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The Emperor's Shadow War (Tales of Alus Book 2)

Page 42

by Donald Wigboldy

  Darius seemed not the least bit phased by the king's words and looked casually to his cloak and tugged at a string that he seemed to suddenly find. Looking up almost as if he was surprised to see the king still standing there before him, the wizard finally smiled again and asked quietly, "What if I told you the King of the Norns had returned with the armor of his ancestor to once again give battle to the Dark One and that he brought the children of those that fought with him in those days. That their army begins crossing into this world near Feirhgenrell would not tempt you to finally fight for the safety of all those that you profess to rule and protect?"

  The king's face shifted between surprise, happiness, and even renewed anger before responding to Darius’s taunting question. "You think to dare me into sending my forces against the dark creatures? Surely you are a treacherous thing that seeks to weaken my kingdom by committing to such foolishness."

  Darius shrugged, "If you are too afraid unlike those elves gathering even now to find a way to fight on against his evil, I guess that it is too late for you, Durtan," the wizard replied making sure to leave the title of king off his rebuke. "But let me point out one thing, we will try this and should we fall before you do, you will surely fall even still. Your kingdom does not have the strength to resist the forces against you and all those you could help will curse you from the grave. Even your own people as they die before the claws and teeth and even steel of the Dark One, will surely curse you for not at least trying when you had the chance."

  Darius turned from the king then and said loudly to the others, "Well, we've done all for this kingdom that he will allow. Let's gather up the rest of your friends and see if this ring can carry us all back to Feirhgenrell to meet with those elves that are still willing to fight the Dark One." He looked at the gargoyles and added, "We can probably take you with us as well, gentlemen, if you wish to be dropped at the Grimnal's camp. Otherwise, I believe you may as well fly back. There is nothing more that you can do here and I am sure that you are both anxious to get back to defeat the dark beasts."

  "Enough, wizard!" the king finally shouted. The soldiers surrounding them all tensed and seemed ready to spring against him, if their king wished it though many a face seemed on the verge of questioning that loyalty. "You have badgered me beyond tolerance already. Do not think me a fool to be so easily drawn into your game, but neither am I willing to be the fool who ignores the chance to stop that shade. If you can bring me proof of what you say, then I will join you and send word to the other kings to join if they will.

  "Will that satisfy you, wizard?" he asked aggravated by Darius fully now.

  Darius smiled wickedly and replied, "It's a start. Begin sending word now and I will bring you proof over the next day or so, but first we need to return to the Grimnal's camp to let everyone know that we are safe. If we are excused, your majesty, then mayhap we can gather these soldiers and bring them back with us?"

  "If it will get you out of my throne room, then, yes," the king said exasperatedly as he sat drained upon his throne. "I will expect proof over the next few days. Maybe by then, I will be better prepared to ignore your annoying ways, wizard."

  "Annoying, sire?" Darius asked laughingly. "I had not noticed before. I shall indeed be looking forward to my return and seeing if what you say is true."

  The humans left with the two gargoyles in tow. They had come otherwise unasked and followed them through a maze of corridors. Once outside, however, the gargoyles declined the offer of the dimensional gate and flew up and away to the north.

  Dante chuckled as he held Valenia close to his side. Looking at the wizard, he said half laughing, "Durtan has a point, Darius. I think that I am glad that you haven't badgered me that way so far. You do have a talent for annoying the king, if you're of a mind to do so."

  Darius smiled, "It's a little known art, I suppose. Actually, I wonder if using it could help me get my way with Electra a little more often. Do you think?"

  Valenia asked, "Is she your wife?"

  "No, but we're nearly that close, I think."

  "Then you haven't a prayer," Dante jumped in first.

  Valenia elbowed the man in the side and she replied, "Women have a way of knowing when their men are up to nonsense. We're the only ones to keep you out of trouble. A woman can put up with a lot for the right man. If she loves you as much as you think, she can ignore your little skill."

  Darius shrugged and looked to Misery still astride his shoulder. "I thought as much," he sighed, "but I thought that I'd ask." The young man laughed then. "It hardly matters anyway. I'd do just about anything for that woman if she asked."

  "That taken with her are you? I'm surprised that you would have so much in common with an elf," Dante said unthinkingly. After the words had left his mouth, he realized how that sounded and tried to save himself by saying, "I meant that she comes from another world, another race even. I would think that there would not be enough points in common for each of you that would make it harder to fall in love."

  Darius looked at him steadily, "I don't know that that won't eventually separate us, but you would be surprised what barriers love can draw you past. You can't tell me that you and Valenia don't have your differences. Every couple has something to discover about each other and they either become stronger in realizing their differences or they break apart.

  "Now can we just go gather your people, so that we can see if the magic of the ring can work for all of us before we all start singing of love or something equally sickening? How did you lead me to talking of such things, brother?"

  Valenia noticed the term immediately and asked, "Brother? How can he be your brother?"

  Dante chuckled again, "Brother in spirit. Darius is also immortal we found out. What stronger tie can we have than that?"

  The woman shrugged. "I think that you've been away too long and are getting too strange in your thinking. And that you encourage him, Darius, perhaps you are brothers in spirit.

