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Decker (Torey Hope: The Later Years #1)

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by A. D. Ellis

  “One day, you’ll be all sweaty because of hours of sex with me. You’re not gross, you’re beautiful and I want to taste every square inch of your body, sweat or no sweat. If we weren’t in a building that still has people in it, I’d whisk you into the shower with me. But, for now, I’ll let you go clean yourself.” With a kiss to her lips, he leaned in to whisper in her ear, “Someday…you, me, soap, shower. Count on it.” He laughed at her heated look and headed into the men’s locker room.


  Sitting with the Morgan/Jordan boys made Katie realize two things. One, she was lucky to have them as friends. Two, she was the envy of several Torey Hope females and some of the males, too.

  Sawyer seemed brighter and lighter since he’d shared his secret with his brother and cousins. She knew he still faced telling the rest of his family, but she sensed he was more at peace with all of it since his best friends were supporting him. She wasn’t sure if, or when, he’d ever be ready to invite a date or significant other out with them. She hadn’t spoken to him, but she had a feeling there was someone he was very interested in if the looks and smiles and body language she’d seen at The Center+ were any indication.

  Zach Morgan was such an all-around great guy. Sporty, genuine, boy-next door, and charming, he was just fun to be around. He was never too serious and always knew how to have fun. She hadn’t seen him showing much interest in dating since they’d all come back to Torey Hope. She knew he was busy with advertising and marketing The Center+ along with teaching several fitness classes with Zoey. In fact, the only time she saw Zach lately was on these nights when the five of them went out or in his office or with Zoey; she was pretty sure he hadn’t been on a date since they all started working together.

  Kendrick Jordan was quite possibly the crudest and most crass man she’d ever met, but he said things in such a way that it was funny, not offensive. He seemed to be a perfect combination of his parents, he spoke his mind and didn’t care too much what others thought. The thing about Kendrick that broke her heart was that he’d been hurt in the past, so now he hid his feelings behind is wise-cracks and smartass comments. She knew he was loyal to his family and friends. Katie had a feeling that once he found the right one to give his heart to, it would be a love until death; she would be one lucky girl, whoever she was.

  Decker had told her all about Kendrick’s curiosity over Sawyer’s sexuality. Watching him across the table, she found herself picturing him with that lucky girl and another guy; it was quite the image in her mind and she felt both the future girl and the possible guy were both very lucky if Kendrick chose them to be a part of his life.

  All of this had traipsed through her mind while the three men talked and Decker went to the bar to refill their drinks. He returned with her fourth amaretto sour and she knew this would have to be the last one; her lips were beginning to feel a little numb which was always her sign that she needed to call it quits. Feeling the liquor and enjoying her time with friends, she was in a silly mood.

  “Watch what I can do.” She grabbed one of the cherries from her drink and popped the stem off. Waving it around, she showed the stem to the men in a Vanna White fashion. They laughed at her antics. Placing the stem on her tongue, she winked at Decker as his gaze heated up. Working the stem around with her tongue, she produced a perfectly tied knot in the cherry stem. She smiled as the other men clapped, and laughed when she saw the primal look of lust on Decker’s face.

  Feeling confident and safe as his hooded eyes bore holes in her soul, she plucked the other piece of fruit from her drink. “Hey, Decker, do you want my cherry?” She purposely made herself bat her eyelashes and look as innocent as possible.

  The other men howled with laughter as Decker peered at her from molten-hot eyes with an intensity so fierce she thought her underwear would possibly catch on fire.

  “Man, your girl just tied a cherry stem in a knot with her tongue and offered you her cherry; she’s a keeper if I’ve ever seen one!” Kendrick guffawed and patted Katie on the back from his position beside her. “I know the S isn’t interested, but if the D of BDSM doesn’t know the perfect gift he’s got right in front of him, come find me, pretty girl; I know plenty of ways to put that tongue to use.” Rolling her eyes at him, Katie elbowed him in the stomach, but her eyes were 100% focused on Decker.

