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Ryder Steel

Page 7

by Thia Finn

  My empty room didn’t appear appealing to me either, so I pulled the door shut and took my key from his hand depositing it back in my purse. “Sounds good to me.” We started toward the elevator that security held open.

  Of course, he was in the penthouse on the top floor. When security opened the door, and I walked through, the view from all the opened drapes took my breath away. The living area opened on two sides with an opulent view of the city.

  “Wow, Ryder. This is unbelievable. The city looks beautiful from here.” He walked beside me and looked out.

  “I guess it does. I usually stay in this room when I’m in New York. Guess I haven’t paid much attention to it in a while.”

  “How could you not?” I moved to the other set of windows looking at a different part of Manhattan. “It’s a perfect view of the city. I love it.”

  “Move in here then. There’s more than enough rooms. Of course, you have to put up with KeeMac since they stay with me. You can have my room. I hardly sleep anymore anyway.”

  I turned away from the lights and looked at him. “Are you out of your mind? I couldn’t ask you to move from your bedroom so I could sleep here. Besides, I already have a room. Downstairs, remember? The one with the view of the parking garage?”

  He pulled his cell from his pocket and hit a button. The door opened, and the same security guy walked in. “Yes, Mr. Steel?”

  “Please have the Miss Lucian’s things moved here from her room downstairs.”

  “Yes, sir.” Before I could protest, the man disappeared.

  “No, no, no. I can’t just move in here with you guys.”

  “Why not?” He looked at me as though he truly didn’t understand.

  “Ryder, it’s a generous offer, but I’m fine in my room.”

  “Then you’ll be fine in a room here, too.”

  “I can’t share a room with you.” My voice was almost at screeching level.

  “You’re not sharing a room with me.” He moved toward a door on the opposite side of the room. When I didn’t follow, he turned back. “Come on before Sam gets here with your luggage.”

  “I’ll look, but I’m not staying here. I need my personal space, and the room I have booked is perfect for me.”

  “We’ll see.” He nodded toward the open doorway.

  My hesitant steps to the bedroom stopped at the door. The floor-to-ceiling windows overlooked Central Park. This had to be the master suite. While I went to the windows to look out, Ryder walked to the ensuite and flipped the light switch drawing my attention to it. The brightness captured my attention, so I decided to check it out first. When I stepped through the door, all I saw was white elegance. I’d never seen anything like it before. The walk-in tub was built for more than one, as was the huge all-glass shower standing behind it. But what held my attention were the floor-to-ceiling windows.

  “Uh… it’s kinda open, isn’t it?” I gestured to the window.

  “You’d think that, but you’d be wrong. The windows are made so you can only see out. No one can see in unless you want them to.” He reached back and flipped a switch, and the color of them changed. “Now they can see you in here.”

  “Who would want that?” I knew my face must have looked ridiculous to him.

  “You know, G’Anna, some people are into that kind of thing. They enjoy people watching them, especially while they are having sex.” His eyebrows raised up as though he waited for me to catch on to what he was saying.

  “Oh, uh… yeah. I guess you’re right.” My face felt as red hot as it looked when I turned to the mirrors behind me. I wasn’t naïve, but I never considered rooms would be made for voyeurism in an expensive hotel.

  “I take it you’re not one who enjoys people watching.” He laughed as he put his arm around my shoulders and led me back to the bedroom area. White with silver-gray accents decorated the sleeping area with luxury written all over it before we stepped back into the common area.

  “Not so much.” I moved to one of the stark-white couches and curled up in a corner. “I’m still not staying here.”

  He hung his head. “I don’t get it. Most women would have been sold the moment they stepped in the room and absolutely after seeing the bath.”

  “The room is beautiful and the bath to die for, but I’m happy in my room. Thank you, though.”

  Ryder tapped on his phone again. I guessed he was canceling the order to move my things since they never appeared at the door.

  “What can I get you to drink? It’s fully stocked.” He opened a wine fridge and pulled out two bottles. “Red or white or champagne?” He moved to another door and opened it to a stocked bar. “Or would you prefer something stronger?”

