ZetaTalk: Government
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through Operation Right to Know and other such means the government and those who wish for the truth to be
accepted and openly discussed will see the Awakening progress. This moves in the right direction, and this is what
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ZetaTalk: Openness Policy
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ZetaTalk: Openness Policy
Note: written on May 15, 1996
Cover-ups are relatively easy to institute but become increasingly difficult to live with. The first difficulty is
maintaining the cover in the face of contradictions the real story, the truth, presents. The second difficulty is dropping
the cover-up, a step that invariably includes admitting, actively or by implication, that there was a cover-up. This may
prove to be difficult if not impossible, depending on the number of participants, the size of their egos, and the
significance of what is to be won or lost by such a step. The third difficulty is formulating an alternate means of
dealing with the initial problem, as until that occurs the cover-up appears to be the only solution. MJ12 is currently
positioned at the third stage, grappling anew with the initial problem, having struggled for decades to deal with leaks in
the cover-up and the searingly obvious contradictions provided by thousands of well documented facts in the hands of
scientists, journalists, contactees, UFOlogy groups, and ex-government officials.
Having argued among themselves endlessly about whether to drop the cover-up, the matter was taken from their hands
by the tide of events outside of their control. The cover-up is collapsing, rather than being dropped, but the effect is the
same. What would have occurred had the cover-up never been instituted, and what might the absence of a cover-up
mean for the populace? With or without a cover-up story, the reaction to incidents such as the Roswell crash or the
discovery of Planet X would have been much the same - some believe, some doubt, some deny, and life goes on as
before. A cover-up, which is a statement that it didn't happen or doesn't exist, can be replaced by a non-committal
stance, no comment.
Results are much the same, but those struggling to maintain the cover-up have an easier time and the energies of
the truth seekers are not directed at the stone wall, hammering at lies. There is less contention and more
The awareness of the alien presence comes less from articles and documentaries arguing the case and more from
the general news relaying yet another sighting.
The existence of Planet X, openly discussed in the news along with the Earth's geological history, would find the
same mix of denial and pondering that occurs today. Official denial of the forthcoming cataclysms has only
generated angry announcements from those who would have the populace alerted, and heated discussion. The
results are the same, with a certain percentage peering through their telescopes or nervously preparing a safe
haven, just in case.
What is different, as the result of a long and entrenched cover-up, is that the populace has a deep sense of distrust of
their government. This need not have happened, a fact that MJ12 now realizes, as the Awakening proceeds apace,
leaving the cover-up like a crumpled and dirty sheet behind it on the path.
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ZetaTalk: Military Deal
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ZetaTalk: Military Deal
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995
Regarding the United States military's claim that they are in charge during any alien-human interaction. This is not so.
Any story that tells humans otherwise is in error, and is a result of those humans in charge trying to perpetrate an
illusion. This illusion is to continue the perception of those governed that those in charge of their government have the
capacity to strike a deal with alien forces. This is entirely false. Alien-human interactions are not governed by humans,
other than the individual humans who give The Call.
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ZetaTalk: Military Accidents
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ZetaTalk: Military Accidents
Note: written on Oct 15, 1997
The spate of military plans crashing in a single week during September, 1997 has multiple messages. To some degree,
they are simply due to flawed designs, which are typical of designs approved and directed in a dictatorial manner.
Democratic designs consider the thoughts and concerns of many, but when the military gets involved, the thoughts of
the top man dominate, and on down the line. The same process is why those in the Service-to-Self cannot deal with
density switching and space travel without accidents, where groups in the Service-to-Other do not have accidents. In
regards to whether the crashes are more than accidents, are perhaps a deliberate message, there is some of this mixed
in. As anyone who has read ZetaTalk extensively knows, there have been several instances where the Council of
Worlds allows interference with human affairs during the Transformation. Power outages, our contact with MJ12,
occasional time travel to facilitate meetings during a crowded schedule - all these are exceptions to the Rule of Non-
Many dramas take place behind the scenes, and something as complex as the US Military has many faces and many
different agendas. With panic over the coming cataclysms just around the corner, many planned to use the confusion
for personal power plays. They are being given the message that this will not be allowed! Martial law, a dream of
some, will find impediments in its way, beyond what humans wishing to counter such maneuvers could muster. For
those generals too arrogant to understand that they cannot rule, some dramatic demonstrations of just what alien
interference can mean are necessary. They become lulled with the concept that aliens are here in a hands-off mode,
watching and only conferring when asked. During the Transformation, however, the Earth will increasingly become a
home for Service-to-Others of all densities, and these entities will increasingly have a right to interfere as they will be
considered residents of Earth.
