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Redemption (Book 3) The Fixer Series

Page 8

by Alyson Raynes

  "I heard you married that hottie, Dylan Prescott."

  I looked down at my finger and realized that I wasn't wearing my wedding ring. And the more I thought about it, I hadn't worn one since I'd been back.

  "You heard right. We've been married for almost a two years, now."

  "Wow! That's amazing. What's it like being married to someone like that?"

  I raised my brow, "What do you mean?"

  "I mean, what's it like being married to a guy that good looking, and that rich?"

  Here we fucking go, I thought. "'s wonderful, actually. But not because he's gorgeous and has money."

  "Oh, come on. It has to be nice not worrying about how much something costs. And how do you deal with women swooning over your man? Because you know they do."

  "The money factor is nice, but that isn't what attracted me to him, so I guess I don't pay much attention to it. As for women swooning? Well...I'm getting use to it, but he's mine and so again, I don't really think about it."

  "You can't tell me that you weren't attracted to his looks. That man!"

  "You do realize that you're talking about my husband, right?"

  "Oh, Brooke, I'm sorry. You're right. Please accept my apology, I just got a little carried away."

  "I forgive you, Andrea. He is pretty amazing if I do say so myself."

  "So, what are we doing with this today?" she asked, lifting my uneven, shoulder-length hair."

  "I'm thinking I want it cut in an a-line and then colored with that auburn-brown color that we've used in the past."

  "Sounds good. I'm gonna go mix the color first, and then I'll be back."

  I sat there, looking at myself in the mirror, contemplating what Dylan saw in me. Younger women, hell even older women, threw themselves at him every chance they got. Was I jealous? Hell yes, I was jealous. What woman wouldn't be? Imagine going somewhere with the man you loved and having strange women eye-fuck him every chance they got. Pretending that you didn't even exist. It was maddening, but that was part of the package when you married to a man like Dylan.

  Andrea and I spent the remainder of our time talking about the wedding and how Dylan had proposed. "You're so lucky, Brooke," she said, cutting the last bit of hair.

  "I am," I smiled. "Very lucky."

  When she finished styling my hair, I took one last look in the mirror and loved the woman I saw staring back at me. I looked like myself, again. "Do you like it?" she asked.

  "No. I love it," I responded. "How much do I owe you?"

  "It's one hundred and twenty for the color and thirty for the cut."

  I handed her my credit card and gave her a fifty dollar tip in cash. I hope she enjoyed the money, because it would be the last time I would be visiting her. I was no longer Brooke Stone, but Brooke Prescott, and somehow taking on that name, meant that I was a different person, even though, I wasn't. I was still me, the girl that liked the simpler things in life. My life was more complicated now, and yet it was simple in the fact that I would never have to worry about money again.

  I was just about to walk out when my phone chirped. I pulled it out and saw a text from my best friend, Mandy. I hadn't spoken to her since my wedding day, and I had so much going on, that I honestly hadn't even thought about her until I saw her name pop up on my phone.

  Welcome home, Brooke. I've missed you. Can you meet for lunch tomorrow? Let me know. ~ Mandy

  I responded back, quickly.

  Hey Mandy! It's been a long time. I'd love to catch up, and tomorrow is open. Where do you wanna meet and what time?~ Brooke

  My phone chirped, again.

  How about Manuels? They have the best Mexican food in town. I'll see you around eleven-thirty. ~ Mandy P.S. Bring some man candy with you too, if you can. LOL

  I laughed. Same ol' Mandy, I thought, shaking my head as I responded back.

  I might be able to arrange that for you. Tristan has a friend name Alexi that 's pretty good looking. I'll see what I can do. ~ B

  Another notification.

  Woo Hoo! Even better ~ Mandy

  I locked my phone, got in the car and had Tristan take me home. I was tired and needed a nap, so I decided to send Lucy, our housekeeper, out to get the ingredients for dinner. I wanted to surprise Dylan by making him homemade lasagna and apple pie. A sort of peace offering for what had happened earlier at the office.

