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ZetaTalk: Government

Page 3

by Nancy Lieder

  Answer Archive crop circles, Contactee pets, Phillipines safety, Trimester crop circle, NASA

  Last Weeks

  cover-ups, Alaska Stevens/O'Keefe crash, Simons death, Last Weeks timeline,

  Killing consequences, Quake proof homes, 675 foot invasion, Asteroid hits, Black

  Sea heating, Giant frauds, Bosnia pyramids, Hurrican season, Rattle wobble crop

  circles, American Indian lore, European tsunami warnings, STO rules.

  Aug 7, 2010

  Ning Address

  Magnetosphere deforming, Contactee off-world, Alien cross-breeding, Venus

  Answer Archive blooming, Human extinction, July 20, Hybrid longevity, Second Sun placement,

  Heatwave crop circle, ISS safety, Aftertime Gulf Streams, STS empathy struggle,

  Denisova hominin, C3 CME media blitz, USGS cover-up, GPS, Slavic paganism,

  Jupiter wobble capture, Walk-ins, G1.9, Wobble crop circle, Gates Giveaway,

  Auroras, Moon Swirl photo, UFO in WWII, Obama disclosure, Child visitations,

  Taiwan UFO, STO voting process, Russia food exports, Simulated seasons,

  Unconditional love, Inbound/Outbound cropcircle

  Jul 31, 2010

  Ning Address

  Last Weeks crop circles, Conscious forgetting, Falcon HTV-2 failure, Planet X

  Answer Archive photo, Nevada, Planet X sling orbit, Moon Swirl crop circle, Disclosure, Zeta

  summary, Rattle wobble crop circles, UFO near Sun, Bigfoot, Occulted Moon,

  Uruguay UFO blitz, White Baby in Africa, Rapper rules, Weatherman angst, TV

  show clues, Themis space quakes, Human race extinction, Coldwave in S

  America, Dark Twin, the Lift, Graduation missed, California safety, Corporate

  STS, Ohio safety, Karachi crash, Rattle progression crop circle, 7 of 10

  Jul 24, 2010

  Ning Address

  Aftertime organization, Arctic fault lines, Thermosphere contraction, China

  Answer Archive UFOs, Fox News popularity, Conscious contact, DC quakes, Tangent crop circle,

  Civilization recovery, Portugal safety, Aftertime mental illness, Ricochet crop

  circle, Homeless mistreatment, Australia government, Kentucky safety, Aftertime

  latitudes, False faces, Quake quickening, Karachi clams, Live seismographs,

  Aftertime trade winds, Plate movement, Hybrid culture, Octopi worlds, Quake

  timing, Population explosion, Spiritual growth, Naivete

  Jul 17, 2010

  Ning Address

  Timeline restrictions, Heatwaves, 2012 Movie as reality, New Poles lat/long, Crop

  Answer Archive Circles, Magnetic Trimester precision, Contactee guided, Eclipse sighting,

  Florida during New Madrid, Call priorities, Earth unchecked, Element of Doubt,

  FEMA plans, Pole shift fear, Spirit Guides, Channeled disinformation, Guyana

  safety, Contactee reluctance, Psychiatric bigotry, Verbal abilities, Cup squeeze

  crop circle, Humbolt ridge, Chongqing UFO, Asphalt volcano rumors, Tail

  during pole shift, Cup squeeze progression circle

  Jul 10, 2010

  Ning Address

  Mississippi bridges, Survivor telepathy, NASA knowledge, Venus/DarkTwin size,

  Answer Archive Time-release contactee, Roles, New Madrid process, UK safety, Biologist arrests,

  Pre-shft actions, Serpentine Dance crop circles, Nebraska aftertime, Carolina

  clay soil, Second Sun sightings, Wobble claims, Mooonraker reality, Caribbean

  tsunamis, Post-tide mess, Supernova remnant claims, Crop circle competition, No[2/5/2012 11:41:11 AM]

