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Drunk in Love 3: An Original Love Story

Page 5

by Tiece

  “Damn, if something was going on though I would’ve thought he’d talk about it. I shouldn’t have had to ask.” She said just above a whisper as she sat in the car waiting for Zoe and Dillon to come out of Wal-Mart. She sat there thinking about calling him, but then she noticed his phone still on the charger, sitting in the cup holder between the two front seats. “Damn,” she said with a disappointing shake of the head. She nervously passed her phone back and forth from one hand to the other. Her emotions were all over the place with all sorts of thoughts.

  “What’s taking Dillon and Zoe so long to come out of Wal-Mart?” She impatiently pondered. “I should’ve gotten him to take me to get my car first.” As she rambled on about everything that came to mind, her phone rang and to her surprise it was actually Felisha. She contemplated answering the phone, but then decided to give Felisha a piece of her mind.

  “Why the fuck are you calling me?” She answered with a very stern attitude.

  A part of Felisha felt relieved to hear her voice. “Are you okay?” She hesitantly questioned.

  “Why? Does it fucking matter? If it hadn’t been for you running your mouth, Mark wouldn’t have ever come after me like that. Hadn’t you BEEN FUCKING my husband? Why the fuck was it so important for you tell him some shit about me?”

  Felisha cleared her throat trying to buy some time, because Olivia was absolutely right. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what else to say, but I’m sorry.”

  “So, you’re admitting the fact that you’d been fucking Mark all of these years?”

  “I uh… Look, it’s not what you’re making it out to be.”

  “Well, explain it to me then. I’m listening,” Olivia said just wanting to hear the facts for herself. She was done playing games with Felisha and Mark. “Just come out with it.” She insisted.

  “O’, it’s not what you’re making this out to be. I just wanted to call and make sure that you were good.”

  “Why would you want to know that? Did Mark call you to investigate for him?” She angrily shook her head. “Where is the coward? Is he there with you?”

  “No, he’s not here with me.” Felisha quickly answered.

  “But he did call you, huh?” She asked. “Why the fuck he couldn’t be a man and call himself? He is the one that pulled the Evel Knievel stunt.”

  “I’m sorry that happened. How is Zay?” She quickly asked, hoping to get more information to calm Mark down.

  Olivia’s neck jerked a little. How dare this bitch wanna know how the fuck he’s doing? “Don’t you or Mark fucking worry about it!” She scolded her. “You just relay this message to Mark since you’re playing his lil do-girl at the moment. Tell that bitch that he will be going down for this! He think that fucking with you was bad, well tell him it’s about to get worse. The next time he pulls out a gun he needs to make sure that he finishes the job, because now I’m gonna drain his ass in this divorce. And, just so you know. You can have him. He’s all yours since this is the man that you’ve wanted all of these years.”

  Felisha didn’t know what to say. “O’, it doesn’t have to be like-”

  Olivia quickly cut her off. “It’s already like this, thanks to you fucking him behind my back & running your big ass mouth. You were never my friend. It’s sad that I’m just now realizing it.”

  “I still love you, O’ regardless of what or how you may feel and I hope that if nothing else we can still be business partners.”

  “Ha, Bitch you don’t know what love is.” Olivia said almost wanting to laugh. “You and Mark better find some damn good lawyers because y’all both are gonna need them.” And with that, Olivia hung up in Felisha’s face, leaving her feeling fucked up. The only thing that got her through the entire conversation was the fact that Olivia never mentioned Lil Romeo. It was apparent that she hadn’t heard about it, yet. She knew then, without a doubt, that she’d better find a damn good lawyer to keep her shop. There was no way that Olivia would play remotely nice once that news hit her ears.

  As Olivia sat there fuming that Felisha would have the audacity to call her, Zoe and Dillon walked out of the Wal-Mart. Watching how close they’d gotten in so little time had Olivia thinking. It was something going on with them that neither had revealed yet, but in due time it was certainly going to come out.

  Dillon opened up the passenger car door first as Zoe got inside the car. Olivia couldn’t wait to slide in a few words before Dillon got in.

