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Betting on Love in Vegas (Building Love Book 1)

Page 12

by Stacy Hoff

  As soon as Ty stopped laughing, he took the flask back and took a swig. “Umm-hmm. Smooth.” His voice sounded even tighter. “What the heck brand is this? I should have given Jacques better instructions.”

  “I like it,” she said, taking it back from him again. “It has a hint of coconut.” She wasn’t aware she licked the traces of rum off her lips until she caught him staring wide-eyed at her. Heat once again rushed to her cheeks. But this time, the sensation started to travel downward . . .

  “So if you don’t hike, what outdoorsy things are you into?”

  “Skiing. My family always went to Big Bear to ski. It was a tradition for us.”

  “Near the parcel you own, right?”

  Cat nodded, noticing his sudden frown.

  “I promised no talk about business,” he hastily remarked. “So here’s a conversation changer—I bought you a present.”

  “Another one? This whole day is a gift. Nobody could possibly ask for more.”

  He reached into his bag and took out a thin gift-wrapped box. On it was a large white bow. Cat’s heart rate sped up. Without pausing to think, she yanked the wrapping off and chucked the box’s cover to the side. Her fingers made hasty work of the tissue paper.

  “Oh my gosh, you didn’t,” she cried, lifting the tee shirt from the box.

  “Yep. Because you like doing things your way.” Warmth radiated from his soft expression.

  “Thank you. It’s so funny you bought me the tee shirt. And thoughtful. However did you arrange it? The store would have been closed when we left this morning.

  “I’ll let you in one of the secrets of life. If you have a lot of money, you’d be amazed at what you can accomplish.”

  “I guess so,” she said softly.

  “I took a pass on getting the ‘I’m the boss’ shirt. Didn’t think you’d actually want me to wear it.” Smiling, he reached into his backpack and took out a large blanket, wrapping it around them. For its light weight, it was surprisingly warm.

  “I’m glad you figured that out. It’s Ty, the man, I want to be here with. Not Mr. Orland, CEO of Orland Premier Properties, Inc.”

  Ty nodded. “Are you warm enough?”

  “I’m good. For now, at least. Is it going to get much colder?”

  “Yup. I brought along this mini-stove. It’ll generate enough heat for us to be comfortable, don’t worry.”

  Cat eyed the small, gray, cylindrical heater. It wasn’t very big, but when he turned it on the chilly feeling in the tent dissipated almost immediately. She pulled off her sweater and found she was quite comfortable in only her tee shirt.

  The man had so much money. Power. Connections. He should be as stiff and stuffy as all the other wealthy big shots back in Boston. Perhaps back in Ty’s real world, he was like that. She’d seen him in action as a businessman going after her land. And yet, around her, he was soft. Caring. Concerned for her. If she didn’t know better, it was like he was transforming into a totally different person. One she was starting to care for, too.

  “Are you glad I took you out here, Cat?” he asked, his right hand lightly stroking the side of her face.

  She nodded, placing her hand against his.

  “I am, too.” He sat quietly for a minute. “Thank you.”

  “For what?” she asked. “I’m the one getting all the gifts.”

  “For giving me a wonderful day. The best I can remember in a long, long while. There’s no better gift anyone could give me than that.”

  Without another word, Cat leaned over to him and put her lips on his. In a move faster than lightning, he was holding her, kissing her back. Until he pulled away.

  “You know how I feel about you, Cat. But I want you to be happy, too. Are you sure you want this? Want me?”

  “Yes,” she whispered, placing her lips on top of his again.

  “Be gentle with me,” he joked in a mock-whisper.

  “Don’t bet on it,” she murmured. Building up her courage, and her mojo, she trailed her hands down his pants.

  “I meant with my heart,” he said, all trace of joking gone.

  Her hand froze and she looked into his eyes. “I will.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Her response was like a matchstick, igniting a fire inside him. How was it that everything she did, and everything she said, was perfect? She wasn’t a mere Siren, she was a goddess. His very own Venus.

