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ARE Indecent Arrangement Part III epub

Page 3

by Steph's Mac

  “When you’re better.”

  “I’ll be better as soon as Doc stops jabbing me.”

  He turned his head to glare at Dorrie, who didn’t bother to acknowledge him.

  “And I’ll stop jabbing when I decide your insides aren’t going to fall out.”


  “Oh, please.” The doctor shot Mally a quick wink, which Jesse didn’t see, and that shocked the hell out of Mally. “She’s not going to pass out because I made a joke. She’s not made of glass. Get a grip.”

  Jesse grimaced and opened his mouth but Mally spoke before he could.

  “She’s absolutely right. Now shut up and let her finish.”

  “Adam’s gonna stay here.” Tristan spoke behind her. “I’m gonna take a look around. Check in with Ian.”

  Mally had no idea who Ian was but Dorrie paused, her hands frozen in the act of pulling the thread through Jesse’s skin. Mally glanced up at her but then Dorrie continued to stitch as if nothing had happened.

  Finally Dorrie blew out a sigh and took a step away from the table.

  “All right, Jesse. You know the drill. Don’t do anything to split the stitches. If you do, my fee to redo them triples and you get to listen to me call you an idiot for as long as it takes to repair them.”

  Jessie grimaced. “I remember. You won’t need to come back.”

  “I’ll make sure of it,” Mally added. “Can he get up now? He should be in bed.”

  Adam walked into the room. “Let me give you a hand.”

  As Adam helped Jesse sit up and get off the table, Dorrie motioned for Mally to stay behind.

  Though she didn’t want to leave Jesse, not even for a few seconds, she figured the doctor needed to tell her how to care for Jesse’s wound.

  “Jesse’s going to be fine. I’ll leave some antibiotics. Make sure he takes them. He’s more stubborn than Max about meds.”

  Dorrie’s sharp gray gaze made Mally feel like she was being taken apart, piece by piece. And when Dorrie sighed, Mally felt like she’d barely passed muster.

  “Since we’ve never met, I need to give you my standard line,” Dorrie continued. “Don’t take it personally.” Then she shrugged. “Though it doesn’t really matter if you do. If we meet again, you’ve never met me. You have no idea who I am. You never mention to another soul that you saw me here.”

  Mally understood the rationale but, damn, this woman rubbed her the wrong way. She couldn’t figure out if it was because she didn’t like Dorrie…or because she knew the doctor had a thing for Jesse.

  Mally nodded. “Of course.”

  Dorrie held her gaze for another few seconds and Mally thought she might say something else. Then Dorrie’s gaze snapped to a point over Mally’s shoulder.

  When Dorrie’s eyes narrowed into a death glare and her mouth tightened, Mally’s curiosity got the better of her and she turned.

  She’d never seen the man standing in the doorway before. Then again, she wasn’t sure she’d have remembered if she had. From his brown hair and pale eyes to his not-quite-handsome face, he was nondescript in every way.

  “Ian.” Ice coated that one word.

  “Dorothea.” His tone held absolutely no inflection at all.

  Okay, definitely some history here. And apparently not very good history, if the eye-daggers Dorrie was throwing the guy’s way were any indication.

  Ian might’ve smiled at her. Mally couldn’t be sure. Then he nodded and turned away, disappearing back into the hallway.

  Leaving Mally feeling like she’d walked into the middle of a movie she’d never heard of, had no idea what it was about, and was pretty sure it’d been made in another language.

  “I need to leave,” Dorrie continued as though nothing had happened, “but if Jesse needs me, call.”

  Dorrie held a business card in her hand, which Mally took without thought. There was a number on it and that was it.

  That weird feeling of being in a movie intensified. If she wasn’t careful, she’d find herself falling into a rabbit hole and never emerging.

  Jesse. She had to get back to Jesse.

  With a nod, Dorrie brushed past her and disappeared.

  Mally turned and sprinted for the bedroom.


  Max parked in the garage, turned off the car, then sat for several seconds, just breathing.