  “He’s opening up doors for you now? I mean, what’s going on, kiddo? Y’all just met tonight.” Olivia questioned with a slight smirk on her face.

  “Just because you’re two years older than me doesn’t mean that you know everything.” Zoe said with soft smile. “He’s just being a gentleman.”

  “Well, that would certainly run in the family,” Olivia said thinking that Zay was always the perfect gentleman. As Dillon got inside the car, Zoe looked back at her sister.

  “I thought that you had called mom and dad. What happened since they never showed up to the hospital?” She asked.

  “I called mom just in case she’d heard anything and since she hadn’t, I didn’t mention it. However, I know I’m gonna have to tell them so don’t start with me.”

  “I’m not saying anything.” Zoe said, feeling like she wasn’t the only one hiding secrets as she glimpsed over at Dillon’s handsome face and smiled a little.

  “I just didn’t want them to meet Zay under these circumstances. You know mom can be quite difficult sometimes; especially when she’s caught up in her feelings about the way she raised us.”

  “Tell me about it,” Zoe said. “Well, you tell them on your own terms. I won’t say a word. Oh and Dillon and I were talking and I thought that we’d stay at the same hotel as you.”

  “Oh really?” Olivia teased causing Dillon to grin.

  “Not like that. I’m getting my own room and so is he. My goodness, I just met the man.” Zoe laughed as she lied through her teeth.

  “If you say so,” Olivia uttered. “Well, in that case let’s go get our cars first then we’ll all head downtown to the Marriot. I highly doubt that Mark will be anywhere lurking since Felisha called to spy for him.”

  Zoe quickly snapped her neck back to look at her sister. “She did what now? The nerve of that bitch truly amazes me.”

  “Talk about it,” Olivia responded. “Well, I gave her more than an ear full.”

  “You should’ve.” Zoe snapped. “Glad it wasn’t me on the phone with that hoe.” Zoe wanted to tell Olivia about Lil Romeo at that moment, because it seemed like perfect timing. However, this wasn’t something that she wanted to discuss in front of Dillon; especially not knowing what Olivia’s reaction would be.

  Olivia sat quiet for a moment. Her thoughts bounced back and forth from Mark’s stupid decision to shoot at them then back to Zay who probably had a visitor by now. She certainly hadn’t come this far to get overthrown by a clueless ex-girlfriend that clearly didn’t understand the love that she and Zay had for one another.

  “You know what?” She questioned both Dillon and Zoe. “Once we’re back to the hotel, I’m gonna shower then head on back to the hospital. I think I still need to be with Zay in his time of need.” Zoe and Dillon just glanced at each other. They were glad to hear that she’d be leaving which meant that they could spend the night with each other and not have to worry about being caught by her.

  “I think you should do that. He’d rather you there than that Angel chick I’m sure.” Zoe commented only making Olivia want to go back to the hospital even more.

  “One thing about it, she may be visiting, but she sure as hell won’t be staying.” Olivia assured her.

  Dillon didn’t say a word. Listening at the sisters go back and forth was quite amusing. They both had a lot of spunk about them, not to mention that they looked somewhat the same; except one being darker skinned than the other. If Olivia was anything like Zoe then Angel was sure to have hell on her hands and he couldn’t wait for her ass to be co
nfronted once Olivia made it back to the hospital.

  This ought to be good, he thought as he drove towards the club so the sisters could get their cars and he could follow them back to the hotel.

  Chapter 5

  When Angel arrived at the hospital, she was dressed in a pair of fitted jeans, a black T-shirt by Bebe and a cute pair of black and hot pink Nike Air Max. She carried a black and pink Louis Vuitton bag on her shoulder as she switched all the way to the front desk of the hospital. She gave them Xavier’s name, and then was directed to where he was located at. She then headed in that direction; anxiously ready to see her boo. When she got to the room, she stopped at the door to peek in at him. It broke her heart to see him laying there like that; especially knowing what had happened to him.