  “You ready to head out, Bug?” Decker didn’t take his eyes off her and Katie felt her body heat to dangerous levels. She wasn’t sure if tonight was the night, but she definitely wanted to spend some time alone with him.

  “Yeah, let me just head to the restroom. I’ll be right back.” On her way to the restroom, a smile played at her lips and she detoured to the jukebox. Making her selection, she grinned like a loon and headed to the restroom.

  Right as she was washing her hands, she heard her song come blaring through the speakers. She waited about thirty seconds, hoping Decker had picked up on the song. She had trouble keeping a straight face as she walked back to the table and saw the other three guys laughing hysterically. Decker’s jaw was ticking, but his eyes were smiling. Raising her eyebrows, masking her face perfectly, she address the four men. “What are you all laughing at?”

  The other three just kept laughing and shook their heads; Decker leaned in and whispered hotly against her ear, “‘Cherry Pie? Really, Bug? You’re bad, so very bad.” Knowing her gig was up, she just laughed and shuddered against his mouth on her ear.

  Goodbyes were said, hugs were shared, and the group dispersed. Decker knew exactly where he wanted his night to end.

  Chapter 15

  “So, if we’re communicating through songs, I have one for you.” Decker spoke gruffly, but he smiled at her as he thumbed through his phone for the song he wanted.

  “Trouble Maker” by Olly Murs and Flo Rida came on and Katie couldn’t help but throw her head back in laughter.

  When they came up to an intersection, Decker hesitated. Right would take them to her place, left would take them to his. “Kate, I really want to go to my place, but I don’t want to rush things. We’ve got work tomorrow; I want our first night together to be one where we have all night and all day because I don’t plan on us getting much sleep. So, I’m going to take my Trouble Maker home for tonight and go home to my hand and a cold shower.” They laughed as he turned to the right.

  Sitting in her driveway, Katie saw her grandma at the window. They laughed at the older woman’s antics. Kate knew her mother saved them the embarrassment of Grandma beating on the car window by leading her to the kitchen for hot tea and a game of cards.

  “I don’t want to be presumptuous and if you were just playing around tonight, that’s fine, but were you telling me you’re ready for something a little more with me, Kate?” His strained whisper warmed her heart; she felt his need, but knew that he would stop if she asked him to slow things down.

  “Yeah, it was my attempt at being funny, but I know you’re the one I want to be with. I’ve never felt this way about any guy. So, not tonight, but sometime. We don’t have to plan it, that feels a little too much like Prom Night or something. But, I want it to happen and I want it to be with you. No pressure, just when the time is right.” She leaned in to kiss him and sighed as his mouth took hold of hers. He pulled her to sit across him and pushed her up against the window to deepen the kiss.

  “Soon, sounds good. Maybe I should exercise my tongue with some cherry stems so I can keep up with you. I know the exact place I’ll be performing tongue tricks as soon as I have you naked.” His hands grazed over her heat sending shivers through her with his words.

  Knock, knock, knock

  Kate jumped, banging her head against the ceiling of the car. A yelp of shock and pain escaped as she scrambled over to her side of the car.

  Lowering the window, Decker smothered a smile when he saw her diminutive grandmother standing beside his car with her hands on her hips.

  “Is this the type of business you conduct young man? I better not see that hand of yours
anywhere near my Katie’s virtue again. You may have a nice package and a lot of potential, but I need to know you’re not just here to dip your business a couple times and then take off.” Kate groaned with mortification and Decker bit his tongue to keep from laughing out loud.

  “No, ma’am, no business dipping going on here. Kate’s virtue is safe.” He spoke teasingly, but then sobered. “Grandma, I have real feelings for your Kate, and I’ll be good to her, promise.” Grandma seemed satisfied with Decker’s response.

  “Well, you seem like a nice young man, but there’s no need to rush things. Katie, head on inside, you can see your man tomorrow.” She waited until her granddaughter opened the car door and stepped out before turning and shuffling away. As she retreated, Decker heard her mumble, “There better not be any dilly-dallying at work; talk about ‘on-the-job benefits’.” Throwing his head back in laughter, he raised the window and waved at Kate as she smiled and walked up the steps with her grandmother.


