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Drunk in Love 3: An Original Love Story

Page 11

by Tiece

  Olivia grinned as she lovingly stared at him. “Don’t worry. I’m gonna make sure you’re good and fed before we go to the hotel room. I need you to have all the energy you can get.”

  Zay just shook his head, still smiling. “And, this coming from the woman that doesn’t want me moving around so fast.” He teased.

  Olivia gently hit him on the arm. “Boy hush,” she said with a playful chuckle then led the way out of the hospital room.

  Zay slapped her on the ass. “Damn, I miss doing that.”

  “Really,” she giggled. “Can’t wait to find out what else you’ve missed.”

  “Me either,” Zay responded as they made their way down the corridor and into the first elevator that they saw already open and available for takeoff. They couldn’t have been happier to be getting the fuck up out of there.

  Chapter 11

  Meanwhile, Felisha and Mark were still somewhere in Ashville, North Carolina ducked off in the backwoods overlooking a beautiful view of the mountains and a huge lake. They sat outside on the deck of the nice house talking to each other. Felisha was a bit lost as to what she should do next. Nothing was good to her at the moment as she found herself staring off into space with a glass of red wine in her hand.

  Mark looked over at her and then down to the wooden table beside her. She was so lost in a trance that she didn’t even realize that her phone was ringing. “Fe,” Mark called out. “Your phone is ringing. Who is that?”

  She glanced back at him with a swift roll of the eyes. Her emotions were all over the place. She glanced down on the table at her phone. The caller ID read, Ms. Good P. Felisha just shook her, because she forgotten to call her and knew that she was calling to see what was up with the shop being closed.

  “Damn, it’s Patrice.” She said to Mark.

  “Shit’s about to get real. People are gonna start asking questions.” He said knowing that the truth was going to come out sooner than later.

  “Yeah, and the way my mind is set up right now, I’m about to tell it all. I’m tired of holding this shit in and fighting these feelings. I just can’t do it, anymore.”

  Mark stood up from the wooden rocking chair that he’d been kicked back in. He looked at Felisha with an unsure shake of the head.“Well, I’m not sticking around to hear about it. I’m going inside the house to take a shower.”

  Felisha took a sip from her wine then answered the phone right before it stopped ringing. “What’s up, girl?”

  “Well damn, what is your problem?” Patrice asked while pacing around in front of the nail salon. “I understand that you took a sick day two of the busiest days in a row, but honey business must still operate. You have people in place that can still make that money for you. It’s Sunday morning and we open from eight to one for those that want to make extra money. You already know this. You should be here by now.”

  Felisha had to mentally process all of that information then she quickly cut in. “Damn Patrice, breathe girl.”

  “Breathe my ass. I’m counting on this paycheck for next weekend when I go out of town on this expense paid, Daytona Beach vacation. You trippin’ girl,” she said with a smack of the lips.

  Felisha sighed and took in a deep breath. “Girl, calm the fuck down. Damn, if I have to pay you out of pocket for that lil stank vacation then I will.”

  “Okay then, I’m good, but where are you at and why is the shop closed? We could’ve run it for you today. You know you love those coins, girl. Matter of fact, I’ll just come to your house and get the key. I told you to get me one made anyway.”

  Felisha just shook her head, turning up the rest of her wine. “Do you ever take a moment to breathe when you’re talking?”

  Patrice headed out to her 2002 Honda Civic as she opened the door up and got in. “Yeah smarty pants, I do. Now, gone and get your ass up. I’ll be there shortly.”

  “I’m not home, P.” Felisha softly informed her.

  Patrice frowned with a serious eyebrow raised. “Well, where are you?”

  “I’m somewhere in Ashville, North Carolina.”

  “What the hell are you doing in North Carolina? So you’re just taking days like your job isn’t important now?”

  “I never said that. You know how I feel about my job. I love it almost as much as I love Rome,” she said.

  “Well, why are you in North Carolina and not at work? Who are you there with?”

  “Mark,” Felisha just bluntly responded.

