Drunk in Love 3: An Original Love Story

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Drunk in Love 3: An Original Love Story Page 13

by Tiece

“Are we talking a scroll down memory lane?” He questioned, “Because if we are, I’m not in the mood.”

  Angel softly smacked her lips. “What I’m saying is that you were huge on relationships and making things work. You always wanted to be in a loving relationship like your parents.” She said speaking of Georgette and Charley’s marriage.

  “And, nothing has changed. It just won’t be with you,” he informed her.

  “If you’re so keen on being happy in a relationship or happily married then why are you seeing a married woman?” She bluntly asked. Zay was a bit stunned and caught off guard, because he had never mentioned any such thing to Angel about Olivia being married. “I wonder how your mom would feel to know that her husband was the one that shot you. Yeah, I heard about the lil lie that y’all told her.”

  “How the fuck do you even know anything about what happened that night?” Zay irritably asked, now feeling some type of way. “I don’t know where you’re getting your information from, but it’s a lie.”

  Angel grinned. “Yeah, if you say so Xavier,” she responded with sarcasm. “It just baffles me how you’ve turned out to be a home wrecker. I know how you feel about pussy that’s just your own. That must’ve changed over the years that we’ve been a part. No wonder the chick was never around. Hell, she had a husband to go home to.”

  Zay complacently chuckled. “You’re enjoying this aren’t you?”

  “Maybe,” she said thinking about the ass cutting that Olivia had given her back at the hospital.

  “Whatever you think you know, you don’t. Regardless, it still doesn’t change anything between us. It’s over. Oh and I hope you also enjoy this just as much,” Zay said then hung up in her face. “Bitch,” he whispered with a frustrated shake of his head. He sat quiet for a moment. Angel had to be the sneakiest woman he’d ever encountered. Back in her day of being a high profiled news reporter, she was hell. She’d get the job done by any means necessary. If there was a story, but no one could get it. She could. She’d travel near and far for a juicy headline that included her name on it. It was one of the things that turned him on about her. She was sexy, a go getter, and a hard worker. He didn’t know what kind of life she lived after they’d gone their separate ways, but apparently being a news reporter and getting to the big story was something that was still in her. He shook his head, never knowing what Angel could be up to.

  For the most part, everything was good and had been kept under wraps. Talking to his clients back and forth had been proof of that. He just hoped that Angel wouldn’t leak the story just to be nasty towards him. For the first time, he laughed thinking about Olivia beating her ass in the hospital. It was quite hilarious. The smile on his face suddenly disappeared as he thought about his relationship with Olivia. She would need to get the divorce papers signed and get that part of her life over with before he could pursue anything serious with her. However, Mark was somewhere running and hiding. Hopefully, they could get him to agree to the conditions that Olivia would be seeking, and then they could easily go their separate ways.

  He shook his head feeling unsure. “Who am I kidding? This thing could drag on and on, but if I can help it Mark is going to have to go, one way or the other.” He said then switched off the engine on the car. He then got out and headed up on the front porch of Olivia’s parent’s house. “I hope this meeting turns out better than that fucked up ass phone call with Angel.” He said just above a whisper as he knocked on the door as a way of showing his manners.


  Mark pulled up in Mrs. Tolver’s driveway after making the three hour ride back to Augusta. He looked over at Felisha as she rolled her eyes at him, and then she said, “You could’ve taken me home, you know. I definitely didn’t wanna come here.”

  “Our son is here.” Mark reminded her. “I would think that he misses you and wants to see you.”

  “Don’t act like I’m a bad parent. I wanna see him, too. I just don’t want to deal with my mama right now. I told you what the deal was on the way back to Augusta.”

  “There is no better time than to clear the air than now. Regardless of what has happened your mama loves you. Is she feeling a little disappointed in you right now? Maybe, especially depending on what O’ has told her, but this is your chance to come clean and for her to get out anything she already wants to say. This also gives you a chance to tell your version of how things happened. You don’t necessarily have to be honest about everything, but take fault, own up to it, and tell her that it’s your life. Either she still wants to be in it or not.”

