Drunk in Love 3: An Original Love Story

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Drunk in Love 3: An Original Love Story Page 14

by Tiece

  She was determined to find out what Mark was holding back in his phone. It was clear that it was something that could ruin Olivia’s image and that’s all she wanted. One way or the other, she’d get her hands on that video and when it was finally in her possession, Olivia would pay for ruining her chances with Zay. All she had to do was get Mark to cooperate. Instantly, she picked up her phone and sent him a message.


  Meanwhile, back at the Jackson’s family home, Mark had talked his way into the family dining room in hopes of them hearing him out. Mr. Jackson was the only one in there with him since he’d sent his wife and Olivia in the kitchen until they had a chance to speak in private.

  Mr. Jackson looked over at Mark with menacing eyes as he stood across from him with his arms folded. “So, what is this thing you act like is so important that you want to talk about?”

  Mark looked over at Mr. Jackson feeling bad for what he’d done. He was hurt and had he been thinking clearer that night, he’d never shot at Olivia. Being caught up in his feelings had caused him to do some unthinkable things. After now getting inside the house to try and have a decent conversation, he had to make this good. It was either do or die for him.

  “Dad,” he started.

  Quickly he was corrected with the words, “Mr. Jackson.”

  Mark definitely knew that it wasn’t the same as he cleared his throat, and then he continued. “Look, I’m sorry for what happened. I know that doesn’t take back my actions, but if I could take it all back, I would. I never meant for any of this to get as out of hand as it has.”

  “You should’ve thought about that before you brought a weapon into the picture,” Mr. Jackson quickly shot his way.

  “You’re right. I wasn’t in my right mind.” He said almost with tears in his eyes. He was being as sincere as he could be.

  “You could’ve killed my daughter, Mark and now I’m allowing you inside my home to explain yourself; against my wife’s wishes and my own. You better get to explaining,” he said with a very calm, but direct tone of voice.

  “I don’t even know what to say. I’m hurt over this. I am. Do you think I ever wanted to lose my wife? Regardless of what you feel, I didn’t. I know it’s nothing I can say that will change anything, but because this has gotten so bad, so quickly I just wanted to try and see if there is something we can come to mutual terms on.”

  Mr. Jackson raised a concerned eyebrow. “What do you mean mutual terms?”

  “In our divorce settlement,” Mark just straight out said. “Let’s say that I’m no fool and I know they didn’t press charges, because they want me to bow out and agree to whatever her terms are.”

  “And, what’s wrong with that? You don’t think that she deserves it?!” His voice raised a little.

  “I’m not saying what she deserves, because she deserves a hell of a lot more than what I’ve given her. I just want her to be fair.”

  “So, I guess you’re here at a time like this to negotiate some kind of deal for a divorce that you already know is in the making. And, why should we listen to anything you have to say, because you certainly don’t deserve it?”

  “Because, I know I’ve done wrong, but so has she. I know I made a huge mistake, but your daughter is no saint either.” He explained.

  “And, your point is?”

  “My point is this,” Mark said pulling his phone out. “If she tries to make this divorce hell for me by bringing up some things that could affect my life forever then I’ll have no choice but to play dirty, too.” Mr. Jackson’s ears seemed like smoke was blowing out of them. It took every decent fiber in his body not to grab Mark around the neck and choke the living out of him. Unfortunately for Mark, before he knew it, Mr. Jackson’s hand was wrapped up in the collar of his shirt. As he was about to put Mark out of his house, probably on his face, Mark stopped him. “Please before you do something that you’ll regret. Just take a look at this before you say another word.”


  “What do you think they’re talking about?” Mrs. Jackson asked pacing the kitchen floor.

  “I don’t know, but Mark got some nerves. If Zay walks in here and sees him in this house, no telling how that is going to turn out.” Olivia said feeling anxious and tense.“He’s trying to squirm his way out of this, because he knows that I’m going to hang him in this divorce. I want him to leave this marriage with what he came with, nothing but hopes and dreams. I helped him become this successful man. You and dad helped him.” She said, biting on one of her fingernails. “He brought this on himself and I can’t sit here like he’s not in the next room. He gotta go, now!” she said, quickly walking into the dining room.

