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Seducing the Virgin (Sold to The Billionaire #1)

Page 13

by J. L. Beck

  “Yes. Yes.” I panted, his tongue flicking against my nipple. My pussy clenched and my entire body shook with pent up need. He continued to flick his tongue against the sensitive nipple until my legs were wobbling and my entire body was on fire.

  Then he released my tit with a loud pop, his eyes raking up and down my body before coming back up to my face. There was a question lingering in his eyes and I knew he was seeking approval for whatever it was he wanted to do.

  “I’m going to make you cum, baby girl. Okay?” He stated, dropping to his knees before me. Fear of what was going to take place coursed through my veins for a fraction of a second. However, the moment Nash’s fingers gripped the waistband of my yoga pants all fear evaporated into thin air.

  This was him. My Prince Charming. My experienced hero. I had nothing to be afraid of when he was here.

  He peeled the tight fabric off my legs painfully slowly, a grin the size of Texas pulling at his lips as he watched me squirm above him. With the fabric wrapped around my ankles and him between my legs, I was at his mercy.

  Nash gave me one last fleeting grin before disappearing between my legs. He held me up against the wall with his shoulders, and the fact that he could do so just turned me on more.

  “Nash…” I sighed his name and was rewarded with a kiss to the inside of my thigh. My hands went into his jet-black hair, as I gripped the strands gently.

  “Are you as untouched now as you were two years ago?” The question vibrated against my pussy. He was so close I could feel each breath he expelled.

  “I’ve saved every single experience for you Nash. I want you to be the first to taste me. The first to finger me. The first to fuck me.” My voice was wobbly, and nervous. What if he didn’t believe me?

  “Good, because I’m going to own every single piece of your body including your tight little ass.” As scary as all this was, I knew it was only because it was something I had never done before.

  Gripping the black thong I was wearing, he pulled the fabric hard and a snapping sound met my ears.

  Did he just rip my thong off?

  I couldn’t even comprehend what was taking place, because as soon as I found the words I wanted to say, he was on me, his tongue sinking into my pussy as he ate me out.

  “Oh. Dear. Lord.” I moaned, as he rubbed small circles around my clit. I had touched myself a few times before but never, not even once, did it feel as it did right now with Nash.

  “Fuck my face, baby. I’ll take care of you, I fucking promise you that.” His words rumbled against my entrance and before I could muster up even one word he was licking me top to bottom, one of his fingers entering my pussy ever so slowly, stretching me in a delicious way.

  “Nash. Nash. I’ve never felt this way before.” I screamed out, feeling things deep inside my belly that I never had before. My toes curled as he flicked his tongue against my clit relentlessly. He owned me, worshipping my pussy as if it was the queen of everything in his life.

  “Fall apart, baby girl. Give me your release. Let me taste those sweet juices of yours.” His dirty words, mixed with the friction of his finger entering me and the flick of his tongue against my clit pushed me over the edge. My orgasm slammed into me harder than I expected, knocking the wind right out of me.

  “Fuck you’re so tight and just perfect.” He lapped up every single drop of cum, his tongue scraping against my clit harder.

  My legs shook, and my hands pulled Nash’s hair as I ground my pussy into his face, taking every single pleasurable clench and wave from him.

  “Nash. Fuck.” I slammed my head back against the wall again, pain radiating through my scalp. He kept up his pace until he no longer felt me clenching around his finger and when he finally did pull out of me, coldness filled the space where he had just been.

  “I’ve thought about doing that since the day I left you here. What you would feel like, how your pussy would taste.” He placed my feet on the ground, moving from between my legs and into a standing position. My entire body was shaking, waves of pleasurable warmth still filling my belly.

  “Was it as good as you thought it would be?” I asked, out of curiosity. I had saved this moment for him.

  He licked his lips and then sucked the finger that had been deep inside of me just moments ago. The erotic look in his eyes had me wanting more.