  “What are you having?” I didn’t want to drink alone.

  “I think I’ll have a glass of this Pinot.” He pulled a wine opener from a drawer. I wondered if he opened it for me.

  “If you’d rather have coffee, I’m good with that, too.”

  “No, I like a glass of wine on occasion. Do you want this or would you rather a red?”

  “Pinot is fine with me.” He delivered the healthy glasses to the couch and sat at the end of my knees from where my feet were pulled up under me. I took the glass, and he placed the empty hand on my leg close to my knee. His palm sat safely in a good location. Touching but not too familiar.


  God, how did I find myself with a gorgeous woman drinking wine in my hotel room? We’d talked and laughed while killing the bottle of wine. I limited out on two glasses, so we made them last before moving on to sparkling water. She never mentioned my addictions, so I didn’t offer any information. I controlled my drinking since rehab, and drugs were off the table and had been for years. The band didn’t even smoke pot in the legal states anymore. We’d outgrown smoking when kids started coming along for the others.

  “Oh my God. Do you know what time it is?” G’Anna jumped up and moved to the windows. “Ryder, that’s the sun coming up.” She wheeled around and looked at me. “We’ve stayed up all night. I can’t remember the last time I saw the sun coming up from being out all night.”

  I moved up behind her and wrapped her in my arms. “Shhh. Just enjoy it then.” She put her arms over the top of mine, and we held on to each other as the rays peeked up over the horizon. New York City sunrises could be spectacular if the clouds cooperated, and this was one of those mornings.

  The calming lavender fragrance still delighted me when I had her this close. Her height allowed her to rest her head against my shoulder and my face to lay against the side of hers. I enjoyed having her close. I held her in a lover’s embrace while we watched the sky light up with gold projecting up from the horizon.

  The event passed quickly, but we stood there until I felt her leaning into me and her breathing light and consistent. She’d fallen asleep in my arms. I gently scooped her up carrying her to the room darkened with the touch of a button. Lying her down on the luxurious comforter, she didn’t move. I pulled the throw from the foot of the bed to keep her warm. Covering her with my body and using my heat to keep her warm sounded perfect in my head, but I wasn’t sure G’Anna would see it that way when she woke.

  I watched her roll to her side and tuck the pillow under her head before I snuck from the room. I stopped at the doorway and reconsidered crawling in the bed next to her and pulling her into my arms to sleep. The memory of sleeping with a woman I knew rested so far back in my mind, I could hardly recall the euphoria of the feeling. I stood and watched her another minute as I thought of a night long ago when love was part of my life.

  Pulling the door shut, I moved to the couch and laid down. Laina’s memories flooded my mind even after all this time. I closed my eyes trying to recall before falling into a restless sleep.

  A wonderful aroma woke me. “Coffee?”

  “Yeah, old man. Why are you sleeping here when you’ve got a perfectly good king-size bed in the other room?” KeeMac asked while standing at a silver coffee urn rolled in
by room service as I slept.

  “Do not call me old man.” The raspy sound of my voice grated my ears.

  “Eww. He wakes up grumpy, Chan. Better watch out.” This damn kid woke up loud. I don’t know what’s worse, him or me.

  Chandler walked in wrapped in a fluffy robe smelling freshly showered. “Morning, Dad. Don’t pay attention to Keeton. He’s always like that when he wakes up.” She moved to KeeMac and kissed his cheek. “I still love him, though.” KeeMac pulled her close to him in a firm hold. Chandler rested her cheek against his naked chest and looked around the room. “Why did you sleep in here? The beds are super comfy.”

  “Not that we did much sleeping, babe,” KeeMac murmured a little too loudly.

  “KeeMac,” I growled. “What have I told you about TMI between you and my daughter?”

  KeeMac laughed. “Sorry, Mr. Steel. You know I love her, though.” He held Chandler tight as she struggled to get out of his arms.

  “Keeton. Don’t say things like that.”

