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The Emperor's Shadow War (Tales of Alus Book 2)

Page 8

by Donald Wigboldy

  The stream bent in on itself as he moved to find the soldier that the raven had spotted. Suddenly, its bend widened and he found the shores of a fair sized lake. He was near its southern end, but most of that lay behind a bend. Recalling the direction that he had gathered from Misery, Dante crossed through the stream just before it widened. Now on the northern shore, the Certen soldier knew that he should be able to find the Valosian.

  It wasn't until he made a wide arc past a grove of thick brush and trees that he heard splashing. He smiled slightly. The warrior must have felt safe enough to bathe. Dante hoped that meant the dark warriors had yet to start invading this land. Coming around the final bend, Dante found a carapace of golden metal with fringes at its lower edges. A pair of boots and a sheathed sword lay below the armor atop a small towel. The man must have left his breeches on to wash, Dante thought as he noticed no pants were laid upon the ground.

  He pushed aside the bushes at their thinnest point and stepped into water up to his ankles.

  "Excuse me..." he started, but standing before him was a woman. She whirled to face him and Dante immediately realized that she was naked except for the long knife in her hand and a leather sheath for it that was tied across her hips with a small string.

  "Who are you?" the woman demanded and stood in a fighting crouch facing him.

  Dante stared dumbfounded at the woman unable to speak. One thing that his stunned mind was able to realize as well surprised him. The woman also had long silver hair and it was the shade of his own.

  Chapter 11- Darius

  The elves had constructed several small buildings already for the beginnings of a village. Darius had even given them a helping hand when he could. The wizard talked with the men and women refugees finding out what he could about their race. Unfortunately, Darius received little more than Electra had given him, but still he tried.

  One of the things that he did learn was that the elves had always been naturally attuned to nature. Even these buildings were formed without destroying the land to build them. A few trees were felled by the loggers, of course. They were needed to make sturdy beams of wood for the mud walls that were treated to resist the elements. Darius thought that they were almost like walls of pottery, but the elves had learned to make them strong as stone. There were no firings as with pottery for hardness, but still they seemed solid enough.

  Darius had even assisted with picking up a newly constructed ceramic wall from its place on the ground. It was unusually light. He had expected much more weight. The man marveled at their workmanship. The apprentice watched other parts of the construction and even helped stick leaves to the outside of the homes as they showed him to do. This sought to conceal them from casual observers and blended the burgeoning village from the prying sight of some predators. The leaves also helped with keeping out the rain and wind.

  He didn't fully appreciate their craftsmanship until he found one such building being constructed in a large tree. Limbs were removed, paired back or simply bent to the will of the elves. Within a day, the tree house was finished.

  Darius found out that the elves had once lived like this in their world, until the Dark Emperor came to threaten them. He had tried again and again to find out where this Emperor had come from, but no one seemed inclined to tell him. Darius began to guess that the reason for that had to do with Janus. He didn't know why such a potentially vital piece of information would be kept from him. All they would tell him is that the Dark One, as he was often referred to, had great magic that had led him to enslave first the north and eastern races of trolls, orcs, and goblins before looking to the other races. The elven domain spanned the west and much of the central parts of what was called the Great Continent. It was also said to be the only livable place on their world.

  The only other lands not conquered yet lay to the south. Why they had not tried to ally with these southern races, he could not completely fathom. Only one man named them and he did so as if the word was vile. "Dwarves," the old man had almost spat. "They would never help us, nor would we ask them to either."

  "Why not? Surely if you pulled together both races, you could amass an army sufficient to repel the Dark Emperor. I'm sure that they would agree to such a solution, since, if your lands fall, that would leave only them to fend off the combination of all the other dark armies."

  The old man shook his head so furiously, that Darius feared that the man would break his own neck in his frenzy. "They would sooner join with the gnomes and fairy sprites."

  "I had not heard of these races before," he replied innocently. "Why can't your people join with them otherwise?"

