arms the moment I walked in.

  “I want to leave.” She begged.

  “In a minute. Go get your sister.” Kylie reluctantly ran back down the hall.

  “Devin!” I yelled out over the noise.

  Miles voiced immediately cut off.

  “I know that bitch ain’t in my house.” His voice came towards me from down the hall.

  He rounded the corner and paused when he saw me standing with Jackson. His white t- shirt was stretched out at the collar and a few drops of blood stained the fabric.

  “Devin!” I called out to her again.

  “Why are you in my house?” Miles said coming further into the living room.

  I ignored his ass, I just needed to see that my cousin was ok. Once I saw her, I could whoop his ass accordingly.

  Devin came around the corner. She was wearing a tank top that had been ripped and sleep pants. Her heavy belly was sticking out from under her shirt. However the most jarring thing was the blood on her nose and her red swollen jaw. Her hair was a tangled mess as if someone had been pulling on it.

  “Duck, what are you doing here?” She looked away shamefully.

  I had seen enough.

  “You piece of shit!” I yelled at Miles, taking a step towards him before Jackson pulled me back.

  He was right, I wasn’t going to fight Miles. Fuck him.

  “Get your shit and get out.” I told Miles.

  He chuckled, crossing his arms over his chest. “This is my muthafucking house. You can’t put me out.”

  “Bitch, show me a receipt of a bill you paid in this house?” I argued. “In fact, I’ve paid the rent more than you have, so technically it’s my house.” My words accented by my hand claps.

  “Don’t matter. I’ve lived here more than thirty days and all my shit is here. You can’t put me out. I know my rights.”

  Fucking dumbass.

  “You know what, Miles, keep this piece of shit house. Come on, Devin, I’ll get you another one.”

  Devin took a step towards me and Miles turned to her and yelled. “Sit your dumbass down.”

  Devin flinched at the shouted words and stood in her spot.

  Miles turned back to me. “She ain’t going nowhere. Especially not with your whore ass. You’re the reason we in this shit now.”

  “It’s not her fault, Miles.”

  “Didn’t I tell you to shut the fuck up?” He turned and yelled at Devin.

  By this time Kylie and Naya had walked into the room with their little book bags on their backs. They both walked up to Devin’s side and hugged her legs.

  Miles turned back to me. “You’re one lonely, bitter bitch. You can’t get a man to love you so you throw your used up pussy on them like free samples. And your family, they can’t stand your ass.” He chuckled at his joke as if he was telling me something I didn’t know. “The only reason Devin fools with you, is because you always opening up your purse. All you do is buy her love, but you too stupid to see that.”

  “Duck that isn’t….” I held up my hand to stop Devin from denying what Miles was saying.

  “Unlike you.” I told Miles calmly. “I’m not easily intimidated or insecure. I don’t give a shit what you think about me. You thought because you put your hands on a pregnant women you became a man? You are still the bitch that I knew you always were. So quick to jump bad at me, but not the boys in the street. They have you hiding out at home like a pussy.”

  Miles’ arms dropped from over his chest as his eyes widened. Yeah, I got that bit of info from Cliff’s crazy ass. He was at least useful enough to tell me that.

  “Get the fuck out of my house.”

  “Not without my family.” I demanded.

  “Fuck you! Have your own goddamn family, or is your pussy to warn out for that.”

  My retort died on my tongue. Jackson stepped forward. I guess he was done with letting me handle it.

  “That’s enough. You’re drunk and you need to cool down.”

  “Who the fuck are you?” Miles asked. He looked Jackson up and down and then chuckled. “Oh that’s right. You the new man.” He shook his head in disgust. “You got you some discount black pussy and now you bad?”

  “Out of respect for your daughters, I’m trying to give you a pass. But if you disrespect Char one more time, we’re going to have a problem.” Jackson threatened in a tone that I’d never heard before. It was even more severe than when he spoke to his brother.

  Miles stared at Jackson. I assumed he was seizing him up, wondering if Jackson would really follow up on his threat. I knew damn well he wasn’t thinking he could take Jackson. Miles was 5’8”, 190 pounds tops. He was barely the size of one of Jackson’s thighs. He was no match.

  After a long pause, Miles finally said. “Both of ya’ll get the fuck out of my house.”

  “Gladly.” I replied. “Come on girls.”

  Both girls started to walk towards me, but Miles turned to them and told them to stay.

  “You’re not taking my kids.”

  “Watch me.”

  I reached my hands out for Naya and she ran for me. Miles grabbed her arm and yanked her back.

  “GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF HER!” I charged for Miles, but Jackson blocked me with his arm.

  “Not when he’s drunk.” Jackson spoke the words in my ear.

  “Let me go, Daddy.” Naya yelled.

  “Miles let her go, you’re hurting her.” Devin pleaded.

  Miles pushed Naya behind him and she fell to the floor. Kylie ran for me, but this time, Miles didn’t grab her, instead he swung his hand in an arch hitting Kylie in the face. She screamed and immediately crumpled to the floor. Like a raging bull, Jackson was on Miles. He slammed him into the wall so hard he put a hole in the plaster. With his hand wrapped around Miles’ throat, Jackson pulled him away from the wall just to slam him in the wall again.