  Felisha looked at Mark liked he’d lost his everlasting mind. “Nigga, you sound like a damn fool right now. You want me to own up to it, take fault, and uh… What’d you say? Tell her it’s my life and she can either be in it or not. Why the fuck you ain’t walking in there with me and taking part of this ownership? That’s what would make me feel better.” She said with a jerk of the neck.

  “I told you that I had some business to take care of. I’ll deal with your mama later.” Mark said.

  Felisha popped her lips with an attitude. “But, you want me to deal with her now, when you could’ve taken me home already.”

  “Come on, Felisha. This stop was on the way,” he said looking down at his Rolex. He was pressed for time as she sat there pouting like a baby. “You need to get out. Now, you have spare keys to your other car that’s parked right over there.” He said pointing to her Dodge Charger that she’d left there for her mom to use since her car had been in the shop for the past week. “Now if you wanna leave then help yourself, but I’d think that as a mother you’d at least want to see Lil Romeo since you’ve been gone the whole weekend.”

  Felisha did feel guilty at that moment as she reached for the latch on the car door. Even though, she wanted to see her son, she also wanted to see what Mark was up to. “Will you just tell me what you have planned?” She pleaded. “I know you have something up your sleeve. Since Friday night, you’ve been walking around the cabin like we’re good. You keep telling me not to worry, but why? I have just as much to lose as you do when it comes to my business and my son. Damn, I just wanna be in on what’s going on.” She irritably stated as she stared him directly in his eyes. Mark grabbed his phone out of the middle cup holder and started scrolling through it. “Now, you’re just going to ignore me? I know you ain’t messaging a bitch while I’m trying to talk to you.” Felisha stated really feeling some type of way now.

  “Please, just hush the hell up!” He scolded her like a child. “I said I have a plan to make O’ be civil about this divorce. Damn, just trust me.”

  “I can’t. I need to know what the plan is.” Felisha insisted with a mean expression on her face.

  “Fine,” Mark said then handed her his cell phone.

  She looked at it with a frown on her face. “What’s this?” She pondered.

  “Just press play.” Mark said.

  Felisha pressed play on Mark’s IPhone, watching quietly for a moment. She didn’t say a word as the video played for a few seconds, then all of a sudden her mouth opened in pure awe of what she was witnessing. Her free hand unconsciously covered her mouth as her eyes widened with shock. “Oh my God,” she said just above a whisper as the video finally ended a few minutes later. Without saying a word, she handed the phone back to Mark. He just looked at her waiting for something back, but the only thing she did was reach for the latch and opened the car door, and then got out. She was absolutely speechless, not knowing how to respond.

  Before she could shut the car door behind her, Mark called out to her and said, “I’ll call you later.” Felisha nodded her head and walked off as Mark backed out of the driveway to go handle this much needed business that he’d been contemplating the entire weekend at the cabin. It was either now or never.


  Thirty minutes later, Mark found himself standing at the door of a hotel as he contemplated whether he should knock or just turn around and leave. Speaking to this person could be ben
eficial to more than a few things; especially with his divorce from Olivia. He didn’t really want out, but there was no going back. Olivia had made that perfectly clear. The only thing he had left to fight for was his sanity, his business, and his money.

  Fuck it, he thought then quickly knocked on the hotel room door. The door opened up and Mark was stunned to see this really pretty lady standing there in a tall pair of red pumps. She smiled at him, and then extended her hand for a friendly handshake.

  “Hi, I’m Angel. I was about to head out of town thinking you’d changed your mind, but I’m glad you could make it.” She deviously smiled. “I believe that I can help you.” She didn’t mention anything about him being able to help her too, but she was hoping like hell he could as she flashed her pearly whites at him. “Come on in, handsome. We have a lot to talk about.”


  Olivia and Mrs. Jackson stood around the Island granite countertop inside of the Jackson’s family kitchen. Mrs. Jackson was gently stirring up the cooked potato dices inside of a bowl while adding mayonnaise, a bit of mustard, sweet relish, and cut up boiled eggs to the potato salad that she was preparing. Olivia was standing there watching her with a smile on her face. If felt good to be able to be there knowing that Zay was in the backyard helping her father on the grill.