  "You are telling us what we should do while remaining ignorant of our world," the elder's eyes narrowed in anger. "To unite with any of the three would go against anyone's sanity, human. If you ever see a representative of their races, go the other way as I now do with you."

  Darius had watched the rude old elf turn his back on him and walk away. He soon found Electra returning from a trip into the woods. The woman smiled at him warmly, but he thought that her eyes betrayed worry. Opening the conversation first, Darius stated, "I just met the rudest old man."

  "Most likely Rufus Stormwind. He's also probably the most obstinate man I've ever had the privilege to meet."

  "Why do you say `privilege' and I don't sense any sarcasm?"

  The woman laughed. The sound reminded him of chimes in the wind. The sound was musical though it had no tune that it followed. She replied happily, "That elf is also one of the sharpest wits that I've ever known. If that isn't enough, he is also my uncle."

  Darius nodded, "He did seem to know a lot. He tells me that there are other races still free of the Dark One. He seems to think that your people will never ask for their help against the evil armies though."

  Electra's eyes appeared guarded and began to dart from his gaze like a rabmunk chased by a pack of hounds. "He is right. The other races are just as much enemies to us as the Emperor. Let's not worry about something that you need never worry about anyway. It is our world that is threatened, not yours.

  Suddenly she looked up and her face had brightened. "Why don't we go for a walk, Darius? Perhaps you can tell me the names for the plants of this forest. There are many plants that look familiar, but are different. Maybe you could point out the varieties that would be best to eat. We are a long way from home and will need to resupply our resources shortly. You do know of the plants here, correct?"

  The man nodded.

  Electra began to lead him away from the settlement when a small voice shouted, "Hey, mister!"

  They turned to find Nikkowl and a pair of her friends running towards them.

  "Hello, Nikkowl," her sister replied rolling her eyes unhappily.

  "Nikkowl, my name is Darius, remember?" he answered gently. "You may call me by my name."

  "Darius, what are you two going to do?" the little girl asked with a mischievous look in her eyes.

  "We're going for a walk," Electra stated. "Why don't you three go play?"

  The little girl ignored her sister and looked at the two adults intently with a grin. "Why? Are you going for a walk? Are you going to kiss?" she finished drawing out the last word taunting her older sister.

  "Nikkowl!" Electra shouted embarrassed. Darius noticed the woman blush and couldn't help laughing. "Go play before I call mother!"

  At the rebuke and mention of her mother, the girl knew that she had pushed one too many buttons. She ran away laughing with her friends even so.

  "I'm sorry about her."

  "Does that mean that you don't want to kiss me?" Darius asked trying to sound like he was hurt by the loss.

  "I..." the girl started worriedly, until she realized that he was only joking. Then pretty blond growled fiercely, "Oh, don't you start now as well, human. Come on, before she returns."

  They walked for awhile. After a time, they came across a small lake. It was the reason that the elves had chosen this location. Their settlement was only a short walk
to the spring fed waters and just far enough back to not be seen from across the lake as well. Darius tried to find the buildings from their side, but, even knowing that they were there, he still could not see them. The camouflage was even better than the man had realized from any distance from the buildings.

  The sun had fallen into the west now until only a last lingering haze of red and purple were left to confess knowledge of the star. Electra pointed towards the sky to the east, "What do you call that?"

  The first moon of three had risen to make itself known. Darius answered, "That is Epsilon. It has two brothers, the red Turas will be rising soon. Much later, their youngest brother, Gelinas, will make his nightly crossing." He turned to look at her up lifted face that looked with awe at a sky that was still new to her. "Does your world have three moons also, Electra?"

  She shook her head and returned her gaze to him. "No, we have our sun by day and only the stars at night. They seem brighter on our world though." She caught his watchful look and the woman said, "I'm sorry about Nikkowl. She's at that stage that any man I know must be looking to marry me. I guess some girls grow up like that."