  Zay lay in the hospital bed sleeping peacefully as Angel sat there watching him. He was definitely one hot catch and to her, the one that got away. She didn’t know the full story on what had happened, but was thinking that it had to be a random shooting. As long as she’d known Zay, he was a stand-up guy. There shouldn’t have been anyone that wanted him dead.

  She’d been there close to an hour now and not once had he opened his eyes. However, when he did she was going to be there to hold his hand and let him know how much she loved him. They shared a love that was rare and even though he’d pretended that he’d forgotten it, she hadn’t.Angel leaned down and softly kissed him on the lips. He cracked his eyes just a little bit.

  “Olivia,” he said with a slight smile just above a whisper, and then just that quickly he’d dozed back off into lala land.

  Angel frowned. “Olivia,” she whispered. “Did this nigga just call me another woman’s name?” Hearing this definitely made her feel some type of way. She didn’t care how sleepy or tired he was at that point. She wanted answers and she wanted them now.

  “Xavier,” she called out. Zay kept right on sleeping. This time she shook him lightly. “Xavier,” she called out again. This time Zay’s eyes slowly opened. He blinked them a few times as he zoomed in on her face. Finally, his eyes were wide open, but he was quite disappointed to see Angel standing over him.

  “Daaaamn,” he whispered like he had the dry mouth and needed a drink of water. “Why are you here?”

  Angel smacked her lips. “I come here to check on you and the only thing you can ask me is why I’m here? You have gotta be kidding me right now.”

  “No, I’m not kidding you. Why are you here? My brother told you that I was fine. You shouldn’t have come.”

  “And why is that? Is your lil home girl, lady friend, or fuck buddy close by?” She looked around the room as if to tell him that he was alone. “Olivia isn’t here.”

  Zay was caught off guard, because he never told her Olivia’s name. “Listen Angel, we are not together. You know this. So, why are you tripping? And how do you know about Olivia?”

  “I don’t know anything about her except that you called me by her name a few minutes ago while you were talking in your sleep. Are you in love with this woman?”

  Zay frowned. For some reason the women in his life wanted to make it hard for him. Neither had the right to chastise him, but for some reason they felt that they could. However his heart belonged to only one of them and it sure as hell wasn’t Angel anymore. He looked at her, almost with disgust in his face.

  “Angel, in case you’ve forgotten, I was shot tonight. I don’t want to answer any of your questions and I don’t need you here. I just wanna get some rest so these people will let me go home. That’s it, can I do that, please?”

  Angel ignored him as she always did. “Do you love this woman? Just tell me, Zay. I wanna know if you love her.”

  “If I answer that question will you let me get some rest?”

  “Yes,” she responded.

  He looked at her and shook his head, and then said, “Well yes, I do love her.”

  Angel was shocked. She’d been fucking and sucking Zay for the past month or better. Not once had this Olivia woman showed up to his crib nor had he let on that it was that serious. If it had been, then why was he still fucking her?

  “I don’t believe you.” She said, folding her arms. “There is no way that you love her. If you loved her you wouldn’t have been fucking me this whole time. I haven’t seen her around, so who the hell is this woman?”

  “That woman would be me,” Olivia said as she stepped into Zay’s hospital room. She’d been outside the door eavesdropping just in time to catch the juicy information.

  Zay’s eyes widened at just the sight of her. “Ahh shit,” he whispered.

  Angel quickly eyed her competition up and down. “So, you’re the lady that has Zay’s attention.”

  “Yet, you’re the woman that he’s been fucking.” Olivia shot back. “Something is apparently wrong with that picture.”

  Angel glanced back at Zay with an unpleasant smirk on her face. “You like ‘em feisty, huh?” She smugly grinned. “Well, since we’ve not formally met yet. I’m Angel, Zay’s-”

  Olivia cut in, “EX,” she reminded her.

  “Yes, I’m his ex, but how present are you if we’re still fucking?”

  Olivia complacently grinned at her. Her eyes examined her up and down, and by her facial expression she'd clearly gotten an attitude.

