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The Emperor's Shadow War (Tales of Alus Book 2)

Page 32

by Donald Wigboldy

  "I cannot say, captain," he heard the voice trailing after in response. "We can not go forward until after we leave this mountain. The Dragon's Spine Mountains seem protected against dimensional magic, at least near Drakus' lair. We will have to leave to find a doorway to the other world at sometime."

  "Then we leave at dawn as Dante said," she confirmed in his absence.

  Dante nodded to himself. They would see what new threat the Emperor had thrown at them and take its measure. He would fight any opponent thrown at him to end this madness caused by the dark creatures.

  Taking the band the better part of two days of travel to find the part of the mountains that Drakus had told them would hold the dwarves, it took still the better part of another day to find their way through the mountains safely to find the wooded lower slopes that supposedly hid the wielders of anti-magic.

  Dante and his men had been chafing at the restraining mountains. Valenia and her troops were little better. Those with injuries were often in need of help to climb passes or lead horses because of them impasses.

  Even at their evening camp, eyes could be seen straying to the mountains barring them from what all considered the next step to ending the threat from the other world.

  It was that night as most of the soldiers tried to sleep atop the pass that the wielders came to them.

  Pelian and Erphen were serving as watch when it began. Erphen heard a rock clatter down the mountainside from the north. Thinking little enough of the sound as it was not followed by another, the man didn’t signal an immediate warning. Rocks were always settling and falling in the wild of the mountains. Pelian had looked to him across the waning fire and small camp. He had shrugged and turned to look into the darkness to double check, when a rock flew from the night and struck him hard against the temple.

  Pelian jumped up and started to shout when a second caught her in the head from behind causing her to cry out in pain and bend over clutching her head. Erphen was unconscious where he had fallen. The camp was already in motion as he hit the earth.

  Few could sleep these days, let alone deeply. Valenia and Dante were up immediately along with Lane, Calla, and Volin. The others were nearly as quick as Valenia bent to check Pelian even as the captain's eyes searched the darkness. Dante strode towards the area where Erphen had fallen with his sword drawn.

  A rock whistled through the air. He caught its sound and ducked as the projectile flew into camp and hit Nya on the leg. "Watch yourselves!" Dante spoke loudly, if somewhat unnecessarily. "These are a more cowardly group than before," he added trying to coax the enemy into showing themselves.

  "Lieutenant!" Volin shouted almost immediately. "We're surrounded."

  Dante noticed the glints of swords and axes all around them now. This enemy was amazingly skilled at using the dark to an advantage. His thoughts quickly moved to the name Dark Emperor. His creatures could be cowardly, but these seemed smarter and more careful than any that they had come across so far. Was it a new type of soldier, perhaps?

  Suddenly realizing that his sword was not glowing this time as it had in battle only days before, the soldier began to reconsider the source of the attack. Not having time to analyze that thought, however, Dante readied for battle without hesitation.

  A very short and well armored man strode cautiously in from the east into the dull light cast by their campfire. He spoke in a deep tone, but not menacingly. The words were foreign to them and Dante looked to Valenia to see if she had understood any better than he. The woman was not looking at him though as she glared at the dwarf over Pelian, but he could see that she was equally perplexed.

  Dante moved towards the small man with his sword lowered, but ready if need be. "I'm sorry, but we can't understand you."

  The dwarf looked annoyed a moment before turning and speaking into the darkness again in the same unknown tongue. A voice nearly as deep returned the call and suddenly a second dwarf stepped into the light beside the other.

  In a thick accent, the second dwarf asked, "You speak Alrean?"

  Dante's brow furrowed in confusion, "What is Alrean?"

  The dwarf smiled, "Your tongue is Alrean. You know the fair folk then?"

  "No, we don't know who the fair folk are," Dante replied without thinking. Perhaps knowing these fair folk was a good thing, but he didn't feel the need to lie, just yet anyway.