  “It was more than good, Carly. It was the best fucking pussy I’ve ever eaten and the best fucking meal I’ve had in a long time.” Joy filled my veins and burned throughout my body. My heart pounded in my chest, and I smiled. I smiled from ear to ear, because after all I had held onto over the last two years, it all felt worthwhile.

  “Good, because there is way more where that came from.” I boasted, watching as his eyes grew wide with excitement.

  Nothing could take him away from me. Not now that I had finally sunk my teeth into him. He shucked his leather jacket as I adjusted my sports bra, putting my boob back inside, and pulled my yoga pants back up.

  My eyes raked over his body as I looked for any changes. He was still the same buff guy he had been before, maybe with a little bit more muscle mass now. He definitely didn’t look like he was over forty though.

  Dark ink peeked out from under the sleeve of his t-shirt. That most definitely wasn’t there before… I took note making sure I explored that area of his body next. Yeah, he was still the same devilishly handsome man he had been when he left. The only difference now was that he was hardened more and I was positive that had everything to do with me.

  “I’m not leaving this time, Carly, and if I do I’m taking your sweet ass with me. I refused to give into the feelings I had for you two years ago. I refused to give you the one thing we both wanted, all because of who your father was, and because of your age. But now you’re nineteen, and no longer under your daddy’s thumb.” Thankfully the wall was behind me, because I wasn’t sure I would still be standing if it wasn’t.

  “That’s all I’ve ever wanted, Nash, for us to be able to be together. Yeah, I’m old enough now, but…” I didn’t want to tell him that there was a part of me that was scared of my father knowing now. My feelings for Nash had never changed, not even once. But if my father found out about us now, as I was about to leave for college, I worried he might pull all the money he had given me for college from my checking account. Leaving me to foot the bill for school.

  “He can’t do anything, Carly. He can’t stop us from being together now. I’ve held off as long as I could, sweetie. I’ve forced myself to stay away from you, to give you the chance to find someone else. You didn’t… and that was the only chance you were getting.” He beckoned me to come to him and I did. I couldn’t deny the man that I lusted after for years and now loved.

  I would save that little tidbit for later, when the moment arose. For now, I was going to enjoy the time I had with Nash, and the warmth of his touch on my skin.

  “I missed you.” I whispered into his chest as he wrapped me up in his arms, cradling me to his chest. All the shit he had said to me two years ago was a lie, I knew it from the start. I was just thankful he had finally come to his senses.

  “Not as much as I missed you. It’s been a long two years, but now that I’m here again, I’m staying, darlin’.” My body melted into a puddle as soon as his lips rested against my forehead. Nash consumed me and even if I was worried about my father and what he would say, I was more worried about losing Nash. I would give up anything to be with this man. Even college.

  Chapter Three


  I was bad, so fucking bad… I had claimed the one woman I knew I couldn’t ever have. Now I just needed a way to break the news to her father, my best friend, because honestly, I couldn’t carry the burden of eating his daughter’s pussy out for long. I was an honest man, and one who took what he wanted when he wanted it. I knew Kyle would be pissed, hell, I would be pissed too, but love is love.

  I loved her two years ago when she was a teenager who was just filling out, and I
loved her now as the nineteen year old with tits and an ass that made me want to spill my seed inside my jeans.

  “Yeah, okay Sarah. You do what you need to do. It’s always been about you and never about your damn kids.” Kyle yelled into his cell just as I walked into his office. I rapped against the wood doorframe letting him know I was here. I had every intention of telling him what was going on between Carly and I, right now.

  “Selfish. That’s what you are. I’ve done everything I can to take care of Carly. I’ve helped her get into the college of her choice. I’ve done it all and what have you done?” I could hear the venom in his words and ignored the angry rage that contorted his features.

  The longer I listened to this conversation, the more guilt I felt for doing what I did with Carly the other day. I had only been back in town a few hours when I decided to pounce on her.

  “What the fuck ever!” Kyle ground out, hitting the end key on his cell. Parts of me understood where he was coming from. His ex wife was a raging bitch. That alone would make it hard for me to want anything to do with her, let alone share custody with her.