  “Hey babe,” Zay called out to try and intervene. “Just let it go. Angel was just leaving.”

  Angel’s head quickly shot his way as she stared at him. “Oh, so Angel was just leaving after driving three hours to get here to check on you. Is this the heartless guy you’ve turned into?”

  Olivia stepped up to Angel with a stern look on her face then told her, “He just seems heartless, because his heart isn’t with you, anymore. You can leave now.”

  “Ayeeeee, aye now,” Zay called out to try and stop a heated fist fight before it started. Angel stood there blocking Zay. She wasn’t moving.

  “Angel, just leave. I never asked you to come here in the first place. You’re always doing shit and thinking that things are supposed to go your way. That doesn’t work with me, anymore.”

  “Well, it worked when you fucked me over and over again.” She said feeling some type of way.

  “Let’s keep it real,” he cut in. “Yes, I fucked you, but you mostly kept your mouth on my dick just to get fucked and half the time that didn’t work.”

  Angel felt cut with a low blow. She was definitely embarrassed by what Zay had revealed. “I can’t believe you, Zay.” She said with tears building up in her eyes.

  “Well believe it and once again, you can leave.” Olivia told her.

  Angel was definitely no pushover and her arrogant attitude wasn’t going anywhere just because Zay had so-called put her on Front Street. She looked at Olivia, now ready for war. “Ex-cuuuuse me!” The ghetto girl came out. “I didn't know you had a watch dog on duty.” She declared with a smirk on her lips like she wanted Olivia to try her.

  Then out of nowhere, Olivia slapped a few goblets of saliva from her mouth. “I got your watch dog, bitch!” Olivia spat. The bizarre incident seemed unreal as Zay almost hurt himself trying to get out of bed to grab her. The IV jerked a little in his arm as he grabbed Olivia’s arm. By this time she and Angel had passed a few licks back and forth. Two nurses ran in the room from all the loud commotion, witnessing Olivia pulling a handful of Angel’s hair and wouldn’t turn it loose.

  Angel dropped her bag on the floor and screamed out in pain, because she was pulling the freshly done tracks loose from her scalp. “Get your bitch!” she yelled at Zay. Zay attempted to strong arm Olivia causing his IV to come out of his arm. The adrenaline was pumping so hard that he didn’t have time to think about his own pain from trying to stop them from killing each other.

  “Get her,” Zay said to one of the nurses as Angel attempted to come back for more. Luckily, a male doctor intervened to help break up the fight. Clearly, he’d never seen anything as crazy as this upon entering the room.

  Once the fight had ceased the
doctor looked at the unruly women with a mean shake of his head. “Y’all will have to leave before I call security.” The tone in his voice stated that he meant business. He then looked at Zay. “Sir, you need to get back in the bed. Please, get his IV back in his arm.” He told one of the nurses. “Ladies, y’all got to go.”

  “She is the only one that doesn’t suppose to be here.” Zay said pointing at Angel. Angel was beyond embarrassed and pissed at how things had turned out.

  “Ma’am,” the doctor said as she stood there like she was frozen in time. “Ma’am, you got to leave here before I call security and be forced to send you to jail.”

  Angel definitely wasn’t going to jail, so she rolled her eyes at all of them then picked up her Louis Vuitton bag off of the floor and exited the room. Zay shook his head, but he knew that this was far from over with Angel and Olivia.

  “Please, just give me something for the pain.” He said to one of the nurses while holding his side.

  “I’m sorry that happened.” Olivia said as she rushed to his side. She was so caught up with trying to get Angel out of the room that she didn’t think about Zay’s well being. Just hearing that he’d been fucking another woman had her gone. She didn’t like that one bit, regardless of what she’d been doing with her husband. It was strange how things could be done to others, but when it was done to them they couldn’t handle it.

  Zay was pissed at both of them, but he loved Olivia and wanted nothing more than for her to stay. However, he figured that he was going to have some questions to answer once he was better. He just looked at her and shook his head. He didn’t even have any words for her at the moment.


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