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Ryder Steel

Page 11

by Thia Finn

  This vantage point gave me all I needed to pound into her further and harder which she loved.

  “Oh, fucking yes, Ryder. That’s perfect. Keep going.”

  And I did until she screamed my name, or it might have been God’s name, or it might have been both of us. All I knew was this was the best fuck I’d had in forever. Her pussy seized me in a fucking chokehold as she came dragging me over the edge to ecstasy.

  Her legs had nothing left in them, so I pulled them down to my sides as I crawled over her softness and took her lips in delicate kisses until we could both breathe again. I stayed on my forearms above her knowing we both needed room to expand our lungs.

  “Sugar. If it was as good for you as it was for me, I’m surprised we both didn’t burn to pieces from the sheer pleasure,” I softly whispered in her ear before I rolled off her to my back. “Damn, I might be too old for much of that.”

  She took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. Her head turned to me, and I met the darkened brown eyes. “Ryder, can we rest and do it again?”

  I laughed out loud. “You’ll kill me, and I’ll die a happy man, but hell yeah.”

  “Good, we can die together, but right now, I’m exhausted.”

  “Let me take care of this, and I’ll cover us up for a short nap.” Soft carpet met my feet as I stood and made my way to her bathroom to dispose of the condom. I wouldn’t doubt if the damn latex hadn’t broken with all the activity but nothing leaked.

  I walked back in the room where she laid on her pillow, her mass of hair covering the pillow. “I hope you’re on the pill because I’m going to want to do it without a fucking rubber between us sometime soon.” As I climbed into a soft snore, my words went unheard. I spooned her naked body close to me, spreading my hand over her soft stomach. She sighed an easy moan before I closed my eyes.

  I woke to a sound I didn’t recognize. The warmth from her body ran down my side as her arm draped across my middle and her leg tangled with mine. The noise happened again, and I realized she had to be hungry if the sounds were any indication. I heard her snicker.

  She whispered, “Are you awake?”

  “Yeah, who could sleep when the hot woman lying all over you has a stomach screaming at them?” I looked down and kissed her pink-tinged face. “We need to feed you.”

  “I didn’t get a chance to eat anything with the flight so early. Sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry. I’m hungry, too. Want to go out and get something or have something delivered?”

  “Do we have to put clothes on to go out?” Her delicious body stretched beside me after she rolled onto her back with her arms thrown above her head. What a sight to wake to. A real woman with curves and natural breasts working out the kinks after the sex we’d shared.

  “Hmmm. Yeah, I believe the police might get involved if we don’t. I’m not a fan of being naked and arrested.” She laughed at my joking attempt.

  “No, me neither. Never know who you’ll get stuck with, in a cell.”

  “I’ve been in a cell a time or two. Nothing about it screams ‘this would be better naked.’”

  She raised up. “You’ve been in jail? For what?”

  “Oh, you know. Drunk and disorderly conduct. Public intoxication. That kind of petty shit. We were small time and didn’t have a manager or publicist to get us out of it. No worries, though. Money and community service solves a lot of problems.”

  I stood, walking around the room to find the jeans I’d dropped somewhere. “What’s your loud tummy hungry for?” When I looked up at her and saw the way she looked at my dick, I wanted to say, hell yeah and let her have her way with me. “Sugar, you keep checking out my dick, and it’s going to rise to the occasion, so you need to either stop or get busy.”

  Her stomach made a loud noise, and she laughed. “We need to put that on a brief hold and let me eat first. I think I’m going to need some nourishment if your promise from earlier is true.”

  Oh, I remembered all right. We’d fuck all night long, so I nodded at her and held out my hand.

  Room service at home sounded good but was out of the question. I knew places delivered everything these days but getting out and facing the world was important. My security guy waited in the SUV since I’d texted them after I shoved my legs into my jeans and we made our way out to the parking garage. It made me happy G’Anna knew how my life worked.

  “They go everywhere we go, right?” she asked when she stepped out and saw the dark vehicle.

