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Perilous Seas

Page 29

by Dave Duncan

  She was astonished by her stateroom, large and luxurious beyond anything she could have imagined on a ship, with a proper bed instead of bunks, with real windows along the aft wall. Plump, elderly ladies would only get in people's way, so she decided to wait there, knowing that Inosolan would find her. She sent the excited Frainish off in Skarash's care to explore, and to watch departure from the deck. Unpacking could wait.

  Meanwhile, she could indulge herself in an inspection of the fittings, admiring the shiny woodwork, the ingenious catches on cupboard doors, and the drawers that would not open if the ship rolled. Porters knocked and entered with baggage and departed. The room was still not crowded, even then.

  Eventually she pulled a deliciously comfortable chair around to face the great windows and settled into it with a sigh. She kicked off her shoes and prepared to enjoy just watching the harbor.

  A few minutes later the door opened and then thumped closed. Inosolan stalked across to the window in silence. Feet were running overhead, voices calling out, blocks squealing. Already the ship was drifting away from the quay. Dawn Pearl leaned slightly as the wind began to catch her sails. Inosolan had not said a word yet.

  "Where is his Majesty?" Kadolan inquired.

  Good guess—Inosolan turned around and scowled. She wore a full dress of cool emerald-green silk with half sleeves and a low neckline. She had let her hair grow during the past few months, and now it was coiled high on her head below a pearl tiara. She was as beautiful as a poet's dream of maidenhood. Her expression of suicidal sulks would have shamed a six-year-old being sent to bed without supper.

  "Down in what they call Gnome Quarters. In irons."

  "That doesn't seem like a very wise choice."

  Inosolan turned her back and told the window, "He refused to board and demanded leave to appeal to the emir. The imps ran him up the plank at swordpoint, of course."

  The noises outside continued; a thoughtful silence settled into Kadolan's stateroom. It would be interesting to see what happened to Azak when Dawn Pearl reached Angot. The journey on to Hub would mean a long trip by stage, over the Qoble Mountains and then across much of Shimlundok Province. Skarash swore he was going no farther than Angot.

  Would there be magic waiting for them in Angot? Or was there magic on board already? Would Azak be shipped in irons all the way to the capital? It hardly mattered at the moment. Kadolan bent to find her shoes.

  "Stubborn idiot!" Inosolan muttered.

  "His own fault."

  Inosolan had done very well, really. For months in the desert she had kept the sultan at arm's length without ever seeming to hurt his feelings or rouse false hopes. That was no mean feat of balance. Now Kadolan was a little worried that the relationship was starting to change in some way she had not defined. The terrible events in Thume had shaken everybody. Azak had nearly died, Inosolan had almost been ravished. Things had been different since then, attitudes altered, values reassessed. Perhaps Ullacarn, as a return to civilization, had helped the change. Azak in imp clothing had been a shock—certainly to Kadolan, and probably to Inosolan. He had not been a barbarian any more.

  It might be better for everyone concerned if he did complete the rest of the journey in chains, all the way to Hub. Inosolan could sit inside the carriage and that dangerous young man could be strapped on the roof with the baggage.

  Kadolan rebuked herself for unworthy thoughts.

  "Well, this is true luxury," she said. "Is your stateroom as magnificent as this?"

  "I haven't looked."

  Respectably shod again, Kadolan pushed herself to her feet. "Then let's go and have a look now, and then go up and—"

  Inosolan swung around and glared at her. "And have a nice time, I suppose?"

  "Why not?"

  "Well, it's easy for you! I'm on my way to marry a goblin. I've been captured by a warlock, and from the way he looked at me, the goblin may very well be going to get me as secondhand goods. Azak's down in the bilge, and I hate ships, and I'm a lousy sailor—"

  "And you sound like a spoiled child."

  "And I—What? You don't get seasick!"

  "Are you seasick now? Is seasickness what is bothering you?"

  Inosolan made a snorting noise and stalked toward the door.

  And Kadolan felt a rush of anger. "Answer the question!"

  Inosolan stopped and spun around, her mouth open in shock.