  Weekly Chats on the Pole Shift ning

  poop diet, Continents won, Soul densities, 4th density babies, Close encounters,

  4th density Human Societies, Chile safety, Hangzhou UFO, Wobble evidence,

  Pests, Corexi menace, Zeta projections, Arctic sloshing

  Jul 3, 2010

  Ning Address

  Moscow aquifer, Aftertime hurricanes, Second Sun capture, 30 million miles

  Answer Archive closer, European tsunami(s), India interior, Salmon survival, Extinction

  avoidance, Annunaki, Ufton crop circle progression, Gulf evacuation, Natural

  leaders, Cascade and Siskiyou Mountains, GOCE satellite, Second Sun prognosis,

  Trench shelter, Contactee/ZetaTalk connection, Buoy 55023, 4th density life,

  Telepahty, New Jersey, NASA desperation, New Madrid rupture

  Jun 26, 2010

  Ning Address

  Human appendix, The Matrix, Switzerland tidal waves, Pole shift aftershocks,

  Answer Archive China mud wells, European tsunami reaction, Narcissism, Anchor crop circle,

  Ning a threat, Wiltshire crop circle, Bilderberg group, Asia migration, Karachi,

  Space balloon videos, McChrystal's dismissal, Moon takeover, Food shortages,

  Alien communities, Earth axis, 675 sea level pace, Human electrical influence,

  Valdai elevation, NASA attitudes, Planet X tail, India interior cities, Afghanistan


  Jun 19, 2010

  Ning Address

  7 of 10 warnings, Vibration crop circles, Australia volcanoes, Path crop circle,

  Answer Archive Poirino crop circle, Singapore safety, The Road movie, Heat waves, Hayabusa

  probe, Lake Champlain, Sinkhole formation, Spirit communications, Karst in

  Appalachia, Last weeks reality, 7 of 10 supply runs, Gulf spill oil colors, STS

  conversions, Japan big quakes, Chirton crop circle, Internet shutdown, Australian

  artesian basin, Florida climate change, Jakarta safety, New Madrid adjustment,


  Jun 12, 2010

  Ning Address

  Planet X as shadow, Planet X complex visibility, Government normalcy,

  Answer Archive European tsunami, Polarized relationships, South Seas safety, Disenbodied

  teammates, Polluted soil, Nuclear pollution, African Rift Valley, Aftertime

  compass, Planet X on SOHO, Iraq oil fields aflame, Crop Circle hoax, Great

  Lakes sloshing, Deep Mantle grip, Blame the Sun, Genetic engineering, Group

  exit, New Madrid expectations, Thunderbolts of the Gods, Stanton Freidman on

  Fox, Forida tar balls, Acámbaro dinasaurs, Planet X locations, Seagulls missing,

  Gulf spill cover-up, Ning in the media, Japan bounce, Gulf rupture, Wikileaks

  Jun 5, 2010

  Ning Address

  San Benigno CC, 19 of 20 Contactees, Sidereal time, Israeli aggression, Colloidal

  Answer Archive silver, Dictators, Siberia methane, Aftertime communities, Guatemala sinkhole,

  Stopped rotation heatwave, Hopi tablets, Korean ship incident, Vince Diehl

  prophecies, Silbury CC, Liddington CC, Planet X shadow, Tribano CC, Last

  weeks sloshing, Codford CC, Hatoyama resignation, Gore's divorce, Unaware

  populace, 8 of 10 scope, Spinning fireball

  May 29, 2010

  Ning Address

  Notched Pie crop circle, Planet X complex on SOHO, 8 of 10 hint, Heilongjiang

  Answer Archive province, Spiral hoax, Canada border, "Why Live" motivation, Gulf Oil scope,

  Mind/Soul interaction, Bronze Age collapse, NWO cabal, Rescued humans, GM

  plants, NASA Moon Swirl disinfo, Sudden Silence during passage, Intuition, Land

  ownership rights, Obama's options, Nuking the Gulf, Iraq holocaust, Politics

  May 22, 2010

  Ning Address

  Dragon as Planet X, Hot Earth, Cracking cover-up, Canadian wobble weather,

  Answer Archive Chinese provinces, Gravity anomalies, Amateur astronomers, Aftertime health,

