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Lone Star Heartbreaker

Page 11

by Anne Marie Novark

  Speaking of which . . . The past few weeks had passed as if in a wonderful dream. Tyler was like no man she'd ever known before. Al the McCade brothers were exceptional men. The four brothers were handsome as sin and charming as al get out. Yet Tyler stood apart from his older brothers.

  They were al serious-minded, bordering on stern. Tyler was more laidback and easy-going. Even with al the baggage he'd been dealing with, his basic outlook was bright and cheerful. Especial y now that he wasn't in so much pain.

  Physical pain. He stil had a mountain of mental anguish, but he was handling it and she admired him for it. She did her best to keep his hopes and spirits high.

  Oh sure. The plane crash had changed him and she could only imagine the emotional pain he was suffering from not being able to fly. Especial y as he coached her through the flight maneuvers she'd be performing in the air show. He was generous, kind and funny; and of course, gentle and sweet. Not to mention an awesome lover. Just thinking about their time spent in bed, the shower, the couch and even the cockpit, made delightful goose bumps whiz along the surface of her skin.

  She cut the engine and climbed out of the cockpit of the Sukhoi. Finger-brushing her hair, she walked toward Tyler who was striding out to meet her. His smile warmed her through and through, but she quickly squashed the feeling. She might have lost a smal chunk of her heart to Tyler, but she was determined to keep the rest under lock and key.

  Just as Caitlyn reached the shade of the hangar, Tyler caught her in his arms and hugged her. He kissed her hard, then pul ed back keeping his hands around her waist.

  She felt his heart thumping and his blue eyes glittered hot as he looked down at her. He was a tal man and powerful y built. He always made her feel even smal er and more petite than usual.

  "What was that for?" she asked breathlessly, resting her hands on his strong shoulders.

  "Can't a guy kiss his favorite girl for the sheer pleasure of it?"

  "Sure, but you usual y have an ulterior motive . . . like getting me naked."

  "Hey . . . I'm a guy. I like naked." Tyler cleared his throat. "As a matter of fact, I do have a motive."

  Caitlyn stared at the man who was holding her like he never wanted to let her go. He seemed unsure of himself al of a sudden. Her chest tightened and her stomach swirled. What was he up to?

  Tyler smiled and the two dimples flanking the corners of his lips appeared. "There's something I want to ask you . . . um . . . Damn, I didn't think it would be this difficult."

  A truck horn blared from the pavement as it pul ed onto the dirt road leading up to Tyler's compound. A black pickup barreled toward them, leaving a cloud of dust in its wake.

  "What the hel ?" Tyler kissed Caitlyn's forehead before letting her go. "That's Austin's truck. Looks like trouble of some kind."

  Tires crunched gravel as the pickup ground to a screeching halt in front of the hangar apartment. Tyler strode toward his brother who'd slammed out of his truck. Caitlyn fol owed on his heels.

  "Where in God's name have you been?" Austin said, meeting him at the edge of the tarmac. "We've been trying to get hold of you al afternoon.

  Why the hel haven't you answered your cel phone?"

  Tyler patted the empty pocket of his t-shirt. "Damn, I must have left it inside. What's the matter? Is it Mom? Is she okay?"

  "No, it's not Mom. It's Gil ian," Austin said. "She went into labor right after lunch. She's having the baby, and Dal as is a basket case, as you can wel imagine. He and Mom bundled Gil ian in the backseat of his truck and left for Abilene. I stayed behind to bring up the rear. I'm picking up Theresa and Kelsey at school on the way out of town. Cameron and Jessie wil fol ow as soon as Cameron can close up the clinic. Like I said, I've been trying to cal you since lunch. I thought you'd want to be there. We're al going to the hospital to welcome the newest McCade into the world. You too, Caitlyn. Gil ian sent a special invitation. Told me not to forget to tel you."

  "Me? I real y don't think . . . I don't want to intrude. This is a family event." And she wasn't family, she thought. Not even close. At the hospital, she'd be the odd man out, no matter how friendly the McCades had been to her or how many times they included her in the numerous birthday celebrations these past several months and even Gil ian's baby shower.

  Tyler threw his arm over her shoulder and hugged her. "Aw, come on, honey. A baby's a big deal in this family. You have to go. I want you to go."