  “I would say how’s it going, but after listening to that little bit of conversation right there I can tell that it ain’t going all that swell.” I smiled like a jackass, only because I knew it would bring a smile to his face too.

  He rolled his eyes, smiled, and blew out a breath. “She’s not going to make it to Carly’s graduation or her party. It’s like, how the fuck can you not make it to something so important?” Fire filled my belly. Honestly, that enraged me.

  “Why the fuck not?” The question came out a bit more angrily then expected. Kyle didn’t seem to notice though, as he was clearly far more enraged than I was.

  “She’s got plans with her boyfriend that night. She claims she will make it up to her, but you can’t make up watching your daughter graduate from High School.” Kyle was right. You couldn’t. Sarah needed a wake up call.

  “What are you going to tell Carly?” I was worried about my girl right away. This would break her heart, and I didn’t like that. Not the least fucking bit.

  Kyle sagged into his seat, his shoulders hunched and his head hung low. I knew he felt like a failure and like a shit dad, all because of someone else’s actions. All of this weighed heavily on my shoulders, stopping me from telling him what I had come into his office to say.

  With everything going on with Sarah and the defeat that Kyle was feeling, adding this wasn’t going to earn me any brownie points. It was just going to make him feel like more shit.

  “You didn’t come here to ask me about my relationship with my ex-wife, did you? Because if so, I’m going to have to tell you to get the fuck out.” I coughed up a laugh, completely taken back by the humorous smirk on is face.

  “Fuck that shit. I just came to ask you what I should get Carly for her graduation present.” I changed the subject, even though it brought the attention back to Carly. Kyle knew I loved her, he just didn’t know it was more than just as my best friend’s kid.

  The love I felt for her was more along the lines of- let me fuck you until we’re both weak and passed out from exhaustion. Daddy Dearest didn’t know that yet, though.

  Kyle’s striking blue eyes lit up, sparkling with excitement. Carly was his pride and joy, the one thing that held him together. Knowing that only made this situation harder. I would be forced to tell him what was going on one way or another, but that could wait for another day, maybe one where there weren’t as many problems.

  “Like any woman, she loves jewelry and she has a newfound love for books, and all things Harry Potter.” I knew exactly what it was that I was going to get her. I just needed a few days time to order it.

  “Alright. Well, that’s all that I came in here for, you know me. I’m not good with the ladies, so trying to find something that she likes would be like banging my head against the wall for an hour straight.” I snickered, but it was forced. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t uncomfortable at this point. All I wanted to do was escape the room and take in some fresh air.

  I leaned against the door jam, my eyes going to a picture that he had of Carly, hanging on the wall behind him. It was black and white, and accented her soft feminine features very well. It was a simple photo, just of her face, and she was smiling big and wide, like the world hadn’t been falling apart around her for the last two years.

  “I’m afraid, Nash. Scared out of my mind. Carly is my little girl and she’s going off to college. She’s got boys interested in her, and she’s no longer my baby. She’s a woman now.” I could hear his heart breaking as he spoke and all I could think was, I’m totally not the person for this.

  Still, my ears caught on the word boys, and it made me wonder exactly what it was that she had been doing in the last two years. I couldn’t expect her to not move on with her life. I mean, that was the entire reason I left to begin with, but I needed to make it known, now more than ever, that I wasn’t fucking around.

  No other man would worship her body like I would, and if they tried I would break their dick off and shove it down their throat.

  “You’re a kickass dad, Nash. Don’t doubt yourself. Your little girl is an adult now and with that comes change. It’s a hard adjustment but one that has to be made. It’ll get easier. I’m sure.” I skirted around the subject, because in reality, I had no fucking clue what I was talking about. Kyle was a good dad but everything else I just winged.

  “Wait till you have kids, Nash. You’ll totally be freaking out, rocking in the corner, and I’ll be the one giving you little speeches.” I rolled my eyes and flipped him the bird before stepping out of his office. He had no idea what he was saying.