  Aftertime aliens, 7.3 week visibility, 360 day year, Species survival, Aftertime

  axial tilt, Australian coastline, Volgograd bridge sway, Si
nkholes[2/5/2012 11:41:11 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Human Elites

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  ZetaTalk: Human Elites

  Note: written by Jul 15, 1995

  Regarding dominion over human society and those human elites who now hold this. We are not dupes. However,

  because of the lack of experience in direct interactions with us, some human elites have deluded themselves into

  believing that the moment of confrontation, where the rubber hits the road, will demonstrate to them that their anxieties

  were unfounded and that they can, after all, continue their dominion over human society as before. They do not see

  what is termed peaceful co-existence. They know only conquest. If they are not the conquerors, they are the

  vanquished. There is no middle ground. This is the degree of their ignorance, both of human affairs and of matters


  In the main, the elite groups ally with those already in the know, going into the pole shift, and who have a track record

  of being a staunch ally. This is not unlike the decisions each family head will make, when times get tense. Whom do

  they plan to include in a survival group, and invite? Who can they trust? Who do they know from long experience to

  be solid, and true to their word, and reliable? Thus, toward the end, those with strength are unlikely to ally with

  strangers, but with those they know. Packing together at the last minute, among strangers, is more likely to be among

  the weak, those with no other choice.

  All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:41:12 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Plan to Survive

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  ZetaTalk: Plan to Survive

  Note: written on Dec 15, 2001

  The establishment would like to address the possibility of a pole shift in the following ways:

  1. Keep panic down until the last minutes, in case cataclysms actually do not occur, so the rich and powerful can

  continue in place.

  2. Prepare for the worst, among the elite, storing up goods and creating secure enclaves, while denying the general

  public this information. The less competition for safe places and goods to be stored, the better.

  3. Shoot the bastards causing problems down, as in aiming guns at a rioting populace, aiming a tank at an enemy,

  or aiming an anti-missile missile at an inbound weapon.

  4. Escape, leaving the public stunned and vulnerable, to Mars, or underground, or the Moon, or wherever might be

  a getaway.

  All this is a Service-to-Self package, and the folks trumpeting Star Wars are part of this package. They know of the

  possibility of a passage and pole shift, but are warning only their rich and powerful friends. They are hoarding, while

  putting into place punishments for the general public who might do likewise. They are trying to figure out how to shoot

  the bastard down, by sending nuclear material forth in their probes and planning a laser defense in space that is

  scarcely operational. They are trying to get to Mars, to ride out the shift in safety, returning as kings when the worst is

  over. Therefore, Star Wars, as a part of the solution promulgated by this crowd, is not a Service-to-Other effort, meant

  to save earth. Any effort with this press would inform the public, distribute good to those most vulnerable, and spend

  the moneys in the treasuries to create havens for the general populace. Is any of this being done? Place this measure

  against what you see the establishment doing, before you call forth their orientation.

  Star Wars and Mars are known to the public, as an obvious establishment escape, because this is an effort that cannot

  be hidden from the public. The many steps the establishment is taking outside the public view have been ongoing for

  decades, and are under intense discussion daily in the halls of power and the back rooms where the elite rule the world,

  in point of fact. If the odds of failure are so great, then why bother with Mars or Star Wars? These of course are not

  the only options the elite are entertaining, just options that the public cannot fail to notice. Thus, the public is given

  some excuse, and included. The options most pressed by the elite are moving inland and to high ground, creating serf

  or slave cultures around them by some sort of bondage secured ahead of the shift, which we warn about repeatedly,

  and putting up stores. Prior to the full meaning of a catastrophic shift being known, a favored resort was to go

  underground, locking the doors against the staring public. This fell out of favor when it was realized that these bunkers

  could become tombs, buried alive, etc.