  “Mark?? Mark who?? The only Mark I know is Mark, Mark. Hell you know, Olivia’s Mark. You never told me about this Mark dude.”

  “Gracious Patrice.” Felisha said, “With your long winded ass.”

  “I can’t help it girl. Now who the hell is Mark? Tell me more about him?”

  Felisha sighed heavily. “Well, you already know him. He just so happens to be Olivia’s Mark.”

  Patrice’s eyes stretched wide with shock. “Shut the front door! Olivia must be there, too.”

  Felisha shook her head from one side to the other like Patrice could see her. “No, Olivia isn’t here.”

  “This must be on some business type shit then.” Patrice said feeling confused as hell.

  “Kinda,” Felisha responded. At that moment she just felt the need to put her well kept secret out on the table. “Mark and I have been seeing each other behind Olivia’s back for years. It’s not like it happened the entire time they’d been together, but it has been on and off over the past eight years.”

  At first Patrice was quiet. The unexpected news had to process within her thoughts. Finally she said, “Wow. Girl, don’t make me wreck my damn car. My insurance expires today at five.”

  “You so simple,” Felisha told her.

  “Say what now?” Patrice said with a baffled shake of the head. “Damn, you got me with that shit.”

  “And, since you know that part, I guess you should also know that Lil Romeo is Mark’s son.” She added.

  Once again, the fast talking, long winded Patrice was quiet. Her thoughts reflected back to why Felisha had never gotten a man and kept one. She was so all over the place with her feelings. In her mind, she knew it was somebody in her life, but Felisha would always deny it or have them meet some man that they clearly knew she wasn’t that into.

  Patrice was so quiet that Felisha had to chime in. “P, you alright? For once, you’ve gotten super quiet on me. Damn, I know it ain’t that bad. You’ve done some foul shit and let’s not forget that you’ve slept with at least 100 men.” She said trying to excuse the fact that she was a bad seed.

  “Girl, I don’t know what to say. And yes you are right, but this ain’t about me.” She said with a disappointing shake of the head. “I thought I was ratchet, but I believe you’ve taken the cake by far.” She added.

  “I’ll admit it. I guess that is a bit ratchet.”

  “YOU THINK?!” Patrice questioned with pure sarcasm.

  Felisha just shook her head. “Hell, she ain’t a saint either. So don’t get it twisted.”

  “Well, if you’re talking about Xavier, the guy that she’s been seeing, I know about that.”

  “Oh so you know about that?” Felisha pondered.

  “Yeah, because I was fucking him too, at one point,” Patrice decided to inform her.

  Felisha’s eyebrows scrunched together like she was in awe. “You were fucking Zay?”

  “Yep, weeeeeeeeell… Not exactly fucking him, but we did have a sexual encounter.” Patrice admitted.

  “Wow,” Felisha shook her head, and then said, “O’ just can’t keep a man interested, neither huh?”

  Patrice tooted up her lips. “Look Cuz,” she said not knowing how she should feel about Felisha’s betrayal. “She kept Mark all of these years. You seemed to be the one playing second fiddle.”

  Felicia’s disturbed facial expression didn’t seem too thrilled at being told off. “Patrice, out of all people I thought-”

  “You thought what, that I’d be cool with this? Okay, so I
was the one that went after Xavier. I’d called out their affair to him when I realized that he and O’ were fucking around. He didn’t admit it, but he didn’t deny it either. If she and I had words over him that would’ve been me and her, not you and her so at that time it didn’t matter. She ain’t my best friend. That’s your childhood best friend. She helped you get to where you wanted to be. She even gave me a chance to make a lil money because I was your cousin. I only left her shop to work with you, because I’d found out about her and Xavier and I figured that drama was soon to come if she found out about us. But, the truth be told, I was just caught up in my feelings. I would’ve never ran back to tell Mark about them, because honestly that’s her business. For you to be so lowdown in your pursuit of getting a man has really baffled me, Fe. I can’t lie. I’m truly stunned right now. Then you bring Rome in this world knowing that he’s fathered by your best friend’s husband. That speaks volumes about you. No wonder my mama would tell me to watch you.”