  I gave Lucy the night off, and went to straight to work. It felt good having some freedom in my own home, and Tristan had told my nurse that she could have the night off, as well. He reassured her that he would be here in case anything happened. I didn't like having her around, fussing over me during the day and treating me like a helpless child. Although, I couldn't blame those around me for being concerned. I was in a much better place and talking to Dr. Marks was helping, but that letter I needed to write was weighing heavily on my mind.

  Tonight, would be the night, that I'd spend with my husband alone, doing things that would make him feel special, because I knew he was doing everything he could possibly do for me. On our way home, I'd asked Tristan to stop off at the adult toy store, so I could pick something really special out for Dylan. Something that I hoped revved him up and let him know just how much I loved him.

  I was in the kitchen when Dylan walked through door. He looked tired, but dressed in his black suit with baby blue tie, he was a dream. I couldn't stop looking at him. I wanted him. I took a step toward him, but he told me to "Stop." I took another step toward him but again, he said..."Stop." I stood there, trying to read his mood, then realized, that he was still angry with me. I was in for a long night. It didn't matter what I said or did, I'd finally pushed him too hard and this was the end.



  I walked through the door and was greeted with the best smell in the world. My wife's cooking. The woman could cook, and her lasagna was my favorite. When I entered the kitchen though, I nearly swallowed my tongue. I remembered I was angry with her and had planned to discuss it with her, because what she had said about Tristan earlier in the day, was out of line. And fuck, if the thought of her and Tristan together didn't hurt. Deep down, I knew neither would ever do that, but for her to mention it...pissed me off.

  She tried to come closer to me, but I told her to stop. I was mesmerized by the sight of her. She'd cut her hair in the sexiest hairstyle that framed her face, perfectly. The color was the same as when I'd first met her. She was beautiful. But it wasn't just her hair that I'd noticed. On top of the wonderful aroma emanating from the kitchen, was my gorgeous Brooke, dressed in nothing but red lace, thong panties, matching pasties and red stiletto heels.

  She was always so full of self-doubt, and now, was no exception. It was written all over her face, she believed that I was rejecting her. How could she ever think I'd reject her, when all I've ever wanted to do is love her. It was wrong, but I let her stand there feeling those emotions. I would soon prove to her though, how wrong she was.

  "Look at me, Brooke."

  "No," she said, with her head hung low.

  "I said...look at me."

  "I don't want to fight, I just want us to have a nice dinner, that's all."

  "This looks like a little more than dinner, don't you think?"

  "I thought I'd surprise you, but I can see that you're still upset with me."

  "Upset? You think I'm upset? No, Princess. I'm fucking pissed."

  "Dylan, I'm...I'm sorry. I didn't mean what I said earlier."

  I walked closer to her, but didn't touch her. "I know."

  "What do you want from me, Dylan?"

  "That's a loaded question, Brooke."

  "Do you want me to leave?"

  "Do you want to leave?"

  "No. But I can't stand seeing you with her. I saw you in the magazine with her standing outside of your building."

  "Do you not trust me? Because if you don't, then we don't belong together."

  "Don't say that, please don't say that," she cried

  "It's true. I haven't done anything to make you mistrust me. Actually, I've done quite the opposite. I told you there is nothing going on between Misty and I. She was helping Luke and I with some legal shit today."

  "I figured as much, but do you see the way she looks at you? Do you, Dylan? How would you feel if my ex looked at me like she looks at you? I can tell you. You'd go ape shit all over his ass and beat him to death. I know you, Dylan. And, guess what! It's the same for me! I want to kill the bitch! She gives me looks to antagonize me, and then I'm left looking like the asshole because I get pissed."

  "I've seen it. I am quite aware of her actions, and she will be dealt with. But right now, I need her help with some research items. She's been there for the last year, I have not. Remember? I was busy trying to find you. The company was the last thing on my mind."

  "I want to come back to work. I'll go back to my old position, but I'm tired of being at home, sitting here with my thoughts and not being able to live my life."