  “Yeah. Afraid so. I’d rather be afraid of them around than fans or the paparazzi mobbing us. Those people know how to ruin a good time with one click. You’re not worried about being seen with me, are you?”

  “Why would I be? That’s a crazy question, Ryder.” From the look she gave me, I knew she believed it.

  “Not everyone understands. I figured you would being on the other side of that camera like you are.” The door stood open, and she climbed into the back seat.

  “Yeah, but I’d never sell my photos to a rag for the sheer purpose of exposing someone’s private life.” I slid in next to her and wrapped my arm around her dragging her into me. “I know you wouldn’t.” I turned her to look directly into her eyes. “I trust you, G’Anna. That’s not something I say to many people.”

  She scrutinized my face for sincerity as a few seconds passed. After a visible swallow, she spoke, “I trust you, too, Ryder. I’ve learned the hard way to only give it to those who truly deserve it. You’re one of those people.”

  After a single nod, my lips met hers in a light telling kiss. We sealed a deal that day.


  Ryder donned his favorite baseball cap with the long hair sticking out before we stepped from the vehicle. Every time he wore it, I wanted to cackle, loudly. I knew he wore long hair earlier in his life because I’d seen band photos, but the older he grew, the shorter he cut it.

  I loved the salt and pepper waves thickly covering the top of his head. A portfolio I’d found of his years in the music business ran in Rolling Rocks Magazine a few years back. I owned hard copies of magazines with photos that caught my attention. Steel’s spread captured more than my attention. Those guys aged with beauty over their twenty plus years in the business, but Ryder’s looks always stood out for me. His hair had more gray than black now, but it only added to his appeal. From their huge number of fans, their aging hadn’t stopped people from loving and admiring them—me being one of the masses.

  Billie’s on Burnet held only a few patrons when we entered. Ryder let out a breath of relief. I got the feeling he’d like to ditch the band hype at every turn and be a normal person. For beer and burgers, this place was a best-kept secret. He got a Hoss burger, and I tried the Cobra burger, no snake allowed. They arrived, and we both laughed. One would last me a few days. We both managed to put a huge dent in the juicy burgers before we topped them off with interesting named IPAs as we talked of nothing important.

  “Dessert? I saw a few on the menu?” I looked up at him.

  The smolder he hit me with would’ve knocked me over if I hadn’t been sitting down. “I think we have dessert covered.” His hooded eyes trained on me as I blinked, looked down, and gazed to the side. Each time I moved them, I came back to his unmoved ones. Had he even blinked?

  “Oookkkaaayyy,” I drew the word out knowing what had him ready to throw down money and head out without looking back.

  “You ready?”

  I nodded at him. He pulled out more than enough cash and dropped it on the table. “That’ll cover it. Let’s go.”

  Our ride waited at the curb. Did he stay there the entire time? I turned to Ryder. “Do the two of you have a radar system between you? He’s always waiting when we need him.”

  “Told him to stay here. We wouldn’t be long.”

  “You did, huh? What if I wanted a sweet dessert? You know like Amy’s Ice Cream or Tiny Pies?” I wrapped my hand around his thick bicep.

  “We’ll have them delivered. I’ll fee
d it to you in bed.” His tone was low and gruff.

  “Ryder Steel, we can’t stay in bed forever.” Trying my best to sound resistant to the idea failed.

  “No, but I promised you all night long, and it’s barely past dark. I don’t break promises, sugar.” We sat in the darkened car and made out like teenagers fumbling in the back seat on a lost dusty road. When it came to a stop, he opened the door and spoke to our driver, “You can go home for the night. We’re not going anywhere until morning.”

  I started to protest but knew he spoke the truth, so I shut my mouth and climbed out into his arms. He carried me to the door. I unlocked it, and he kicked it shut after flipping the lock back on. “Can’t be too careful.”

  “Who wants you to be careful?” I whispered in his ear.

  His phone rang from the pocket of his jeans where he dropped them when we arrived home. Needless to say, he didn’t wait to get to the bedroom before he started his delicious assault on me.

