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Morgan's Mates (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

Page 11

by Dani April

  “You look like the most beautiful vision I have ever seen.” He gave her butt cheek a light pat.

  “Well I’m glad one of us is enjoying it.” She gave a little laugh.

  “Just wait. You’re going to enjoy this, too.”

  “I hope you’re right.”

  “Have I ever disappointed you before?”

  She thought about it a second. “No, you haven’t. Don’t let this be the first time.”

  As Hunter spoke with Morgan, he was undressing. She had gone back on the Pill, and they no longer had need for a condom.

  “How are those?” he asked her. “Test them and see how far they let you move.”

  She pulled back from the table but couldn’t even rise up six inches before her makeshift bonds held her back.

  “You’ve got me,” she told him. “I can’t move.”


  He fisted his swollen cock a few times and stepped up behind her. Inserting first one and then two fingers inside her pussy, he tested the waters, wanting to make sure she had lubricated for him.

  She was still a little dry. Probably this was because she was apprehensive at trying the new position. He rolled his fingers around inside her and searched until he found her spot and made her cry out. All the while, his thumb massaged her clit and made it swell.

  Soon her womanly scent flowing from between her legs had filled the small room, and she was wet and ready for him.

  He moved the hair off the back of her neck and kissed her there. He bent over to whisper in her ear seductively.

  “I’m going to take you hard tonight.”

  She was moaning because he still had a finger inside her pussy, exploring her. “Okay,” she whimpered against his touch.

  “Are you ready for me?” His thumb kept working her clit. “Or I could just keep doing what I’m doing?”

  She looked back over her shoulder at him. He gave her a smile that was all teeth and promise.

  “I can’t take that anymore. I need you in me now.”

  “As you wish, my lady.”

  Hunter took his cock in his hand and pressed it against her moist pussy lips.

  * * * *

  When Hunter first asked if he could tie her up, she thought he had lost his mind. Of course this hunky shape-shifter never lost the capacity to fire her desire no matter how well she got to know him.

  So she decided to relax and go with it. There was something decidedly erotic about letting him make love to her inside her studio.

  Using her underwear to tie her up was also a new wrinkle. She tested her bonds, and they held firm. She was facedown against her worktable and could hardly rise up more than a few inches.

  As he placed his throbbing cock inside her pussy, she struggled a little more for good measure. Hunter had tied a secure knot. Her underwear held her in place firmly.

  He took his time as he loved her tonight, blowing kisses up and down her back as he slowly stroked inside her. At first she just laid her head against the cold surface of the worktable and let him have his way with her body. It felt nice to be worshiped like this by Hunter.

  Then as the pressure of his cock increased inside her, she lifted up. Now would have been a good time to move. Except she couldn’t. Those damned knots of her underwear kept frustrating her.

  His thrusts became uneven. A few short delicious stabs and then a giant one that penetrated to her womb.

  She tried pulling back against her bonds and cried out. It sounded like a scream of pain. But it was only pure pleasure she felt.

  Panic seized her. In her vulnerable pose, this was going to be too intense. Sweat poured down from her brow, and she had to remind herself to keep breathing.

  “Just pull against them as hard as you can. You can’t get free of them, can you?” wicked and seductive Hunter whispered in her ear.

  “I can’t get loose.”

  “Don’t be afraid.”

  “I am afraid.” She could hardly catch her breath. Hunter’s rhythm behind her was just starting to pick up. He had a long way to take her yet.

  “Remember I told you to make it last longer and make it better,” he reminded her and kissed along her jaw, finally finding her mouth with passion. “Pull against them—pull against them hard. You’ll last as long as you need to. You’ll last with me until you can’t take it anymore.”

  Morgan pulled back hard. He was pumping her faster and with more force. He was making good on his promise to fuck her long and hard. Though they had fucked long and hard many times that summer, it had been nothing compared to this.

  His skin slapped against her naked butt cheeks. He held her hips steady in his grip. She pulled back against her underwear with all her might. She had to get free. Every muscle in her body was tensing, bunching together, coiled so tight she was afraid her body was going to explode. Already she was on fire.

  She began moaning, begging him incoherently to pull out then in the next tortured breath begging him to never stop.

  “You are everything to me, Morgan.” He hammered her with his full strength. “You are my beginning and my end. Now let it happen, baby. Let it all flow out, and you’ll have peace.”

  She shut her eyes tight against all he forced her to feel, and pulled back against her bonds and screamed. An orgasm was washing over her, and she hardly knew what it was. This was followed closely by the next, and then the next.

  Her body contorted in unadulterated ecstasy.

  Hunter’s hot spray erupted in her womb.

  Morgan fell back down to the cold countertop of her worktable, welcoming how solid and steady it felt beneath her body.

  The sexual turmoil was over. She could slowly start to come back to earth and breathe again. But when she moved around to look over her shoulder at Hunter, her heart was still speeding so fast she thought she would swoon.

  To be safe, she rested her cheek against the table and concentrated on just breathing.

  Naked Hunter walked around to the side of the table and untied her hands.