  The only woman I would ever be planting my seed in was Carly, and if she wanted me, and wanted to have kids, then that would make Kyle their grandpa, so technically the joke was on him.

  “I’ll see you later, asshole. I’m going to go pick up some Chinese and chill out for the rest of the night.” I didn’t add the fact that I would be doing so at his daughter’s house, but some things were better left unsaid.

  When I didn’t hear a mumbled good bye, I took that as my signal to get the fuck out of there, before he started laying on the guilt. I never expected to fall for Carly. Hell, I wasn’t even attracted to her till she started throwing herself at me and I was forced to notice that she grown up.

  She was the perfect kind of forbidden and I was rule breaker. We were the meant to be. I jogged out to my motorcycle and hopped on, revving the engine for a few seconds before shooting off like a rocket down the road.

  I was going to surprise Carly tonight and maybe, for the first time in my life, sleep next to a woman in bed. My thoughts shifted to all the things I had done to try and stay away from her. I had tried dating, and it always ended in failure. I couldn’t force myself to have sex with another woman when my heart belonged to Carly.

  I got the Chinese food in a flash, wrapped up in a plastic bag with about a pound of soy sauce, and I was hurtling towards Carly’s condo.

  Anger flooded me as I pulled up to the house, parking my bike at the end of the driveway. There was another car here, one that most definitely wasn’t Carly’s, since hers was already parked on the other side of it.

  I didn’t want to be “that guy”; the one that became consumed by their lover, but what was mine was mine and if anyone else thought they had a chance of fucking with what was mine then they had a rude awakening coming their way.

  I stepped off the bike, my booted feet slamming against the hard concrete. The takeout bag hung from one hand while the other was clenched in a tight fist. I was going to fuck someone up I could feel it.

  “Thank you so much, Jeremy.” Carly’s soft voice met my ears, melting away all my anger. I shoved through the front door, uncaring if I knocked or not. I didn’t need to knock, not when she was mine.

  The house grew so quiet I could hear a pin drop, the little fucker took notice of me right away. His eyes growing wide wi
th fear, probably thinking I was her dad or something. Wrong, punk, I’m her fucking boyfriend.

  “Nash.” I swear every time my name fell from those pink full lips my cock hardened. I loved the scared look in Jeremy’s eyes.

  “Hi, sir. I was just dropping off the paper that showed our final grade on the project we worked on together.” His voice wobbled. What a fucking pussy, and to think I left so that she could explore something like that, with some inexperienced fuck like him.

  “Get out.” I ordered smirking as I watched him scurry from the condo like someone had lit a fire underneath his ass. Carly gave me a stern I’m-angry-at-you-look and I sighed, placing the takeout bags on the kitchen counter. This little girl had no idea how crazy she made me, but she was about to find out.

  “You didn’t have to do that. He probably thought you were my dad or something.” She reached for the takeout box, but I stopped her hand, wrapping her up in my arms instead. I could feel the pounding of her heart against mine and wondered if it would be like this forever.

  “I did. You don’t understand how deep my feelings for you run. I’m consumed by you. I eat, breathe, and sleep you now. I want to fuck you, and kiss you, and devour every single part of you. I don’t give a fuck about that asshole and if that makes you mad then fine, but you’re mine and I refuse to hide those feelings from anyone.”

  I was just about to release her when the words fell from her lips. “Except my dad?” I ground my teeth together. How did she know I hadn’t told him yet?

  “I went to tell him today, but couldn’t. Not with everything else already going on. I want to tell him on good terms, Carly. I want to be the man he wants you to have, even if I am his best friend and probably the last person you should be with.” I kissed her long and hard, my lips telling her everything my words couldn’t. I didn’t want her to think I was hiding us or that I was afraid of her father, because I wasn’t.

  I was more afraid of hurting Kyle than I was of afraid of him because I knew the moment he found out about Carly and I, his entire life would crumble into a million pieces.


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