  "Now let me ask you how this magic works? What are you going to do to us?"

  Darius smiled as Dante looked questioningly to the wizard. Dante thought that the wizard must have pieced together yet another piece of the puzzle and wondered just how many more there were to find before the Dark One would fall.

  Chapter 47- Darius and Dante

  Darius found that the ring had the power that he believed it could manifest. When uniting all the people of both troops by holding hands, Dante could draw them all to wherever he wished. To break the chain would have been disaster, of course, which would probably have resulted in losing a good many away from the ring. Darius hoped that there might actually be a safer way of using the magic, but he would have to consider it later.

  The trip back to Grimnal's camp went without a hitch and Electra gave him a hug of relief when he returned. With that done they all went and spoke with Lord Grimnal and Gannon in the command tent.

  The gargoyle general, Kar' Duik, attended with his quiet presence as well beside the Grimnal. Dante watched Darius as he moved excitedly within the tent. He wondered what the wizard was about to do. It didn't take long to figure that out as after a few brief formal greetings and telling them of how the ring had accomplished what they needed, the wizard was asked by the Grimnal what he thought they should do from here.

  Darius began pacing and directed a question first to Gannon, "I have a theory, but perhaps we should ask the seer? Do you know the way that we should go from here or have the fates left that open to us?"

  The man looked uncomfortable before the wizard's stare. Though they shared some of the magical abilities of each calling, the two came from sects that had long been separated by their differences. Taking a deep breath and steeling himself against the young wizard, Gannon answered carefully, "Though we have some knowledge of the future possibilities, the exact order of events is still lost to the whim of fate. We know that a great battle will be fought here, but the how and when of that is unknown to me."

  "Then we need a plan," Darius
jumped in unruffled by the Visionary sect's less than helpful insights. "I think that I may have started us on the way if I convinced King Durtan to alert the other kings of the dwarves. Janus and King Romullee should have already sent word by now to the remaining elf kingdoms also. The armies will need to be sent to some destination where we can meet the Dark One's forces first, then we will strike the true blow."

  Lord Grimnal spoke first at Darius' words, "What is it that you have decided, Darius? Surely we cannot rely solely on the power of our swords to defeat this menace. How do you plan to take care of the Dark One himself?"

  Darius stopped his pacing to direct a steady gaze at the lord, and replied, "I need to consult with Janus first and probably the seer as well. Though he knows little of the future to help us, he does know the ring."

  Gannon glared at the idea of being unable to fulfill that which his sect had been created for, but he said nothing of it as he stated, "The dragon taught me what he knew, though I am unsure how that will help you, even so. When can we speak with this `Janus' person?"

  Darius answered calmly, "As soon as we can get Dante to take us there."

  Dante looked startled as did many in the room. "Me?" he questioned.

  "You have the ring and we need to show it to the holy knight. If he can unravel its mysteries further, we can use it to trap the Dark One. I am sure of it."

  "But I don't like using the magic, Darius. It seems so strange and foreign to me. Isn't there some other way than to risk ourselves in that void again?" Dante played with the ring working it towards the end of his finger. Briefly he glanced at the unassuming metal before looking again to the young wizard.

  Darius shrugged. "You can give it to me to use, if you still trust me. I have no fear of magic, even magic that is not actually my own. The ring will work for anyone as it does for you. If not me, then pick another."

  Dante started to glance at the Grimnal. The legendary lord could be trusted as much as anyone, he thought, though probably Darius was equally trustworthy as well. At his gaze, the eternal lord shook his head, however, and one less choice was left to him.

  Gannon took his gaze in passively. The only other man sufficiently close to him and already a trusted guide, Dante thought only moments on the decision, before he removed the ring. With a flick of his hand, the ring spun through the air and Darius caught it casually. "You said it once yourself, Darius," Dante stated slowly as he continued to think the matter through. "You were sent on a mission for a warrior's weapon. I am not the warrior needed, but I was the one sent to gather a talisman of magic. Perhaps the swap is not exact, but I think that I would prefer a wizard that I trust should have it. Besides, you seem to have ideas about how best to use it and the only way to figure out its true destiny is for you to have time to study it."

  Gannon questioned quietly from beside him, "Are you sure, lieutenant? Perhaps the destiny is actually yours to be taken to the Dark One to defeat him instead?"

  Dante shook his head, "Though it may come down to my hand using it to do that someday, this is not the day. I have little knowledge of it and you know only what the dragon knows, which involves no plans of how to stop the evil here. Darius and his friend know how to travel with it, so maybe they can figure out how to access the means to defeat the Emperor."

  The seer simply nodded at the answer with no better answer than that.

  Darius did answer, however, as he began again, "Then I guess that I shall leave soon with the ring." Electra stared at him insistently, but he said nothing to her while he continued on with only a half nod to the elf woman. "I will show the ring to the holy knight, either he or the elven wizards will have some thoughts on its abilities, I am sure. If they are still unable to help, then I will experiment with it awhile to check some theories of mine concerning the capture and possible destruction of the Dark One. Once I have tested my theories, I will then return with my plan.

