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Calling Card

Page 9

by Ashley Suzanne

  Wet and sloppy, the sound of our kisses echoes throughout the bathroom, feeding the hunger I have. I’m just as needy for her as she is me. Briar grinds herself into my groin, panting in my ear as I slowly drag my lips down her neck and nibble at her collar bone. Every time she shifts in my arms, her pussy rubs along the length of my dick, driving me insane.

  “Briar. Stop for a second.” Her body stills. I raise my head to meet her eyes, searching for what I desperately need to know. Is she sure? Does she know the potential consequences of our actions?

  “Please,” she whispers, firmly holding my stare, unwrapping her legs from around me and standing underneath the spray, the water cascading down her perfect body.

  Slowly dropping to her knees, she takes my cock in her hand, stroking from base to tip. Watching Briar, in this state, has me thinking things I shouldn’t. If I had any kind of sanity left, I’d let her swallow my dick whole and enjoy it the entire time, but I can’t. The thought of her in the same position as so many others before her cheapens the moment and she deserves more than this from me. From anyone.

  Stepping back, I take her hands in mine and help her back to her feet. Maneuvering out of the shower, I bring her with me, grabbing two towels to dry us off.

  With reddened cheeks, Briar looks up at me, tears on the brim of her lower lids. “Did I do something wrong?” she asks, almost unable to get the entire statement out without choking up.

  “Absolutely not. This is me not wanting to treat you like I would anyone else, because you’re not. You’re special to me, and if for some reason this ruins everything we have, I want to know … no, need to know, that I did right by you. You’re not the kind of girl that ends up on her knees to please a man. You’re the kind of woman that has the capability to bring a man to his knees.”

  Briar’s jaw nearly hits the floor. Dragging her out of the bathroom and into the bedroom, she sits on the edge of the bed, still staring up at me. Leaning down, I kiss her with purpose and determination to show her what’s she’s worth—what she should expect for the rest of her life, even if it’s not from me.

  Moving down her body, I relish the feel of her soft skin under my lips. Once on my knees, I gently push her back on the bed, where she refuses to lay flat, propping herself up on her elbows. Briar’s eyes are trained on me as she parts her thighs enough for me to see the glistening lips of her pussy. I run my tongue up the inside of her leg, stopping at the junction between her thighs.

  The corners of her mouth turn up in a sexy, lazy grin, giving me all the permission I need to continue. With my thumbs, I part her lips and slowly drag my tongue from her opening to her clit. Sucking the small bundle of nerves through my teeth, my mouth covers the area, alternating between suction and licking.

  “Dex. Yes. Don’t. Stop,” she pants, one hand latching onto my hair, pushing me closer to her body while the other is used for support.

  Placing one finger inside of her while I use my mouth on her clit, I quickly realize she wasn’t lying about not being with anyone in a long time. My dick grows harder than it’s ever been, knowing that in a few moments, it’s going to be squeezed so tightly by her walls. I could almost come just thinking about it.

  Speaking of coming, it doesn’t take long before Briar’s shooting off like a rocket—both of her hands gripping the edge of the bed, her head touching the mattress while her back arches in an impossible angle. When the final quiver of her thighs is over, I get to my feet, wrap my arm around her middle and drag her up the bed. Quickly running into the bathroom, I withdraw a condom from my wallet and return to the bedroom, only to find Briar in the exact position I left her in—being sated does something to your body and I can’t help but smile pridefully knowing it was me that put that look on her face.

  Hovering over her, my cock already sheathed, I position myself at the entrance of her sex, waiting for my cue. Briar slowly lifts her legs up over my waist and opens her beautiful blue eyes, and that lazy, sexy grin appears once again, giving me my signal.

  Carefully pushing into her, Briar squirms a little beneath me, a look of discomfort on her face, but it slowly passes as I make my way in, inch by inch. When our hips meet, I pause for a moment, giving her a chance to adjust to my size. Briar, who’s still staring at me intently, licks her lips and pulls my head down to hers. Biting at my bottom lip, she coaxes my mouth open and kisses me hard enough that I’m sure both of our lips will be bruised in the morning.

