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Fortune's Promise: A Fortune Story

Page 4

by Karen Erickson

  He ignored it. Tonight was not about emotions or connections or whatever the fuck was happening between them. No, he wanted it only to be about fucking, that was it.

  That was all he could handle.

  “You smell so good,” he whispered, then pressed a kiss to the sensitive skin behind her ear. She shivered in his embrace, her slim arms sliding around his neck, fingers curving into his hair. She stroked his head, her lower body brushing against his and he groaned.

  The thought of her wet, eager pussy willing to accept his cock made him ready to lose it. And he couldn’t lose it, not yet. He wanted to sink himself into her, feel her tight wet heat surround him, grip his cock.

  Ah, shit. He couldn’t take it anymore.

  Tanner rolled over, pressed her body beneath his. His cock broached her hot damp center, sliding in inch by excruciating inch and she shifted beneath him, a soft sigh escaping her.

  He watched her, her eyes sliding closed when he was fully seated within her, her teeth nibbling on her lower lip. She squirmed, causing him to slip in even deeper and she flinched, her brows furrowed.

  She was fascinating to watch. Her repressed nature didn’t really surprise him though he thought he caught a glimmer of a wildcat beneath all of her buttoned-up goodness.

  Maybe that was the fascination—the veneer of a good girl, which hid the naughty girl lurking deep within.

  “Mmm.” Maddie arched beneath him, her breasts brushing against his chest and he realized his error. He hadn’t paid them any attention and he needed to rectify that immediately.

  Shifting, he dipped his head and drew a pert nipple into his mouth. She inhaled sharply, bit her lip even harder as he laved and licked each nipple before he resumed his position, started to move within her.

  Her eyes were squeezed shut so tight squiggly lines radiated around them. He touched her cheek, drew a finger across her creamy skin.

  “Maddie, look at me.”

  Her lids drifted open, eyes wide and filled with nervousness. He kissed her, couldn’t resist the draw of her full lips, his tongue sweeping into her mouth once before he pulled away.

  “Relax, baby,” he whispered, grinding his hips against hers. “Enjoy it.”

  Maddie’s body softened beneath him, her legs hooking around his, allowing him to go deeper. Her teeth released its hold on her lip and her mouth parted, her gaze not leaving his. He drove harder against her, thrust repeatedly into her welcoming body, her arms clutching him close, her slim hands sliding down his back, hovering at the base of his spine.

  “Touch me, Maddie.” He kissed her, shivers wracking his body at the touch of her lips, the touch of her hands.

  She did as he bid, her hands cupping his ass, gentle fingers smoothing over his skin. Tentative brushes, lazy half circles with the tips of her fingers and he gritted his teeth, fought off the orgasm that already threatened to spill.

  Not yet. He didn’t want to come, wanted to make this good for her too. Wanted to help her break loose from her inhibitions.

  “You feel good,” she murmured, her gaze flickering away from his.

  Tanner could tell that took everything out of her to admit, and he paused, cupped her cheek, causing her to look at him again.

  “So do you.”

  The sight of her smile twisted his insides, nearly made him want to get the fuck out of there and never look back. Instead, he arched his back, pushed deeper, fucked her harder, making her cry out. He shoved all thoughts of Maddie out of his head until all he concentrated on was the throb of his cock, the tightening of his balls, the radiating sensation that started at the base of his spine, signaling his orgasm was imminent. Her inner walls tightened around him, clutching at him and then she came, her mewling cries driving him out of his mind, her hands gripping his ass so hard he swore she marked it with her fingernails.

  He came right after she did, stilling within her, allowing his orgasm to take over his body, rendering him mindless, nearly boneless as his cock pulsed. It seemed like he couldn’t stop coming, his semen filling the condom until he thought it would burst. When his gaze met hers, saw the startled look in its brown depths that reflected his own emotions, he couldn’t help himself.

  Tanner closed his eyes, shut off his heart. He couldn’t look at her anymore.

