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The Gazing Globe

Page 19

by Candace Sams

  Afton followed Pluck to the older Druid and hugged him. Hugh smiled, looking in high spirits. She could tell he was glad to be home, and she knew his happiness had as much to do with being close to Shayla as having Blain present.

  "Have you heard how incredibly well Blain has been accepted?" Afton asked as she looped her arm through Hugh's.

  "Aye, I've heard and am as proud as if he were my own son. I've been told he wields a battle axe. He's a good lad, and he'll make a strong warrior," Hugh bragged.

  "Then you haven't seen him yet?"

  "No. In this crowd, I'll have to wait my turn. It seems everyone is standing in line to meet my nephew. Arthur and Syndra would have been so proud of him."


  The older Druid turned to see the subject of his conversation standing behind him. In an instant, Hugh moved forward and unashamedly hugged his nephew. Afton could see tears of pure pride in the older man's eyes. And it was no wonder. Blain was in fairy form and looking magnificent. His inspiring wings glowed like jewels and fanned out behind him for the whole Order to see and admire.

  "I'm glad you're here. Did your trip from the States go well? Is everything okay at the farm?" Blain quizzed.

  "Aye, lad. Shayla sent more than enough manpower to take care of everything. All's well. And things here are going splendidly from what I've heard. I told you everything would be all right, didn't I?"

  "You tried to. I just wasn't ready to listen."

  "Uh-um!" Pluck cleared his throat, obviously wanting an introduction.

  Afton stepped forward. "Blain, this is Pluck. He's my best friend."

  Blain took a moment to shake hands and exchange a few words of greeting with the elf. Pluck's smile, Irish accent and his leprechaun-like appearance were winning, and he liked the small man immediately.

  But Blain's attention was soon riveted on Afton. She was lovely in a light green Druid gown. All the leprechauns, elves, fairies and their magic couldn't pull his gaze away from her.

  "How was your day, Afton?" he murmured, moving closer to her.

  "Fine, thank you. And yours seemed quite eventful from all the rumors. Quite a wonderful impression you've made."

  Blain gazed into Afton's blue eyes and wanted to run to the woods with her. Later, he would. Though the hot desire should have abated, he still wanted her with every fiber in his body.

  "Come, lad. The feasting is about to begin, but the guest of honor hasn't arrived. I think Lore wants you at the head table," Hugh told him as he saw Lore wave from across the clearing.

  Afton watched Blain take his place beside Shayla. She wanted to get closer, but the seats nearest him were all taken. The crowd was growing fast. She chose a place near her brothers and parents, and Shayla formally introduced Blain to everyone as a matter of protocol. By now, everyone in the Order either knew him or knew of him. The feasting and revelry began and went on for a time, but Blain never looked in her direction. Some of the fairy folk began to sing and dance in the center of the clearing, and Afton noticed Bonny and Morynn vying for Blain's attention. When Shayla vacated her seat to dance with Hugh, the two women practically fought to see who would have it.

  Afton's heart began to sink. She wasn't as beautiful or as worldly as the two women. Rumor had it Bonny had spurned several advances from young warrior men who might have offered to handfast with her. But it was said she had enough men after her as to afford her a considerable choice.

  Afton watched in distaste as Morynn leaned forward, displaying her breasts while pouring Blain some wine. Rather than watch the spectacle, she decided to leave, but someone tapped her on the shoulder.

  "Afton, the main fire is getting low. Be a love and give it a little jump start, will you?" Shayla asked.

  Afton looked at the fire at the far end of the clearing and saw it had indeed burned to embers. A few months ago, she would have bolted and hidden in the woods at such a request. It would have been a public humiliation for herself and her family to attempt such a feat and fail. But tonight was different. She welcomed the chance to vindicate herself in front of the Order, and she knew she could claim her place as warrior class. She smiled at Shayla and, to her family's surprise, got up to do as she was asked instead of balking.

