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Shadows of Hunters Ridge

Page 29

by Sarah Barrie

  ‘Seven, I believe.’

  ‘She let him off easy.’

  ‘Hey, Ebs,’ Nick called out. ‘You preparing for Halloween?’

  Ebony turned around with a confused frown, then let out a short, sharp scream and backed into Lee.

  He grabbed her. ‘What the hell?’

  ‘What’s going on?’ Indy asked sharply.

  Nick was standing in the doorway wearing the same mask she’d seen on the man in the street. He pulled it off, his expression contrite.

  ‘Sorry, didn’t mean to freak you out.’

  ‘Where did you get that?’ Lee demanded.

  Nick held it out to him. ‘It was on the seat in the waiting room.’

  ‘In the – he was in the surgery?’ Ebony stared at the mask in horror. ‘He got in?’

  ‘Is that the same mask?’ Indy asked. ‘Don’t touch it any more than you already have. I’ll get a bag.’

  ‘How did he get in?’

  ‘We’ll check the client list again,’ Indy said. ‘Start asking questions. I need to call Ben.’

  ‘We can go classics … Casablanca, Gone with the Wind, Breakfast at Tiffany’s? Or we can jump forward forty or fifty years to Romancing the Stone or perhaps Pretty Woman? Then of course, I brought Titanic, Pride and Prejudice –’

  ‘Whoa – that’s an oldie,’ Cam said.

  ‘Old story, but this movie only came out in 2005. I also have Bridget Jones’s Diary, Love Actually, The Proposal and a couple of my personal favourites, What Women Want and Bridesmaids. You choose tonight’s, Ebs.’


  ‘Yep. We’re doing this every night until the movies run out.’

  ‘Every night? That’ll take … a week.’ They were doing this to get her through this week. Her eyes unexpectedly welled with tears.

  ‘Hey – we’re the ones who should be crying!’ Cam complained.

  ‘You should,’ she said, and sniffed, ‘and you’re doing this for me.’

  ‘Yes. Right. Correct. So stop that. Tears and Bridget Jones? Please. Have mercy.’

  ‘I’ll get you a beer,’ she offered, swiping at her eyes. ‘Least I can do.’

  ‘Nope,’ Lee replied, but gave her a quick kiss on the forehead as he got up. ‘We have Coke or pub squash.’

  And they’re not going to drink in case I need them. God, she was going to be a mess in a minute. What was wrong with her?

  Ally studied Ebony, then glanced at Mia. ‘Put away the classics, definitely drop Titanic.’

  ‘But I love the whole boat thing!’ Ebony protested.

  Mia shook her head and eyed Ebony carefully. ‘No boat. I’m not even sure we’re safe with Pretty Woman.’

  ‘There goes my limo scene.’

  Mia checked the options. ‘I think we could use a romcom. Ebs – how does Bridesmaids sound?’

  There was a knock on the door. ‘How – did you lock the doors when you came up?’

  ‘Yeah of course,’ Cam said.

  ‘Who is it?’ Lee asked loudly.


  Ebony relaxed. ‘That’s okay, I gave him the code.’

  Lee still checked carefully before opening the door right up. ‘Hey – all good?’

  ‘Yeah, just got a bit more information. Didn’t realise there was a party.’

  ‘That would be because you weren’t invited,’ Mia told him. ‘And Ebs is feeling pretty fragile as it is. Can it wait?’

  ‘It’s okay, Mia, I want to know,’ Ebony said.

  Ben sat down opposite Ebony. ‘The guy we’re after goes by the tag the Demon. He didn’t appear to exist on the previous forum – but then neither did many of the other names that have come up. This is bigger than we thought.’

  ‘How does the forum work?’ Lee asked.

  ‘A picture and a bio go up, and competitors put in a silent bid. It would appear the highest ten bidders hunt. We’re not dealing with a cult or a local bunch of halfwit psychopaths – this is a business, run very similarly to some of the human trafficking sites selling women as sex slaves in parts of Asia and Russia. I’ve got hackers on this flat out but they’re not getting far. Whoever’s running the site is as good as it gets.’

  ‘And I’m next,’ Ebony said. ‘Have people bid?’