  Looking at her hurt too much.

  Chapter Five

  Maddie had no idea what to do next.

  She glanced at the alarm clock on the bedside table, the blue numbers glowing brightly in the dark room. Just past three in the morning, she wondered if she should get up and leave.

  It was certainly a moment that reeked of anonymous, mind-blowing sex followed by a quick get away. Well, the evening hadn’t been exactly anonymous, but it definitely had one night stand written all over it.

  And that was okay with her really. Yes, she wanted love, she wanted a secure relationship like Brittney had found. Had even wished to find that earlier at the reception, but come on.

  Sex with Tanner Robinson, the hottest male singer in the country? Who could turn that down?

  The thought immediately made her feel shallow and she rolled over on her side, watching his sleeping form. His bare chest exposed, the white sheet wrapped precariously low around his hips, he looked like a dream come true. Certainly didn’t look like any of the other men who’d lain in her bed before.

  Didn’t act like any of the other men who’d lain in her bed before either. Not like she’d done it with a lot of men, but Tanner blew the few she’d had sex with completely out of the water. What the man could do with his hands, his fingers, his mouth. Not to mention his…

  She blushed, could actually feel her cheeks heating and she shook her head. Ridiculous behavior, she told herself, sitting up and swinging her legs over the edge of the mattress, her body aching in all the right places. Quite the workout she’d had, but she couldn’t dwell on that now. She needed to get out of there before she did something really crazy. Like cuddle up next to him and hold him through the night as if they meant something to each other.

  “Hey where you going?”

  A muffled voice sounded in the darkness, his fingers wrapping around her wrist and yanking her back onto the bed. She squealed, shocked when he hauled her close, her face pressing against his fragrant chest.

  Inhaling, she closed her eyes, his delicious spicy scent filling her head.

  “Not going to leave yet, are you?” Large, capable hands slid over her body, cupping her butt and cradling her close. His erection brushed huge and hard against her lower body, and she gasped.

  The man was turning her into a sex maniac.

  “I thought maybe I should go,” she said, her lips brushing against his warm skin. So tempting to press her mouth against his hard chest, lick and nip at him until he groaned in pleasure.

  “You can stay. It’s probably not safe for you to travel in the middle of the night like that anyway. A single woman all alone, I wouldn’t feel right if you left.” Tanner pressed a kiss to her forehead, making her insides melt. His sweet words made her want to melt too. He talked as if he actually cared. “Stay all night, I don’t mind.”

  “Don’t you have to leave early tomorrow? Today?” Her eyes slid closed, savoring the tender moment. His arms holding her close, his lips trailing soft kisses along her forehead, it was sweet, so unlike how he’d been earlier. All of the raw sexuality he’d displayed a few hours ago had been a complete turn on, but this was just…hmm…nice.

  “My plane leaves around noon tomorrow or today. I guess I should say no rush. It’s Sunday. I don’t have to go into the studio, but I plan on it.” He shifted, rolling over onto his back and bringing Maddie with him. “I’ve been obsessed with the new album. This reception performance for your friend is the first real break I’ve taken in months.”

  “Wow.” Settling herself against him, she pressed her palm against the center of his chest. Could feel the steady beating of his heart beneath it, strong and sure, reassuring her. “It’s been keeping you bu

  “Definitely, though I think they’re scared as to how the public is going to perceive it. My producers, at least, have made comments though they also say what’s coming together is good.”

  “Why do you say that? That you’re afraid of the public’s perception of it?”

  Tanner shrugged. She felt the movement of his shoulders. “It’s completely different from my last CD. We’re talking a total turn around.”

  “How?” His last CD had been full of love songs, songs that had been written for his wife supposedly.

  His ex-wife now, according to all of the tabloids. Her heart dropped and she inhaled sharply. Oh shit, she hoped that was true. She had completely forgotten about the wife.