  Escape to Mars will not be allowed even should their technology support this. No escape will be allowed, due to a

  ruling of the Council of Worlds. Thus, you will see some interesting twists in the establishment going into the shift,

  when they realize they are trapped. There is much talk about how we must learn about Mars while the majority of

  humanity on Earth is starving. How it is that Mars is so vital? Certainly not to the general public, who are being led

  about. The likelihood of an escape to Mars is so far from being likely that it is absurd. There is no atmosphere, water

  frozen underground, and the Space Station which would be a launching port not established. Add to this the problems

  that will soon be encountered with satellites, and high winds in the atmosphere. The mission is doomed, but to reassure

  any among those to be left behind, we are stating that even should they succeed, they would not be allowed to do so.

  All rights reserved:[2/5/2012 11:41:13 AM]

  ZetaTalk: Elite Exodus

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  ZetaTalk: Elite Exodus

  written June 11, 2003

  I live by a small airport close to Palos Verdes in Southern California, Torrance Airport. It can handle some large aircraft but as I said I’ve never seen this much Lear Jet activity and I’ve been here for 18 years now. I live in an apartment with a direct view of the flight paths so I can see them clearly. The airport is mostly for private propeller planes that people just fly around. These last few days however Ive seen lots of Lear Jets flying in. Now this may not seem strange but when you consider we only see about 2 of these a month flying in it starts to strike me as a bit odd. Now Palos Verdes and the surrounding immediate area of Rolling Hills is a

  very rich area. Everyone there is loaded. The houses are all mansions overlooking the Pacific Ocean.

  We have often referred to the establishment as the arm repressing information about Planet X, repressing any possible

  panic in the populace, while they themselves know and can prepare. We have, when questioned, referred to this

  establishment as representing the wealthy, those with corporate clout on an international level, the politically powerful,

  and the banking establishment. These individuals know each other, the connections obvious.

  The wealthy own stock, large blocks, and through stock ownership often have influence on corporate holdings of

  stock. Thus, they influence corporate direction, by threat of vote power as stockholders.

  The wealthy influence corporate direction. Their lackeys are the CEO’s, who controlling what the public can

  buy, what jobs are available, and what the public hears on the closely held media channels. In that the wealthy

  want corporate heads to be their lackeys, they interview them, and thus these individuals are known to them.

  The wealthy also fund political campaigns, bribe, pay f
or smear campaigns against political enemies, and

  assassination of those not cooperating if necessary. Thus, they influence government direction, through bribery,

  support, or intimidation. The politically powerful thus are known to the wealthy, who put them into office.

  If the wealthy did not have a hand in elections, in those countries not holding elections, the wealthy soon have a

  relationship to those in power by engaging in bargaining. A country has resources, labor, or is strategically

  located, and under the guise of corporate interests the arm of the wealthy reaches in to strike a bargain.

  The banking establishment has a natural relationship to the wealthy, as they manage the wealth. Wealthy

  individuals are well known to the banking establishment, who pander to these clients above all others. Bribery of

  the politically powerful often involves covert movement of funds, to evade detection, and here the banking

  industry is the link between the wealthy and those they would buy.

  Thus, they work as one, as what we have called the establishment, and the arrival of Planet X to wreck havoc on their

  comfortable lifestyle and ability to control circumstances is not to be an exception. They know each other personally

  and thus find the information about the approaching monster and the time frame for destruction on Earth shared,

  naturally, between business interests if not between friends. How would this tight group respond in the last days? They

  would rely first on governments they control, and the media they control, to repress news. This has been done through

  the major media outlets, where no news of the Second Sun seen around the world, or the mothership sightings during

  the last few days, is being mentioned. This has been done through the major world powers by agreement to act as one

  so as to avoid premature panic. After all, the devastation might not hit, and then panic would be regrettable, so best

  wait until sure. Countries not among the powerful industrialized countries can invariably be bought or intimidated.

  But when the news can no longer be suppressed, when the media is being considered irrelevant by their failure to

  address the issues, when information sources such as the SOHO or quake statistics begin winking out and closing

  down as the dichotomy between truth and fiction can no longer be maintained, when earth changes such as rotation


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