  “And she means it,” I say, my smile so large it makes my eyes squint.

  “What the hell are you talking about?” she giggles. Feeling the slight shake of her body, I have to tell myself not to come right then and there. I had forgotten how good Briar felt around my dick. Always so tight—even though she’s even tighter than she used to be—and so fucking wet. It’s like heaven.

  “When we were kids, I’d say the same thing when you’d kiss me like that. It just popped in my head.”

  “All these years and you remember but I don’t. If it’s possible to swoon with nine inches of dick inside me, that’s what I’m doing.”

  “Oh, you wanna swoon. How’s this?” Rearing back, nearly exiting her body, only my head remains inside of her warmth, I slowly thrust toward her, angling my hips upward to hit the little gem of nerves.

  A soft moan fights its way out of her throat and her legs tighten around my center. “You like that, huh?” I joke, repeating the process until I can feel her thighs begin to quiver. Halting any and all movements, I stare down at her.

  “Okay, I’m swooning. Don’t stop,” she cries, trying to grind against me for some friction. When I don’t begin moving again, she becomes agitated. “Dex, come on, please. I was right there.”

  Kissing the tip of her nose, I begin thrusting slowly, taking my time to enjoy her body. I’ll let her think I was toying with her. It would be hurtful to my ego to admit out loud that I was on the verge of coming like a teenager when I felt her walls clamping down. Yeah, I’ll keep that one to myself.

  Capturing her lips, I kiss her gently while I make love to her. I’ve thrown all abandon out the window, knowing that I’m never going to get over my feelings now that I’ve had her. I want nothing more than to stay in this moment forever, but as her orgasm starts building again and my dick starts twitching, I know it won’t last for more than another minute or two.

  Prolonging my release as long as possible, I bring her to the brink, letting her go this time. When her nails make it to my shoulders and rake their way down, I’m a lost cause. Grunting as I fill the condom, her orgasm crests and I remove my lips from hers, only so I can hear her call my name in ecstasy.

  Even when my erection starts to disappear, I continue rocking my hips into hers, not wanting this to be over, praying for a second wind that never comes. That’s okay, though. I’ll die a happy man knowing that I’ve finally found the person I’m supposed to enjoy this kind of activity with.


  Lying on the bed next to Briar after I’ve disposed of the condom and cleaned her off with a damn washcloth, all the possibilities are running through my head. This could be it for me, and I’m okay with that. That feeling I had in New York, about being exactly where I’m supposed to be, it’s back and stronger than before.

  Scooting closer to Briar, I coil my hand around her waist, pulling her closer to me. Kissing her neck and shoulder, she sighs and her breathing begins to slow.

  “Tonight was wonderful,” I whisper.

  “It was more than wonderful. It was fantastic. Something I’ll never forget.”

  “I sure hope not,” I laugh. “I’m still here for a few days and I’d love it if you’d stay with me.”

  “I can do that.”

  “And when we go back to New York, will you consider leaving the city? Moving back to Indiana or at least somewhere that Katelynn can have a childhood like you had?”

  “Can I think about it?”

  “Yeah, no rush, just an idea. I was thinking…I haven’t bought a house ye
t. Maybe we could pick something out together.” Briar’s body goes rigid and her breathing picks up rapidly. Maybe I should slow down a little. I’m acting like a girl with her first boyfriend. I don’t want to scare Briar. She had everything I’m throwing at her and lost it all. This is all too much.

  “Never mind. Let’s just enjoy our time in London and head back to New York. I can’t wait to see Katie. It’s only been a day and I miss her like crazy,” I say, retracting my earlier statement.

  “Yeah. We’ll talk about it soon, but not right now. I don’t think I’m ready to jump into anything serious, anyway.” Feeling like she stuck a dagger in my gut, I let it roll off me and take her advice. We’ll get to know each other again, like we used to, and see where it takes us.

  For the second night in a row, it’s Briar who’s in my arms and it couldn’t make me happier.