  “Dad, don’t listen to this man. Whatever he has to say, we don’t want to hear it.” She said looking at her father as he silently stared at the screen on Mark’s phone. “Dad, are you listening to me,” she called out.

  Mark felt a little better after seeing the blank expression on Mr. Jackson’s face as he watched the video. At that time, he figured that he’d address Olivia. “You’re gonna want to listen to what I have to say or better yet you can just see it after your dad is finished.” Mark said.

  “I don’t have to listen to nothing.” Olivia said as Mrs. Jackson just stood behind her trying to figure out what the hell was going on. “Whatever Mark is showing you can’t be any worse than finding out that Lil Romeo is his son.”

  Mrs. Jackson shockingly placed her hand over her chest as Mr. Jackson looked away from the phone for the first time. “He’s what now?” He asked through gritted teeth. Mark’s character was being destroyed right before his very eyes.

  “Tell them, Mark. Tell them that Lil Romeo is also your son! Not to mention on top of all of that, this man tried to kill me a couple of days ago.”

  “And, you didn’t try the same thing?” Mark directly asked.

  “Winston, it’s time that he leaves. We’ll settle this in court. He doesn’t deserve a damn thing.” Mrs. Jackson stated. Mr. Jackson totally agreed, but there was no way that he’d let Mark leave their without trying to now save his daughter’s future. He looked over at his wife and passed her the IPhone. She looked at him strangely. “Surely Winston, you can’t be falling for this. I don’t care if he caught O’ in the act, he started all of this and we’re going to end it.”

  Mr. Jackson disappointedly shook his head. “Look at the video.”

  Olivia stood there with her arms folded, feeling some type of way about the whole encounter as she mean mugged Mark, hoping that Zay would come in and beat his ass now. Mark stood to his feet, he knew that the shit was about to hit the fan and all he wanted to do was make sure that he’d gotten their full attention before he made his exit.

  As Mrs. Jackson watched the video her heart dropped and her eyes bulged from worry. This could definitely ruin a lot for their daughter. Olivia looked from Mark then back at her mom. The look on her face caused her to want to look at the video too.

  “Let me see that,” she said instantly taking the phone out of Mrs. Jackson’s hand with no regard. She was tired of this shit and ready for Mark to leave for good. As she got the phone, her mouth opened in shock as the video played on four different cameras. She couldn’t believe what she was witnessing.

  The footage showed her walking out to the garage with her luggage in hand, coming back inside the house through the garage without them. While in the garage a different camera view showed her picking up the lighter fluid and a box of matches.

  Olivia disappointedly shook her head as her eyes followed from the phone over to her father’s disappointed facial expression. She hated for him to see her in such a disturbing manner. Then her head dropped back down to see the rest of the footage on the phone.

  A different camera view then showed her inside their closet talking mad shit, looking like a deranged woman and squirting lighter fluid all over Mark’s belongings. Lastly, she struck the match and threw it in the closet, setting the entire house on fire. Unfortunately for her,
Mark was still inside the house taking a shower which made this look just as bad as him shooting at them.

  “So, you had hidden cameras in our house?” She questioned feeling very embarrassed and ashamed by this point as her parents stood by almost feeling helpless. This was a big blow for them and one that would tarnish Olivia’s name and reputation beyond repair. Not to mention, it could land her in jail for no telling how long. “So, is this how you’re playing?”

  “I just want you to play fair. No one has to know about this video as long as you play fair.” Mark said. “We both did some stupid things, but we’re both fine and alive. Don’t push me to do something that I don’t want to do. I already have a reporter on standby and all I have to do is leak this information to them and you’re done. Regardless of what you may tell on me, you’re still done. See at this point I’m good, because if I go to jail you will, too.” He boldly stated. He walked over to grab his phone out of Olivia’s hand, but was met with a mean slap to the face.