  Austin punched Tyler's shoulder. "You want to ride with us, or take your own truck?"

  "We'l take my truck. You go on and we'l meet you there."

  Twenty minutes later, Tyler and Caitlyn were on their way. They'd been on this drive together many times, back when Tyler was taking physical therapy and couldn't drive himself to Abilene.

  He figured he'd wait to pop the question until the hustle and bustle of the new baby settled down. He didn't want to steal the limelight from the special occasion. And he didn't want anything to overshadow the happiness of the moment when he asked Caitlyn to marry him. He'd just keep it under wraps until he had Caitlyn's undivided attention.

  He could hardly wait.


  Caitlyn and Tyler stood at the nursery window, gazing at the new baby. Tyler hadn't ventured far from her side anytime during the ten-hour wait. The waiting room had been ful to overflowing with McCades gathered to lend support to Dal as and Gil ian.

  "Another boy!" Kelsey said with a groan. "No offense, Aunt Jessie."

  Jessie resettled little Daniel on her hip. "None taken. I know what you mean."

  Kelsey sighed. "It's just that I'l never have a girl cousin to play with, wil I?"

  Ruth looked at her oldest granddaughter. "Wel land's sake, child. Why would you say such a thing? You adore little Daniel. Besides, it's not like it's a surprise. We al knew Gil ian was going to have a boy."

  "I know," Kelsey said. "But another girl would be nice."

  Ruth tapped the glass of the nursery window. "That's true, but little Zachary Dal as is nice right now. Aren't you, my sweet?" The doting grandmother blew kisses to the sleeping baby in the hospital crib.

  Theresa hugged Kelsey. "Given the number of aunts and uncles both present and future, there's a good chance it'l happen one of these days. And who knows, maybe you'l get a little sister when al 's said and done."

  Caitlyn shifted from one foot to the other. Theresa had stared right at her when she'd said future. But Caitlyn knew deep down inside there could be no future with her and the McCade family, because there could be no future with Tyler.

  "Al right!" Kelsey jumped up and down. "Are we final y pregnant? Are we going to have a baby?"

  " We? Finally?" Austin said, ruffling his daughter's blonde hair. "Theresa and I haven't been married a year yet, Kels. Give us time to settle into being a family together a little while longer, before we start thinking about babies."

  Kelsey frowned. "Uncle Dal as and Aunt Gil ian weren't married long before they got pregnant. Besides, I'l be grown before you know it. I don't have much time left before I'l be going off to col ege."

  Austin exchanged a special look with Theresa. Caitlyn could actual y feel the deep love husband and wife shared. The love between al the McCades was a living tangible entity. She'd never experienced that kind of love before.

  "You just turned thirteen," Austin said. "We have plenty of time to add to our family. Now let's enjoy the newest little bundle of McCade, al right?"

  "Oh, al right. But don't wait too long. I'm not going to be a kid much longer, you know."

  Tyler smiled at his niece. "So speaks the voice of youth." He placed his hand on the back of Caitlyn's neck. She felt the zing al the way to her toes.

  She also felt possessiveness in his touch. She was flying too high, too close to the sun, indulging in this relationship with Tyler. If she wasn't careful, she was going to crash and burn. Again.

  "You ready to head back to the ranch?" Tyler whispered in her ear. "We have a long day tomorrow. You need to rest and get r
eady for the air show.

  Saturday's going to be here before you know it."

  Caitlyn summoned a smile. Right now, she couldn't worry about the dynamics of her relationship with Tyler. She had to focus on winning that competition money, so she could get her life and finances back in order . . . and then it would be time to move on.


  The Stone Creek Air Show drew aerobatic pilots from far and wide. Stone Creek was one of the few competitions that awarded large cash prizes.

  It was always held two weeks after Nationals with some of the top pilots competing against each other.

  Spectators came from miles around to watch the aerial acrobatics. Vendors set up booths with hot foods, cold foods, desserts and beverages of al kinds. Carnival games were enjoyed by young and old alike. People lined up for helicopter rides over the Double Mountains and Coyote Dam.

  Photographers set up shop ready to snap pictures of anyone who wanted to pose with a vintage biplane as a backdrop.

  Caitlyn and Tyler arrived on Friday afternoon, with Caitlyn flying the Sukhoi and Tyler driving her truck and camper. They'd left Reba with Pete's mom in Salt Fork for the weekend.

