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Sarah Woods Mystery Series (1-6) Boxed Set

Page 40

by Jennifer L. Jennings

  “You a friend of hers?”

  “Um, not exactly.”

  He blinked at me. “I’m sure Danielle’s not interested in buying Tupperware.”

  A few of his customers laughed at his witty remark.

  “A bartender who thinks he’s a comedian,” I teased. “How original.”

  The bartender seemed mildly impressed. “Tell you what, lady. You tell us a joke. If it’s funny, I’ll get you Danielle. If it’s not, you have to buy the next round for my buddies here.”

  I took a few seconds to think it over. “Okay, what’s the difference between a G-Spot and a bottle of Jack Daniels?”

  Everyone shrugged.

  “A guy will actually search for a bottle of Jack Daniels.”

  The bartender slapped the bar as he and his cronies howled.

  “Good one,” he said, smiling. “Sit tight, lady. She’s out back. I’ll go get her.”

  All of a sudden, I was the cool chick that walked into a bar.

  I took a few more sips for extra courage.

  The bartender came back followed by a young woman in her twenties. She wore a tight, almost see-through tank top. Her hair and make-up told me she came from the wrong side of the tracks. When she smiled, a set of crooked teeth poked out. “You wanted to see me?” she asked.

  “Danielle Washburn?”

  Suspicious eyes studied me. “And you are ... ?”

  “My name is Sarah. Would it be possible to have a chat outside?”

  She appeared confused at first, but then my name must have registered. “What do you want?”

  “Just a quick word in private.”

  She whispered something in the bartender’s ear. He handed her a cigarette and lighter and she motioned for me to follow her outside.

  Danielle strolled to the dumpster on the opposite side of the building. She lit up the cigarette, took a few puffs, and looked at me solemnly. “Carter told me about your ankle,” she said. “Cujo is a teddy-bear once you get to know him.”

  “He didn’t exactly strike me as warm and cuddly.”

  She exhaled a cloud of smoke. “Look, if Gavin comes out and see’s us talking, he’s gonna get suspicious. So, why’d you come down here?”

  I looked around to make sure we were alone. “I’d like to discuss the tapes.”

  She blew another cloud of smoke away from me. “What about ‘em?”

  “I’m concerned that Gavin is going to keep abusing women. Do you want to help make sure it doesn’t happen again?”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “I was thinking you could file a complaint against him.”

  “I don’t want to get him in trouble.”

  I scanned the parking lot again. “Did he threaten you or something?”

  She laughed, but I didn’t see anything funny about the situation.

  “Look,” she said. “I know Gavin likes to tape us having sex. It’s sort of his kinky fetish thing. I actually don’t mind it. But I found out from one of his buddies he was planning to sell the tapes … without even asking me. I doubt he was planning to share the money. Anyway, I beat him at his own game.”

  I could not believe my ears. “So Gavin knows you hired someone to retrieve the tapes?”

  “He was pissed at first, but he got over it. At least now he knows not to screw me … well, at least not that way.”

  “So you’re telling me I risked my life to break into his house to steal some tapes just so you could, what, sell them yourself?”

  “I did some research. Do you have any idea how much producers will pay for top quality amateur porn?”

  I felt like slapping this girl across the face. “So, what about the two women on the other tapes; Karen and Jennifer? Who are they?”

  Danielle flicked her cigarette on the ground and mashed it with the heel of her pump. “Just friends. It turns me on to watch him have sex with other women, okay? They knew we were taping them, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

  “What about the statutory rape? You must know he was arrested. How can you accept that?”

  “Oh, please. That girl was two days away from turning sixteen. She’s the one who wanted to blow Gavin.”

  I felt the bile rising in my throat. “I think I’ve heard enough.”

  “Hey, you don’t have to tell Carter about this, right? He’ll tell my uncle. I don’t want to hear anymore bullshit lectures.”

  “Carter would never have agreed to this job if he’d known what you were up to.”