  “YOU BASTERD!” she yelled at him just as Zay was making his way into the house. Hearing Olivia’s cry for help sent him straight to where her voice came from. As he bent the corner, Mark was heading to the front door. Zay knew that nigga anywhere. He glanced in the dining room only to see Mrs. Jackson’s arms around Olivia as she cried like a baby.

  “Aye!” Zay called out as Mark reached for the doorknob. Mr. Jackson immediately stepped out in the foyer to stop Zay from killing him.

  “Just let him go,” he said. “Just let him go.”

  “What did he do? Why is he here!?” Zay asked out of confusion mixed with anger.

  “Ask your girl.” Mark said with pure sarcasm and stepped out the door. Zay hated to be disrespectful, but this was the man that tried to kill him. He took off for the front door with Mr. Jackson trying to grab him by the back of his shirt to hold him back.

  “OH MY GOD!” Zoe could be heard from outside. She and Dillon had just gotten out of the Bentley and they caught Mark slipping without his piece. Dillon was beating the brakes off of his ass by the time Zay got out the door. It happened so fast that it was hard for anyone to react quick enough to stop him. Luckily, Uncle Craig and Skeet were there to help break up the brawl while Mr. Jackson kept Zay at bay. Mark was then able to get away with his life still intact. He quickly jumped in his car and sped away with his thoughts all over the place. Dillon may have beaten his ass, but he left more blows behind than they ever could.

  Olivia was left standing there with some serious thinking to do if she wanted to keep her sweet, good girl, business savvy image up. The ball was no longer in her court and with everything on the line; Mark may just end up with everything that he was requesting.


  Later that night, Mark sat in a Jacuzzi full of hot water that contained alcohol and Epsom salt. He was feeling pretty banged up and out of it. Drowning his sorrows with a bottle of 1800, he was hoping that somehow he’d feel better. He looked over at his phone, hearing it buzz again from Felisha aggravating the hell out of him. At that moment, she was the last person he wanted to talk to. He had a black eye, a badly bust lip, and knots and bruises on his body. Dillon had certainly done a number on him and he didn’t want anyone seeing him this way. As he sat there soaking, his phone rang. He looked over at the caller ID. There was no name saved under the number, but he knew exactly who it was. He reached over and dried his hands just enough to answer the phone while putting it on speaker.

  “Hello,” he spoke.

  “Hey,” Angel spoke back. “How are you?”

  “I could better,” he responded.

  “You don’t mind me calling you do you?”

  “Nah,” Mark answered.

  “Are you busy, you good to talk?”

  “I can talk, what’s up?” he asked.

  “Well, since I hadn’t heard from you, I wanted to know if you’d spoken to your wife. Or, did you even go to find her?”

  “Oh I went,” Mark answered. “But, I can’t say if it went well or not.”

  “What happened?” She asked like she was concerned. “I thought you said that you had something really big on her. The way you sounded, I thought that she would’ve signed the divorce papers today with you getting everything you want out of it.”

  “That still may happen,” he stated.

  “So, where did you find her?” Angel curiously asked.

  “She was at her parent’s house.” He said. “Long story short, she knows what I have on her. Her parents also know that I have this video and I’m sure between the three of them, they’ll find it in their best interest to bow out gracefully.”

  Angel didn’t say much, but she was itching to see what was on his phone. “Wow, that must be some crazy shit on that video?”

  “What was crazy is that her lover was over to her parent’s house with her. Her parents don’t even play games like thought.” He informed her, talking a bit too much from the alcohol racing to his brain.

  Angel disappointedly frowned. “Xavier?”

  “Yeah, whatever his name is.” Mark sourly responded.

  “How did that turn out?” Angel curiously asked.

  “Not good,” he admitted. “Everything was good up until I made it outside and ran right into the guy you said was his brother.”

  “Dillon,” Angel whispered knowing that Dillon was no joke with those hands. He and Zay had won quite a few matches back in their early years of kickboxing. One thing about them was that you couldn’t let the handsome faces fool you. They’d put a nigga on his back real quick. Poor Mark had learned the hard way.

  “Look,” he said feeling like he just wanted to lie down and rest his body. “I’m tired. I’m about to get out of this water and get some rest.”

