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Beautifully Decadent (Beautifully Damaged Book 3)

Page 20

by L. A. Fiore

  The image of someone with steam coming from his ears popped into my head. If we were animated, that would be Rafe right now. I continued on. “I wouldn’t give them to her and then she turned ugly, said some really vile things before Kyle showed her to the door.”

  “What things?”

  “It isn’t nec—”

  “What things, Avery?”

  “She claimed you had phone sex last night, detailed for me how much she liked your tongue and your…”

  My words dried up because Rafe was beyond angry, even furious. For as laid-back as he was, when in temper he was formidable and seriously scary.

  Pushing off his truck, he started to pace. He was clearly working hard to pull his temper in and then he stopped suddenly, his gaze slicing to me. “You didn’t believe her.” He wasn’t asking.

  “Of course not.”

  His expression changed slightly, the hard lines around his eyes softened. And as much as I wanted that look to linger, he needed to hear the rest.

  “Not to send you on a murdering rampage, but I saw her a few weeks back as well after you had changed the codes. She was trying to get into your house even though you weren’t home.”

  It wasn’t so much anger as it was suspicion shifting his features. He was as curious as me about her motives.

  I hadn’t meant to ask, even though I really wanted to know, but I found the words tumbling out anyway. “Knowing what I do about you, which I realize isn’t a lot, but I’m guessing she wasn’t always like...well, what she’s like now.”

  “Maybe she was and was just better at hiding it, but I didn’t see it. If you asked Lucien and Darcy though, they’d likely tell you something different. They never liked her.”

  “I never did either, but again my opinion is based on more than her personality.”

  That earned me a grin, his temper not gone but he was moving past it. “I’ll take care of Melody, but thank you for not giving her the codes.”

  “I figured if you wanted her to have them, she’d have them.”

  “You figured right. Did you have a good night?”

  And since I wanted him to move past his anger too, wanted to get back to the dynamic of when I first stepped outside, I happily shared about my evening. “It was an awesome night. My take on gooseberry cobbler was a hit. I really like my sister’s boyfriend and I ended work having you standing here offering me a ride home.”

  Based on how he undressed me with his eyes, he wanted a different kind of ride. I was totally game for that, but I was exhausted and when we did have sex for the first time, I wanted to be well rested because once I had a taste of him I suspected it’d be a long time before I was sated. He read my mind, scary how he did that. “You look tired.”

  “I am.”

  “I’m not going to lie. I’ve thought of nothing but finishing what we started last night, but when I get you in my bed it’s going to take hours.”

  Oh my God, my entire body tingled and burned. “I’m not feeling all that tired anymore.”

  A look that hot should have incinerated me where I stood. “There’s no rush, Avery. The longer the wait, the hungrier I’ll be.”

  “Keep talking like that and I’m going to get reckless.”

  “I think I’d like you reckless.”

  I wanted to weep.

  Touching my elbow, he led me to his truck. “Are you hungry?” Wicked man was enjoying turning me on.

  “You know that I am.”

  Smiling devilishly he said, “I’ll make you an omelet.”

  Holding his naughty gaze, I replied, “Yeah, we can start with that.”

  Reaching the house, Rafe parked and climbed from the truck before coming around to help me. Not that I needed help, he was just being a gentleman. Standing so close to him, feeling the heat from his body, my mouth went dry. “I’m going to change. I’ll be over in a minute.”

  “I’ll let Loki out.”

  Neither of us moved though; rooted was a good word for my feet and their sudden unwillingness to listen to my brain, not that my brain was putting a great deal of effort in.

  Rafe moved first, stepping even closer to me. My pulse pounded, my heart slammed against my ribs. Large, warm hands cradled my face, his palms on my cheeks, his fingers threading through my hair holding me in possession and tenderness. His head dipped, his soft breath teased me, the little hitch in his breathing when his lips descended, the growl, deep in his throat when his lips brushed softly over mine. I felt like a flower, blooming in that moment, the unfurling of myself that I never realized I held in until this man unlocked it with nothing more than a delicate kiss. For just a second I was trapped in that one, perfect moment. His fingers tightened, his body pressed tight against mine, his mouth opening to more fully taste me. Gripping the waistband of his jeans to keep myself upright, his tongue swept my mouth, tangled with my own. I knew with a clarity that terrified me, having only sampled his taste, it would be the one I would always crave.