  "Did you?"

  A quirky smile pulled at her lips and she shook her head. "I don't remember being like that, but then again I didn't have an older sister either. My brother was only two years older than I. By the time he started looking at girls, I knew better than to think such thoughts. I knew that love doesn't happen like that."

  "Like what?"

  "You know. Two people don't just meet and fall in love. It’s not realistic."

  "Oh, I don't know. I've heard of people falling in love at first sight. Then there are those who go to bed together when they hardly know each other. Is that love at first sight as well?"

  Electra hardly thought about it as she replied, "I kind of doubt that lust is also love, Darius. I've never met a man that I just fell for that quickly." Electra's eyes met his and he held her gaze. A look of fear seemed to fill the darkness of her eyes as the sun's light faded altogether. He wondered what scared her.

  "I never loved anyone that quickly," she repeated in a whisper. Grabbing the front of his travel cloak, Electra pulled him closer. Her left hand messed his light blond hair as she pulled his head gently towards her. Darius' eyes widened in surprise, but the elf didn't notice as she closed hers and kissed him. Stunned by her sudden interest, Darius didn't know what to do and simply let her kiss him.

  The beautiful young woman leaned back from her actions slightly and looked into his eyes for the reason for his lack of participation. "Don't you want to?" she asked in surprise.

  "I thought that you didn't believe in falling in love so quickly?" he whispered breathlessly and tried to regain his composure.

  "That was what I used to think, yes," she said as Electra rubbed her head with her lightly curled blond hair against his shoulder and whispered into his ear. Her breath tickled him seductively, before she nuzzled her lips into his neck to kiss him there as well.

  He held her lightly. Darius fought with the passion that she instilled in him and the worries of dealing with a foreign woman, not to mention one of a different race. Electra reacted to his embrace with even more affection. He kissed her back now as well. The feelings were there for him and Darius felt them overwhelming his sense of reason.

  After a few moments, Electra drew back from him and let her hands slide from his back and shoulders. With her left hand, she fumbled with the belt cinching her waist. The other began to pull at the folds of her thick shirt.

  Darius was still in shock, but as he looked into her face, the wizard noticed that she was looking at the ground and not at him. A tear had fallen down her right cheek. Hating himself for his chivalry, Darius reached forward to stop her hands. The blond beauty looked up at him and even then she seemed to look through him as much as her tears.

  "This is not the time for this," he stated though the man felt the urgings of his body to return her passions. Darius longed to feel her body against him again and to know her in more intimate ways, but this wasn't the right time for either of them despite the fact that she had been the aggressor.

  In fact, despite the passion she had shown, the wizard in him had the impression that there was really another reason for her actions and he would not take Electra or any woman in any way but that of real love. He felt as if she was using him or his body, though he couldn't understand why. Darius refused her gently and said, "We'd better get back. They'll probably think that I kidnapped you again."

  As they walked back, Electra fell in behind the man. Her eyes stared at his back in disbelief and wondered why this man had resisted her. She had felt that he enjoyed her touch, but had found a way to resist the temptation anyway. The woman developed new respect for the control of this human. He was not as weak as she had hoped.

  Electra had left Darius after the evening meal and went to find Janus. The knight led her into the forest out of sight of the camp and asked abruptly, "Well?"

  She shook her head with eyes cast down sadly. "He told me nothing of his magic and resisted my advances."

  Janus looked at her steadily a moment and the elf woman wondered what he saw within her. The holy knights were said to be able to look into a person's soul. If that were true, he would then see the secret that she kept from him. Electra had hidden it almost to the point that even she could not find it, but the knight's gaze seemed to drag it back up out of its hiding place. However, he said nothing about finding such a discovery, "You'll try again tomorrow."

  It was a firm order but the woman balked.

  "Maybe you should get someone else, my lord? He doesn't want me and seems to guard himself against saying too much. From what I have seen, he comes closer to having myself and the others speak of our secrets instead. I doubt that I have the ability to draw out such things from the human."