  The obnoxious noise kept ringing over and over.

  “How can you stand that sound?”

  He made his way out from under the covers and my arm and leg. “If it’s not obnoxious, I usually don’t answer it. That’s one of the band calling.” Sauntering off sans clothing to my den, I heard him rustling around in his jeans.

  “What?” Whoa, nice greeting. Not a morning person, if his tone was an indicator. “No, I’m not home. Why are you there?”

  I’d heard enough and decided to hop in the shower. After the night we’d spent, I needed more sleep, but a hot shower sounded perfect. Easing some unused muscles that ached was even better.

  The warmth flowed down my body bringing back all the positions he’d taken me during the night. The feelings he pulled from me, with his tender words and passionate touches, rushed my mind and caused my face to heat up. I’d never been so thoroughly loved in one night, but there would never be a complaint from me. It had to be the best night of my life. He left me feeling cherished and loved in every sore muscle.

  “Dammit. I have to go.” He looked around on the floor for his t-shirt.

  “Why? It’s so early.” I stepped from the shower and wrapped a fluffy silver towel around me.

  He looked up, and his eyes dropped to it with a smile. “G’Anna, I’ve seen every exquisite inch of your delicate skin. Covering yourself from me is useless. I like seeing you standing there naked while water inches its way down your body. Reminds me of the best moments of last night when I licked and kissed your liquids from you.”

  “Ryder,” I practically yelled it. “What a thing to say as you are walking out my door.” I stepped into him.

  He laughed, his arms circling me. “Why? Make you want me to do it again?”

  “Yeah, it does. Or maybe I could lick you instead. See if it drives you as insane as it does me.”

  “You talk to me like that, and I’ll call the bastards up and tell them to fuck off, I’m busy.”

  I cocked my eyebrow up trying to entice him, but his phone dinged. “Get your shirt, Mr. Musician. They’re waiting for you.” He stepped back and took my hand pulling me to my front door. His lips found mine in a heated kiss before he threw the lock.

  “Where are you headed anyway? It’s kinda early for your band.” I realized after I asked it was none of my business. He didn’t volunteer the information, and I shouldn’t have asked.

  “That was Brent. For some reason, all our equipment didn’t make the trip back from NYC. People are trying to track it down now. We had hoped to get in the studio at least one day before we left, but we like our own equipment.” He hugged me close and kissed my forehead. “I’ll call you later and let you know what’s going on.”

  “No problem. I’ve got to get into the office today. There’s more than enough work to keep me busy until the moment the jet leaves.” I stepped back, and he leaned in kissing my lips once more. “Go, boss man. They need you.”

  “Yeah, yeah. That’s what Brent said, too.” He smiled and picked up his helmet by the doorway. “One day you’re going to ride with me.”

  “Right. We’ll see.”

  Riding on a motorcycle didn’t thrill me. It made me nervous thinking about it. I’d seen too many wrecks around this city. The way some of the college kids rode scared me speechless.

  I heard nothing when I opened the door to my offices and the studio area which suited me fine. Pictures taken in New York and Boston sat idle on my camera waiting to be culled, cropped, and edited.

  With the data card inserted, the red light came on indicating the photos uploading to my hard drive. Several cards waited in line for their turn to present the treasured goodies awaiting. As each card emptied its contents, my anticipation grew. I knew there were some perfect shots in the hordes.

  My cell dinged with a message.

  Ryder: Hey, gonna be a while. Equipment found, arriving soon. Running through some new songs and maybe lay down tracks. I’ll call later

  G’Anna: Great on the stuff. I’ll be at studio

  Sitting back in my desk chair, I stared at his message. He didn’t owe me an explanation, but my heart did a double beat over the fact he gave me one. With a deep breath, I thought about how quickly this thing between us had moved. Was this moving into a relationship? His client status said a bad idea, but damn, the guy was wonderful, kind, and attentive in all the right ways. I crossed my arms over myself. What would happen when this thing between us ran out of steam? We’d be stuck together on the tour, and everyone around us would sense the tension.