  His eyes were dark, like a forest at night, when he looked at me. “I’ll start dinner.”


  His lips turned up on the one side, his eyes dancing with humor as he turned me toward my door. “Get changed.”


  I moved, but I felt off balance. Reaching my door, Rafe added, “That kiss, totally worth the wait.”

  “You can say that again.”

  After dinner, Rafe and I walked Loki, before saying good night. Standing on the stoop of the carriage house, Loki sniffing the grass around us, I asked, “Do you want to come in? Maybe watch a movie?”

  “I do, but I won’t.”


  “It’s taking all the will power I have to keep from pushing you through that door and discovering for myself just how sweet you are. But you’re exhausted.”

  The idea of seeing Rafe naked brought on a surge of energy, along with a few other things. “I’m not that tired.”

  Rubbing his thumb over my lower lip, his eyes followed the motion, he said, “You’re exhausted.”

  Further discussion was halted when his mouth sealed over mine. Rational thought flew right out of my head since my brain had now melted into a mushy, useless puddle in my skull.

  Even after his lips left mine, I didn’t have the will to open my eyes because I was too busy savoring his taste on my tongue.

  “Night, Avery.”

  “Goodnight, Rafe.” I may have been a bit breathless when I replied, became even more so when I opened my eyes to see Rafe walking back to his house in all that magnificent, sexy wonder. Loki trotted along beside him. I needed another shower.

  In the morning I woke, and just lay in bed thinking about last night. Remembering Rafe’s kisses caused excitement to flutter just behind my ribcage as I traced my lips, the memory of his taste teasing me. I loved the beginning of a relationship—the newness, the thrill, the all-consuming need to be near the one who occupied your thoughts. And Rafe lived right outside my door. I loved my new home.

  Climbing from bed, I headed to the bathroom to take care of my morning rituals before I poured myself a cup of coffee and went in search of him. As usual, Loki sat on my front stoop.

  “Morning, Loki.”

  He lifted his head, his tail wagging. The muffled sound of power tools came from the barn. Rafe was dedicated to his craft; every morning when I woke he was already hard at work. And that dedication showed. The man was an artist.

  Stepping into the barn, I was treated to the sight of Rafe bent over a long strip of wood; the muscles of his back stretched the cotton of his tee in the most mouthwatering way. He knew I was there—as aware of me as I was of him—because he shut down the saw to greet me. “Morning.”

  “Good morning.”

  He didn’t approach, but the way he regarded me was reminiscent of how Tyler had looked at Nat yesterday. There was more than lust in his gaze. “Have dinner with me tonight.”

  Like he had to ask and feeling playful, I teased, “A date?”

  “Yeah, a date.”

  “And you’re going to feed me?”

  He looked downright wicked when he replied. “I’m hoping in more ways than one.”

  And with that veiled promise, I was incapable of keeping up the flirty repartee. “I like this plan.”

  Even knowing what his words had done to me, he was gracious to not call me on it. “Anything you don’t eat?”

  “I’m not a fan of sushi.”

  “That makes two of us.”

  Knowing we’d be ending the day having sex and all the feels that knowledge stirred, it was the easiness of being around him that I craved even more. “Have you had your coffee?”

  “Not yet.”

  “Do you want me to get you some?”

  He moved then, right into me and the look in his eyes had the butterflies in my stomach doing the pole vault. He looked hungry. He didn’t stop until he was pressed up against me. His fingers laced through my hair, tilting my head back for his kiss and when his tongue swept my mouth, my knees buckled. I nearly dropped my mug, the need to hold him, to pull him closer, was powerful. Insatiable was how he kissed me, as if he was savoring my taste, owning it, possessing it. I never knew a kiss could be consuming…addictive.