  “Hello? I know that. But let’s get real. You got paid, so why do you care?”

  “I didn’t do this just for the money. I thought I was helping someone in trouble.”

  Danielle put a hand up to silence me. “Shit. Here comes Gavin. Just pretend you’re a friend or something.”

  I turned my head. Sure enough, the guy looked like he was on a mission.

  I stood there, not quite sure what to do. I decided to stare right back at his scowling face.

  He was breathing hard by the time he got within a few feet of us. He reminded me of a ferocious rhinoceros, without the horn.

  “What the hell, Danielle?” he blurted out, ignoring my presence. “I thought I told you, only one break a night.”

  “C’mon. I needed a smoke. The place is dead anyway.”

  Gavin crossed his arms over his chest. “Last time I checked, I was your boss, not the other way around.”

  “Fine, I was just about to go back inside.”

  He tilted his head toward me. “Who’s your friend?”

  “This is Sarah. She lives in my apartment building.”

  His eyes scanned me head to toe, then focused in on my face. “We haven’t met before, have we?”

  “Don’t think so,” I said, trying not to flinch.

  Danielle shoved his arm. “Come on, Gavin, she’s not interested. Let’s go back inside.”

  Gavin sneered at me. “So what brings you here?” he asked, looking at my trench coat.

  “The Rusty Nail, of course. Danielle said it was the best drink in town. She was right.”

  The flattery was working. He smiled, all proud of himself. “If you come back inside, I’ll make one for you myself.”

  “Thanks, but I have to head out. Maybe another time.”

  His eyes focused on my chest. “I look forward to it.”

  I got back in my car, and could still hear Danielle and Gavin arguing as I drove off.

  Chapter 9

  “Good morning, Carter. Why are you calling me so early?”

  “Morning. You don’t sound very chipper.”

  “Didn’t sleep well. What’s time is it?” I asked.

  “Eight-thirty … why? Are you still in bed?”

  “Had a late night.” I elected not to bring up my conversation with Danielle and Gavin from the night before. I sat up and adjusted the cell phone to hear him better. “What’s going on?”

  “So, Paul Hodges arrived at his office this morning around eight. Martha’s in place. When you log into the program, the GPS should update automatically. Can you check it real quick?”

  “Sure, hold on.” I trudged to the living room and opened my laptop to sign in to the account. Sure enough, the blinking red dot appeared on the screen. Hello, Martha. “She’s working just fine on my end. Are you sure no one saw you around his car?”

  “I’m insulted. Anyway, I have some information on Paul. Are you awake enough to digest this?”

  “What did you find out?”

  “Did his wife ever mention he was arrested for DWI?”

  That woke me up. “When?”

  “About four years ago.”

  “That was before they were married. I think Emily would have told me if she knew. In fact, she said Paul didn’t drink at all.”

  “Maybe the arrest was an eye-opener and he decided to clean up his act.”

  “If he didn’t mention that, what else is he hiding?” I said.

  “What’s your plan?”

  “I’m going to go to his office today. I want to see this guy in the flesh. According to Emily, he usually has lunch at a sandwich shop a few blocks down from his office. I was thinking I’d stay close to see if he meets up with someone. I’ve got my cell phone charged and enough storage to put a professional photographer to shame.”

  “Hey, someone’s at the door so I’m gonna let you go. Be careful.”


  Paul’s office was located downtown. I drove around the block a few times and scored a spot close to the entrance of the three-story brick building. The place was sandwiched between a hair salon and a jewelry store. I added eight quarters to the meter, got back in my car, and opened a granola bar.

  It was a sunny, mid-sixties day, so I rolled down the windows and breathed in the salty air. Bridgeport was a bustling tourist town during the summer and fall thanks to its historic architecture, gourmet restaurants, and picturesque water views. I’d lived here most of my life, and aside from the dreaded winter months, enjoyed the diversity of this seacoast town. The crime rate was low compared to most cities, but there always seemed to be plenty of work for a private eye. Spouses cheat, people lie and steal, and murders will take place, no matter where you live.