  This time it was the dwarf who looked confused. He spoke what was obviously a question to the other dwarf. The first shrugged and replied. After a moment's exchange between the two, the second dwarf finally nodded. "Ah, Gilman speaks wisely. Though your speech is nearly the same, it would mean that your world would have had to have met the fair folk in our world or yours and such a meeting would be unusual. An odd twist of fate that the two of you speak nearly the same.

  "Greetings, then. I am Dohman and this is my leader, Gilman. We are of the tribes Min and Yushk. Why have you come to these mountains?"

  "We came to see what race had invaded our lands," he replied and crossed his arms. "It's our world. Why are you here, Dohman?"

  The dwarf lowered his face and shook his head. "Sad, sad. We came because of the Dark One."

  "The Emperor?" Dante asked suspiciously. Just when he was beginning to believe such a race could not be part of the Emperor's forces, Dohman struck a chord of worry again. "Has he sent you here?"

  The dwarf flapped his hands quickly before him and answered quickly, "No, no. Did you believe us to be thralls of the Dark One? You are not thralls of that creature, are you?" the little man added still worried. Gilman spoke briskly in the other language again. Apparently he had gathered what had been said and had obviously noticed the problems occurring. Dohman spoke quickly to his leader and turned back to look at Dante again. "Answer the question, please, tall one."

  "My name is Dante and, no, we don't serve the Dark One either. Do you know of anti-magic, Dohman?"

  The dwarf shrugged looking unconcerned, "What is magic has an opposite. Why?"

  "That is why we are here. We were afraid that the Emperor had sent creatures of anti-magic to attack us again. Why are you here?"

  Dohman chuckled and spoke briefly to Gilman, who apparently didn't see the humor like his subordinate. The leader maintained his dour look as the second answered Dante, "The Emperor controls no anti-magic. He seeks to destroy the dwarves for their anti-magic. We ran before he could destroy the tribes. We are here now and wish to make a new home."


  The dwarf nodded.

  "Then you have a problem."

  The dwarf looked wary again and quickly translated to Gilman who growled something back. "What is this problem?"

  "The Emperor already knows of this world as well. He has sent armies here and seeks to stop us from finding a way to destroy him. This world will not be safe once your old world falls and he has time to attack us unhindered. Where will you go now, Dohman? Your tribes can't run forever. If he isn't stopped now, he will continue on unchecked."

  Dohman spoke to Gilman again to translate. The leader spoke in a lower voice. The other nodded. "What would you do now?"

  Dante shrugged and replied, "We have undergone a quest to find the means to stop him. We have the items and now seek the path to your world to confront him."

  A moment's translation and Dohman spoke again, "You will stay here in your camp tonight. Tomorrow we will lead you to the doorway. Then maybe you can stop the Emperor so we can all live peacefully."

  "Doorway? But..." Dante attempted to find out more, but the dwarves turned away and disappeared into the darkness.

  The glinting metal disappeared completely from sight as well and Dante found himself looking at only the darkness veiling the stone and trees around them. Valenia moved closer.

  "Now what?" was her first response.

  Finding Gannon, Dante passed the question onto him, "Well, seer?"

  The man in question lay back down on his bedroll casually. "We rest and take care of Erphen and Pelian. Tomorrow we'll see th
e dwarves’ camp and this door of theirs."

  The two leaders looked to the reclining seer and then back to each other again. Dante nodded, "Volin and Artai start your watch now. Lane help me with Erphen. The rest of you get some sleep. Pelian come here and we'll look at that bump."

  Valenia seemed confused by his demeanor. "That's it?"

  Looking up from where Erphen had started to groan and open his eyes already, the lieutenant answered, "What would you have me do? You heard Gannon. The dwarves will take us to their camp tomorrow and if we need to fight we'll fight, but I think that they are willing to help. We'll see for sure tomorrow.

  "Now if you want to help us with these two, fine. Otherwise, go ahead some sleep for tomorrow."