  “You’re as sweet as your desserts.”

  “I don’t think my legs work anymore.”

  He flashed me a grin. “Don’t tempt me, Avery. I want to carry you back to your room and spend the next forty-eight hours devouring you, but you have work.”

  “Devouring me, that sounds nice.”

  “It’ll be way more than nice.” That was said with more than a little cockiness, the look that accompanied it was adorably smug.

  “I bet. If you kiss like that, I can’t wait to see how you do other…”

  His hold on me tightened a second before he released me and took a step away. “You’re too tempting.”

  Unconsciously I glanced down at my sweats, not really understanding what it was he saw. I mean I knew I was attractive, but tempting. I didn’t see that. He seemed to read my mind when his head shook in disbelief.

  “You don’t see it?”

  “See what?”

  “How sexy you are.”

  “Sexy? This is sexy?”


  “You’re serious. I think maybe you’ve got some kind of glasses on when you’re looking at me, but keep them on. I like it.”

  “You really are a goof.”

  “But a sexy goof.”

  He looked up at the barn ceiling when he said, “She’s killing me. Go before I lock you away for the next two days.”

  “With you?”


  “Naked and in bed?”

  He growled now. I liked it. “Yeah.”

  “I’m not really seeing the incentive to leave. I like the idea of two days locked away with you in bed, naked.”

  “And your job?”

  “Oh, so you’re going to use logic.”

  He laughed, the sound wrapping around me like a blanket. “When you’re ready, I’ll drive you to work.”

  It took me a second to remember we had left my car at Clover. “Okay.”

  “And I’ll come for you at nine tonight.”


  “And after dinner I’m going to peel your clothes from you and taste every inch.”

  Easy, natural…yes, I felt that with him, but I also felt hot, edgy and wet. Just thinking about him devouring me, I had no words.

  “Every inch, Avery. Think about that while you’re making your desserts.”

  “You’re a wicked man, Rafe McKenzie.”

  “Good of you to notice, Avery Collins.”

  “I’m going to take a very cold shower now.”

  “Enjoy.” Somehow he purred that.


  His laugh followed me out.

  After I showered and dressed, I collected my things only to find Rafe waiting near his truck when I stepped outside. He knew my schedule and knowing he stopped his own work to make sure I got to my work on time was almost nicer than his kiss. Almost.

  He helped me into his truck before he said, “You’ll probably want to come home before we go to dinner.”

  “Yeah, I’ll need a shower. I can drive myself home.”

  “I’ll come for you, I’ll arrange to have your car brought back here.”

  “Are you sure? It really isn’t a big deal.”

  “I want you in my truck, I’ll get your car home.”

  And I wanted to be in his truck so there was no point in arguing the point. “Okay.”

  He closed my door on a grin.

  Halfway through the evening, the maître d’ entered the kitchen. “A couple at table ten would like to offer their compliments.”

  It was the first time I had been summoned into the dining area to receive compliments on my work. I had received compliments; the wait staff shared them from time to time, but to actually be requested tableside was a first. My hands shook as I made my way into the dining area and the very attractive couple seated at table ten.

  “Good evening. I’m Avery Collins, the executive pastry chef.”

  The woman studied me for a few seconds, her gaze not critical but definitely interested. She was attractive, dark brown hair, pale green eyes and dressed from head to toe in some fabulous designer. The gentleman with her was older than her fifty or so years, distinguished in a suit clearly tailored just for him. He had what was left of the walnut cake on his plate. Her plate was nearly cleaned of the pumpkin torte.

  “Our dinners were perfectly prepared and the desserts were just divine.”

  “Thank you.”

  “The walnut cake was outstanding as you can see. This is our first time dining here, but it won’t be our last.” The gentleman added.

  “Thank you, I’ll pass on your compliments to the kitchen.”

  “Have you worked here long?” The woman asked.

  “No, just a few weeks.”