  She walked to the end of the clearing and stood before the circular fire. It was almost twenty feet across and would need to burn the rest of the night. To let it go out during any celebration was considered disrespectful to the Order and a slight against those who were being honored. It was customary that the fire only be allowed to die at dawn. At one time in history, it guarded the clearing against invaders. Now it burned for Blain's celebration. She decided to rekindle it for him. She closed her eyes and held out her hands.

  "She isn't going to actually try to light the main fire is she? Not Afton O'Malley?" someone called out then laughed.

  Afton's anger grew. She was tired of being the butt of jokes. Everyone thought she didn't possess that kind of power, but she'd practiced very hard all day and wasn't going to fail. Not this time or ever again. She concentrated on the words of enchantment. "Arise fire and light the way. Guard this place and all who stay. Before your glow our foes will flee, to those belonging, blessed be."

  Blain watched as Afton stood by the fire and chanted. He wasn't close enough to hear the words she spoke, but he could certainly hear the comments coming from some of the crowd.

  Bonny leaned over his shoulder. "Poor Afton. She's about to make a fool o' herself. I feel sorry for her. She can't even light a match, much less a fire the size o' that one," she remarked in her thick Scottish brogue. "Tis a nice man she needs. But she's tryin' to impress you, Blain, and you're warrior class. Afton should be takin' up with someone like herself. Too bad she didn't inherit her family's powers, the poor wee thing."

  From several tables away, a man slammed a tankard down upon a table and shouted for others to keep quiet. When Blain turned his head to see who was causing the commotion, it was Gawain. He was trying to quiet the crowd so that Afton could concentrate. Apparently, many of the people around her brother shared Bonny's opinion of Afton's abilities and felt she shouldn't try something as ambitious as relighting the huge fire.

  Blain shrugged Bonny's hand off his shoulder and stood up. Intending to show Afton support, he tried to make his way toward the table where Gawain and his family sat. Suddenly, the entire sky lit up. The fire before Afton not only burned, it's flames shot more than thirty feet into the air and glowed iridescent blue before falling back to a more controlled height and turning bright orange. The entire time, Afton stood before the fire, summoning it to do her bidding. Controlling it as if it were a living entity. When the flames were where she wanted them, she lowered her hands and turned to face the crowd. Every single man, woman and child present, including Afton's family, had gone completely silent. Blain looked around and saw people back away, staring at her. What had she done? If this was an example of not having powers, Blain didn't want to know what someone like Shayla or Hugh could do with the flames.

  "I knew she had it in her," Shayla murmured, suddenly appearing beside him.

  Blain turned to look at the Sorceress. "What's happening?"

  She shrugged. "Afton is just coming into her powers a little late. But then, so did I."

  Blain glanced around. People began to whisper. Many smiled and began to applaud. Afton stood demurely in front of the fire. Before anyone had a chance to speak with her, she lowered her head and walked into the woods.

  "Music. We need music to dance by, and good wine to drink," Shayla demanded.

  Slowly, the revelry began again. Blain glanced at Afton's family. Her mother was sitting at a nearby table with her head in her hands. It appeared she was smiling and crying all at once. Her husband was grinning like an Amazonian python. Her brothers laughed and toasted while men approached the entire family. Blain guessed that they might be suitors. In the very short time he'd been in their midst, power seemed to mean a great deal to these people, and Afton had just
proved she had it. Glancing around, he saw Morynn and Bonny pointing at the fire, apparently discussing what they'd witnessed.

  "Now shut up, the lot of you! Don't ever say anything insulting about my sister again, or you'll answer to me," Gawain shouted. "Bring me some damned ale!"

  "Shayla, where did Afton go?" Blain asked, when he found the Sorceress in the crowd.

  "She might need to rest. It took a lot of energy to do what she did. There aren't ten in the entire Order who could have done it. She's finally a warrior." She beamed at the pronouncement.

  "I'm going to find her," Blain declared. Without waiting

  for Shayla's response, he turned and walked toward the woods.