  I could cut my time short and fly home. Nothing in the contract listed me being there for every single concert. As long as I shot pictures that were noteworthy, there shouldn’t be any complaints from the legal people. 13 Recordings wrote iron-clad contracts to protect their interests, but my attorney didn’t have any complaints with it.

  “Stop it.” My words bounced off the walls covered in prints of bands and models. “Stop thinking negative thoughts about what’s happening between us.” Talking out loud helped me visualize what my mind created. “Positive thoughts only, G’Anna.” I sucked in a deep breath and let the negativity flow out.

  As the red light stopped on the drive, an array of beauty filled my screen. Assured Distraction pictures of those hot young guys and Chandler overwhelmed my senses. So much to choose from. It would be difficult to cull any of them.

  Starting with the unfocused pictures, I eliminated the obvious. Now for the real work that would take hours to do. My photographer’s eyes began the exciting but tedious job.


  “… the hurt in your eyes.” With the last words of the new song sung into the recording mic, I removed the headphones and looked through the control room window at the others who listened. Over the years, that equipment changed so often. We all gave up learning to record music because of it. Besides, we hired the best for that stuff now.

  “Sound any good?”

  Brett hit a button. “Sounded fucking perfect that time.” He wouldn’t be the judge, though. The band knew the sound we wanted, and he might be right. I needed to hear it from Dave. His skills made us stars. Some people were born to sing or to play guitar or drums. This guy’s talent of getting the perfect sound caused us to go from good to perfect.

  Dave listened to the playback through headphones while we waited. His head bobbed slightly to my words. When he pulled them off his ears, he smiled and held up a thumb.

  “All right,” I spoke into the mic and stepped out of the live room. The rest of the band met me in the hallway.

  “Dude, your voice sounded awesome.” Poor Joel still hadn’t ditched all his Val-speak after all these years.

  I laughed. “Right, Joel. Thanks, guys. Is it going to be our next hit?”

  “Damn right it is. You owned that bitch.” Jason patted me on the back.

  “Great. Fucking celebrations in order?”

  “Hell yeah, they are. We only came in to practice, but it came together so fast. Let’s hit one of our old hau
nts,” Jason continued.

  Daniel, the quietest of the band, spoke up, “Man, I feel like playing. Let’s go somewhere and do a short set.”

  “That’s a fucking fantastic idea. Continental Club? We’ve got an open invitation there. Whoever’s playing will think it’s dope for us to barge in on them,” Joel offered.

  I shook my head and laughed. “Works for me.” We only loaded our guitars knowing a kit and a keyboard would probably be there.

  The band hadn’t played an impromptu set in ages. With always being on tour, we rarely had time to sit back and simply play for the pure joy of the music. The recording studio sat only a few blocks away, so we loaded into the SUV and headed over.

  “All ready to go,” Joel told us after looking at his phone. “The manager, John, replied, ‘Holy Shit. Steel in our house? I’ll kick these dudes off the stage to let you play, even if it’s one song.’”

  “No!” we all said in unison.

  I spoke first, “Tell that dickwad we said not to do that shit. We’d never want to keep a young band from their chance.”

  “Right, already did,” Joel continued. “He’s going to cut them short a couple of songs and the later band a few songs, and we’ll play in between which is about ten minutes from now.”

  “Perfect fucking timing. What songs y’all feel like playing?” Brett looked around as he asked.

  “We should try the new one out on the crowd. See what kind of response we get from it,” Jason suggested.

  “Right. Each of you choose one, and mine will be the new one. I’ll go third so it’ll be in the middle of the damn set and end on an older favorite.” We always liked ending on an upbeat tune because the crowd left pumped. We weren’t there to steal the thunder from the other bands, but it would happen. I looked at Joel. “Text that dumbass manager and get the names of the two bands playing. We need to recognize the fuck out of them for letting us take over.”


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