  "Lord Grimnal," he turned to look at the giant lord, still dwarfed by the gargoyle beside him, "in the meantime, would you send messengers and perhaps speak with the dwarven lords? We will need them, and if King Durtan does not help us out, the other kings will still need to be called on to help fight the dark legions. Janus assured me that he would send messengers to the remaining elf lords when we left and I trust that he will have already."

  Grimnal nodded, "Of course, wizard, but what is it you wish me to tell them? I have learned in my long years that kings do not just follow anyone's lead without reason and, as of yet, I do not think that I can persuade them."

  Darius shrugged and simply smiled in the face of the cold rebuttal, "But I have given you all that you need, my lord. We are here. Another world comes to save both of our worlds from the menace and we bring the descendant of Alig the Norn. He bears the armor that all might follow him and fulfill the vows that their ancestors spoke concerning the Dark One's return. The time is nigh and we need their support. Have them join their forces with yours for now and remind them to leave defenders in their fortresses. They will surely demand that they need to, so tell them that is what we desire also. If each king spares even half of his army, we will have the numbers to take the fight all the way to the Dark One himself.

  "That is what you will tell them. That and the fact that we have gathered wizards and talismans which will suffice to destroy the Dark One's power once they send their help. They know the Dark One's past. This will be enough. The seer can probably see that much, if you ask him."

  The Grimnal nodded his big head silently, though Dante thought he heard Gannon mumble something not too flattering under his breath at the offhand comment.

  Darius nodded again and said, "Fine. Then it is time to begin our great work. Lord Grimnal will fight the enemy as they make themselves known for now. I propose that a week and a half from now, we will have the means to strike back fully and return the Dark One's creatures to the defensive and even drive them back to his lair itself. Unless there are any further questions, for now I will take my leave of you along with those who will return with me, Lord Grimnal." Turning to Dante, he added, "Until we meet again, brother." With a little bow, the wizard retreated from the tent with his entourage of Electra, Bagheer and Tate following in his wake.

  Darius gathered the others around him in a tight ring after sending their elven escorts back with their mounts to Feirhgenrell. He was about to use the ring when Gannon walked determinedly towards them. "Can I help you, seer?" he asked cautiously.

  "Yes," the man said evenly, "I wish to go with you for a time. I have been wondering at this void that you have mentioned that both you and Dante have found. The dragon had not spoken of this before to me and I wish to know more of it as you do."

  Darius shrugged, "I suppose that it doesn't matter how many go, but didn't you feel its presence when Dante brought us here?"

  The seer shook his head. "It was like a blink of the eye, wizard. A silver flash and we found ourselves here. You said that you were both within it for long enough to get a slight understanding of it. I wish to do the same."

  Again Darius gave a shrug of indifference, "This trip will be no longer than the last, seer. I can return for you when I begin experimenting. Why don't you remain here until I can return for you?"

  The man shook his head adamantly, "No, I would rather go with you now. If you would go slower through the void on our way to the elven city as well, I would be most appreciative."

  "That would endanger us more, since the extended time could separate us while you looked around there. Why can't you wait?"

  The Visionary looked at him sternly and replied, "Humor me and I will ask no more of you."

  Finally, the wizard acquiesced to the demands and they made room for him in their circle. The five of them would make a journey in moments that would take the elven riders days to complete. Darius concentrated while waiting until later to marvel at the idea of such amazing magic. In a blink, they were inside the silver void. "Are you happy now, Gannon?" Darius asked opening his eyes to the silver lig

  Gannon smiled coldly.

  "Almost," he said and suddenly he broke the chain. Letting go of Bagheer and Tate, the seer pushed away from the four still clutching each others' hands.

  "Gannon!" they all screamed as one. Darius shouted desperately, "What have you done, seer? Are you mad? Have you succumbed to the Dark One and seek to destroy us now?"

  The man chuckled softly and shook his head as he slid further away in the void. "No, wizard, I am not one of his creatures. Go now and when you return here, you will find me. I wish to explore this place. After all, you plan to do so as well, do you not? When you return I will tell you what I have found."

  The four remaining members of the trip pulled back together, and rejoined hands minus the Visionary. "Damn him!" Darius cursed quietly. "I hope that he knows what he is doing. Worse, I hope that he does it for the reasons that he says."

  Darius forced himself to think of Feirhgenrell and Janus despite the panic he now felt and, a thought later, they were there. Elves shouted in alarm at their sudden appearance. Wizards and generals looked up from their various works and swords were bared as magic flames began to ignite in the others hands.

  Janus noted who it was that surprised them and shouted for everyone to calm down as he leapt to put himself between most of the elves and Darius. Matalchus also was there with Xarien and they tried desperately to calm the others as well.

  "What have you done?" Janus cried out the first to be coherent in the confusion. "I have not taught you the magic so well already have I, wizard?"

  Darius laughed and clamped a hand atop one of the elf's strong shoulders, "No, Janus, I am not that adept and you aren't that good of a teacher, but it is this new magic that brings me here that I wish to discuss." Suddenly he remembered the seer, and added, "I hope that you are up to discovering more about it and soon. The magic has gathered up one who was foolhardy to say the least.

  "Have matters gone well since I left here?"


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