  The weight he’d felt hovering over his head the entire night finally broke its tether and crashed down.

  Closing his eyes, he sucked in a breath and held it, fighting off the urge to tear the steering wheel from the column and toss it through the front window.

  One minute. Just one minute to let it all settle.

  He watched the digital clock on the dash while the panic and the fear ate away at his gut.

  And when the number finally changed, he closed his eyes, shoved all that toxic emotion back into the hole where he kept it locked away, and got out of the car.

  He hadn’t seen Ian but he knew the man was still here. He wouldn’t leave Jesse unprotected.

  Inside the house, silence blanketed everything. He stopped inside the kitchen, knew this was where Dorrie had stitched up Jesse. He’d have to clean this up later. Couldn’t leave it for the cleaning lady. The blood—

  “Everything go okay?”

  Ian stood just inside the door from the hall, watching him with that sharp gaze that missed nothing.

  “Yes. Thanks for your help. Let me know what we owe you and I’ll have the money transferred.”

  Ian nodded but didn’t move. “Did you clear up your situation?”

  He stiffened. “It’s taken care of.”

  Ian’s mouth curved into a grin. “That wasn’t meant as an insult, Max. I admire what you’re trying to do here. Hope it works out for you.”

  Yeah, so did Max. Because if it didn’t… “It will.”

  Ian’s grin actually looked bittersweet. “Good. Glad to hear it.”

  Then Ian turned and started to walk away.

  “Wait.” Max’s voice was barely above a murmur but Ian heard him and stopped. “Are you going to be around long?”

  “I have to leave for a job tomorrow but I should be back by the end of the week. Then I should be in the area for a few weeks. Why?”

  “Because I’m not sure we won’t need your help again.”

  Because even if Antonoff did his part, that didn’t mean he and Jesse wouldn’t be attacked again. And maybe next time, it wouldn’t be Jesse or Max who paid the price.

  Ian’s expression never changed. “Then you know how to reach me.”

  “And if I want to put you on payroll?”

  The thought was barely formed before the words came out of his mouth, but Max knew they were the right ones.

  Ian blinked, the only outward sign that Max had shocked him. “You couldn’t afford me.”

  Probably true. But Ian had been in the business as long as Max and Jesse. Hell, Ian’s business was even messier than Max and Jesse’s. Maybe he wanted out just as much as they had. Maybe even more.

  “There are other arrangements we could work out. Other things you can be doing with your life. Think about it.”

  Ian didn’t say anything right away but Max knew he was considering the offer.

  Then he nodded. “I’ll hang around ’til morning. Maybe I’ll be in touch about the other thing.”

  Then he was gone and Max headed for the first-floor bedroom, knowing that’s where Jesse and Mally would be. But he only got halfway up the hall before Adam stopped him.

  Swallowing a sigh, Max turned, trying not to snarl. Adam and Tristan had come running when he’d called. Adam didn’t deserve to have his head bitten off now.

  “Thank you again for coming over tonight.”

  Adam nodded, stopping only inches away from Max. Probably so they could talk low enough that Mally wouldn’t hear them.

  “You know we’d do anything for Mally.”

  And that put Max firmly in his place. “I know. And I apprec
iate it.”

  “That doesn’t mean we won’t come if you call for any other reason.”

  Shit, was he supposed to hug him now? “I appreciate it. I guess you guys want to get home.”

  “We’re planning to.” Adam gestured to the front of the house, where Max assumed Tristan was waiting. “I’m just gonna say one thing. I figure you owe me that.” He paused, obviously waiting for Max to nod, which he did. “You need to make damn sure she doesn’t get hurt. I don’t care how. Just make it happen. And if you need help, you damn well ask for it. You don’t have to swing out here on your own.”

  Since it was so close to what he’d said just minutes ago to Ian, Max didn’t immediately dismiss the thought. He nodded again but didn’t say anything else. He couldn’t think about anything but Jesse right now. Max needed to make sure he was okay. Maybe tomorrow he could think clearly enough to plan ahead. But not tonight.