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ZetaTalk: Reverse Engineered
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ZetaTalk: Reverse Engineered
Note: written on Jul 15, 1997
The rapid pace whereby technology grows by leaps and bounds, exponentially as the years pass, has resulted in
speculation that this is due to alien technology secured from crashed ships and reverse engineered by the military and
their civilian cohorts in the military industrial complex. This is completely false, and in fact is simply a rumor started
by those individuals within the military industrial complex who wish to be elevated in the eyes of the populace and
fear losing their jobs and prestige during budget cutbacks.
Stealth technology was developed to mock what the military was observing in alien ship movements and the
ability to disappear in a wink. The new stealth technology was quite within the realm of humans to develop, as it
is simply using a shape to evade radar, and not all
that effectively we might add.
Night vision goggles are simply screening out all but infrared and then boosting this light spectrum. In this,
human scientists are also dealing with concepts long understood by humans, such as light spectrums and the
chemistry and electrical stimulation of these light spectrums.
Fiber optics is a technology which evolved due to experiments in communications over mediums other than the
expensive and increasingly diminishing supply of copper. Glass has been used by mankind for eons, an
accidental discovery resulting from sand lying under extremely hot bon fires on the beach. All manner of
substances were experimented with in laboratories, in an attempt to find a cheap alternative to copper, all of
which had nothing to do with the alien presence or technology. Do we appear to need wires to support our
communication or ability to maneuver?
Integrated circuitry is nothing more than increasingly convoluted circuitry which mankind has had in their
possession decades before Roswell, a natural outgrowth of the human tendency to tinker with any tool they have.
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ZetaTalk: American Computer Co.
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ZetaTalk: American Computer Co.
Note: written on Jan 15, 1998
The American Computer Company is most certainly not in possession of any technology from alien ships or of alien
origin. They are, in fact, not even in possession of anything that works! Close examination will find they are in what is
termed the experimental stage, and there it will sit. Why all this noise, and why does this company talk in terms of a
developed and ready-to-market product? They do themselves no harm, bring themselves attention, and are doing
nothing more than is typically done with new technology - talking about it in glowing terms when it has not yet been
proven. Beyond these issues, however, is another factor, as the secret government known as MJ12 has requested their
assistance in testing the public's reaction to such talk, in line with the Corso book on Roswell.
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ZetaTalk: Crash at Kecksburg
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ZetaTalk: Crash at Kecksburg
Note: written on Jun 15, 1996
Among the many fraudulent stories about crashed ships in the possession of the military are some stories that seem
real. The local populace makes numerous observations, and there are tell-tale signs that remain for the curious explorer
to see long afterwards. Well, in these situations, something is going on, it's just that it's not of an alien origin! As a
result of their early agreement with aliens in the Service-to- Self, the military got possession of several ships. This is
certainly no secret, as Bob Lazar confirmed the rumors. The military has never figured out how to operate the ships
they were given, and many deaths have resulted from their attempts. Unlike human vehicles, which have a propulsion
system and manual controls, alien ships house a strange device that cannot be examined and mental controls.
The device that supports density switching and rapid transport from one part of the Universe to another cannot
be opened and examined, as it explodes and disintegrates when this is attempted. Of course, the scientists
ordered to proceed with such an experiment died instantly. In time, the decision was made to simply use the
ships, and to stop trying to understand how they worked.
The fact that the alien ships required mental control only momentarily stopped the generals who wanted
desperately to control such a device. They drilled the smug Service-to-Self aliens assigned as an escort without
end, and returned for more lessons after every abortive attempt. The stories told of furtive observations at Area
51, where wobbly space ships were seen lifting a few feet off the ground and then flopping back, are true.