  “Have you lost your fucking mind?” Jackson roared down at Miles.

  Miles whimpered. “I…. I didn’t mean to.”

  I went to Kylie and Naya, helping them off the floor. Naya wrapped her arms around me like a baby monkey and wouldn’t let me go. I examined Kylie’s face, a bruise was already forming on her cheek. That bastard.

  “Devin, tell him to let me go.” Miles pleaded.

  I looked up at my cousin who was looking down at her daughters that were in my arms. I couldn’t tell what she was thinking. I just hoped it wasn’t about staying with Miles.

  “Devin, you are greater than this.” I told her truthfully. “I don’t care what you think of yourself, for these two girls and the baby in your belly, you are better than this.”

  Her light brown eyes shimmered with tears as she looked me in my eyes.

  Devin turned to Miles and squared her shoulders. “We’re done.”


  Devin picked up the girls book bag that must have fallen in the shuffle and headed towards us.

  “What the fuck? Get back here, you stupid bitch.” Miles screamed at he
r. “You think you’re going to be like Duck, but you won’t. You’re never going to be more than a dumbass baby momma.”

  Devin ignored him as she grabbed her girls’ hands and headed out of the house.

  “You’ll be back.” Miles continued to shout. “Nobody’s going to want you.”

  I walked up to him while he was stilled pinned to the wall by Jackson.

  “Poor little Miles,” I gloated. “Can’t get any respect in the streets and now you can’t force it from home.” I shrugged. “I told you that I would kill you if you ever put your hands on her, but I’m feeling generous. I won’t kill you, but I am going to make your life hell. You have no idea what I am capable of. You thought I was a bitch before, you’re really going to see one now. Enjoy your night, let’s go Jackson.” I smiled devilishly at Miles, while Jackson released his hold around Miles neck.

  I meant what I said. I was going to make him pay for all this bullshit. I had friends in high places that would love to do me a favor. I was running down a list of people I could call in my head.

  “Fucking Bitch!” As soon as the words left his mouth, I spun around so fast Jackson couldn’t even catch me. Before Miles could guard himself, I kicked him in the balls as hard as I could. He screamed and dropped to his knees.

  “Call me a bitch again!” I threatened.

  Jackson came up behind me and gently turned me away from Miles.

  “Come on, Baby! I think you’ve won.” Jackson chuckled as he escorted me out of the house. The sound of Miles cries followed us onto the porch. I still wasn’t done with him.


  Despite Devin not wanting to go to the hospital, I made her. And she filed a police report. Something she would need to have when I took Miles to court to take his custody of his kids away. It wasn’t like he ever did shit for them anyway. After making sure, Kylie was checked out, I headed back into the hospital room with Devin. Jackson was down stairs getting the girls something to eat while I waited with Devin.

  “I’m going to ask you this question, and I want you to tell me the truth. Has he ever hit you or the girls before?”

  Devin’s light brown eyes stared up at the ceiling. The sound of the baby’s heart beat floated around the room.

  Devin sighed. “No! He use to grab me some times and he pushed me once, but he never hit me or the girls.”

  I still wasn’t comforted by that information. I prided myself on knowing my family secrets, yet this one went right over my head. I knew I didn’t like Miles, but at the end of the day, I thought his stupid ass loved my cousin. Which is why I tried to leave him alone. I should I have paid closer attention.

  “Why would he, mental scars are easier to hide and just as harmful.”

  Devin turned to me and then cut her eyes away shamefully.

  “How did you know?”

  “I didn’t, not until today.” I answered before sighing. “I kind of suspected something at our brunch, but I thought I was just being paranoid. Why didn’t you tell me?”

  I knew it wasn’t her fault. Most women being abused don’t tell out of fear or other reasons. However, I had to ask the question.

  “What would I say? He wasn’t beating me, and Mama said that relationships are hard, but as long as he’s not beating you, you should work it out.”

  See it’s bullshit advice like that that kept people in toxic relationships. Yes, relationships require work, but there is a difference between working through problems, and ignoring danger signs.

  “You can’t go back to him, Devin. Not after…”

  “I’m not.” She answered. “What you said at brunch that day, it really stuck with me. I always had him and Mama telling me that I wasn’t smart and I couldn’t do what you wanted me to do. Daddy would try to tell me different, but I just kept listening to the wrong people. Seeing you finally find love and how it made you light up, I started to realize that I didn’t have that. Miles didn’t give me that light that Jackson gives you. And then when you told me how I was already running a business, and I didn’t even realize it. It made me see that I deserved more. I showed him my class schedule today and he flipped. He demanded I drop out, when I refused, he got mad and left. I think it pissed him off when I didn’t stop him or call for him to come home. When he finally came home he was drunk and well, you see what happened.” Devin sat up in bed, causing the machine attached to her belly to make a loud rumbling noise.

  “Seeing him hit Kylie was like a wakeup call. I don’t ever want my kids to think that his behavior was ok. Not the mental stuff and definitely not the physical. It’s time I showed my girls the type of woman I can be.”