  “I’ll…give it some thought. Thank you.”

  Adam looked like he wanted to say something else. Instead, he nodded then turned and walked away. Max was already on his way to the bedroom.

  He stopped at closed door, taking a deep, steadying breath. Then he turned the knob silently.

  Jesse and Mally lay on the bed, Jesse flat on his back, head turned toward Mally, who lay curled on her side next to him. Not against him. Just far enough away that she wasn’t touching him. Except for the hand she had on his chest.

  He wanted to lie on the other side of Mally and curl around her body and sleep. But he knew he wouldn’t. He needed to figure out what the fuck he would do tomorrow morning. Jesse was going to be out of commission for at least a few days, if not the week.

  Anyone out there who had it in for them would realize the subtext behind Antonoff’s announcement. They’d put together the fact that Antonoff’s nephew had been injured and the fact that Jesse was nowhere to be seen and realize Jesse had been injured as well.

  Someone might think this would be the perfect time to come after them.

  At least now they knew who’d been sabotaging their businesses. They’d eliminated one problem but may have created several more.

  And what if that puts Mally in even more danger?

  Did they fight to hold on to her or cut her loose before she got hurt?


  His gaze shot to Mally, watching him. She looked so damn tired.

  “Go back to sleep.” He walked to the side of the bed, unable to resist running his fingers across her cheek and lips.

  “Lie down.”

  He couldn’t. “Soon.”

  She sat up slowly, not wanting to wake Jesse. “You need to rest. We can talk things through tomorrow. Tonight, you need to sleep. And you don’t get to say no.”

  Another order and this time, he smiled.

  Her gaze dropped to his lips for a brief second before popping back up again. “Did you take care of what you needed to do?”


  She studied his expression for a few seconds, obviously seeing that he didn’t want to talk about it. He loved the fact that she didn’t push him.

  “Then that’s all you need to do tonight. Get ready for bed. You have five minutes before I come after you.”

  He never took orders anymore. Not from anyone. He couldn’t. It’d show weakness. He couldn’t afford any.

  She was a weakness.

  Tonight he didn’t care. He nodded then headed for the bathroom. Four minutes later, he returned to find her curled on her other side, watching for him.

  Lifting the covers, he slid in beside her, releasing a sigh as his head hit the pillow.

  Christ, he was tired. His body barely responded when she wrapped her arm around his waist and tugged until he came even closer. A few inches still separated her from Jesse, but she remained close enough that she could feel his body heat.

  Curving his arm around her chest, he pulled her even closer.

  It took them a few seconds to find their spot. She finally ended up with her back plastered against his front and her ass cradled against his groin. Which made him hard. He was too tired to do anything about it, but that didn’t mean he didn’t want to.

  Tomorrow. They’d figure it out tomorrow.

  With Mally finally settled, Max reached for Jesse, putting his hand on his shoulder and letting it lie there as he reassured himself Jesse continued to breathe.


  Jesse woke in pain.

  Disoriented, he sucked in a breath and forced his eyes open. He recognized the room. Home. He was home.


  Turning his head, he released that breath on a muffled groan as he caught sight of the other two people in the bed.

  Memories of last night crowded in then, making his side throb even more and his lungs tighten.

  Damn it. You’re fine. Everyone’s fine. Chill the fuck out.

  Then he realized the secondary reason he’d woken. He had to use the bathroom and that meant he had to get out of bed. And that meant possibly waking Max and Mally.

  With another rough sigh, he turned to find Max staring at him. Mally’s head was tucked under Max’s chin so he could see Max’s face. The tired eyes, the lines on his forehead, the flatness of his lips.

  “How do you feel?”

  Max kept his voice low but they both knew Mally would be awake sooner rather than later.

  “Like I got stabbed.”

  Max’s gaze narrowed. “Let me get the pills Dorrie left. I saw them in the bathroom. You should’ve—” He stopped. “Never mind. I’ll go get them now.”

  “No, just help me up. I gotta use the bathroom anyway.”