  After a shower, he settled into bed. He realized that in the past he would have worried about the delay at work all day, but spending time with Kate had shown him there were some things more important. His worrying would have done nothing to speed things up; he was glad he’s spent the evening with her and the guys.

  He smiled as he texted her.

  Decker: So, Grandma thinks I’ve got a nice package.

  He chuckled as he pictured Kate’s cheek flaming.

  Kate: Shut up! I DO NOT need to think about the fact that my grandmother a) has checked out and spoken of your “package” or b) that she spoke of “dipping your business.”

  He laid back on his bed, laughing. Grandma made him laugh. Thinking of his package and dipping his business as spoken by Grandma probably should have been a turn off; but when it came to Kate, nothing turned him off.

  Decker: Goodnight, Bug. See you tomorrow. Just us this weekend, okay?

  Kate: Sounds good. I’ll bring my tongue and cherry.

  And with that, Decker rolled over in an attempt to sleep.

  Chapter 16

  The rest of the week had gone fairly smoothly; the construction was back on schedule and the programs at The Center+ were setting up nicely. Decker confirmed with Kate that she was up for spending the whole weekend with him. He didn’t assume they’d take the next step, but he wanted to be in the right place if it did come to that.

  On Thursday, knowing Kate would be coming over after work on Friday, he stopped by his parents’ house on his way home.

  “Decker! I’m so glad you’re here! Can you stay for dinner?” His mom, Libby, met him in the kitchen as he rattled around in the fridge for something to eat.

  “Yeah, I can stay, Momma. Call Sawyer and see if he wants to come by.” He polished off a piece of cold pizza, knowing his mom would be fixing supper soon.

  “Well, if the twins are here, I’m calling Kendrick and Zach to see if they are available; I want to see my baby boy too.” Audrey patted her nephew on the cheek as she entered the kitchen. “Hello handsome nephew of mine.” Chuckling, Decker hugged his aunt.

  An hour later, after Kendrick and Zach had declined the invitation due to prior engagements, the twins and their parents and Audrey gathered in the kitchen.

  “Hey, Momma, can you give me your recipe for cherry pie?” Decker tried to act nonchalant, but Sawyer’s snort gave him away.

  His father, Nate, raised an eyebrow and squinted his eyes suspiciously.

  Libby frowned from her position at the sink as she rinsed a cup, “I can make one for you. Why do you need the recipe? And why cherry? You’ve never really liked cherry pie.”

  “Oh, he likes it just fine now.” Sawyer couldn’t help but snicker at his brother’s discomfort. Humming he mumbled some words under his breath, “She’s my cherry pie….”

  If looks could kill, his twin would be six feet under.

  Nate shook his head and stood. Walking to his wife’s side by the sink, he leaned down and whispered in her ear. Chuckling, he poured a cup of coffee and leaned against the counter to watch the show.

  Blushing, Libby spoke, “Decker Morgan, you better not be being anything less than a respectful gentleman. I better not find out you’re pressuring a girl into something she’s not ready for.”

  “Momma, it’s not like that. Kate and I have been dating for a bit, and it’s sort of a joke between us. I thought it would make her smile if I made her a pie.” Decker regretted bringing this up in front of everyone.

  “Awww, Libby, I think it’s sweet. Your baby boy wants to trade cherries with his girl.” Audrey chuckled and headed out the backdoor. “Later, all. Love you. Boys, tell that son of mine to visit his mother more often.” She left with a smile and a wave.

  Sawyer cleared his throat catching Decker’s attention. When Decker looked at him, Sawyer nodded slightly and Decker realized that his brother was going to tell his parents his secret.

  Libby finished writing the recipe and handed it to him.

  “Momma, Dad, can we talk?” Sawyer’s voice was shaky; Decker was glad to be here for him. He pulled a chair out and sat down next to his brother.