  The holy knight was adamant as Janus shook his head. "There is no other. I can tell that he is fond of you, Electra, despite what you say. It is in his eyes and his body language, if you know where to look. There is no other elf woman that he looks at in such a way. You will have to do it for me."

  "Perhaps Delia would have made a better choice, Janus? She is beautiful," the elf woman tried again. "Her wiles cannot be missed by you, my lord, or him. Let her attempt her tricks on the man. I would rather not try and play such games. I am a hunter. I have no skill at this."

  Again the knight frowned and shook his head, "You nearly broke his resistance in one try tonight. You will try again. He cannot resist you much longer, Electra. I am sure of it."

  It was her turn to frown at him, "You watched us?"

  "Of course," he answered dispassionately, "why do you seem surprised? I've kept watch over the human and you the whole time. That is how I know that you can get this information. Do not shirk your duty, hunter. Your position can be revoked, if you refuse your duties to myself and those we both serve."

  Electra put her hands on her hips angrily. She couldn't believe that a holy knight would say such things. "Do not threaten me, Janus! I know my duties. I will try one more day, but then you will choose someone else. Do you agree to these terms?"

  "You will give your every effort, hunter?"

  She nodded.

  "Fair enough. He will falter. You will see as I do that he cannot resist you, Electra. Few men can look on you and turn away, I assure you. You will use your charms on the morrow. Give him the night to let the suggestion work its way into his dreams, and then you will conquer him for me by next evening."

  Though the woman had been secretive as she slipped away, the sight of Electra moving away to be with Janus had not been lost on him. Darius soon found Nikkowl.

  "Hi, Darius," the little girl greeted as she noticed him.

  "Nikkowl? Does your sister like Janus?"

  "The holy knight?" she asked in surprise and screwed up her face in thought. "I don't think so. He is a holy knight. I don't think that they are allowed to be in love. Why?"

  "No reas
on," he patted her head absentmindedly.

  The little girl straightened her blond curls as he stopped. "You're not worried about him, are you? I think that she likes you too much to think of him."

  Darius looked at the little elf girl slightly surprised and wondered if these were just the words of a silly girl. Sadly, he couldn't put his faith in an eight year old, though the young man wished that she was correct. There was still too much going on that he didn't know about here and that was what worried him most.

  Turning away towards the eastern end of the encampment, Darius paused and relieved himself on a tree beyond the sight of most eyes. The sentry that he knew was nearby both by feel and the time that he had spent in camp looking for guards, turned away to give him privacy. The apprentice finished his ruse quickly and drawing upon his magic to conceal himself, Darius left the elves for the village of Tamaya.

  Chapter 12- Dante

  “Who are you?” the silver haired woman demanded from behind her long, exposed knife. Her face was focused, though Dante couldn't be sure if the look was actually truly angry. He supposed being surprised while bathing could go either way depending on her view point.

  "Excuse me, miss. I came looking for the warrior that wore the armor in the bushes," he explained. Dante was managing to hold his eyes focused on the face of the woman though temptation to look at her body was doubled by the fact that the glimmering blade of the knife was held just below a pair of full breasts. Her eyes were nearly the color of her hair, the man quickly noticed. They almost appeared luminescent in the shadows cast by the lack of a fully risen sun.

  The woman was hardly mollified by his apology, even though Dante knew that his face was blushing with his embarrassment. "You still haven't explained your presence. You appear to be a Certen soldier. Why are you here? Have you come to meet with a spy in our army? Is that why you trespass here?"

  "No, no. I assure you that is not the reason, but perhaps I can explain," the man offered helpfully. He had not yielded to her threatening stance as of yet. Dante still had not figured just how he should handle this situation. There were no written rules about such things. Stumbling across a naked woman bathing in the forest while looking for a soldier just didn’t usually come up in a manual.


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