  My legs started to cramp after two hours of sitting. I got out of the car and walked around to get the blood flowing, all the while keeping an eye on Paul’s building. Good thing I’d dressed comfortably in black yoga pants, a cotton zip-up sweatshirt, and sneakers. It had become my official stakeout ensemble. If there was one thing I had learned, it was that sitting in one spot with tight jeans was a very bad idea.

  Finally, at ten past noon, I saw him. I knew it was Paul by the glasses and big nose. He took a right and headed toward the restaurants and café’s of the city square.

  I followed at a safe distance with my cellphone tucked inside of my sweatshirt pocket.

  Just as Emily had indicated he might, Paul entered his favorite sandwich shop.

  Was he meeting with someone?

  I waited a few seconds, then walked in and pretended to study the menu board. Paul stood alone as he spoke with a woman behind the deli counter. I took a few moments to observe his outfit. The “high-water” khaki pants, the stuffy corduroy jacket, and the dark rimmed eyeglasses screamed nerd.

  You can tell a lot about a person by their smile. Paul had a slight overbite, and somehow it added to his charm. From ten feet away, I sensed a kindness about him. This man did not strike me as someone who’d poison his wife.

  However, I’d been fooled before.

  I stood to the right of the door when Paul exited the shop, plastic bag in hand. He stopped and looked at his cell phone, then made his way back to the office.

  Paul retreated back into his office building, so I took the opportunity to use the restroom at a nearby coffee shop. I grabbed some food on my way out, and returned to my car for another long wait.

  Paul finally left the office three hours later. According to Emily, today was a gym day.

  World Gym was mobbed. The smell of body-odor mixed with coconut suntan lotion stopped me in my tracks. The sounds of clanging metal, loud music, coupled with the bright fluorescent lighting gave me an instant headache. A woman smiled at me from behind the counter, her biceps thicker than my thighs.

  “Welcome to World Gym,” she said. “Can I help you with something?”

  “Thanks, no. I was just … looking for a friend.”

  “Are you a member?”

  “No, but I’m considering it.”

  “We’d be happy to give you a tour of the facilities. Cameron should be back in a few minutes to show you around.”

  “Thanks.” I didn’t want the damn tour. At least I bought myself a few minutes.

  To the left was a separate room, probably used for group fitness classes. I scanned the remainder of the enormous facility, but didn’t see Paul anywhere.

  I jumped as someone tapped me on the shoulder.

  “Sarah? What are you doing here?”

  I turned to find Linda staring at me, a curious grin on her face.

  “Jeesh, you scared me,” I leaned over to hug her.

  “I’m so glad you took my advice. The spin class starts in ten minutes. Come on, let’s put our names on the list before it fills up.” Linda looked stunning in her black spandex tights with her sleek white tank top.

  “Well, I haven’t actually joined yet. I’m still trying to decide if it’s for me.”

  “No problem. They offer the first class for free.”

  “Um, I’m not really prepared.”

  Linda gave me a head to toe glance. “What are you talking about? What you have on is perfect.”

  She took me by the arm and led me to the spin room where she wrote both our names down on the list. “I’ll tell Sandy at the front desk. She won’t mind. Go find yourself a bike. I’ll be back in a sec.”

  This wasn’t how I had envisioned the evening playing out, but knowing how to improvise is key; Carter taught me that much. I couldn’t let Linda know the real reason I was there.

  I looked around and saw Paul adjusting the seat on a bike a few away from mine. This was either an opportunity or a major screw up. Only time would tell.

  Linda burst back into the spin room. “This is so exciting, Sarah. What perfect timing. Guess who’s here?”

  I did my best to appear confused. “Who?”

  “Paul Hodges, Emily’s husband. Come, you have to meet him.”