  Waking up at a little after seven, fully prepared to order the most amazing room service, I realize Briar’s not in my arms. Even more worrisome, her side of the bed is cold as I reach over to find her. My heart starts racing and my already dry mouth gets drier.

  I step into the bathroom, only to find it empty with no sign Briar was ever there. What the hell? I know damn well that wasn’t a dream. Climbing out of bed and throwing the hotel robe around my body, I head into the living area. No Briar there, either.

  Calling out for Nicholas, I pace between the breakfast nook and sofa until he emerges from his room. “Have you seen Briar? She was here when I fell asleep and now she’s gone.”

  “I heard something a few hours ago, but didn’t pay any attention to it,” he mutters, wiping the sleep from his eyes.

  Scouring the entire suite, I come up empty handed. She’s not here. Back in the bedroom, I sit on the edge of the bed, hands in my hair and try to think where I went wrong. Did I do too much? Say too much? I acted like a fucking idiot is what happened.

  Bracing myself on the mattress, I move to stand up when a note catches my eye on the nightstand. Picking it up, reading the words that are most certainly written in Briar’s handwriting, my fear is confirmed. She left. She’s gone.


  I’m so sorry. I just can’t. There’s so much in the past that’s never been brought to light, it would do nothing but hurt everyone involved. You were my first love and I’ll never regret that, but right now, we both need some space. Please don’t call or text. I need to get my head on straight and figure out where all of this went wrong. I’m sorry.

  I did mean it,


  Falling back onto the pillows, I lie there even after Nicholas walks into the room. Sitting at my side, he pries the crumpled piece of paper from my fingers and scans it quickly.

  “Do you want me to go after her?” he asks, being the friend I need him to be.

  “Nope. She made herself very clear. She can’t get over what kind of man I was before I realized I wanted to only be with her and I can’t change that. There’s nothing I can do but exactly what she asked. Move on.”

  “Are you sure, brother? You know how women are. They say they want space, but they really want you to chase them. I can make a few calls and find out if she’s still at the airport.”

  “Thanks, Nick, but no. Briar’s never been one of those girls who plays games. She calls it how she sees it, and this is how she feels. Can you turn my phone off when you leave? I just want to be alone for a little bit.”

  “No problem. Holler if you need me. I’ll be in the living room. I’ll check if I can get us an earlier flight home. Maybe getting back to your normal routine will do you some good.”

  I know exactly what he means. He wants me to go back to fucking a new bitch every night. Right now, I can’t fathom the thought of being with anyone but Briar. I’m going to have to get over that one real quick, though, because she’s gone.

  Briar left London with my heart in her carryon and there’s nothing I can do about it.

  After two days in bed, only getting up to use the bathroom, I’m finally ready to get back out there. Nicholas wasn’t able to get us an earlier flight, so I’ve been holed up in this room, worrying Nick to the point where he was ready to call Briar on my behalf.

  He did give me my phone back and that was a mistake. The first thing I did when he left the room was text Briar. An entire hour went by while I stared at the screen, waiting for a response that never came. It’s now been thirty-six hours since that text was sent and nothing. She’s made her decision.

  I forced Nicholas to head out for a little while. Just because I’m in a fucked up mood, doesn’t mean that he has to be stuck here with me. He agreed, only because I threatened his job, and called an old buddy of his to meet up for drinks.

  I’m not sure I’m ready to leave the hotel, so I decide the hotel bar is going to be my drinking hole for the evening. That’s fine by me, but maybe they’ll have some talent I can scope and use to get over Briar.

  Quickly throwing on a shirt and my shoes, I slip out of the room and head down to the hotel bar. If I have a few drinks, I’m guaranteed to get to sleep tonight. I have a late afternoon flight tomorrow, so I can still shoot some of the countryside like I had wanted to and then head home. Maybe once I’m back in my environment—back in Indiana—I’ll be able to think straight.

  The bar off the lobby is quiet and quaint. Not many people are gathered this time of day and there’s only a little while left before the bartender closes shop to tend to the dinner service in the dining room. Sitting at the mahogany bar alone, I place my order.