  "Brooke. You were a mess when we came back. There is no way, I could ask you to come back to work. You do understand this, right? I'm still concerned about you. You don't need the stress, right now. Focus on getting better, deal with what happened and then come back when you're ready."

  "How about we compromise, Cowboy. I'll focus on my shit, and I'll come back part-time for a couple of months. And, I have one more request. Since Tristan is always around to babysit me, how about getting rid of the nurse? She drives me fucking crazy!"

  I thought about her proposal for a moment. "Okay. You can come back part-time, but you'll be working with me. I could use your expertise and insight into my father's financial records. I won't be ready for you until next week, so enjoy your time off, use it to get what you need done. As for the nurse, I let her know earlier today that her services were no longer needed."

  "Mr. Prescott, you have a deal. Now, can we eat dinner before it gets cold, please?"

  "Dinner? Although, it smells great, I think I'd rather skip it and go straight for dessert."


  "Yes! I plan on having that, too!" Reaching out, I grabbed her, and kissed her. She arched her back, as I gently stroked her clit over her panties. Taking my other hand, I gently pulled her hair and pushed her down on her knees. "You're gonna have dessert first."

  I reached down with one hand and unzipped my slacks. Her eyes grew big, her mouth drew open, eagerly awaiting the feel of my cock on her tongue. I unbuttoned my slacks to give her better access as she reached up, grabbed the waistband of my underwear and gave them a slight tug, exposing my hard cock.

  Tightly grabbing her hair with both hands, I guided her up and down my cock. "Stroke my balls with your hand, baby. Oh yeah. God your mouth feels good on my cock. It's so wet, I wonder what's wetter, your mouth or your pussy? There's only one way to find out, c'mon."

  After removing my pants and shoes, I helped her up off her knees and walked over toward the living room windows that overlooked the city. She bent down, exposing her beautiful, round ass as she began removing her shoes. "Not so fast. Leave the shoes on and lean against the window."

  Pulling her panties down, I dropped to my knees and grabbed her ass cheeks and gently spread her, exposing her slick, wet, slit. I licked my lips in anticipation and shoved my tongue up her wet and wanting pussy. I licked in slow, large circles and gentle hums, bringing her clit to life.

  Moving from her slit, I tongued her ass. She let out a loud, quivering moan. I knew she liked it and wanted more. And more, is exactly what I gave her. As I rose behind her, I lightly ran my fingertips across her back, sending chills down her spine. I spread her ass cheeks once more, as I entered her. "Dylan," she cried out.

  "I'm right here, Princess. Are you enjoying the view? Because I am."

  "Take off your shirt and jacket, Dylan. I want to see and feel all of you."

  I undid my tie, then threw my shirt and jacket on the floor. "Is that better, baby?"

  "Yes," she said, panting.

  "Look at the lights. Tell me what you love about them," I said, shoving my cock deeper into her.


  "I love you, too. Tell me what you want, Brooke."

  "Spank me, Dylan. Spank my ass!"

  "I'm gonna fuck your ass. Do you want that?" I asked, spanking her and then sliding a finger in her tight, puckered hole. She screamed my name and came on my cock as I jerked and twitched inside of her, giving her my seed.

  I held her tight, as we both caught our breath together. I pulled out and turned her around, facing me. I kissed her lightly on the lips and kissed my way down to her breasts, removing the left pasty. I sucked on her beautiful tit, my tit, feeling it harden on my tongue as I lapped at it. She stroked my hair with her hand as I continued to worship her body, the lights shining through the room.

  I was interrupted by a noise coming from the elevator, and quickly grabbed Brooke and my clothes from the floor. We ran to the bedroom, quickly and shut the door behind us. I tossed her on the bed, laying on top of her and took her mouth. I kissed her slowly and deeply, our tongues slowly making love to one another.

  I broke our kiss and went in the bathroom to turn on the shower. I was taking a piss when she walked in and wrapped her arms around my waist, making it hard for me to concentrate. "Princess, you can't do that while I'm going pee. I'll miss the can and we'll have a huge mess."

  She laughed, "If you make the mess, you clean it up."