  ‘Ebs, we’re not going to let –’

  ‘Have they?’

  ‘Yes. This Demon is the one who’s supposed to be bringing you in. And that’s how we’re going to catch him.’

  ‘I don’t understand.’

  ‘The fact that this is a serious business is working in our favour here. There appears to be maximum number of Masters allowed. When Martin – or as we know he was called, the Raven – came down from the list, the Demon went up. There are more waiting in the wings. My guess is the Demon took Martin out of the picture to take his place. I don’t think he could afford to lose face. He’ll come. And we’ll be ready.’

  There was silence while they all digested the information.

  ‘Well,’ Mia said. ‘Who’s still in the mood for a silly comedy?’

  Ebony had never felt like anything less in her life, but she worked up a smile. ‘Why the hell not? Put it on.’



  ‘You sure you don’t want to stay with us tonight?’ Ally asked Ebony.

  ‘Thanks, but I’m okay. Besides, Ben wants me here.’ She knew her friends were worried about her. They’d almost exhausted the collection of DVDs over the last few nights and with the hunt just a few days away, Ebony knew Ben was thinking the Demon was likely to make a move tomorrow or the next day. ‘Thanks for coming over – again.’

  ‘We’ll see you in the morning.’ Her friends paraded out and said their goodnights. Lee hung back, as he always did. When she closed the door, she turned and moved into his arms. ‘You’re never going to watch another chick flick in your life after this, are you?’

  He smiled and touched his lips to hers. ‘I’m fast approaching my quota. But put on something else if you like.’


  ‘I’m staying. And by the look of you, there’s no chance you’re going to be sleeping anytime soon, so you may as well try and relax in front of another movie.’

  ‘I’ll be fine. I am tired.’

  ‘Then go sleep, but I’m still staying. I have some stuff in the car.’

  She closed her eyes and sighed, held him tighter. ‘Thank you.’

  While he was retrieving his things Ebony looked at the couch. Lee was going to be uncomfortable.

  No, he wasn’t.

  She went into the bathroom. She moisturised her skin and scented it lightly with her favourite perfume. She brushed her hair until it fell soft and loose around her shoulders, then she slipped into her nightie and robe, smiling a little – it was the set that had once sent him racing from her door. And when she heard the door open and close, went out to find him.

  He looked her over, a long, slow appraisal, as she approached. ‘You’re, ah, ready for bed.’

  ‘Mm hm.’ She moved to him, slipped her arms around him.

  ‘Ebs –’

  ‘Come with me.’ She kissed him, pouring everything into it as she walked him into the bedroom.

  When eventually their lips parted he would have drawn back, but she held on. ‘I need this tonight, please.’

  He drew her face away just enough to look into her eyes, to read what was there. ‘This is not why I said I was staying. I’m not trying to rush you.’

  ‘I know.’ She managed a laugh, because she was feeling anything but rushed. ‘But I don’t want to wait anymore.’

  He kissed her again and she forgot everything but that kiss, everything but the sensations of Lee’s mouth on hers.

  When his hands moved from her waist to the opening of her robe, she was so absorbed in his kiss that the touch startled her. Her eyes flew open and the heat in Lee’s eyes had her legs dissolving. She put a hand on his arm to steady herself.

  He smiled down at her gently. ‘
If you’ve changed your mind …’

  ‘No.’ Embarrassment burned in her cheeks and she buried her head in his neck. ‘It’s just I …’

  ‘You’re nervous?’

  ‘A bit.’

  ‘Is it me?’

  ‘No. I just haven’t had a lot of – I don’t want you to be disappointed because I – I’m not exactly experienced –’

  When she felt his low rumble of laughter her head shot up.

  ‘Alex Donaldson?’

  When her cheeks heated several more degrees, his smile turned gentle.

  ‘Ebs, we go back. We can’t be friends for years and not know each other. You think I’d prefer you’d have racked up some partners for experience’s sake?’

  ‘I didn’t want anyone but you.’

  His arms came around her again, and his mouth moved back to hers with a sweet gentleness that undid her. She pressed herself into him, felt one large hand smooth down her spine to mould her against him. Unconsciously she moved, heard the groan of appreciation in the back of his throat. She could feel his arousal and an answering need rocketed inside her.