  Mrs. Jackson looked up from the bowl and smiled at her daughter. “Xavier seems to be a really sweet guy. He’s very charming, well educated, and has a very promising career. You should’ve brought him home first instead of Mark,” she teased causing Olivia to laugh out loud.

  “Considering the circumstances surrounding Mark, I wish I had known Zay back then instead of his no good behind.” She said with a slick roll of her eyes. They both laughed about her comment. It felt good to Olivia for her and Mrs. Jackson to connect on another level; a level she never would’ve imagined a few years prior. “Hold up, mom. This is your daughter calling.” Olivia said.

  “Yes, ask her if she’s coming over to join us.”

  “What’s up Sis,” Olivia answered.

  “Hey Sis, what’chu doing?” Zoe asked.

  “Sitting here talking to mom.”

  “Are you over there already?”

  “Yes, and mom said to come over. Plus, Uncle Craig and Skeet are here.” She responded with a smile while looking at Mrs. Jackson as she put the bowl of potato salad inside the refrigerator.

  “OMG,” Zoe said with light laughter. “Uncle Craig and Skeet are there, too? I know y’all are having fun.”

  “We are,” Olivia told her. “You are certainly missing out on a good time.” She said knowing how much Zoe loved those two. Uncle Craig was their Father’s brother and Skeet was their father’s best friend. The two of them together were pure clowns and would have them literally in tears from laughing at how silly they could be. Having them over was Mr. Jackson’s way of unwinding. Mrs. Jackson even enjoyed their company, because they were so crazy.

  Zoe sat there contemplating if she should go over, but if she did; she didn’t want to go alone. “How do they feel about Zay? How is mom acting? Is dad cool with him, too?”

  “Believe it or not, everything is great over here.” Olivia said as Mrs. Jackson looked back at her with a loving smile.

  “Yes dear,” Mrs. Jackson called out. “Everything is great over here. You need to join us.”

  “Myyyy,” Zoe sang. “She is like a changed woman.”

  Olivia smiled back at Mrs. Jackson then said to Zoe, “Yes, she is. I think you should come and bring Dillon.” She whispered in the phone so Mrs. Jackson couldn’t hear her.

  “I just don’t want her to be so judgmental.” Zoe said.

  “Girl, you’re divorced. I’m still married and if they’re cool with Zay then I’m absolutely certain they’ll be cool with Dillon.” Olivia explained.

  Zoe sat quiet for a moment and looked over at Dillon who was taking a nap since he was planning on going back to Atlanta later that evening. “You know what, Sis. I’m tired of hiding. I want mom and dad to meet Dillon. You haven’t told Zay have you?”

  “No, I was either waiting for Dillon to tell Zay himself or for you to show up with him.” She said licking the icing off of her fingertip from the sweet, cream cheese icing that Mrs. Jackson was making for the red velvet cake that was baking inside the oven. “Oh and mom’s cooking your favorite cake.”

  “We’re showing up,” Zoe quickly said. “We’ll be there soon.”

  Olivia smiled. “Good, we’ll be here waiting.” She said and with that, they ended their call.

  “So, your sister’s coming?”

  “Yes ma’am,” Olivia answered.

  Mrs. Jackson smiled at the thought of having the family all under one roof. For years, she’d pushed her girls away by being so judgmental and treating them more like clients than her daughters a lot of the time. She hadn’t heard them call her Dr. Jackson in a while and that felt good, because that was their way of being sarcastic, even though she deserved it most times.

  “Mom, what are you thinking about?”

  “Nothing, I just want you to know that I approve of Xavier and from the looks of things,” she said looking behind her and out of the kitchen window that overlooked their huge backyard. “Your father likes him too.” I just want you to do things the right way and divorce Mark first.”

  “I understand that’s very important. I’m just hoping that he doesn’t give me a hard time during the divorce. That’s the only reason why we chose not to press charges.”

  “What exactly do you want out of this divorce?”

  “I want my hair salon with no attachments to him. I want Felisha out of that nail salon. If she’s going to make it then she need to do that without my help. I refuse to continue to be a backbone to someone who doesn’t deserve it.”