  "The only thing I'm cleaning tonight is you, and then we're going to eat and sleep."

  She removed the other pastie before getting into the shower, and that was my cue to play with her nipple in the shower. I played with what was mine and she was screaming my name, once more, before we got out of the shower.

  I shut the water off and stepped out, drying myself, as Brooke watched intently. "What?" I asked, giving her an innocent look.

  "You're incredible, you know that?"

  "Oh no, baby. It's all you. You're the one that's incredible. I'm just along for the ride."

  She laughed, "Whatever, Dylan. You know you're amazing in bed the shower."

  "Oh?" I asked, pulling my sweatpants on. "Does that mean you're ready for round three?"

  "You know I'm always ready. The bigger question is, do you think you can handle it?"

  "I told you once, Princess...I can handle anything you dish out."

  "Oh shit!"


  "The food. It's probably burned, now. Shit, shit, shit!" she panicked, tossing a t-shirt and black yoga pants on. I was ready to say something, but she was already out the door and in the kitchen.

  I walked in the kitchen shirtless, and found her standing at the stove, staring at her masterpiece. "Well, is it burned?" I asked.

  "No, I think Tristan pulled it out when he interrupted us."

  "What makes you think that?"

  "Because there are two pieces missing from it. See," she said, pointing at the baking dish.

  I threw my head back and laughed, "Yep. That sounds like Tristan. He loves home cooking."

  "Well, remind me to thank him, because if he hadn't pulled it out, it'd be burned and we'd be starving."

  "I'll be sure to thank him for both of us. I think he has company with him."

  "What? Who's with him? she asked.

  "I think Steph is here, because I could have sworn, I heard a woman's voice when the elevator doors opened."

  "Oh shit!" she said, with a terrified look on her face.

  "Ha, Brooke! Are you embarrassed?"

  "A little, but I just realized that I forgot to make the apple pie."

  "Don't worry about those two, they didn't see anything and as far as dessert goes, well...I've already had my apple pie, and it was far better than anything that can be baked. Now, fetch me a plate of that delicious lasagna, wench."

  She looked over her shoulder and gave me a glaring look. I knew she was kidding, but I played along.

  "Wench, eh? I
'll show you a wench. Since you say I'm the one that's good in bed, maybe you should be fixing me a plate, or better yet a sandwich, while I sit my ass on that chair," she said, pointing at the bar stool.

  "You know that I'd make you a sandwich anytime, Princess. All you have to do is ask."

  "I know, Cowboy," she said, placing my plate in front of me and kissing me on the forehead. "Just remember, this wench loves you, so pretend like you're enjoying the food."

  "I always do, don't I?"

  "What's that? Enjoy the food or pretend to be enjoying it?"


  "You're such a shit, Dylan."

  "I know. That's what you love about me."

  "Among many other things. Oh...I almost forgot to tell you. Mandy sent me a text earlier today. She wants me to have lunch with her tomorrow and told me to bring a hot guy with me."

  "How did we just go from you loving me, to Mandy, to a hot guy?"

  "Don't get too excited, Cowboy. That is never gonna happen. I don't share!"

  "I was only kidding. I think you should meet her for lunch, but sadly, I won't be able to join you, because I have a team meeting tomorrow."

  "Not you, silly. I was thinking that maybe Alexi could come with me instead of Tristan. I think she might like him, what do you think?"

  "I think that you shouldn't be trying to play matchmaker. Have you talked to Alexi about this?"

  "No. I haven't really seen him around since we got back, but I know he's still here, because I overheard Tristan talking to him the other day."

  "You're right, he's here. I've been having him work on some things at the office, security- wise. Since tomorrow is going to be full of meetings, I won't get to talk to him much, so I guess I could have him escort you to lunch for a couple of hours."

  "Perfect! I think she'll like him, and hey, what's not to like about Mandy, right?"

  I took a deep breath and continued eating my food. Mandy was nothing but trouble, but she was also my wife's best friend, and I had to respect that. Poor Alexi was in for one hell of a ride.


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