  Morgan slid off and into his waiting arms.

  “Oh God, you are bad,” she told him. But when she said this, she really meant this had been the best sex of her life.

  He picked her up in his arms and carried her down the hall to her bedroom. He gave her a reassuring kiss and smoothed the sweat-dampened hair back out of her eyes.

  “It was an experiment. We don’t have to do that again if you don’t want to.”

  He put her in bed and got her under the blankets. She was so spent she let him do everything for her, which he was more than willing to do. Then he got in with her, his big body next to hers under the covers feeling warm and welcoming.

  “We can do some more experiments again if you want to.” Morgan looked up at him shyly as she nestled in his arms.

  “Really?” He wasn’t sure.

  “Well, it didn’t kill me that time, and I think I might like to try again. I don’t want either of you guys to think I’m a coward.”

  He pulled her strong against him and kissed her long and deep. He was so warm and tender just beneath all the strength and hardness. She had never seen him like this.

  “You’re bewitching me.”

  “How can I do that?” She laughed at him.

  “I don’t know. But you are special, Morgan. You have ruined me for any other woman. That’s now official.”

  “You’re very special, too, Hunter.”

  They kissed long and tenderly under the covers and had fun exploring each other’s bodies. But both were too tired to make love anymore that night.

  Morgan was even too tired for Drake. He must have known as much and stayed away. She would make it up to him tomorrow night. But she had a contented smile on her face as she fell asleep in Hunter’s arms, and she was happy.

  As she lay in Hunter’s arms, her mind warned that a line had been crossed. Too much had been shared. There had been too much lust, too much pleasure, and she was now cheating on Nathan. But her heart could not
be denied. Only one thing was clear. She wanted these men as much as they wanted her.

  Chapter Sixteen

  Drake took the day off work early. He left Hunter at the yard to handle a dispute between two of the workers. It was pretty routine stuff. Hunter could handle it by himself. Drake wanted to get home and surprise Morgan.

  He had found Morgan out on the property sketching a line of tall evergreens. She welcomed him with a warm smile and a hug.

  They went back home and took a long shower in the master bath together. When it was over, they stepped out onto the soft carpet of the bedroom, and he dried off her small body with a towel.

  He couldn’t stop kissing and hugging her as he made her dry. He felt so protective of her. She was his. To him, she was the most precious thing in the entire world.

  His feelings for Morgan scared Drake at times. He had fallen much harder than he had ever expected for her.

  “Hunter tied me up for sex last night,” she confided in him. From the sparkle in her eye, he didn’t think she minded too bad.

  Drake laughed. “I thought that wild wolf had something up his sleeve last night when he went in to your studio to find you.”

  “I don’t know where he gets his ideas sometimes.” Morgan laughed with him.

  “Actually, I taught him everything he knows.”

  Morgan looked up at him in shook. “So I have you to…thank for that?” He wasn’t sure if she was going to kiss him or hit him.

  Now that they were both dry, Drake wrapped her in his arms and took her to bed. They both loved these early afternoon romps in the sack. Her nude body felt so warm and soft under the blankets as he held her to him.

  Outside it was a cold and cloudy fall day. The wind blew against the house. A fire warmed the interior from the hearth in the living room.

  “You’re doing something to both Hunter and me.”

  She returned his kiss and wrapped her arms around his shoulder. “You are doing something to me as well.”

  “When we first started to get to know you, we just wanted to have some fun in the sack with you.”

  “I realize that.”

  They kissed some more. Their tongues dueled between their mouths.

  “Then it evolved to wanting to get to know you, wanting to have a casual but temporary relationship that would make us all feel good.”

  “I also realize that.”

  His hand found one of her breasts under the blanket and began to massage the nipple. She sighed and arched her back against him.

  “And now I want to remove the word ‘temporary’ from the equation.” This last was said in a hushed voice. Drake was almost afraid to hear what her answer would be.

  For a while they stopped kissing and fondling. They just held each other under the covers. She rested her head on his chest.

  “That’s a dangerous way for me to think.” Now her voice was far away.


  “Because if I start thinking that way, it means I’ve given up on Nathan—and I haven’t.” She propped herself up on his chest and looked down into his eyes. He saw hurt inside of her mixed with more complicated emotions that he could not work out a meaning for. “I still love Nathan. I’ve always loved him. He’s my soul mate, Drake.”

  “You never lied to us about that, honey.”

  “Nothing has changed.”

  Drake hushed her with a loving stroke of her shoulder and pulled her back down on top of him. He had not meant to get so serious with her. It was just that the deep emotions she inspired in him sometimes got the better of him.

  He had to change the subject quick and make them both feel better.

  “Did you like what you did with Hunter last night?”

  This worked. It made her laugh. They had a new more agreeable topic of conversation. “It was so crazy. I felt so utterly vulnerable tied up like that while he made love to me from behind. I couldn’t even see his face unless I looked over my shoulder. I wanted to move because of the way he was making love to me. But he had tied my hands to the table with my underwear, and I was helpless while…”

  She broke off. Even though the two of them were in bed naked together, she could still blush, and she did so visibly now.