Eventually enough control was attained that the ambitious generals would order a field run with this ship or that. The
idea was to do more with the ship than simply lift and wobble about. They wanted rapid travel across the skies. They
wanted to impress the heck out of anyone they were interested in intimidating. At least they could do that, they
reasoned. So the human pilots, selected for their confidence and demonstrated skill, would aim a little higher, a little
farther, and WHAM! The crash remains, which might be found anywhere, would be quickly collected by special
military teams scrambled with the greatest haste. The most likely excuse would be given to the media and local
authorities, and since the crash site is always thoroughly cleansed, countering this story is difficult.
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ZetaTalk: Crashed Ships
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ZetaTalk: Crashed Ships
Note: written on Nov 15, 1995
The public, hot on the trail of the physical evidence they were sure the government possessed, has long sought crashed
ships. Some of them are rumored to be massive, requiring roads blocked in the dead of night and coordination between
military and civilian forces to cart away in the dead of night. Are there stores of such ships, and how often do such
wrecks occur? In fact, the military has no ships wrecked by aliens in their possession, outside of the Roswell crash,
and all stories to the contrary are false. Stories of crashed alien space ships feed the sense of power and control that
humans in leadership positions demand. In some cases these stories are invented by government servants to get those in
power off their backs. Crashed ships diminish the alien presence, putting the skill and technology of aliens on a par
with that of humans, who regularly crash planes and cars.
How would it be that aliens could cross the Universe yet not be able to putt about on your planet? Stories that alien
ships cannot deal with radar or electro-magnetic pulses are nonsense. Do you not think these situations present
themselves elsewhere in the Universe, or would not be anticipated by the aliens visiting Earth? Crashed alien ships
have not and will not be presented to the public because they simply do not exist.
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ZetaTalk: MJ12
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ZetaTalk: MJ12
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995. See MJ12 Demise in this Goverment section for most recent status.
Prior to Roswell, the vote of Earth regarding its future orientation was due, which is why the Service-to-Self engaged
MJ12. They were attempting to bypass the rules, by making quick contact, an engagement, that could then continue
after the Earth vote. The incident was one that should have resulted in subconscious contact only. But as incidents
involving the Chupacabras have reported, many humans see aliens minding these beasts, and recall this in their
conscious. This is because Service-to-Self aliens cannot multi-phase well, and get distracted during contacts, so they
let go of the control over humans that results in recording only in the subconscious. Thus, farmers remember seeing
aliens chasing their Chupacabras, and the early military recalled seeing the Service-to-Self that were sent to influence
Since t
his breach had been made, the Service-to-Self took advantage of it to press forward, more being recorded in the
conscious. As though, since the milk had been spilled, why sop it up! Thus, the Council of Worlds allowed the
Service-to-Other to likewise make conscious contact during Roswell. It was deemed a fair exchange, and as the
military intel was not about to influence the rest of the world, being secretive as they were, this was considered to be a
delimited contact. Regarding MJ12, we, the Service-to-Others Zetas, can answer only in a limited manner. We are
restrained because of a formal agreement with MJ12 as to revelation. Where the specifics of our agreement cannot be
revealed, revelation of the fact of our agreement was never in the formal agreement. We can address the reasons for
our, and other alien groups, contacting the United States government without addressing the format or structure of
MJ12. The specifics of this structure is not a matter we are free to discuss. Suffice it to say that such a structure exists.
As to the name, or nature, or reporting arrangement, or longevity of what such a structure is, we in general cannot say.
This is an animal in motion, which changes form. This is also an animal which is facing in different directions,
depending on the moment one looks at it. This animal is undecided, being composed of many voices. This animal is
basically, at its core, good at heart but unsure. Where this animal has many moods, and many facets, we, the Zetas,
attempt to speak to all its moods and facets. The end result is still open. The jury is still out. We wish to reassure the
populace, in that from our vantage point we have not found a close match between the Service-to-Self aliens and any
government agencies or employees, not even the CIA. The CIA in the main is not in sympathy with the Service-to-
Self, the origin of AIDS and other campaigns notwithstanding.
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ZetaTalk: Omnipotent Krlll
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