  "You are still behaving like a spoiled child," Kadolan said—having gone so far, she would have to continue. "You are not married to a goblin at the moment. You are not being importuned by any warlocks that I can see. You are, in fact, about to enjoy a voyage in royal luxury on the finest ship I have ever seen, across the Sea of Sorrows, an expanse of water renowned for its fair weather and good sailing. You are likewise going to continue on the journey of a lifetime, through some of the world's finest scenery and across half the Impire to Hub itself, where you will very likely be granted royal honors and all the hospitality of the Imperial court. If you do believe that you are going to be married to a goblin—and I personally find the idea so absurd that I cannot take it seriously—then I suggest that you attempt to appreciate the good things that are happening at the moment, instead of making yourself miserable all the time brooding over a future that may never happen."

  "Absurd, you said?" Inosolan was pale with fury. "Absurd?"

  "Absurd." Kadolan sighed, wishing she had kept her annoyance safely bottled up. "I've told you before. The principle of compromise is to find something, or someone in this case, which . . . who . . . is equally acceptable to both sides. A goblin, I think, would be equally unacceptable to both sides. All four sides, really: you, and the citizens, and the Impire, and—"

  "You didn't see that warlock—"

  "No, I didn't, and I'm not certain you did."

  Inosolan drew a deep breath, but before the angry torrent could flow, Kadolan added, "He might have been Rasha."

  "Rasha? That's crazy!"

  "I don't see why it's any crazier than what you say, though. A warlock can change his appearance, but so can a sorceress. You met someone who upset you. You claim you knew the voice, but I am sure his Omnipotence of the East is not so stupid as to disguise his face and forget his voice. You say he cured your headache, but that could have been a result of shock. In fact, the whole episode may even have been a delusion promoted by Elkarath. You agree?"

  Inosolan shook her head, wide-eyed. "You'll go mad it you start thinking like that."

  "Exactly," Kadolan agreed. "That's why I try not to. I'm sorry I was rude, dear. Do let's go and get some wind in our hair. You're going to die, you know."

  "I am?" Inosolan gaped—and then suddenly smiled, still pale. "We all are, you mean?"

  "Exactly, dear. Eventually. We just mustn't brood about it. Now, let's go. After you . . ."


  Whether he looked like an elf or a faun, Rap was still much the same divided boy who had hung around the harbor in Krasnegar whenever he hadn't been hanging around the stables. Almost nothing could ever thrill him more than actually boarding a ship, and the Allena was a very splendid ship, a luxury four-master—square-rigged on the two foremasts and lateen on the aft—and she was the grandest, cleanest, most breathtakingly beautiful thing Rap had ever seen. When possible, elves traveled as they did everything else, in style.

  He spared a few admiring glances for the bustling harbor of Noom, which had been dark and deserted when he first arrived in town. He admired the variety and the volume of the shipping, the cutters and dhows and junks and caravels and a dozen other types, and he marveled at the hubbub and bustle of one of the great ports of the Impire, gateway to the Dragon Sea and half of Pithmot. He was impressed, almost embarrassed, by the comfort of the little stateroom assigned to him on Allena. But mostly he just stood on deck and gazed longingly in every direction at once.

  He wondered if passengers were allowed aloft. Unless someone chained him down, he was going to explore Allena from stem to stern and kee
l to royals as soon as she sailed. Of course he could talk anyone into anything now, and the temptation to use mastery was going to be irresistible in this case, however much his conscience might grumble. Yet the expression on Gathmor's still-mangled face showed that he was not going to sit in his cabin and knit, either. Likely all Rap need do was stay close to the sailor, and he'd find a way.

  Playful white clouds scudded across a wondrous blue afternoon. The tide was running, the wind rising as evening approached. Seabirds shrieked among the masts and rigging, tangs of tar and fish mingling with the heartrending smell of the eternal sea itself. Jotnar and imps and trolls and even a few elves jostled along the dockside; porters trotted up and down the gangplank, loading the last few stores from the bakeries and markets of Noom. The crew was almost ready to cast off. Rap was on his way to Ilrane, Lith'rian, and—please Gods!—to Inos. Yet even that thrill could barely compete with the sheer joy and excitement of just boarding a great ship.

  "Ten knots in this wind or I'm an elf," Gathmor muttered.