  He had twisted around so that she was underneath him, kissing him back with the same passion he was kissing her. He lightly traced a line from her collar to her pubic bone with his fingertip until she squirmed with pleasure.

  “Should I stop?” he teased.

  “I’ll kill you if you do.”

  “Geez, don’t do that. They’d never find the body out here.”

  “As long as I find your body, we’ll be fine.”

  “What about me? I’d like to find your body.” If he didn’t, he’d explode. Being so close to her, wrapped up together in his tent, was making him crazier than a lusty teenager.

  “I’m a little busy now. Can we talk later?” She was grasping at his sweater, trying desperately to pull it off.

  “Need a hand with it?”

  “Ya think?” she snarked.

  He yanked off his sweater in one easy move. Instantly her hands were rubbing his chest through his tee shirt. “I’m thinking you’re impatient,” he pretended to chasten.

  “I’m thinking you’re right.” Her mouth was on his earlobe, lightly sucking. A wave of fire burned hotter over him. “Hell, woman, what are you doing to me?”

  “Not enough obviously. Stop talking.”

  No problem there. His lips were immediately upon hers.

  ~ ~ ~

  If he was trying to make her desperate, it was working, damn it. In fact, if he kept delaying, she’d give him her Big Bear land if it’d help him get a move on.

  And then suddenly, he was moving fast. Her sweater and shirt were gone, his fingertips running lightly over her bra. A blaze of heat followed in their wake. Growing with the intensity of a fireball. Then she felt him tug at the back strap until the lace cups fell loose.

  “Finally,” she murmured in his ear.

  She felt him laugh softly into the base of her neck. Felt the air push from his lips as he whispered her name in her ear. “I didn’t see you as the type to wear turquoise satin. Especially for a hike.”

  “I didn’t know we were going on a hike, remember?”

  “Right. Glad I didn’t tell you. I would have hated to see granny underwear. Although even if you did, I couldn’t be more turned on.”

  “You sure about that? Really? Wide-cut cotton panties big enough to give men’s boxer shorts a run for their money?”

  “Wouldn’t matter,” he answered, straight-faced.

  “Oh no?”

  “It wouldn’t stay on long anyway.”

  She gulped hard, humor gone.

  “I can’t believe,” he murmured, his head bent down over her breast, “I get to be with you.” Or at least she thought that’s what he said. Her brain was having trouble comprehending his words, her mind floating in a blissful cloud, especially with his mouth poised mid-kiss. She was becoming oblivious to everything as he slid her jeans and turquoise satin panties down.

  All she knew was the feel of him as he lay his body on top of hers, his body growing harder with every passing second. The opposite physical effect was happening to her, she was growing ever softer and more vulnerable. Aching for his touch.

  His hands were everywhere. More importantly, they were everywhere they needed to be. His fingers stroked her breasts until she cried out from the overload of sensation. One that grew from a quiver of nerves into a fiery ball of heat.

  When he traced her hard
nipple with his tongue, a throaty sound emanated from her mouth, one she couldn’t identify. Primal. As if the sound was vibrating from deep within her.

  “I think you’re starting to purr, Cat.”

  “Mmmmmm,” was all she managed to say back.

  His mouth slipped down lower. Down her ribs. Down past her stomach. Down, down, down . . .

  She was a teakettle ready to boil. She’d have to blow off steam or explode. Bending forward, reaching for his zipper, she tried to tug the waist of his jeans down.

  “No, you don’t,” he lightly chastised. “Not yet.”

  “Damn you, Orland.” Cat gave up on speaking. Even if she could manage any more words, he clearly wasn’t interested in listening to her anyway. Body language was their only effective communication.

  And effective it was. He pulled her hands away from him, holding both of her wrists together in one hand. Stretching her arms out over her head, he held her arms down against the mat. “Don’t move,” he commanded.