  Angel had to think quickly. “What if I came by to see you?”

  “Huh, I thought you’d be back in Atlanta by now. Weren’t you heading back when I left?”

  “I was, but I started drinking some wine and fell asleep after sitting here thinking about our short term visit. It was something about you that was intriguing. I just didn’t expect you to look like that.” She said thinking about how sexy he was in a navy pair of Ralph Lauren pants and a pink, blue, and white striped Ralph Lauren shirt. He was definitely one good looking man with a clean shave and a low waved haircut that she found to be quite sexy.

  “Honestly, I didn’t expect to see you looking like that either,” he admitted.

  “Well, since I’m still in town, why don’t you let me come see you?”

  Mark wanted too, but he just couldn’t do it. He didn’t want her looking at him differently with the black eye and bruises. “Nah, it’s not a good time.” He said.

  “I can doctor on you,” she said with a flirtatious smile.

  Mark thought about it some more, and then he said again, “Nah, it’s really not a good time.” He stuck to his words and eventually, Angel gave up so Mark could get some rest. However, she wasn’t done trying to get next to him. She wanted what was in his phone and she wasn’t giving up until she got it.

  Chapter 15

  A little over two and a half months had crept by like it was moving at its own slow pace. Olivia was finally able to breathe since Mark had signed the divorce papers two days prior. Zay stuck right by her side and promised to still be there when the war was over between her and Mark. He meant every word.

  It was the end of August and a very special day to Olivia, because it was Zay’s birthday. She was happy that she was able to freely be with her man and that Mark and his shenanigans were finally behind them. She and her mom stood in the kitchen as she fixed some to go plates for Olivia and Zay to take back to Atlanta with them.

  “You know Zay loves your potato salad.” Olivia said with a light smile on her face.

  “I know,” she said. “He called me personally to ask if I’d make some for him today since y’all were coming over.” She smiled. “You know I couldn’t turn him down. I honestly think that he’s the best thing that has hap
pened to you in a long time.” Mrs. Jackson looked back at her daughter with a smile on her face. “You have that glow back.”

  “Thanks mom,” Olivia said. “I feel good. Being with Zay feels right.”

  “I’m sure it does.” She said, and then moved on to a subject that they’d been hoping to suppress and move past. “How did you feel on Wednesday to see Mark again after all of this time?”

  Olivia stood quietly by the granite countertop, leaning partly on it with her elbows as leverage. “I didn’t know how to feel. I haven’t much talked about the meeting. I’m just glad that he signed the divorce papers and that we can move on.”

  Mrs. Jackson could tell by her daughter’s body language that she wasn’t happy at all with the way things were played out. Mark certainly had backed them all in a corner with that horrendous video that he had stashed.

  “All those years that I’ve known Mark, I never thought that he’d turn out to be the man that he’s become.”

  Olivia sighed. “Me either,” she said. Never in a million years did she think he’d do her the way he did with Felisha, and then go berserk after finding out that she was playing the same game that he’d invented. The shooting was bad enough, but then finding out about Lil Romeo being his son was disheartening. That pain still lingered for some reason. And, even after that, he still pulled the most conniving stunt of them all by pulling out the video that made her mostly agree to whatever his terms were in the divorce settlement.

  “What are your honest feelings about Felisha keeping the nail salon and knowing that you’re still a part of that business? I know that still bugs you.”

  Olivia shrugged. “It does. I hate that he wished for everything to remain the same in the contract with her. I’m glad that I don’t have to see her, but I hate I’m still tied in this thing with her. I refused to buy her out at what she was asking. So that wasn’t going to happen, but in five years I can walk away with what I put in and some.” She said with a slight raise of an eyebrow and a light smirk on her face. “I guess I’m cool with that. Plus, in the end it benefits Lil Romeo.” She said knowing that those were Mark’s only real intentions. “I’m glad that he forfeited all rights in having to do anything with my hair salon business and any other personal business that I had going on, but in return I had to do the same when it came to his dump truck business and side gigs.


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