  Caitlyn landed and checked in with the competition committee and walked around the airfield, waiting for Tyler to arrive so they could set up camp.

  She saw many familiar faces and exchanged pleasantries and bandied jokes around. Quite a few of the pilots expressed their condolences for the loss of her father.

  The air show circuit was a pretty smal tight-knit group of pilots who shared a special camaraderie and competitive spirit. In the air, they were ruthless; on the ground, some of them seemed almost like family to one another.

  One familiar face stood out in the crowd. Caitlyn would gladly give up al of her contest trophies to avoid that particular face. She cringed inside when she spotted her former fiancé, Scott Nelson.

  "Hey, baby dol . I didn't expect to see you here. How's about a little kiss for old time's sake?"

  Caitlyn watched in disgust as Scott swaggered toward her, beer in hand and a cocky smile on his too handsome face. How had she ever believed she loved this man? "I don't think so, Scott. I have nothing to say to you except good bye and good riddance."

  "Now is that anyway to talk to the man you almost married?" He set his beer down on a picnic table, and opened his arms wide. "One kiss, baby dol . Just one kiss."

  Before Caitlyn could reply, he pul ed her against him and covered her mouth with his. She struggled to free herself, but to no avail. Scott was a big blond giant of a man and pitting her strength against his was comparable to a mouse fending off a lion.

  She tried to knee him in the groin, except he had her in a viselike embrace. The beer fumes on his breath almost made her gag. She managed to turn her head away. "Let me go, Scott. I'l scream if you don't."

  To Caitlyn's dismay, Scott tightened his hold with one arm and grabbed her chin with the other. "We were good together. It could be good between us again."

  She jerked her head out of his hold. "It was never that good. Now let me go!"

  She thought she'd never be free. Was she going to have to scream and cause a scene? Al of a sudden, another hand gripped her shoulder from behind.

  "Hey, buddy. I believe the lady made a request. I suggest you let her go. Now!"

  Caitlyn had never been so glad in al her life as she was when she heard that deep voice. She pushed with al her might, and Scott released her and glared at Tyler.

  "What the hel do you think you're doing?" Scott said, his voice slightly slurred. "You have no fucking right--"

  "I have every fucking right," Tyler said, cutting him off. "Caitlyn, step back. This could get ugly, and I don't want you hurt."

  She looked from Scott's furious drunken face to a Tyler McCade she'd never seen before. The man she'd practical y been living with for the past month had suddenly transformed from his usual happy-go-lucky self to a dangerous menacing stranger.

  Caitlyn stood her ground and touched him on the arm. "Tyler, please. Let's just go to the camper."

  "You're with him? " Scott asked unbelievingly. He looked from one to the other. "You're with Tyler Big Shot McCade? Wel , I'l be damned."

  "Yeah, she's with me," Tyler said. "Why should you care?"

  Scott laughed derisively. "You didn't tel him, baby dol ? Caitlyn and I were engaged to be married once upon a time." He picked up his beer and took a swig. "Didn't see you at Nationals, McCade. Rumor has it you're not flying anymore."

  Caitlyn took hold of Tyler's arm and leaned against him. "He was in a plane crash. He's stil not over the accident."

  Scott shook his head. "Looks like he's over it to me. What are you doing, McCade? Hiding behind a woman? Who would have thought it? Mr. Big Shot McCade grounded . . . because he's running scared."

  Tyler gently pushed Caitlyn aside and stepped closer to Scott. "Mister, I'm giving you twenty seconds to get out of my sight, or I'l give you a very good reason to run scared."

  "You? Hah! I'd like to see you try."

  Tyler looked at his watch. "Ten seconds . . ."

  Caitlyn held her breath. She real y didn't want to be the cause of a brawl right here in front of God and everybody.

  Scott frowned and blinked drunkenly. He raised his beer in a toast. "I can tel when I'm not wanted. So long, suckers!" He swaggered off into the crowd.

  "What a blowhard." Tyler put his arm around Caitlyn. "You al right, honey?"

  She smiled. "I am now."

  "I can't believe you actual y thought about marrying that asshole."

  "I can't believe it either. I must have been insane." Caitlyn shrugged. "Oh wel , everyone's entitled to make mistakes. Come on, let's grab some dinner."