  I smiled and nodded. I already knew the type of woman she could be. I’d just been waiting for her to see it too.

  “Well, until we find you guys a place to stay, you can stay with me.”

  “Are you sure? I don’t want to put you out.”

  I waved her off.


  The door to Devin’s hospital room opened and Jackson and the girls walked in. Naya was fast asleep on Jackson’s shoulder, and Kylie was holding his hand. They hadn’t let Jackson go from the moment we got here.

  “Everyone has been fed.” Jackson informed us.

  “Good.” Devin replied. “Hopefully we will be heading home soon.”

  Three hours later, we were finally back at my place.


  Jackson: Can’t wait to see you tonight.

  I blushed, I couldn’t help it. It’s been a month since the night Kylie called my phone. It took that long to find a decent place for Devin and the girls. It also took that long to help Devin come to terms with the type of man her baby daddy was.

  Two days after they left, Miles tried to get Devin to come back home. She only wavered a few times. Despite me continuously telling her she was crazy to even consider it, it took Kylie begging her to not go back. I’d spent the last month trying to erase the damage Miles had done to her. She spent seven years in a relationship being told she was worthless, lazy, dumb, and replaceable. She needed my attention.

  Jackson had been by my side the entire time. He spent most of his time with the girls, I think seeing their father like that really scared them. Naya had nightmares for a week after the event. Jackson has made it his personal goal to make them feel safe again. He even went over to their old place with his crew and got the rest of Devin and the girls things. And since Miles remembered the last time he crossed paths with Jackson, he didn’t fight him on taking anything.

  Even though Miles had learned his lesson about crossing Jackson, apparently his brother did not feel the same way. He and his wife are still being a problem. Between the phone calls, the pop ups at his house and office, I was ready to strangle them both.

  They were even able to drag Jackson’s mother into it. I overheard her telling Jackson that she really liked me, but if Vanessa was pregnant that he owed it to his child to give their relationship a try. Since that conversation, Jackson and I have been blocking them out.

  Even with all the shit going on, we still found time for ourselves. We started taking a cooking class together. He didn’t really need it, but he enjoyed going with me. The only thing I could really do without, other than Vanessa’s ass, was the questions.

  Jackson had started to ask me a lot of questions about my past and my childhood. He was trying to dig my truths out of me despite how vehemently I fought him. So far I was always able to change his mind by offering up sex. That works like a charm.

  “Oh my, gosh, Duck! Can you put your phone down?” Keisha whined.

  Tonight, I took my cousins to an upscale wine bar. Even though half of them couldn’t actually drink, and one of them considered alcohol the devil. However, tonight we were celebrating Devin finally finding a place, and her last few weeks of freedom before the baby came. She was due in three weeks and I was more than excited. So excited that I let her talk me into bringing Keva, Keisha, and Chante with us. So even though she couldn’t drink, I d
amn sure needed it.

  I placed my phone back down on the table.

  “I told y’all she’s in love.” Devin chuckled as she sipped her lemonade.

  “And I told you, I’m not in love.”

  Devin rolled her eyes and shook her head at me.

  “It might not be love, but you are definitely whipped.” Keisha joked.

  “Yeah, you’re about as bad as Devin was.” Keva added.

  Devin and I opted out of telling the family what happened that night. All they know was that Devin left Miles. And it couldn’t had come at a better time, it seemed Miles had had one bad day after the other. He was jumped by some guys in the street, ended up with a cracked rib and broken hand. The case worker did a pop up visit after an anonymous tip led her to the house. She easily evicted Miles, sending him back home to his mama. And to top it all off, he has a court date for domestic violence coming up, with a very good judge friend of mine. I still wasn’t done with his ass.

  “Hey,” Devin frowned. “Don’t bring up my Ex.”

  “Yes, Please! Let’s leave his dumbass in the past where he belongs.”

  “Damn right!” Keisha agreed.

  “That’s right, ” Devin giggled beside me dancing to the pop song coming through the speakers. “Because I’m single now, and in a few weeks this baby will be here, and I’ll be ready to mingle.”

  I raised my glass to my cousin in cheer to her newfound happiness.

  “Devin, don’t let someone that just found a man, give you relationship advice. You need to work it out with Miles.” Chante said sipping her margarita.

  I rolled my eyes. She’d been baiting me all night, but I won’t let her bother me. I was in a good mood.

  We continued to enjoy the music, and nice vibe until something caught my eye.

  “Oh, hell no!” I said out loud and grabbed my phone off the table.

  “What is it?” Devin asked as the entire table followed where my phone was pointed.

  “Who is that?” Keisha asked.

  “Oh my god, that’s her. That’s his Ex isn’t it?”

  I ignored Devin’s cousin question because I was too busy sending pictures to Jackson’s phone.

  Here, in a tiny pink dress, was mouse. She was sitting on a man’s lap at a table full of females, and the most damning thing of all, was the bottle of Bud light she was sipping on. Well damn, Mouse was lying after all.


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