  Mouth too dry to speak, she simply nodded. It was strange to think his taking control was suddenly making her lose hers. And she was liking it.

  Why was this? The whole problem with her past was people bossing her around, but Ty Orland had a way of making her want to give up control. To surrender herself to him. To do whatever he wanted her to do. And to spark a desire deeper than she ever knew she had.

  She felt him slide his body down between her legs and part her knees as wide as he needed. All thoughts left her head. No power of speech. No power to breathe. The world stopped, suspended in mid-air as his mouth closed around her inner thigh and moved to her core. The soft glide of his tongue over her nearly made her cry out and lose control.

  I mustn’t fall apart this way. I must keep my head together.

  Unconsciously, she squirmed away until she felt his hands grab her thighs, pinning her hips down. Making her more vulnerable. More open.

  “Let me make you happy,” he ground out. “We’ve got no barriers. No cares to worry about, except each other.”

  She bit down on her cheek to block it out. The words, the sense of his touch, everything. But doing so was impossible. Stopping her sensations was like trying to stop clouds from drifting across a summer sky. Do not fall for this man. Do not fall . . .

  Then the sensations became more intense, like a summer storm. Thunder moved through, raking her body as lightning flashed. Despite feeling powerless, she did her best to re-group and shifted her knees until he lifted upward, his face over hers.

  She felt him lean forward to grab a condom. Heard the ripping of the foil packet. Felt his hand reach back to her legs. Part her knees. Felt him position himself as he momentarily hovered above her. And dove inside her. Hard and strong, he was making her heart pound. Her head spun until consciousness was nothing more than a dream state. She must be dreaming. This man feels perfect. Is perfect.

  Then he really started to move within her. His body diving into hers, her body rippling waves around him. Emotionally, physically, spiritually, they entwined under the stars. Joined as one as they lay under the sky. A single creature of the desert earth.

  Chapter 12

  Cat awoke to a hazy, dim morning. The daylight was diffused somehow, as if a silvery, gauzy material was overhead, obscuring her vision. Her body ached all over, stiff and sore. Especially her neck, she realized as she twisted her head around to figure out where she was.

  Her eyes lifted upwards to see crossed and conjoined poles. She was in a tent. No, correction, they were in a tent. Sleeping soundly next to her was a man she’d only just met. And now knew real well. There wasn’t an inch of their bodies the other one didn’t know. Hadn’t explored. Felt. Tasted. Touched.

  Her heart froze as memories of last night flooded in. Heat rushed to her cheeks. What they had done was more intimate than she’d ever experienced before. And much more pleasurable. But how would things be with him in the light of day? Especially since his deadline of midnight had long passed. Would he be distant? Revert to being her business rival? Or somehow now feel entitled to her property? A sweat broke out on her forehead that had nothing to do with the desert heat.

  Although it was hot in the tent. The enclosure felt airless and confined. If she didn’t open the flap to get out and breathe she’d—

  “Hey, you all right?” Ty asked, interrupting her thoughts. He gently held onto her wrist, stopping her from fleeing.

  “Yes, fine. I need some air, is all.” Would it be rude if I tugged my wrist free?

  “Funny. All I need is you.” Her wrist was against his mouth, his kiss slow and lingering, like when they’d first met, back in the bar.

  So much for him feeling awkward. Obviously, everything that happened last night was A-OK with him. Any feelings of weirdness clearly belonged exclusively to her.

  He rolled over, taking her with him, and threw a heavy, muscular arm over her stomach. “Good morning, my adorable little kitty Cat.” His voice had a soft lilt, sounding affectionate. Sweet.

  “Pet names for each other already?” she inquired coolly, a single eyebrow arched. Trying to sound removed from the situation wasn’t easy. Bad enough she knew she was falling for this guy. No need for him to know, too.

  “No time like the present,” he answered smoothly.