  Saturday dawned bright and clear. Perfect flying weather. The blue West Texas skies stretched as far as the eye could see. The wind was calm and the temperature cool and brisk. A perfect day for the air show.

  Tyler awoke from a sound sleep to the sounds of retching and moaning coming from the camper's smal bathroom. He jumped out of bed and hurried to the closed door. "Caitlyn? What's wrong, honey? Are you sick? I'm coming in."

  He opened the door and saw Caitlyn hunkered down over the toilet. She looked up at him, her face pale, her hair bedraggled and her eyes watery.

  She bit her bottom lip. "Oh, Tyler. I can't be sick. I just can't. I need that prize money. Oh God, I feel so horrible."

  Tyler held her head while she retched once again. He grabbed a washcloth from under the sink, and after dampening it, he wiped her forehead and mouth. She was hot to his touch. "You have a fever. Can I get you anything? How about some cola? That usual y settles my stomach."

  Caitlyn took the washcloth and held it against her hot skin. "That sounds good. I'm going to lie back down. I can't be sick. I have to fly today."

  Tyler opened a can of cola and poured it in a glass. He sat on the edge of the bed and handed her the soft drink. As she sat up and sipped the cool beverage, he took the cloth and wiped her face and neck, trying to cool her off.

  She finished the cola and lay back down. "Oh God. I can't afford to be sick. I need my chance at that prize money. What could be wrong with me? I was perfectly wel yesterday. I can't be sick. I have to fly."

  Tyler took the glass from her and set it on the bedside table. "You're not flying today."

  "I have to. Don't you understand? I real y need that money."

  "I know you do."

  "Maybe I'l be better in an hour or so. Then I'l be able to fly. I'm not scheduled until after lunch. Maybe I'l be wel enough to fly by then."

  Tyler continued wiping her down with the damp washcloth. "I don't think so, honey. I don't have a thermometer, but you're awful y hot. You're burning up with fever."

  She took the cloth and held it to her forehead. "I have some aspirin in the medicine cabinet. That'l lower my temperature. Please, wil you get it for me?"

  "Sure thing." Tyler pul ed on his jeans, then searched the me
dicine cabinet. He returned to the bed and shook out two tablets into Caitlyn's outstretched palm. He poured more soda into her glass and handed it to her.

  After swal owing the pil s, she offered a weak smile. "I'm certain I'l be better in a couple of hours. I feel better already."

  Tyler sat on the bed again. "Caitlyn, honey. I can't let you fly today. It would be too dangerous."

  "You can't stop me. I have to fly today." Her bottom lip trembled and several big tears slid down her cheeks.

  Tyler reached out and wiped them away. "Don't cry. Please don't cry."

  "I can't help it." She sniffed back the tears, but they were coming on quicker and stronger. "I've been counting on that prize money to help me get back on my feet. I know I could win it; I know I could. I can't believe I'm sick. Why couldn't I be sick tomorrow? Why today? I need to fly today; I need that money."

  Tyler grabbed a box of tissues on the nightstand and handed it to her. "Here, dry your tears. No way can you fly today . . . now wait a minute! Hear me out. You know you can't fly; you know it would be too risky with you being sick like this. I'l take your place. I'll fly for you."

  Caitlyn stared at him like he'd gone nuts. Maybe he had. He had no idea if he could actual y take the plane up. What if he froze? He'd been trying to get over his irrational fear for weeks with no discernible luck. For some reason, he felt very lucky today.

  "You haven't flown in months," she said, then bit her lip. "I mean--"

  "I know what you mean." He cupped her jaw tenderly in his hand. She was stil hot to the touch. No way could he let her fly this afternoon. "You don't think I can do it?"

  She lifted her chin. "Of course, I think you can do it. The important thing is, do you think you can do it? You haven't flown the sequences. You'd be doing every event without any practice."

  Tyler shrugged. "I've been coaching you for weeks. I'm very familiar with the Known Compulsory sequence. Even though I haven't flown it, I think I could do it in my sleep. And the Unknowns and Freestyles are my specialty. At least, they used to be."

  Caitlyn searched his face. Her scrutiny made him al the more determined to do this for her. Final y, she shook her head. "I can't let you do it. What if


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