  Afton walked as far as she could then sank into the grass. In her anger, she'd pulled out all the stops and had started a fire that would have the entire Order talking for months. She hadn't meant to show off, just put some wagging tongues to rest. In doing so, she'd even surprised herself. What more was she capable of? There would be hours more of practice ahead of her so she could gain control over the other elements. No one, especially her family, would ever have to worry about her after this. She could choose any man she wanted. That had her grinning like a fool as she attempted to close her mind to everything around her except the clean smell of the forest.

  When Blain saw Afton his heart almost stopped. Her small figure was so still. He ran forward and knelt beside her, placing his hand on her cheek. "Afton, are you all right?"

  Afton heard Blain call to her, but her mind was so tired. It took everything she had to pull herself back to consciousness. "Blain...where come from?" she managed to mumble.

  "Honey, are you okay? Can you sit up?"

  "I think so. Just give me a moment."

  When she tried and failed, Blain took her in his arms and held her to him. "Lie still. Don't try to move if you're too tired. Just rest." He stroked her hair as he spoke. Where were her parents and her brothers? If they knew such an effort physically cost her so much, why weren't they with her? "Don't worry, Afton. I'll get help if you need it."

  "No. That isn't necessary. I just need to sleep for a few minutes, that's all." She snuggled against his chest.

  "I'll hold you, then. You shouldn't be alone after exerting yourself so much." He thought of what could happen to her if she'd tried such a thing in New England. He began to understand why these people were so secretive and wary. "You're vulnerable right now."

  "Not anymore," she whispered. "You're here. I'll be safe."

  Blain's heart warmed at the trust she showed him. He held her for about an hour and gently stroked her hair. During that time, Afton didn't move. Her breathing seemed normal, and her pulse was strong. He couldn't sense anyone in the vicinity, but his anger grew with each passing moment. Where the hell was her family? If she agreed to handfast with him, he'd never let her be alone after using so much of her strength. He'd guard her with his life until she recovered. For a family who was supposed to be so close, this didn't make any damned sense. He let his wings enfold them both, shutting out the world and the distant sound of merrymaking. Finally, she stirred.

  "How long did I sleep?

  "Quite a while. Are you feeling all right now?"

  "Yes," she sat up but kept her arms wrapped around his neck.

  He stood up, lifting her into his arms. "Tell me how to get to your cottage. I'm taking you home since no one else seems to give a damn about checking on you."

  "Why are you angry?" She tilted her head and gazed at him in confusion.

  "Afton, you were lying in the middle of the woods in the dark. You used almost all of your energy to start that damned fire, and not a single soul has come looking for you. Not one of your family has shown any interest in finding you. They must have known this was going to happen Shayla did."

  "Blain, if they saw you come after me, they probably thought we wanted to be alone."

  Blain stopped walking and gazed into her eyes. The starlight reflected in their blue depths and called to him. He hadn't thought of that. All he'd been able to think about was making sure she wasn't hurt or ill.

  "Do we?" he murmured


  "Want to be alone? I seem to recall you saying something earlier today about seeing me later. That was right after I almost threw you to the ground and made love to you."

  She smiled at the memory. "I'd like to be alone with you. Very much." She leaned her head against his shoulder.

  He slowly lowered her to the ground but held her close. "I've missed you all day. So many things have happened to me, but it looks as though you were putting your time to good use, too. Shayla says you've finally got your powers."

  "I was never able to call upon so much power before I met you," she said. "I think you must inspire me."

  He cupped her cheek in his palm. "Maybe I can give you other inspiration."

  He lowered his mouth to hers then brushed his lips across her soft cheek. His hands caressed her back through the thick fabric of her robe, and he heard her moan so softly he thought he might have imagined the sound

  "Afton," he breathed, "I want you, but it might be a good idea if I took you home. You used too much of your energy starting that damned fire. I don't want to hurt you."

  "You would never hurt me, Blain. Sleep and contact with the earth renewed my strength. Please...I want you, too. No one will interrupt us here. We've all the time in the world."

  When she saw his green eyes glowing for her and the indecision within them, she placed her hands behind his neck and pulled him down to her level. "Don't make me beg, Blain. I want you."