  “If we’re sticking with a feline theme, I could go with Tyger.” She shot him a look.

  He gave a hoot of laughter. “Fine with me. I sound like a powerful predator.” He lowered his voice seductively. “I guess this means you’re my mate.”

  Cat felt the blood leave her face.

  Ty let out another laugh. “Then again, I may feel a lot more comfortable about what happened last night than you do.”

  The man certainly doesn’t hold back from saying what he thinks. No wonder he’s a CEO. “I’m comfortable,” she protested.

  “Sure you are.” He laughed, lifting his face toward her to give her an affectionate kiss on the cheek. “I’m glad I had you play roulette at my charity event. You’d stink at poker.”

  “All right. Let’s say I feel ‘adequately’ comfortable. Maybe if I came up with a more appropriate nickname it would help. Tentman Ty? Outdoor Orland?”

  “Er, no. Definitely not as good.”

  She shot him a grin. “How about ‘Mojave Master?’”

  His eyes crinkled in amusement. “I’ll let you work on that. Fine-tune your decision,” he deadpanned.

  “I think I need to clean myself up. Any ideas?”

  “No water around here to take a dip.”

  “That’s okay with me. I was thinking more along the lines of a sink and shower.”

  “Why is it you don’t swim? If your parents were so safety conscious they had you learn ju-jitsu, shouldn’t they have taught you basic swimming?”

  She shook her head. “You’d think so, but I almost drowned at our summerhouse when I was five. My parents decided to put the house on the market to ensure I’d never get near a pool again. That was their way of dealing with water safety.”

  “I could teach you.”

  Cat stared at him silently, in awe. She was doing her best to not let her heart flutter any more. Safe living meant safely holding onto one’s heart.

  “You can let me know about that, too, when the time is right,” Ty said gently. “In the meantime, breakfast is served.”

  Cat nodded, ready to let the topic go. “You packed food for breakfast? Good idea. Have any grain bars?”

  “Nope. Look outside the tent. Although you might want to throw some clothing on first. Too bad for me though.”

  She felt his eyes travel over her naked body. Heat began stirring in her, slow and steady. She felt flush all the way to her face. Her cheeks were probably berry-red. “I don’t know whether to feel awkward over the situation, turned
on because we’re naked, or curious about breakfast,” she joked.

  “I’d go with Door Number Two.”

  “I don’t know. Door Number Three sounds awfully tempting.”

  “Yeah, I knew it would. I can’t understand how curiosity hasn’t killed you yet, my Cat, but go ahead and satisfy yourself. Check outside.”

  She shoved on a tee shirt and jeans. He gave her arm a kiss as she crawled over him and out the flap.

  The sight greeting her was jaw dropping. A small canvas yurt had been erected in the middle of the night. Obviously this had been done while they were sleeping. But how had he pulled it off? The construction hadn’t generated a bit of sound to disturb their sleep. Either that, or having great sex after who-knew-how-many-years had knocked her out cold. Either way she was shocked, staring at the structure mouth agape.

  If possible, her jaw dropped another inch when she caught sight of the buffet spread out on a wooden table by the yurt’s side. Platters of pastries, hot plates with covered domes, carafes of drinks filled with ice, and Thermoses obviously filled with hot drinks. The piece de resistance was two fluted champagne glasses filled with bubbly liquid and a strawberry garnish.

  “Not much to say, huh?” Ty teased. “Why am I guessing this is a first?”

  “I . . . I don’t . . . I’m not sure what to say. Except ‘wow.’ And thank you. I’m . . . overwhelmed.”

  “So am I. By you.”

  “Ty,” she said softly. “I’m trying so hard not to get too caught up in this. Not to get too caught up in you. But you’re making it so hard when you’re so . . . perfect.”

  “No,” he said. “I’m far from perfect. You’re the one who is perfect. I’m starting to wonder whether I’ll wake up from this dream. Hell if I want to.”


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