  "Then you'll have to dress like one," Rap said.

  He himself was dressed like an elf and trying not to notice. Krasnegarians expected protection from cold in winter and gnats in summer; they despised short pants and sleeveless shirts. Rap scowled down at the multihued arms on the rail before him. Whoever heard of an elf with scrapes and bruises? The conical absurdity on his head was even sillier than the forester cap Ishist had given him—and a lace collar! Even if he was standard gold all over, he still would not suit magenta and peach. With his arms and face and legs bearing bright rainbow reminders of the brawl in the Enchanted Glade and even more of the jailers' persuasions, he was not a likely elf at all, and certainly not a beautiful one.

  Quip' was. He was much more interested in his new outfit than he was in the view from the deck. The first real clothes he had ever owned, he said, and he was overcome by their glory. He'd chosen them himself: turquoise buskins cross-laced in silver, shorts and blouse in chrome red and sulfur yellow, with floral overlay in seed pearls and cornflower blue stitchery. He had lace everywhere, even on his pants, and his cap kept blowing off because of its oversize ostrich plume, which was green. And yet, amazingly, it all very nearly worked. Without the green feather, it might have passed. At least five minutes had gone by since he'd asked Rap if he liked the effect—really liked it—so the question was about due again. Quip' was the most glorious thing in port at the moment, and yet still the most insecure.

  A little way aft stood a group of another six brightly clad passengers. Whatever the traditions said, the elvish community of Noom was not going to gamble its entire wealth on Apprentice Quip'rian. He was Nearest Kinsman and therefore official escort, but someone reliable must keep an eye on him. The leaders seemed to be Mistress Fern'soon, director of the city art gallery—who looked about twenty and was a grandmother—and Sir Thoalin'fen, who was chief choreographer for the South Pithmot Ballet and had danced for the imperor's grandmother in his youth. His face sagged slightly over missing teeth and a milky sheen dulled the opal fires of his eyes, but elvish skin never wrinkled, elvish hair never turned from spun gold to silver. A stooped or pot-bellied elf was unthinkable. Not fair, Rap thought. One day Thoalin' would drop dead of sheer old age, and he would still look no older than Rap, the real Rap.

  Lord Phiel' had sent his warmest wishes, but etiquette did not allow him to be present, and he must return to Hub anyway, to prepare for the celebrations of the imperor's birthday.

  The legionaries pacing the quay would be making sure that the agreement was being honored. Likely the lictor had a man or two on board as well.

  A grand landau drew up alongside, bearing a strikingly beautiful and obviously wealthy lady, so engrossed in a passionate farewell to her gentleman companion that she had not realized she could be seen from the deck. When the tearful embrace ended, Rap saw to his astonishment that the man in question was Andor.

  What could possibly have brought him?

  Yet Andor it was, and he strolled gracefully up the gangplank, following his sea chest. Andor's hose would never wrinkle, no breeze ever dare ruffle his hair. Without a glance at Rap, he headed for the group of elvish worthies.

  Ten minutes later, though, the lovely but slightly bewildered Fern'soon found herself presenting Sir Andor to Master Rap'rian and his . . . er, friends. Formal courtesies were exchanged, Andor trying to conceal his distaste at the welts, puffy eyes, and swollen lips.

  And as he allowed Fern'soon to draw him away to better company, he muttered out of the corner of his mouth, "Later, in my cabin. Sagorn has news for you."

  Even that intriguing word could not distract Rap from the excitement of the imminent departure. He went back to watching the preparations.

  "She's a beauty," Gathmor muttered, and he was not studying women.

  "Yes, Cap'n, she's all that."

  "No disrespect to a fine ship, lad, but she even outclasses Stormdancer." He was comparing a racehorse and a donkey, but then his own admission upset him. He turned his face away, as if to hide tears from a seer.

  "Infernal feather!" Quip'rian grumbled as the wind snatched his cap yet again. "Should I have chosen a smaller plume, do you think, sir?"

  "No. That one suits you," Rap said. "It adds dash!"

  "Oh, do you think so? Really think so?" The gold of Quip's cheeks turned coppery.

  "This beats clearing plates, does it not? It doesn't?"