  A look passed between Nate and Libby. He reached for his wife’s hand and they sat across the table from their boys.

  “First, I’m sorry it’s taken me this long. I need to tell you something important; I’ve waited because I don’t want to cause problems for you or anyone in the family.” Sawyer hesitated as he watched his mom’s eyes sparkle with tears and his dad place an arm around her shoulders.

  “Go ahead, son. There’s nothing you can tell us that would change anything.” Nate nodded at his son.

  “I’m gay.” Each time he said the words, it seemed to get easier. He wasn’t ready to tell the rest of the family yet, but he couldn’t go any longer without sharing with his parents.

  Libby dried her tears and smiled at him.

  “Momma, why don’t you look shocked? Dad, why aren’t you surprised?” Sawyer had expected more of a reaction from them.

  “Oh, baby boy, we’ve known for a while. Well, I wouldn’t say we’ve known, but we’ve suspected for about 10-12 years now.” Libby’s smile was shaky, but she didn’t appear devastated.

  “Why didn’t you say anything?” Sawyer questioned.

  “Your mom brought it up to me several years ago. I think in the beginning we both hoped she was wrong, we didn’t want you to have to suffer through the emotions and reactions. Then, when we were more sure about it, we talked and decided it was something you needed to come to on your own and all we could do was be here loving you until you were ready to talk to us.” Nate stood and walked to his son. “I love you no matter what. I don’t like the idea of you being hurt or ridiculed, but nothing will ever change the fact that you’re my son and I love you.”

  Libby sniffled and hugged Sawyer into her arms. “You’ll always be my baby boy and I will support you until my dying breath. I hate that not everyone in your life and in this town will be as open about your sexuality, but you’ve got us on your side, no matter what.”

  Nate reached out and pulled Decker into their group hug.

  Knowing they had to get to work early tomorrow, the four of them said their goodbyes. Nate walked his boys to the door. “I have to tell you boys, I’m getting too old for this shit. I just wanted a quiet evening with your mom, maybe a little bedroom action…” When the boys winced, Nate gave them a look, “Really? You can’t stand the thought of your mom and I having sex? Well, I just learned that one son is gay and the other son plans on popping some girl’s cherry. I think we’re about even.” Nate threw his head back and laughed at his boys’ discomfort as the twins chuckled nervously. No matter the age, offspring never want to hear about their parents’ bedroom activities.

  Chapter 17

  Friday afternoon droned on forever as Decker thought ahead to Kate being at his place all weekend. He didn’t know if things would progress any further than they already had, but he was looking forward t
o just spending time with her. He had never just hung out with a woman before; he always needed a plan, an itinerary, but he had a feeling he and Kate could fill their hours just fine.

  “Hey, Bug, I’m going to go run and then cut out so I can make sure the house is decent for you to come over. The guys are supposed to help keep it neat, but you never know with them. If you’re still up for spending the whole weekend, pack a bag and come over any time after 6:00 p.m.” He spoke as he ambled into her office, straight over to her, and pulled her out of her seat. By the time he finished speaking, she was in his arms and he was leaning in to kiss her.

  His heart beat faster as her lips danced with his. The tiny whimper in the back of her throat got him every time. Sliding his tongue across her bottom lip, he palmed her backside with his hands and pulled her front side flush against him. He knew she could feel how much he wanted her by the way she ground herself against him and moaned into his mouth.

  “Mmm, mmm, mmm, if this is what this half of BDSM is doing, I’d love to see what the other half is up to! Damn, Deck, I didn’t know we’d added cinematography to our programs, but if you’ll give me a camera I’ll get your porno flick made for you. Don’t worry, Katie, I’ll make sure it’s tasteful.” Kendrick laughed as he sauntered through the adjoining door from Decker’s office. “Since the ‘no dating colleagues’ rule just got rewritten to ‘fuck your colleagues every chance you get’, I think I better go see which of the employees would most like a hook up with me.”


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