  He was still adjusting his bike when Linda tapped him on the back. “Paul, there’s someone I’d like you to meet.”

  He looked up, smiled, and offered his hand when Linda introduced us.

  “Yes. My wife mentioned she’d hired someone to find her brother. Nice to meet you.”

  “Same here,” I said, noticing his hands were delicate for a man. Not surprising for someone who spent most of his time on computers.

  Linda chimed in. “I told Sarah about these spin classes last weekend. I never thought she’d actually do it.”

  “Yeah, me either,” I replied.

  “So,” Paul said, tilting his head to look at me. “Are you having any luck locating Emily’s brother?”

  “Well, I’ve got a few feelers out there, but nothing yet.”

  He nodded. “I hope you can find him. He might be her only hope.”

  “Yes, I understand the urgency.”

  “Anyway, if there’s anything I can do to help, please let me know.”

  I searched his face for some telltale sign of deceit, but all I saw was sincerity. “Thank you. I just might take you up on that.”

  The lights dimmed and everyone seemed to take that as a sign. I followed along, taking cues from Linda. She showed me how to insert my feet into the pedal contraptions. They reminded me of the stirrups at my Gynecologist’s office.

  I barely got myself settled when the instructor began screaming commands through a headset microphone to blaring techno music. Yikes.


  An hour later, I dismounted the evil contraption, not sure if my legs would hold me up.

  Linda looked at me with alarm. “Sarah, are you okay?” she asked, grasping my shoulder.

  “I’m … fine. Why?” I stumbled and almost fell over, but Linda propped me up.

  “Your face is beet red,” she said.

  Paul nodded his agreement. “Yeah. Maybe you should sit down.”

  “Sure, as long as it’s not on another bicycle seat,” I said, wiping the drenched hair from my face.

  Linda mashed her lips together, trying to refrain from laughing. “Maybe you should hydrate more during the next class.”

  “Sorry, but there won’t be a next class. I’ll stick with running, thank you very much.”

  Paul gave me a sympathetic smile. “You should’ve seen me after my first spin class. I threw up all over my gym bag.”

  “Thanks, that makes me feel a little better.”

  Linda, however, looked as if she hadn’t broken a sweat, her make-
up still intact. “Hey. We should go out for drinks, Sarah.”

  “Sure, when?”

  “Right now.”

  I stood there, a sopping tower of sweat. “You are kidding.”

  “Just dry yourself off with a towel.”

  “I don’t think that will help much.”

  Linda turned to face Paul. “You’re welcome to join us.”

  Paul shook his head dolefully and flung his bag over his shoulder. “I better head home. Emily is waiting. Nice meeting you, Sarah.” He turned and walked away before I had a chance to say anything else.

  “So?” Linda asked. “What do you say?”

  “I say, instead of going out, let’s head over to my apartment. I have wine and snacks there. Then I can take a shower and get into some dry clothes.”

  “Perfect. I’ll pick up some vodka on the way to your place. What’s your address?”

  I got back to my apartment, took a quick shower, and got changed just in time to hear Linda knocking on my door.

  She was grinning ear to ear with the bottle of vodka in her hand. “I’m so glad you showed up at the gym tonight. It must be fate.”

  If she only knew. “Come on in.”

  Linda made an exaggerated motion of looking around. “Nice little apartment you have here. So quaint. I love the color of the walls. Is that butternut?”

  “It’s called yellow curry. But I bet it would taste good with butternut.”

  Linda chuckled at my lame attempt at humor. She probably felt sorry for me, having to live in such a small apartment. I’d never seen the inside of Linda’s house, but she’d made a few offhanded remarks about it over dinner the other night; something about her interior decorator buying curtains imported from France.

  “So, does Max live with you?” she asked while looking at a framed picture on my fireplace mantle. It was Max standing in front of the Eiffel Tower.

  “He stays here most of the time, though he has his own place, too. I prefer it that way.”

  “So, how did you guys meet?”


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