  Felisha was definitely caught off guard by hearing this coming from her cousin. “Aunt Rose never said anything like that. You’re just pissed at me right now, but we’re family and we should always have each other’s back.”

  “Like you’ve had mine,” Patrice said. “Cuz, I took a two dollar pay cut to work with you. Do I ever think that I’ll get that raise like you promised? Hell no, because I know you. You’re selfish and you act like you want to see others doing good, but never better than you. That’s sad.”

  Felisha was quiet for a moment as the tears started running down her face. She quickly attempted to wipe them, definitely feeling some type of way.

  “This shit is about to get real ugly and I don’t want any parts of it. I know I run behind men looking for that quick come up, but I’m not as ratchet as you are. I know my downfalls and imperfections, but I’m a woman in progress. I know I need work, but I would never do anything intentionally to hurt you. Believe it or not, had I known that Olivia was fucking Xavier then I wouldn’t have gone that route, either.”

  “Tuh,” Felisha said like that was a lie.

  “You’re the only whore in this picture Felisha. Too bad you can’t smell your own shit stinking.” Patrice told her. “Oh and as of today, I resign. I can’t work with you no more, because when Olivia finds out about this, she’s going to hang both you and old nasty ass Mark. I knew that he was too good to be true.” She added and with that she hung up in Felisha’s face.

  Felisha was stunned to hear that Patrice had come down so hard on her. Who was she to call the kettle black? She was no better than her. Felisha was totally in denial until the truth finally slapped her as hard as it could in the face. If her own cousin felt that way about her then no telling what her mama would think when she found out. With thoughts of her mother, she decided to give her a quick call to check on Lil Romeo. On the second ring, her mom answered.

  “Hey mama, how’s Rome doing?”

  “He’s good.” Mrs. Tolver responded. “How are you?”

  “I’m good,” Felisha said.

  “Are you sure you’re good?”

  “Yes ma, why?” Felisha pondered.

  “Olivia stopped by on Friday to see Lil Romeo.”

  Immediately Felisha cut in. “Why was she there? Who called her?”

  “Your son called her. You know he’s smart and has everybody’s number saved in that lil head of his. Why is that such an issue now, though? He’s been calling her. She’s practically like a second mama to him.”

  “Yeah, but I’m his mama first,” Felisha stated clearly with an attitude.

  “Is it something you want to get off of your chest, because you show sound like it.”

  “No ma,” Felisha irritably stated. “What did Olivia say to you?”

  “Enough,” Mrs. Tolver stated.

  “Look, I don’t have time for this. Do I need to come get my child, because I will if I have too?”

  “I never said that you had to come get him. Sometimes, I only think you want him because of something else that you want.”

  “Wow, is today get on Felisha day?” She asked feeling like the world was against her.

  “I’m not on you today, Fe. I’ll never be against you, but some things I can’t be with you on, either. You know what I’m talking about and when you’re ready to talk to me, I’ll be here.”

  Felisha rolled her watery eyes. “Whatever ma, sounds like you’ve already taken sides.”

  “If that’s what you believe,” Mrs. Tolver stated. “We’re fine here. Take care of yourself and call your child later so he can hear your voice. Every time he calls, your phone goes straight to voicemail.”

  “That’s because I don’t get a good signal where I’m at.” She informed her.

  “Okay, well call him later. He’s napping right now. I’ll talk to you later, as well. I have to cook.”

  “Ma,” Felisha called out. “Please keep Olivia from around Rome.”

  “I’ll never do such a thing. That woman has been nothing but good to the both of you. Unless you can give me a great explanation as to why you’re feeling this way, then I can’t support it. Now, is there something you want to get off of your chest before we hang up?”

  Felisha sat quietly on the phone. She’d already figured that Olivia had told her mom everything. She just didn’t know how to say it herself. Patrice had already given her the business. There was no way she could handle anything that her mama had to say, because it would be even more cut throat. Mrs. Tolver didn’t play, so Felisha just finally said, “No ma’am. I’ll let you know when I’m coming home. Take care of my baby.” And before Mrs. Tolver could respond, Felisha ended their call.