  God, wouldn’t that suck if he was still married? What if the tabloids had gotten it wrong? Talk about feeling like a complete slut.

  “Well, the last album had almost nothing but ballads, all of it sappy love songs. Since then there have been a lot of changes in my life and well, it’s reflected in my songwriting.”

  “Like how?” Relief slowly filled her at his words. No way could he be with his wife anymore, thank goodness.

  “My divorce and my general bitterness about relationships.” He laughed, but she heard the scorn in his voice. “No offense but I’m not a believer anymore. In love or in relationships.”

  “Well, I guess I don’t blame you.” She remembered reading the salacious stories that followed the breakup of his marriage. The fact that his wife had left him for another woman couldn’t have been good for his ego. All of the attention paid to it must have made everything worse.

  “Yeah it sucked. But I don’t want to talk about that. Or her.”

  “Of course. Why would you want to tell me your troubles? You don’t even know me.”

  Why she was hurt? She didn’t know. She was right, they didn’t know each other. Why should he trust her with his innermost secrets? For all he knew she would run off to some sleazy magazine and sell his stories for a high price. And she could probably get it too.

  Not that she would though. She wasn’t that callous.

  His hand smoothed over her hair, his fingers threading through the strands and she sighed. It felt good, his touch, making her forget her worries.

  “That’s what makes it easier, I think. Telling you these things because I don’t know you so you won’t sit there and judge me. Or suck up to me because you think it’s your job to do so.”

  “Is that the kind of response you get usually? From the people you talk to?”

  “Yes.” He paused, and she swore she felt his heart rate accelerate beneath her hand. “Everyone reassures me that I’m doing the right thing. The album producers, my manager, my publicist, everyone involved. But I don’t know. I feel like I’m taking a huge risk. What if I fall flat on my face?”

  Maddie had never taken a risk before in her life. Until tonight with Tanner. This was the riskiest thing she’d ever done. “Isn’t being an artist all about taking risks?”

  “I guess.”

  “What does your gut tell you? I’ve always been a believer in intuition.”

  “Women usually are.” He chuckled, his arms tightening around her. “My gut tells me what I’m doing is good. I guess I’m just…afraid.”

  She wondered if he had ever admitted that to anyone before. It sounded as if it took a lot out of him to confess. “Taking a chance always makes someone fearful. I think your reaction is normal. But I don’t think you have anything to worry about. You have a lot of fans. They’re going to love everything you do, no matter what.”

  “Even if I sound bitter and pissed off in every song?”

  “Sure.” She glanced up at him, their gazes locking. A shiver slithered down her spine at the look in his eyes. Like he actually cared about what she had to say. “All of your female fans will want to console you and help you get over your bitterness.”

  Tanner laughed, she felt it rumble deep in his chest. “You’re probably right, even though I have to admit not every song sounds bitter and pissed off. But they’re always looking for some way to console me.”

  “I’m sure.” She lay her head back down on his chest, her lids suddenly feeling heavy. Tired, worn out after many hours of rigorous sex, she also felt languid, relaxed. Comfortable in his arms.

  “I’m glad we met tonight, Maddie. Not just because of…you know. I appreciate you listening to me.” He kissed her forehead one more time then snuggled into the pillow, his cheek pressed against the top of her head. “I feel like no one listens to me anymore.”

  The sadness tingeing his voice made her heart want to break. She had no idea what it would be like to live a life surrounded by seemingly adoring people who didn’t care about you. Only cared about who you were or what you could do for them. It must be so lonely.

  Tanner certainly acted lonely, almost vulnerable. She doubted anyone had ever really seen this side of him before.

  It made her feel special.

  Chapter Six

  Tanner sat on the edge of the bed watching Maddie sleep, the sheet loosely wrapped around her curvy body, her red hair a swirled mess around her head. She lay on her side, facing him, full lips parted, dark lashes like thick fans against her pale skin.