  “You want to try an experiment with me today?”

  Her blush increased. She nipped at his chest with her teeth and couldn’t look him in the eye for a few seconds.

  “Do you want to tie me up, too?” she asked him shyly. However, Drake thought he detected a bit of anticipation beneath her words.

  “I’m going to save that for you and Hunter.” He ran his hands down her spine until he got to her firm buttocks. He stopped there and stroked her gently. “I did have something in mind for us if you’re willing to try.”

  She kissed his lips. “I trust you to make it wonderful for me, Drake.” He had her full trust. That was the best feeling in the world. He knew he would never, could never, let her down.

  “Wait for me in bed. I’ll be back in a minute.”

  Drake climbed out of bed and went in search of his toy.

  * * * *

  Morgan put her hands over her face. What in the world was Drake going to come back with? These guys sure did a good job of distracting her and taking her mind off things. In fact, they did a good job at everything.

  When Drake came back, he carried a small box and a tube of lube.

  “I’m almost afraid to ask what you’ve got there for me.” But her naughty side had got the better of her, and she just had to know what it was.

  Drake removed the wrapper from the box. Whatever it was it was brand-new. He opened the box and took out a five-inch-long probe made of industrial jelly. Morgan took it in her hand for a closer inspection.

  “I ordered that from an adult toy store online. It just came last week. Today is the first time I’ve opened it.”

  “What is it?”

  “It’s a butt plug.”

  Morgan blushed red and wanted to hide under the blanket. “And here I thought you were the tame one of my two wolves.”

  He sat on the edge of the bed with her and leaned in for a kiss, which she gladly gave him. “Don’t ever underestimate me.”

  “How are we going to use this?” She handed it back over to him, suddenly afraid the little instrument might burn her hand if she held onto it for too long.

  “It works just the opposite from being tied as you were last night with Hunter. When you can’t move and strain against your restraints, it acts to prolong your orgasm. This won’t prolong anything. It may even force you to climax sooner.”

  “How’s it going to do that?”

  “It puts pressure inside you. Then when I’m inside you at the same time, you’re really going to start feeling it. The quality of your orgasm will be much better.”

  She reached out and put a hand on his arm. “You give me good orgasms, Drake.”

  He ran a loving touch up and down her shoulder. “They can always be better.” The way he looked at her spoke to her. He really cared about her.

  “I’ll let you do anything,” she told him.

  He started kissing her. She liked this. He had the bedclothes thrown back from her body, and his lips roamed everywhere. She could have stayed on her back all day and let him suck on her skin, lick the sensitive areas, and just plain kiss her all over. It was heaven.

  “Turn over.”

  She rolled onto her stomach for him. He continued to adore her from the new angle. Morgan closed her eyes and let the pleasure soak inside.

  He worked his way up her thighs and parted her butt cheeks. The odor of the lubricant was pungent as he applied it to the sex toy.

  Morgan wasn’t so sure about this. Nothing had ever gone inside her back there in that entrance for pleasure before. She had never even thought that kind of penetration would be pleasurable. But she had told Drake she would try it, and her trust in him was absolute because she knew he would never do anything to hurt her or make her feel uncomfortable. All he wanted wa
s for her pleasure.

  Though the toy was slick with lubrication, it was still a difficult fit inside her ass. The first minute or two it was up in her, it was rather uncomfortable. But Drake went back to the adoration of the rest of her body, his sure hands tracing their way up her open thigh to her pussy. He rubbed her clit, and she was melting for him, all thoughts of the naughty toy inserted inside her driven out.

  When she rolled onto her back, she was aware of the pressure down there. It was starting to bother her. Drake was right. The toy was pushing her along faster because now she really needed release badly.

  He hovered over her, his giant erection in his hands. Morgan was happy to spread her legs wide for him. She was impatient to get this show on the road. Her pussy was already starting to clench up, and he had not even put himself in her yet.

  Her head rolled back across the pillows of her bed. If Drake didn’t hurry, she was going to come without him.

  Thankfully, the next thing she felt was his swollen cock head forcing her pussy lips open and plunging deep into her. Morgan let out an uncontrolled gasp of surprise.

  The sensation of having Drake in her at the same time the toy was in her other entrance was scary because it was so strong.

  He was planting wet and loving kisses across her face as he made love to her. “That doesn’t hurt, does it, honey?”

  “Doesn’t hurt…but it feel…oh God, Drake…” Morgan couldn’t form coherent sentences now. She could not think. Thank God her hands weren’t tied today because she needed to use them to reach out and grab hold of Drake’s body.

  She pulled him down on top of her, and he hammered his cock home just as she wanted. He had found the sweet spot deep inside her pussy, except that now every muscle inside her pussy had become its own sweet spot.

  The orgasm of her life hit her. She was afraid it would rip open something inside of her. Her nerve endings had been torn raw. She gritted her teeth and rode it out to its last agonizing ripple. Her nails clawed down Drake’s spine, and she was afraid she had hurt him.

  They would both be sore for a week after this. But what a good sore it was going to be.


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