  Valenia chose to help first, before they all turned in to sleep as much as they could before dawn came around again. Though Dante knew that morning would come all too soon, his sleep was surprisingly sound and no new worries came to disturb his rest before the dwarves came to their camp at the first rays of dawn.

  Chapter 38- Darius

  The large meeting hall was filled with arguing dwarves. Darius and the others had very little time to take in the wonders of Lower Darvus as they had been rushed straight to the hall only a block away. From what they had seen, he knew that Jaran had been quite accurate in his description of the place. A quick glimpse upwards had revealed the tips of stalactites high above them. Several columns could be seen intermingled with the buildings of Lower Darvus where their torches would cast some much needed light though not as strongly as one might wish. To the wizard, it was like walking through a city caught forever in night.

  Again the weight seemed to hang only moments from crushing them all. So much rock and earth that could come falling down at any moment. It made him shudder in worried anticipation. He looked beside him and noticed drops of sweat beading Electra's brow as she looked to the ceiling often as well. Looking to the dozen dwarves serving as escort, the wizard wondered how people could live trapped beneath the earth so much of their lives. He supposed that someone raised here would ask the same of those above.

  He took Electra's hand in his and squeezed it gently. Looking at him in return, the elf tried to smile. "We won't be here that long," Darius said trying to reassure her and his own mind as well perhaps.

  Nodding grimly, the woman trudged along determined not to be beaten by her phobia.

  After arriving at the hall, they only needed a short wait before the elders of the council entered from a doorway at the opposite end of the room. Dozens more, who came to witness the event, gathered in chairs or stood around the floor in front of the elevated section where the elders faced the tables seating Darius and the others.

  Dorvin sat between a dozen other dwarves as chairman to the committee. Briefly he explained to all gathered that the wizard had come on behalf of their lost home. The dwarven leader also warned that the enemy was now free and destroying the old world.

  One elder stood up angrily, "The old world? MacNorn, we have nothing to do with that place anymore. It has been so long since we came here that it seems more like a myth to everyone alive than fact. Maybe the tales are just that and this wizard comes only to steal the armor!"

  Darius calmly stood, "Elders, I have only one reason to be here and that is to save our world and your former one. These two with me can prove that the old stories are true." Turning to Janus, he asked, "Maybe you could show them your ears?"

  The holy knight looked at him and the thoughts of annoyance were plain to be seen. Darius hated to use the elves like sideshow freaks, but it was the easiest way he could think of to cut the elder off.

  Dorvin spoke loudly, "See his ears, Thien? He and the woman are from the race of fair folk that the scrolls spoke of. The old world is still there. I know that the wizard speaks the truth."

  "You know?" the elder replied sarcastically. "You disappoint me, MacNorn. I thought that someone from your family would not be so easily fooled by these humans. We have fought their influence for generations and in minutes this wizard overcomes your reason."

  Dorvin turned angrily upon the old man and growled, "He has shown me proof enough, old man! I am still your ruler. If you doubt me so easily, then perhaps it is time to remove your senile mind from the council. Does anyone else dispute my mind? Speak forth or shut those mouths until I ask you to speak again."

  Thien would not be cowed. "Humph. Call me what you want, bub, but I know truth from lies. Why do you cringe from my words?"

  Dorvin was getting angry quickly and Darius spoke up to interrupt them before too much was said to be covered over. "Thien, I do not come on my own merit. The seers have sent messages to myself and those at Aerwold and revealed the need. I do not do this for myself."

  "Words," the elder waved him off dismissively. "You use words so that we can see subtly twisted truths hidden within. Our legends tell of the eventual release of this one, known as the Dark One, and the Norn rushes to believe it. He rushes to honor his family name by taking us into war wearing the armor, but this time he fights for your race not ours. We don't know that you tell the truth."

  "Yet you have no reason to believe that I would lie either," Darius pointed out. "Where have I said that you have to do as I say? You will fight for the lives of your families, if not now, then once the Dark One destroys the old world and perhaps then you will fight when he comes to this one."