  “Bushmills 21 on the rocks, please.”

  The bartender drops the cloth he was using to wipe down the bar top and grabs the amber liquid from the top shelf, puts a few ice cubes in a short glass and pours the drink. This is one thing that I love about Europe—I never have to specify how much I want, as they are almost always extremely generous with their pour.

  Sliding the drink across the polished top, I wrap my hands around the glass and swirl the whiskey around for a moment, getting lost in the honey color before bringing the brim to my lips, letting my nose take in the delicious smell. Once the Bushmills hits my taste buds, I remember how much I loved this drink. How no matter what, the taste and scent of a good Irish whiskey takes me back to some happier memories in Ireland with my parents. How much I miss my mother and father, regardless of their issues.

  I miss home.

  Raising one finger, I request another drink as soon as I’m finished with the first one. I send Nicholas a quick text, letting him know to book accommodations for when we’re done with London. I want to take a quick trip to Ireland. As much as I think getting back to Indiana will help me understand my feelings revolving around Briar, Ireland is the place to do it. That might be where I belong.

  As I’m taking the final drink from my glass, a woman takes the stool next to mine, ordering nearly the same thing as me. My eyes travel from her black stiletto heels, up her long, toned legs, to the hem of her black dress and up to her large breasts. I feel as if I don’t need to look any further; she’s gorgeous. But of course I do, and her face is even more beautiful that I could have imagined. Full lips perfect to wrap around my dick, the greenest eyes I’ve ever seen, and hair so blonde it glistens even in the dimly lit bar.

  She’s not oblivious to my stare, either. Almost playing it up, she takes the small straw and drags it slowly through her drink. All the while keeping her eyes trained on mine, she pulls the straw from the glass, places it in the center of her tongue and closes her lips, then pulls it out slowly. So damn painfully slow.

  I fight the urge to readjust the growing erection in my pants by shifting slightly. The minx knows exactly what she’s doing. She tips back her glass, letting the expensive whiskey flow into her mouth effortlessly. With her thumb, she wipes a small droplet from her chin that’s escaped the cup.

  Something comes over me. I’ve always been a pretty aggressive lover, but this woman’s inspiring a new kind of dominance in me, and I feel like
I have to exert that dominance or I’m going to die. It also doesn’t hurt that from the side, she looks very similar to Briar.

  Taking her hand in mine, I raise her thumb to my lips and take it into my mouth, sucking off the tiny remainder of whiskey.

  “Dex. It’s nice to meet you,” I say, letting her hand fall to her lap.

  With her eyes wide and jaw slack, she stares at me, shocked that I would be so brazen as to beat her at her own game. Check. Mate.

  “Daniella,” she mutters, look away from me.

  “Are you busy this evening, Daniella?”

  Regaining her composure, she straightens her back and places a coy smile across her fantastically shaped lips, “I do, actually. This man that I just recently met, well, he thought he’d put my thumb in his mouth and not show me what else he can do with his tongue. I’ll be meeting him in his room in about twenty minutes.”

  Now I’m the one that has the problem with being unable to close my mouth. I think I may have just met my match. Rising from my stool, I request that the bartender charge the drinks, mine and hers, to my room, saying the number loud enough for her to hear.

  “It was very nice to meet you this evening, Daniella. I hope that you have a wonderful stay in London and your date later this evening has an exceptional oral technique.” Shaking her hand, I walk across the lobby and into the elevator, waiting until the doors shut and the car begins to ascend before adjusting the nearly painful erection I’m sporting like a teenage boy.

  Sending Nicholas a text, I inform him that I have company for the next few hours and to take his time with his friend. I’ll deal with his inquisition tomorrow, but for tonight, I have an evening to prepare for with a woman who might be the exact same speed as me.

  Only minutes later, a knock at my door jars me from my thoughts of the wicked things I’m going to do to her amazing body. Kicking off my shoes and peeling off my socks, I have to pace myself when I catch my legs almost running toward the door. Running a hand through my hair, I turn the handle and pull it open.


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