  He eased back. Watching her closely, he reached for her belt, pulled it undone, then slid her robe from her shoulders. It made a gentle whoosh as it crumpled on the floor, the only sound in the charged silence. His hands went to the outside of her thighs and slid under the satin of her negligee to caress her hips. His fingers traced the line of her underwear, eyes darkening when her light trembling became a definite shudder.

  Her body flooded with heat, ached for more contact. His hands continued up, gathering satin as they explored. ‘Lift your arms,’ he commanded quietly, and when she did, the material slipped up over her fingers and met the robe on the floor. Self-consciously she dropped her head, her hair slipping forward to cover her breasts.

  ‘Uh uh.’ He eased back, the low, intimate tone of his voice turning her inside out. ‘You wanted me here. Don’t hide from me.’ His fingers combed her hair back over her shoulders so he could look at her. ‘Ebs, you’re beautiful.’

  Then his mouth was doing incredible things to the sensitive skin just below her ear, down the long length of her delicate neck, her collarbone, as his hands moved lovingly over her back, her ribs, to her breasts. He guided her backwards into her room and she sank with him to the bed. As his lips skimmed across her taut nipples, her body arched of its own accord, seeking more contact. He gave it, and the tug of desire centred on her core, driving her close to desperation. She heard the cry escape her lips as he found her other breast and continued the caresses. When his teeth grazed one over-sensitised nipple she shot up, her fingers digging into his hair as she pressed him closer.

  ‘Lee …’ she begged, her voice weak.

  ‘Okay,’ he whispered against her skin. His hand slipped into her underwear, cupping her before one finger slid inside her wet heat and began to stroke.

  Searing pleasure engulfed her, blinded her, as the world exploded. He held her to him until the shudders began to quieten, then moved down her body, sliding that last scrap of clothing down her legs. When his mouth returned to hers his own clothes were on the floor and the hot, hard length of him pressed against her. She was spent, but desire rekindled inside her. He lightly traced his finger over her hip and along the rise of her breast.

  ‘You’re perfect. I need you, Ebs.’

  His fingers gripped her hair and his mouth devoured hers. He tasted and touched with increasing urgency. His desperation thrilled her, yet he held back until she was once again as close to the edge as he was. Then he moved over her and slipped inside. She gasped from the pleasure of it, her body opening to him. She wrapped her legs around him and moved with him. When her second climax swept through her, he was right behind her and afterwards, they lay, sated, tangled in each other’s arms while their heartbeats raced and their breathing slowed.

  ‘Now I get what all the fuss is about,’ Ebony murmured when she could manage it.

  After a moment, Lee rolled onto his side and propped himself on an elbow. He smiled at her, eyes warm, and lazily played with a strand of her hair. His finger hooked the hair behind her ear and traced the line of her jaw, and as his smile slowly faded, the intensity in his eyes increased.

  ‘I’ve loved you since I met you. I’ve wanted you here, like this, so much that at times it hurt just to look at you.’ He closed his eyes, pulled her into his arms, and pressed his lips to the top of her head. As one hand stroked her back and the silence stretched, Ebony’s eyes drifted closed.

  When she woke Lee was gone, and the sense of foreboding that seemed to follow her everywhere was, even after last night, still present. The twenty-fifth. Most victims were taken the day before the hunt so he would come for her today. At least, he would try. She wanted to curl up under the covers and stay where she was. Instead she made herself get up. She closed the curtains in the bathroom, caught a glimpse out into the park over the top of her wisteria-covered back fence. They’d be out there. Ben would have drilled them to within an inch of their lives. And they knew their jobs. He said it, so she believed it.

  She showered, wondering where Lee had gone. He wouldn’t be far, of that she was certain. So she took her time, dressed, and wandered out to find him.

  He was on the veranda, sitting on one of her chairs, staring out in the distance. There was a quiet tension about him that told her his thoughts weren’t far from hers. When she stepped out to join him, he turned, smiled, and gestured for her to sit. So she sat beside him and watched the town come to life against a backdrop of the morning sun. She gathered he was again lost in thought but when she looked at him he was watching her, his expression warm.