  Max didn’t argue, just slid out of bed, making sure he tucked the sheet around Mally. Then he walked to Jesse’s side of the bed and helped him up.

  “Doc said you’re gonna be okay.”

  Beneath the gruff tone of Max’s voice, Jesse heard the question. “Yeah. I’ve been stabbed before. Hell, this one didn’t even hit anything vital.”

  Max didn’t say anything else as he helped him to the bathroom, just let him close the door behind him.

  When he reemerged several minutes later, after washing up and taking the antibiotic and the Vicodin Dorrie had left, his side hurt even worse. But he felt a little more like himself. He wasn’t ready to run five miles or go a few rounds in the pit, but he wasn’t in danger of passing out, either.

  Max looked worse than Jesse felt. A problem Jesse knew he’d have to deal with sooner rather than later. But not just yet.

  He let Max help him back to bed, where he tried to lie down without waking Mally. And failed.

  She popped up beside him, her hair a mess of orange-red strands that glowed in the dim light shining around the sides of the curtains.

  “Are you okay? What’s wrong? Did something happen—”

  “Nothing’s wrong.” Jesse smiled at her, though it turned into a grimace as he tried to find a good place to lie that didn’t feel like someone was still shoving a knife in his side. “Just needed to use the bathroom.”

  “Did you—”

  “Yes, I already took the pills.”

  She wrinkled her nose at him, which he found charming and arousing. And he couldn’t do a damn thing about it.

  “But since I can’t really move without risking your wrath, why don’t you make me feel better with a kiss?”

  She looked torn for about two seconds before she carefully placed one hand on either side of his head and pressed her lips against his. Only seconds but enough to hold him over until later. When the pills kicked in and he was feeling no pain.

  Christ, he hoped that was soon.

  “Are you hungry? I can get you something to eat.”

  Jesse had no appetite, but he knew Max would want to talk without Mally in the room. And yeah, they needed to talk.

  “Actually, I could go for some juice and maybe a piece of toast.”

  With a smile, Mally slid off the bed, sharing that same smile with Max, who nodded in acknowledgmen

  They remained silent until they heard her open the fridge in the kitchen.

  “You talked to Antonoff.”

  Max nodded. “Taken care of.”

  “He was behind the sabotage.”

  “Yeah, but the kid’s actions weren’t sanctioned. Karel will make a statement. And he’s agreed to back off. But…”

  “What? Just spit it out.”

  Max released a deep sigh. “He said we need to watch our backs. That he probably wasn’t the only one coming after us.”

  Neither of them spoke for several seconds. Max just stared at him until Jesse sighed.

  “I know.” Jesse wanted to put his fist through the wall, but he couldn’t move without that shooting pain in his side. “Goddammit, I know.”

  Antonoff had taken his shot at them and, for some reason, had let them off the hook. Jesse was under no illusion that if the man wanted to take what was theirs, he would. But he hadn’t. What that meant for the future… Fuck, Jesse had no idea. The only future Jesse wanted was one including the woman in the kitchen.

  And right now, that wasn’t looking good.


  Max nodded, his expression already set in stone-cold lines. “You knew from the beginning that this was a mistake. I should’ve listened.”

  Jesse’s temples started to throb because he knew what Max was thinking. “She’s gonna hate us.”

  Max’s mouth flattened. “She’ll be safe.”

  And away from them.

  “It’s the only way,” Max said.

  No. It wasn’t. He just couldn’t think of another way to keep her safe while they made sure no one else lurked in the shadows.

  Damn, everything had turned on its head. In the beginning, Jesse had been the one telling Max they couldn’t bring her into a relationship. Now…


  They had to do it. And they had to present a united front. Didn’t mean they had to like it. In fact, Jesse pretty much loathed the idea. And he was pretty sure Max did, too.

  “Why do you two look like you’re about to murder each other?”

  Jesse’s head whipped toward the door, where Mally walked through carrying a plate and a glass.

  Max recovered immediately, glancing over his shoulder with a cool smile. “We’re not. I’m sure you realize we have other, bigger problems at the moment.”


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