  She sat there in the rocking chair for a mere ten minutes just thinking about how bad she’d fucked up. No one was going to side with her on this situation and why should they? She’d proven to everyone what kind of snake she really was. Her selfish thoughts, feelings, and hatred toward her best friend had all come to bite her in the ass. The saying was indeed true to the core. ‘You should never bite the hand that feeds you.’ Olivia had more than just fed her. She provided her with a lavish lifestyle and taught her how to be about her business. As she sat there beating herself up, something came over her. It was something that she was very familiar, something that she was really good at.

  “Fuck this.” She said getting up. “Why should I care what people think about me? Who are they to judge me? There is only one judge and I’ll have to face him when that day comes, but until then they can all kiss my ass.” She meant every word of what she’d said as she then headed into the house. All she could hear was the sweet sounds of Sade playing in the background and the shower running from the bathroom. Instantly she came out of her clothes and walked straight into the master bathroom where Mark was at. He had his back turned, allowing the shower water to run down his head as it trickled its way down his spine. He was one sexy man and if Felisha had to have it her way, soon he’d be all hers. From that point on, it would be them against the world.

  She stepped in the shower, butt naked as Mark opened his eyes and just stared at her. They hadn’t had sex since she’d been there, but his dick rose to the occasion just seeing her perky breast and smooth naked body. Temptation was a motherfucker, but he wasn’t about to fight it. Felisha kissed him on the lips, and then worked her way down to his dick. She slobbed and sucked on his erect pipe. Mark couldn’t tell the water from her spit. Everything was soaking wet. He grabbed the back of her head and allowed her to do what she did best. Once he had nutted in her mouth, he then bent her over and fucked her good from the back. The pressure from the water beating on their bodies only intensified their fuck session and Mark was enjoying every bit of it. He needed this just as much as she did, but this time neither of them felt any guilt whatsoever.

  Minutes after they’d gotten out of the shower, Mark looked over at Felisha with a serious look in his eyes. This whole situation was eating at him. He only knew of one thing he could do to try and wrong his ri

  “I think I should return home.”

  Felisha’s eyes widened as she asked, “When?”

  “Today,” he said. He was frustrated of not knowing what his future was going to be like if Olivia decided to play hard ball. He’d already spoken to his lawyer the day before and knew that the divorce could get really ugly between them if they didn’t come to a mutual agreement concerning their assets. They each had a lot to lose.

  Felisha didn’t know what to think by Mark’s sudden decision to return back to GA. “Are you sure you’re ready to go back?”

  “I’m not saying that I’m staying, but I need to handle some business and it can’t wait. Are you coming or not?”

  Felisha didn’t know what kind of business that Mark had to handle but she wasn’t about to be sitting in a cabin somewhere in Ashville, North Carolina by herself, so she quickly said, “I’m coming.”

  They’d been dealt a seriously bad hand and now it was time to play it to the best of their ability. Only time could tell how this would all turn out.

  Chapter 12

  Dillon and Zoe sat beside each other at the bar of Chili’s while having a much needed drink. It was around noon and they were just getting started. Dillon was planning on returning back to Atlanta later that night with Zay and Zoe would be returning the next morning. They both just wanted to spend some time together and relax a little. It was good to know that they’d discharged Zay from the hospital. Even though he couldn’t drink, they’d drink for him.

  Zoe looked behind her as she side-eyed a female that was smiling at Dillon. “I don’t know what she’s looking over here for. She better get right or I’ll help her.”

  Dillon chuckled while looking back at the cute, light skin chick. “You need to sit your feisty ass down somewhere.”

  “I’m just saying,” Zoe said. “Now, that we’re making this thing official then I need to make sure that these females know what the deal is.”

  Dillon continued to laugh. “You don’t have to fight for a place, babe. You already have the number one spot.”


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