  “You brought it up, not me.” KeeMac let her go but swatted her ass with a sound smack.

  “Owww. That hurt.” Chandler moved over to the couch facing me.

  “So, back to our question. What were you doing last night? We didn’t hear you come in after your dinner with G’Anna.”

  Sharing my actions with the band was bad enough. Now I had to share it with my daughter, too? I started to say something when the door to my room opened. G’Anna stepped through it with mussed hair and wearing the same clothes from last night. Chandler looked at G’Anna, then KeeMac, then me and back at KeeMac before she spoke.

  “Don’t say a word.” Chandler gave him a nasty look to obviously shut him up. It seems the guy had no filter most of the time. He needed one now because if he said one derogatory word to G’Anna, he’d deal with me and not his sweetheart.

  “Oh, good morning, you all. Wait, is it still morning, and is there more coffee? I can’t think before my first cup.” G’Anna crossed the room to the cart and poured herself some while the three of us watched her.

  “No, actually it’s after one,” KeeMac announced.

  “Damn, I haven’t checked in with my assistant today. She’s going to be pissed.” She picked up her cell and started typing. I looked at Chandler and KeeMac, who’d sat down beside his girl, daring either of them to make a comment or ask a question regarding the sleeping arrangements again.

  KeeMac received my message and put his arm around Chandler. “What are we going to do today, babe? You have any plans before the show?”

  “Not really. What about you since we don’t have to do another sound check?”

  “I got nothing.” He pulled her close and kissed her temple. “I thought we might go to La Perla. The mothership is on Broadway in Soho, and then Agent Provocateur has a shop just a few blocks from here. It’s close enough to walk.”

  G’Anna almost spit coffee all over the room. “And you know this, how?”

  Chandler spoke up. “He loves them both. I swear he has a direct line to the closest shops so they can text him when new stuff comes in. Personally, I’d be happy wearing anything from the VS catalog, but he likes more lace and mesh.”

  G’Anna moved closer and sat down on the other end of the couch where I sat trying to contain my comments. Why did they insist on discussing intimate things when I happened to be around?

  G’Anna couldn’t let it go, though. “Damn, girl. You found a winner with this big guy. I’d be happy to have a man buying me such beautiful lingerie.” She never looked at me while she spoke.

  “Hell yeah, she did. I know what women like.” I wanted to slap the Cheshire cat grin off his big ugly face. He might as well have beat his fists on his chest. He looked over at me after he said it and knew exactly what I was thinking. “Babe, I think we’re going to have to get our own suite from now on. Dear old Dad isn’t appreciating anything I fucking say this morning.”

  “Hell no, I’m not. Let’s see, you started with referring to all the sex you had, then moved to buying some fancy lingerie. How could I be happy?”

  Chandler stuck out her bottom lip and crawled in KeeMac’s lap wrapping her arms around his neck. “I don’t want to move to our own room, Keeton. This is as close to family time as I get with Dad.” She laid her head on his shoulder to drive home her wishes.

  “Sorry, babe. We won’t stay in separate rooms, and I’ll try harder to keep my mouth under control when he’s around. But, what we do behind that fucking bedroom door, all bets are off.”

  Chandler sat up and kissed his cheek. “Thank you.”

  “My God, son. You’re such a pussy when it comes to her. She must have your man card in her billfold or is it just your balls?” I laughed at my own joke because the other three didn’t find my comment funny at all.

  “I thought it was a good compromise, Ryder. You should be happy they’re both willing to do so. Relationships are built on compromise.”

  I turned and stared at G’Anna. “Is that right? And what did Chandler give up to get her way?”

  “Well, I feel like she did it because she wants to be with you more often, so why are you questioning it at all?”

  “Good save there. Answering a question with a question and steer away from the subject.” I enjoyed the repartee with her, and she knew it since I couldn’t keep from smiling when I spoke to her.

  “True, I enjoy a good debate anytime you want to spar with me.”

  “No thank you. I know I’d lose against the likes of you and Chandler.” Chandler busted out laughing.