  “Well, I can’t wait to see what you come up with after you’ve been here longer, since I can’t imagine you topping this.”

  Pride burned through me, affirmation that I had found my calling. “I’m enjoying pushing the boundaries of flavors, finding the unique combinations that work.”

  “You’ve definitely got a gift, Ms. Collins.”

  “Thank you—”

  The man’s cell cut me off; the expression on his face when he saw who was calling was chilling. The dynamic at the table changed, the happy energy replaced with tension.

  “We need to go, Allie.” He said at the same time he flagged down their waiter.

  She nodded her head before her gaze returned to me. “Congratulations on a wonderful success.”

  In less than a minute, they were walking out the door.

  Rafe arrived exactly at nine. As soon as our eyes locked, his promise from earlier about tasting every inch of me had a naughty grin curving my lips.

  He moved toward me, but said nothing. If my grin was naughty, his was downright sinful. And then the wicked man said, “I’m really hungry.”

  I’d often read in romance novels about the woman’s body clenching in desire. I had no idea what that meant, but I got it now. I ached everywhere. “You keep talking and looking at me like that and we aren’t going to make dinner.”

  His fingertip ran from my neck, down to my shoulder sparking a trail of heat in its wake. “Promise?”

  I had to change the subject before I did something uncharacteristic like jump him in the parking lot. “I was called out to the dining area to receive compliments on my desserts. That’s a first for me.”

  He had the nerve to ask. “Changing the subject?”

  “That or get arrested for lewd behavior.”

  He moved into me, his chest rising and falling as his breathing grew a bit erratic. I couldn’t pull my eyes from him, my mouth watered and I wanted nothing more than to get incredibly inappropriate in the parking lot. />

  “Um…wait, what?”

  He chuckled as he pulled the elastic from my hair. “On the tableside compliment.”

  Right. It was amazing how your brain stopped working when it wasn’t being supplied with blood. “Thank you.”

  He held open the door to his truck. “Ready?”

  “Very.” As soon as I took my seat, he leaned over and traced my lips with his tongue. I moaned, it could not be stopped, and pressed my legs together because I actually experienced a mini orgasm. Yep, right there in his truck. He knew too, the sexy sound that rumbled in the back of his throat prolonged the spasm. “Fuck. You just came.”

  I should have felt embarrassed; I didn’t though, just really, really turned on.

  “Do you know how badly I want to taste you right now? I want to spread you wide and bury my tongue between your legs.”

  “You’re going to make me come again.”

  He was thinking about it, dragging me into the back of his truck and what was worse, I was seriously thinking about letting him.

  His mouth closed over mine, his tongue driving past my lips as he all but swallowed me whole. His cock was pressing against my thigh and I wanted that, God did I want that. Yanking his mouth away, he gulped air as if in an attempt to cool off. He held my heavy-lidded stare. “Dinner first and then you’re going to come again in my mouth.”

  I likely would not be living through this evening and I so could not wait.

  We returned home and while Rafe took Loki for a walk, I showered, a really cold shower, and changed. I was done before he returned, but in fairness I had taken the fastest shower of my life. My thinking, the sooner we ate, the sooner we came home and got naked. I sat in one of my chairs refusing to give in to my lustful thoughts because I’d never make it through dinner. Instead I pondered the addition of a vegetable garden by the back door. Yes, that was a safe subject to contemplate. Loki came trotting up the drive, right to me. He seemed to have more energy than he did when I first arrived and even so, he dropped down on his butt as soon as he reached me.

  “Did you have a nice walk?” I asked that of Loki, his attempt to lick me I took as a yes. Rafe appeared not long after, my attention shifted from the affectionate fur ball next to me to his sexy as hell human. I loved the way he moved, deliberate but with a graceful flow that had visions of that body over me, in me, moving in just the right rhythm. He was dressed in jeans but they were darker, his button down shirt was a grayish/green and the black boots were nicer than the ones he normally wore. After dinner I was going to lick every inch of the body under those clothes, so much for not giving in to my lustful thoughts.


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