  “She definitely made her bed hard.” Mrs. Jackson stated.

  “I’m not really into Mark’s dump truck business like that, but since I helped him get it started then I want a share of it. Every time he gets paid, I want in. Am I being greedy? Yes, very greedy because he didn’t have to do me the way he did with Felisha.” She said feeling like she needed to fill her mom in on Lil Romeo being Mark’s son, but she decided to wait as Mr. Jackson entered the house already talking.

  “Hey honey,” Mr. Jackson said walking over and kissing Olivia on the forehead. “I think you should’ve brought Xavier home a long time ago then we wouldn’t be fooling with Mark’s mess.”

  Mrs. Jackson laughed out loud. “We were not too long ago just saying the same thing.”

  “We sure were dad,” Olivia chuckled. As Mr. Jackson went inside the refrigerator to get a couple more Corona’s the doorbell rang.

  Olivia glanced back over her shoulder. “Zoe made it here quickly.” She said with a smile on her face.

  “Oh baby girl is coming,” Mr. Jackson said. “I’ll get it.” He said walking out of the kitchen while heading to the front door. He chuckled. “I bet she’s misplaced her key again.”

  Olivia looked over at Mrs. Jackson to prepare her for meeting Dillon. “Zoe is bringing company.” She told her with a smile.

  “Company, like company, company?” Mrs. Jackson pondered with a giddy expression planted on her face.

  “Yup,” Olivia grinned. The next voice she heard was Mr. Jackson’s voice at the door.

  “You got some motherfucking nerves!” He said in an angry tone. Olivia and Mrs. Jackson looked at each other with baffled expressions on their face then both of them quickly ran to the front door. Olivia’s eyes widened as she stood there behind her father.

  “O’ go back in the kitchen with your mom. I’ll handle this.”

  Olivia couldn’t move, but she could speak and the only words that escaped her mouth were, “Mark, what are you doing here?”

  Chapter 14

  Angel sat on the king-sized bed inside the hotel suite she’d gotten at the Sheraton Hotel after arriving in Augusta. Her thoughts rapidly sped through her head as she tried to contain them.
Running into Olivia at the hospital was definitely not expected. What was even more unexpected was having Zay speak to her in that way even after having a physical altercation with his lover. She was appalled and irritated at how things had gone down and somehow her only thoughts were to make them pay for her embarrassment of the whole thing.

  She sighed thinking about her life and that she’d come a long way. There was a time when she was young, ruthless, and very cutthroat. Back in her early twenties, she and Zay was a hot item. He’d just signed his first NFL client and she’d become one of the hottest news reporters around. Together, they were a power couple. Zay worked hard the honest way. Angel fucked her way to the top. She’d accumulated a lot of well kept skeletons in the closet over the years, but the worst skeleton of them all was Zay finding out about her being engaged to another.

  That day, some eight years prior, she’d been caught off guard by her then fiancé who’d just showed up from across seas serving time in the military. She had agreed to go out with him that evening, but their dinner date was supposed to include her breaking things off with him to be with Zay. However, she never got the chance to tell him that it was over, because Zay conveniently happened to be at the same place they were at. To her surprise, he didn’t hesitate to walk over to introduce himself. Thinking quickly, she introduced herself first while extending her hand for Zay’s in a friendly handshake just to tell her fiancé that they were working together. Zay was stunned to hear that she had a fiancé and didn’t even respond back. Instead, he walked off, changed his number, moved to another location and cut off all access with her. She’d regretted it since that day. He had a cousin that she was still very cool with and kept in constant contact with just to stay updated on Zay’s life and his well being.

  Even to this present day, he still had a piece of her heart. She’d changed over the years for the better and always kept the thought of her and Zay being together close in her heart. However, she never planned that he’d treat her the way that he had since they’d been back messing around, regardless of what they’d gone through. Time supposedly heeled old wounds, but it was apparent that time only allowed Zay to get completely over her. Strange twist of fate, just when she thought she was making way with him without any knowledge of the side piece anymore, the bitch showed back up.


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