  “No doubt about that, G’Anna.”


  I grabbed my purse off the huge, live edge, walnut dining table. “I need to get moving. I’ve yet to make it to my room, and there are some places I’d like to get a few shots off while I’m here in the city.”

  Everyone else stood with me. “Come on, babe. I need to show you something behind our bedroom door.” KeeMac snickered as he said it and gave Ryder a head tip as he took Chandler’s hand pulling her to their doorway. “We’ll talk to y’all later.” He shut the door firmly behind them. If he tried to be subtle, he failed.

  Ryder looked at me and shook his head. I chuckled a little. He followed me to the hallway door and opened it for me. I leaned against the frame before stepping out. “Thanks for making sure I slept in a nice bed last night. I hate that you curled up on the couch.”

  He glanced back at the white linen seating. “It was fine. I’ve slept on worse.”

  “I’m sure you have. I know this hasn’t always been an easy life on the road.”

  He ran his hand through his mussed hair and down the back of his neck. The other hand hooked a thumb in his back pocket. “I enjoyed your company last night. I don’t get to do something like that too often.”

  “No, me either. Thanks for the midnight cheeseburger, too.” I looked down the hall. “Guess I’ll go clean up in my room now.” Before I could take a step, he wrapped his hand around the back of my neck and eased toward me. I knew what was coming but couldn’t find a single reason to stop it.

  His lips barely touched mine at first. It was more of a slow, soft brush than a kiss. It felt sweet, but then he stepped into my personal space and kissed me like he meant it. I melted against him and took all he offered. A kiss like that hadn’t happened in so long, I got caught up in the fervency of it as I wrapped my arm around his waist.

  When he pulled back and rested his forehead on mine, I needed to get my breathing under control. “Uh… thank you,” my words whispered from my swollen lips. Nothing else came to mind after he’d wiped my brain cells.

  “I want to see you again.”





  I nodded, and he let me go. I walked, or maybe it was floated, down the hall to the elevator. Looking back at his doorway, he waved before shutting the door. As soon as I stepped into the empty elevator, I sucked in a deep breat
h trying to restore my depleted oxygen.

  “Wow.” I didn’t know if I’d ever been kissed that thoroughly before. As the car descended to my floor, I thought back over last night. He’d held me in front of the city lights until I slept. I didn’t remember walking to the bed.

  Surely, he didn’t carry me. I’m too heavy for that. My body wasn’t like Chandler’s. I tried to take care of myself, but I’d been known to binge on chocolate ice cream occasionally. He must have known that after watching me put away my dinner last night.

  Working out wasn’t my favorite thing to do either, but I did like to run a few days a week so I could fit into my jeans. My curves didn’t bother me, though. A grown woman should have curves at forty, even if I never had children. He didn’t seem to mind, though, when he asked about seeing me again.

  I smiled to myself thinking about his last words as I opened the door to my room. This could be an interesting tour.

  I turned on the water of my average shower in an average hotel room. “Maybe one day I’ll make the kind of money that affords suites on top floors with oversized spa showers,” my voice echoed off the tiles as I stepped under the warmth.

  My phone rang as I stepped from the bath area. It was my assistant checking in since I again forgot to do so.

  “What’s going on, Trudy?”

  “Just wanted to see if everything there was under control.” I heard her tapping on her keyboard as she spoke.

  “Yes, it’s all good here. I lined up some ideas on the way here about places I wanted to shoot today. The sun’s out, so I’ll have some natural light for the ones I wanted to get in Central Park.” I pulled my leggings on while talking which was no easy feat. “What about there?”

  “I’ve done most of today’s list already, but you know how that goes. As soon as I think I’m done, someone will call or come in and screw it all up.”

  “Sorry, but I’m confident you’ll take care of everything. I’ll be back soon, and we’ll go over all that needs to be handled while I’m with the bands.”

  “Sounds good.” I heard her shuffling papers. “Oh, you had an interesting call from a man.”


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