  Another elder stood and spoke before Thien could try and counter, "Even saying that the Dark One is alive and free in the old world, why would he come here? We don't know if he even knows of this world."

  Janus stood again angrily, "His forces followed mine here more than a month ago now. Darius and the other sorcerers have witnessed countless other uses of his magic here. We've run into several bands of his dark warriors. When you see trolls, orcs, goblins, werewolves, kiriaks, armored viles, fire urchins, and all the countless other dark creatures that the Emperor has created or called from other worlds, then you will revile the stupidity you show now."

  The elders and many of the others dwarves surrounding them began to talk angrily amongst themselves at the words. One elder spoke loudly to be heard, "Stupidity? That is a rather rude word, when it is our lives that we discuss throwing into your war."

  "But don't you see?" Dorvin cried out and strode before the two tables in front of the elders. "They've already warned us that this is our war, or it soon will be.

  If we wait here for him to come with his dark hordes as he did in the legends, we will fail. We have lost our resistance to the magic with our separation from the old world. We are vulnerable to him more now than ever before!"

  Seeing that the elders were about to argue again, Dorvin turned to Darius, "Show them."

  Darius nodded and drew on the smallest margin of his magic. He cast seeking tendrils of magic towards the elders. The old men stood their ground until the glowing webs began to touch them. They began to cry out at the pain filled touches of the tendrils. Darius had made them feel as if they were being mildly burned. It was merely uncomfortable to bear, that he knew from an old demonstration at Aerwold, but it was nothing disastrously nasty. It was comparable to a mild shock.

  The old men had begun to retreat in earnest. "Call him off, Dorvin!" Thien called first and loudest as the others whimperingly joined the cry.

  Darius held the tendrils back and looked at the Norn. The dwarven leader nodded, though the dark look of displeasure maintained itself upon the elders. "You see!" he demanded. "That was the merest taste of this wizard's magic, yet he knows that he can not stop the Dark One so he has come to those that have defeated him once before. If Darius wished, he could force us to obey him from his strength of magic alone. What more could the compassionless Dark One do when he comes to settle the old score? You may doubt the old legends, but the immortal will know us as his enemy and crush us in revenge against our ancestors."

  "Then you go," Thien ordered pointing a thin finger at the Norn. "It was your ancestor, after all. Maybe if
you go, he will leave us alone."

  Dorvin snarled, "The mewlings of a coward and a fool! How did such a weak creature get a seat on this council or have I been blind to the truth as well? Perhaps this is a council of fools who attempt to guide our people into certain slavery, if not death?

  "My ancestor did not fight alone in that war, Thien, as the legends well describe. At the front of an army of more than one hundred thousand men... and women, Alig took the sword and shield wearing the Armor of Norn and led the dwarves into battle against the Dark One. He, who has no true name, will want revenge on all those that were there. There isn't a dwarf amongst us that doesn't have at least one ancestor who fought in that great battle. Tell me again, Thien, who will the Dark One come for now?"

  The room broke into a chaos of talking and shouting once more. Some even began to push and fight amongst themselves in the crowd trying to establish their points and beliefs. Finally, when Darius felt that things had gone on long enough, he stood and, with a brief thought and marshaling of his powers, an explosion with no sound seemed to suck in all the air of the room. It was for effect more than true action and it worked perfectly. All eyes turned as one to Darius. Even the elders and Dorvin, stared in surprise at the wizard who allowed the light of his magical aura to show from him. "If you are through with such childish displays, I think that it is time that Dorvin cleared the room of all but the elders. It is time to talk of what will be done."

  Still in shock, the dwarves moved quietly to obey, though there were still many a wide eye that turned to the mage in awe as they hurried out of the chamber. Moments later, and the hall was cleared even of guards. The elders stood speechless before him, even Thien. "Now," he began, "let us first speak of this armor."

  "Why the armor?" Thien asked much more meekly. "It failed to destroy him once you've more or less stated, and now you say that we are weakened besides. Who can wear it as well as famed Alig? If you take it from us, how will we defend ourselves and our home?"


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