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The Seeds of Dissolution (Dissolution Cycle Book 1)

Page 47

by William C. Tracy


  This warlike and competitive species was the second to last to join the Assembly. To others, some of their members seem less intelligent to the point of an animal intellect, though this may be explained by their descent from a hive mentality, as well as their careful breeding of a fierce warrior caste, at the expense of progression in other areas. For each sufficiently courageous deed a pixie completes, a letter or syllable is added to her name, and many go by shortened nicknames. Pixies are short, blue to gray in coloring, with black compound eyes. They are capable of short flights with their gossamer wings, though often they will lift from the ground when speaking to another species, as if in recompense for being the shortest of the species. There are reports of members of another gender, hidden deep in their enormous city-hives, but all individuals who interface with other species are identified as female.


  There is no proper spoken name for the Lobhl homeworld, so it is titled as the members name their species. The Lobhl have been members of the Great Assembly for only fifty cycles, and caused controversy when they joined for the amount of money spent on social restructuring, especially in the rotunda of the Assembly. Because the Lobhl have no vocal chords, they communicate entirely with complex hand gestures, and expensive visual displays were added in many areas to cater to them. Lobhl faces and heads are nearly featureless, leading to small problems in communication, even in the Nether. Lobhl hands are the points of reference for the species, widely different between individuals, and often tattooed. Each hand has seven digits, two of which are thumbs on opposing sides of the hand. Generally the Lobhl species is talented visually and mathematically. They also have a great love of what they define as music, though most is visually experienced. Their names are translations of actions they routinely perform, and their gender roles vary with the individual and the social situation. Their young are raised communally, and are neither carried in the body, nor in eggs. Many Lobhl worship the god of music, an incorporeal concept of light, like a personification of the Symphony, and most of their other religions focus on vision over sound or language.


  Little is known about this extinct species. They were rumored to be one of the founding members of the Great Assembly. However, many records were lost in the Great Aridori War, when the entire species suddenly turned on the others, often taking the forms of old friends, or even close family members. They were eventually eradicated, with many renegades hunted by teams of trained Sathssn commandos, but legends of their shapeshifting prowess and patient, long-term deception have provided generations of nighttime stories to scare children.


  Way back when I first started writing, the original version of this was the “big story” I wanted to tell. It wasn’t very good, and I knew it. That meant it had to wait until I felt my writing was ready to publish. Is it perfect now? No. Could it be better? Yes. However I feel confident this is the story I want to tell. It is an important part of the Dissolutionverse, but that world has grown a whole lot larger than my original vision, and I look forward to working on the next books in this series, as well as more novellas that let me delve into individual characters and smaller events.

  This was also my first foray into Kickstarter, and I am very grateful to the friends, family, and strangers who were willing to help me fund this project. Because of you, there are five incredible illustrations by Micah Epstein, as well as his amazing front cover. Check out his paintings at There is a very cool map by Damijan in the front. You can find him on Fiverr. In addition, thanks to Lindsay Flanagan and Chris Miller at Eschler Editing for the developmental edit.

  Many others have also helped me out. The first thanks always goes to Heather, for “letting” me do this, putting up with paying more attention to my writing than to her, and still being willing to copy-edit for me. Second, a big thank you to my alpha and beta readers: Courtney Brooks, Reese Hogan, J.S. Fields, Robin Duncan, Katie Edwards, Daniel Eavenson, and all the folks at Reading Excuses for critiquing my submissions. Finally, thanks to the members of the Writing Excuses podcast for spending their valuable time teaching and encouraging new writers.

  Of course, much of this wouldn’t have been possible without my backers on Kickstarter. In no particular order, they are:

  John and Nora Tracy, Mike, Rachel, and Luna Goffin, Miri G. Baker, Dyrk Ashton, Zach Chapman, Scott and Cindy Kuntzelman, Randall Dameron, J. van de Erve, Mike McMullan, Daniel Eavenson, Reese Hogan, Tyler Bletsch, Emily Randolph-Epstein, Austin Alander, Susie and Ben Roberts, Elan, Matthew K. Burris, Courtney and Josiah Brooks, Kevin Wild, Rachel, Adam Nemo, Sarah F., Molly A. King, Ashley Capes, Becky Barnes, Caitlin Raine Fortin, Trever Peters, Jtifft, Adam Jackson, Katie Gomez, Joe Adams, Russ Wood, Ross Newberry, Ian Fincham, Greg E., Gustavo E. Alvarado, Kent Pittman, Knitdeer, Daniel Clouser, Chris Gerrib, Christina Gale, Noah Chan, Melissa Lee, Martin Severin, AnonyMouse, Dan Sloan, Alysse, Richard Pulfer, Michael and Brian Goubeaux, Margaret, Ryan Burke, Sarah Schweitzer, Robin Duncan, Penny, Mike Matthews, Eli McIlveen, Peter Schultz, Paul y cod asyn Jarman, Ethan Mosko, Christy Shorey, Anne and Patrick Emerson, Melissa Shumake, Amanda Grondalski, Joseph Rach, Jana Muduc and Traian Dorin, Tara Gazak, Mike A. Weber, Kriti Godey, Peter Asteriou Malousis, Stuart Turnbull, The Pillis Four, Steve, J.D. Allimonos, Benjamin Widmer, Elaine d'Ete, Y. H. Lee, Zachary Zientek, Henry and Julie Burroughs, SwordFire, J.S. Fields, Zaus, Kelly R., Matt Thompson and Family, Jennifer Nieuwstadt, Beth Rubin and Dane McGregor, Natty, Orusinfinite, Elí Freysson, Lisa Paciulli, Mike McCarthy and Miles, Katie Edwards, Leon Fairley, Bryan H., and Gabrielle Barnier.

  Thanks to all of you, and I hope you enjoy reading!


  William C. Tracy is a North Carolina native and a lifelong fan of science fiction and fantasy. He has a master’s in mechanical engineering, and has both designed and operated heavy construction machinery. He has also trained in Wado-Ryu karate since 2003, and runs his own dojo. He is an avid video and board gamer, a reader, and of course, a writer.

  In his spare time, he wrangles three cats and an ancient guinea pig. He and his wife enjoy putting their pets in cute little costumes and making them cosplay for the annual Christmas card.

  You can visit him at

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