  His mouth came down on hers with crushing force. He could taste her innocence as if it were sweet spring wine. Going slowly would be hard, but he had to hold back. She was as new to making love as he was to this magical Order he'd entered. And in fairy form, he was more powerful than ever. He pulled away from her far enough to help her stand, lifted her robe over her head and let it fall to the ground. She was naked, and moonlight illuminated her beautiful body making his heart pound and blood rush to his groin.

  He took her hands in his, placed them over his hardening member and saw her smile bewitchingly. When her slender fingers unlaced his pants and touched the solid flesh beneath, he thought he'd go insane. He dropped his head back and let her hands move over him. Exploring, learning.

  She knelt before him pulling down his leather boots and then his pants. He stepped out of the clothing. His calves tingled at her touch. Her soft palms lingered there, massaging. She leaned her cheek against his lower thigh.

  "Blain.. .Blain," Afton whispered over and over until he pulled her roughly into his arms and molded their bodies together with his strong hands. The kiss he bestowed on her made her weak and replenished her all at once. The world spun out of control. All she knew was her love for this man. There was no earth, no sky, and no boundaries for them.

  Go slow, he reminded himself. She's a virgin. He wanted to make her first time very special. In a way, it was his first time, too. He felt he had the strength of several men and the endurance to go with it.

  Her hands moved to one of the most sensitive places on a fairy's body—the base of his wings. She traced a small pattern with her fingertips, and he felt his control flee. He lowered her to the sweet-smelling grass and covered her body with his. He devoured her with his mouth, teasing at each nipple until she cried out and writhed beneath him, and he could no longer stand the sweet torture. Still, he had to make sure she was ready for him. He ran his palms down her thighs then between them, stroking the sensitive flesh there. Afton cried out again, and he knew she was finally ready. She cradled him between her soft, smooth legs and gently, ever so slowly, he pushed forward.

  Afton knew a moment of tearing pain, which quickly diminished. Blain crooned sweet words of encouragement until she nodded. Then, he began to gently thrust. Just small strokes at first, then more deeply. Her breath left her. His green gaze seared into her heart, warming her
body. Then an incredible pressure began to build, and she wanted more. She clawed at his shoulders to bring him closer.

  Afton's soft cries and the instinctive rocking motion of her body told Blain she was quickly reaching climax. When her womb began to contract, he lost himself with her, and the world fell away. She lay in his arms, trembling from the beauty of it. He held her against his chest and rocked her in a slow, easy motion. When he felt moisture against his skin, he lifted her chin and kissed away her tears.

  "Did it hurt that much?"

  "It didn't hurt but a moment. It was wonderful, Blain. It was...I have no words."

  She hid her head against his chest and wept again, but Blain knew this was her way of dealing with the emotions besieging her. Nothing in the world—not man nor beast nor magic—would ever take her away from him. She was his sweetest desire and hope for the future. He was determined to make a life with her somewhere, somehow. No challenger would ever part them.

  "Blain?" she called his name in a soft voice.

  "Yes, sweetheart?"

  "I eavesdropped and heard what you told Rhiannon the night you sent her away. You said I could never be more than a friend to you." She paused and waited for his response.

  "Honey, how could you remotely think such a thing after what just happened?" He held her tightly. "Sweetheart, I was lying to myself and Rhi. Rhiannon and I never cared for each other the way I care for you. She's just one of those people who like having things their own way, and I went along with it because I felt so alone." He realized that with crystal clarity now. "I'd already begun to fall in love with you, but I didn't want Rhi confronting you. She can be a bit vindictive. I was also afraid that if the Order didn't accept me, I'd lose you. I didn't want to get close knowing I might never see you again. And while I do need your friendship, little Druid, you're far more than any friend to me. I love you, Afton."

  "You love me? Really? And you've accepted the Order without any reservations?" she asked as she looked up into his eyes and smiled.

  "Afton, I accept it all. And I love you so much it hurts to be separated for even a short time. I want to handfast with you. That's why I wanted to make love with you tonight. I don't want anyone challenging me for you. But can you love a man not born into your world? Someone who'll spend the rest of his life learning what he is?"


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