  Quip' swallowed hard. "I had to go on the harbor ferry once."


  He shuddered. "You've never been on a boat before?"

  "Oh, yes. And ships."

  Quip' gave him a tortured, puzzled glance. "You don't get sick, sir?"

  "Quip'!" Rap protested. "I keep telling you—stop calling me 'sir'! I'm not much older than you are."

  "But you're so much more . . . worldly! Experienced. Manly."

  "You'll get there soon enough. And no, I never get seasick."

  "Really? I thought elves always did. I did. Horribly."

  In the harbor? "It's all inside your head," Rap said airily. Then he began to wonder how deeply his own head had been penetrated by Ishist's magic. A sorcerer who enjoyed practical jokes might find seasickness a real belly laugh.

  The gangplanks were being hauled in. The other elves were heading for their cabins. Quip's edginess was increasing rapidly.

  "I may not be able to carry out my escort duties if I get seasick, sir-I-mean-Rap'."

  Rap tried his encouraging smile. Could even occult mastery overcome seasickness? "Don't worry about it. It's only a formality. I'm not going to jump overboard."

  The idea of jumping overboard made Quip' shudder and alloyed his golden face with silver. "You're frightfully brave!"

  "No, I'm not."

  "But you're going to Lith'rian! A warlock! He may cut off your head."

  "I don't think he will," Rap said with all the confidence he could display, wishing he could use occult mastery to convince himself as well as he could others.

  "Then you really want a war? The Clan'rians against the Clan'nilths? And of course all the allied clans will come in, or most of—"

  "I hope not that, either! I'm sure a warlock can find a way around the problem, Quip'. I've nothing against Phiel'nilth. I chose him by pure chance, or maybe by good luck. I've nothing against his clan. I just need to see Warlock Lith'rian very urgently, that's all. I was told that this was the easiest, quickest way to do so."

  The elf's big opal eyes seemed to grow even larger, flickering amethyst and pearl. "But why?" he whispered.

  Rap wanted to watch the cables being cast off, but he decided he was going to have to talk at the same time, to give his Nearest Kinsman some sort of explanation. He deserved it, for Rap's actions had grossly disrupted his humdrum, insignificant existence. Some people were not made to hear the trumpets. Quip'rian would always be a lapdog, never a wolfhound.

  And Rap himself was another. This mad pilgrimage had never been his choice. All he had ev
er wanted was to aid Inos by warning her of her father's illness. Now where had it got him? Had Andor and his gang not interfered, Rap would be driving a wagon now, bringing in the harvest at Krasnegar. Or he might be an assistant factor, charging to and fro on a pony and tallying supplies.

  And who would be reigning in the castle?


  Rap pulled his mind back to Allena and the worried youth beside him. Gathmor had dashed off to haul on ropes with the sailors, unable to stand idle any longer.

  "Why? Because of a lady."

  "Oooo!" Quip' sighed deeply. "Truly? All this for an affair of the heart? How wonderful!" His eyes misted.

  "A little more than that . . ." Leaning his elbows on the rail, Rap started to explain. The elf pulled off his cap for safekeeping and then leaned at his side, listening in open-month fascination.

  Rap began at the beginning, in Krasnegar. He did not mention that he had become an elf only recently—that was much too complicated. Indeed, he managed to keep almost all the magic out of it, especially his own, but he did have to include Rasha, Ishist, and Bright Water.

  Even in that abbreviated form it was a very remarkable tale, yet the most remarkable thing about it was that young Quip' obviously believed every word. He sniffed, then sniveled, and finally openly wept, not even seeing the sails spreading out above him, pink in the sunset glow. Nor did he notice the gentle motion of the ship as Allena turned majestically toward the harbor bar. And when Rap at last straightened up and concluded with, "And that's where you came in," the elf blinked bronze-rimmed eyes at him and—being speechless with emotion—then tried to embrace him.

  Rap used his occult agility to dodge the embrace, so Quip' draped himself on the rail again until he could control his tears.

  "It's beautiful!" he sobbed. "The bards of Ilrane will sing of it for centuries! Oh, Rap'! That's the loveliest story I ever heard! Throwing your life away to help the lady you can never hope to marry!"


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