  ‘I love you, Ebs,’ he said quietly.

  Her heart swelled, and she took a long deep sigh of contentment. She curled up on the seat, resting her head on his chest and he gently stroked his fingers through her hair. They talked. There was no mention of Rob, or hunting or death or fear, just bits and pieces planned for the day and for the next, simple things, normal things.

  And the nervous ball of energy inside her unravelled just enough to face the day.

  She didn’t see Ben, but he called. He was close by – everyone was in place. When the Demon came, they would be ready. She plastered a normal smile on her face, churned through her consults, sympathised over cases, administered drugs, played with pets.

  She had her coffee break, pretended, like they all did, that nothing was particularly wrong. But Carla looked strained, Nick was unusually on edge, Indy was quiet and watchful. As Ebony put down her coffee and started work again, she wondered at the day’s ability to stretch out. More consults, more drugs, more pets, some pleasant chatter, friendly smiles. Minutes felt like hours, hours like days.

  By lunchtime her head was aching and her stomach churned too much to eat. By mid-afternoon she was a wreck of nerves. Waiting, waiting, waiting for something to happen. Every noise startled her, every person through the door was a murderer.

  She kept her eye on the clock as she did her next consult. Three forty, three fifty, three fifty-three, three fifty-eight, four o’clock.

  Carla poked her head in the exam room. ‘Ebs, I have to head off.’

  ‘No worries. Thanks, Carla.’

  She finished with Mrs Goodman and her miniature poodle, said goodbye.

  ‘How are you holding up?’ Lee asked. As he’d hung around all day, he had to have some idea.

  ‘All right. I just want this over and done with.’

  ‘I know. Hopefully it will be soon, before he even gets anywhere near the surgery.’

  ‘You’ve been twiddling your thumbs here all day.’

  ‘The others would too if they were allowed. They’re still staking out the café. Besides, where else would I be?’

  Nick appeared at the door. ‘Ebs, can you come out to reception?’

  ‘Sure, what is it?’

  Indy shrugged. ‘I started Mrs Goodman’s account and the whole thing powered off.’

lf the power’s gone off in the kitchenette too.’

  ‘It must have cut out at the box, that’s all. I’ll go out and turn it back on,’ Lee said.

  ‘No, wait – just in case,’ Indy instructed. ‘Where’s the box?’

  Ebony’s stomach fell. ‘Indy, you don’t think someone went outside and flicked a switch? There are people watching everywhere.’

  ‘Just a precaution. Today everything has to be treated as a potential threat. Where’s the box?’

  ‘Straight out the back on the left.’

  Indy murmured into her mic, asking if anyone was at the back of the building. Someone answered it was clear. ‘It’s okay, you’re good to go fix it,’ she said to Lee.

  ‘It’s weird how something so mundane can suddenly be so dramatic,’ Nick said, watching Lee head down the corridor. ‘How many times have you gone out and flicked that switch without even thinking about it?’

  ‘Loads of times.’

  ‘Yet today you have an armed undercover police officer – with a full surveillance team for backup – checking it’s safe for Lee to do it for you.’

  ‘Yes. Weird would be one way of putting it, I suppose. I’m going to go finish tidying up from that consult. I don’t have any others today and I need something to do.’

  ‘Before you do, can you come take a look at this? Oh, damn.’ He pulled out his phone again. ‘I hope this isn’t another call-out.’

  The blast wave rocketed through the surgery like a thunderclap. A seething mass of red flame shot along the corridor, exploding into reception.

  ‘Get down!’ Nick threw himself on top of her and they fell behind the counter, protected by the solid half wall in front of them. He held her down while more explosions erupted, and debris and fire rained down on them.

  ‘Ebs, are you all right?’ Nick yelled over the chaos.

  Ebony wasn’t sure. She nodded, but she was dazed. When she tried to get up, he held her a second longer.

  ‘Careful,’ he said.

  She peeked over the desk, but there was so much smoke and ash it was difficult to see. Sirens were all around, people were shouting. Twin shafts of daylight shone through the area where her exam rooms should have been.


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