  He sighed, tried to shut off the emotion that threatened to overwhelm him. What the fuck had he gotten himself into? Certainly not a night of mindless fucking like he originally had planned. Oh there had been fucking, but there had also been talking. More talking than sex, which made him uneasy now that morning light shone upon them.

  This was not a part of the plan. He normally would’ve never shared such private information with a woman he didn’t know. He couldn’t believe he’d talked to Maddie about his upcoming album, his fear that no one would like it, his anger over his ex-wife’s dishonesty, all of it.

  She’d listened attentively, smiling and offering suggestions even when he hadn’t asked for them. He appreciated it, appreciated her thoughtfulness, the way she watched him as he talked about fear. He never admitted to fear, hadn’t admitted to it even when he was with Paula.

  When he got too tired to talk, when he realized she was dozing too, he’d hauled her close and held her long into the night. Wide awake with crazy thoughts running through his head as she slept, her body soft and trusting against his, her breathing deep and even.

  He’d admitted to her point blank he was a non-believer and he was, damn it. Had no time for relationships, certainly wasn’t looking for love. Shit, he didn’t believe love existed so it was pretty hard to look for something that wasn’t in his life.

  One look at Maddie though, with her beautiful face and sweet disposition and he was almost tempted to give that emotion another chance.

  There were other pressing, more urgent matters to attend to though. His cock was hard as a rock, pressing urgently against the fly of his jeans he had slipped on earlier. It ached, more than ready to plunge deep inside of her. He couldn’t find a condom anywhere in the hotel suite. He thought about calling the concierge and seeing if they could find any, but didn’t want to risk the gossip. Could only imagine the magazines having a field day with music sensation Tanner Robinson searching for a condom to screw his latest conquest.

  No thanks.

  Stirring, Maddie rolled flat on her back, the sheet falling away to reveal her breasts. Full pale globes of flesh topped with pink nipples that were hard little points. He released a ragged breath, ran his hand through his hair. After Paula, women did not stay the night in his bed. So why was this woman the exception?

  Her eyes suddenly flew open and she sat up, gazed about the room, flustered. Pushing her wild hair away from her face, she looked down at herself and gasped, yanking the sheet to cover her exposed skin.

  “Good morning.”

  Her tentative gaze met his, her hands clutching the sheet in front of her chest. “Hi.”

  “Sleep well?”

  She nodded. “I forgot where I was.”

  He actually was insulte
d. How could she forget what had happened between them last night? It felt like it had been burned into his memory for eternity. Sounded dramatic but damn it, it was true.

  “I thought I was dreaming. The room looked so unfamiliar to me when I opened my eyes, I kind of freaked out.” She shrugged her shoulders, smiled prettily.

  His heart plummeted somewhere close to the vicinity of his feet. Rational thought told him he should send her packing, tell her he had an early flight and hustle her sexy ass out of his room, never to see her again.

  On the other hand, his irrational head told him to let her stay. Her sweet scent wafted towards him, all that gorgeous soft skin beckoning him to touch, to taste. Her makeup had long rubbed off, her hair an absolute mess tumbling over her shoulders and he’d never seen a sexier woman.

  “I should probably go, huh?” Maddie nibbled on her lower lip in that way that drove him mad, and he scooted closer to her.

  “Stay for breakfast.” He had no plans to eat. Unless they counted her.

  “Thank you, but no. It’s probably best I leave.” Her gaze dropped and she looked over the side of the bed. “Um, do you happen to know where my dress is?”

  “It’s in the other room. I took it off of you out there.” His voice deepened, memories flooding him of how he had slipped the dress off her delectable body. He wanted to keep her on edge, only because he was so on the edge he was about ready to tumble off.

  “Oh.” Her gaze met his and he knew she was trying to think of a way to get the dress without exposing herself to him. “Maybe you could go grab it for me?”

  Tanner shook his head slowly, edging closer. She held the damn sheet in front of her like a shield, moistened her lips with the tip of her tongue and he groaned at the sight of it.


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