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Object of My Affection

Page 15

by Tracey H. Kitts

  He looked stunned but answered, “Non potrei mai amare una donna.” (I could never love a woman like her.)

  “Then why go out with her? If you had feelings for me ...

  why would you do that?”

  “I’m not having this argument with you, Lilith. Why do you think I stay here? Why do you think I never go out?” He ran a hand through his dark hair and as it fell back against his forehead, I longed to lose myself in the silken feel of it between my fingers.

  “I can’t pretend I’ve never noticed that you’re beautiful, but if you can’t see how much I care ... why stick around?”

  I took a step forward as I said firmly, “You can’t go out tonight, Alfred.”

  “And why not?”

  I walked over to the desk where he stood, but could not yet meet his eyes again. I reached out and took his big hand in both of mine, lightly rubbing the calluses on his knuckles.

  “Because I won’t have these hands on anyone else,” I said as I looked up into his eyes.

  “And where would you have them?” he asked, his face blank and unreadable.

  I made a bold move and placed his hand on my left breast.

  “I would have your hands on me,” I breathed.

  I felt my nipple harden under the warmth of his touch. He smiled at me with that lazy half smile of his.

  “You might want me to wash my hands first.” The smile got wider. “I was in Jacob’s lab all day before coming here.”

  I watched as Alfred washed and dried his hands before walking back to where I stood behind his desk. I noticed he had put the lab coat back on, and I wanted to snatch it off.

  “If you’re planning on screwing my brains out, I’m a genius you know.” He smiled. “This might take quite a while.”

  “You talk like you think you’re good.”

  He took another step toward me as he replied, “I am good.”

  “I thought you were too involved with your work to have time for women.”

  He smiled gently. “I’m a scientist, not a monk.”

  Alfred stepped closer and began rubbing the nape of my neck and running his fingers through my hair. As he bent down to kiss my neck I pulled back to take a breath.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  “My heart, it’s beating so fast.”

  He smiled. “Are you afraid?”

  “Maybe a little,” I admitted.

  “But not of me.” He made it a statement.

  I ran my hands inside Alfred’s coat and leaned into him, pressing my breasts against him.

  “No,” I whispered, “not of you.”

  I held him tightly as I sighed, “This is nice. But it’s not ringing my bell.”

  I turned Alfred around and pushed him back into the large chair behind the desk. He smiled and asked, “What are you doing?”

  “Ringing my bell,” I replied as I walked over to the corner where Alfred’s stereo sat.

  If there’s one thing we’ve always had in common, it’s our taste in music. A mix of Marvin Gaye’s greatest hits wasn’t hard to find. And it’s a good thing, because getting it on was exactly what I had in mind. As Marvin’s mellow voice began to sing, I turned back to Alfred. I would say that I walked toward him, but that would not do justice to this ‘walk’. If a tigress walks toward her prey, then I walked toward Alfred.

  He pushed back from the desk as I approached. Without missing a beat, I reached one slender leg across him. I stood straddling his legs, looking down at him as I unzipped my suit to reveal my throat ... and went lower, partially exposing my breasts and upper abdomen.

  I sat down on him and kissed his lower lip only. Alfred put his hands on my thighs, almost touching my butt and lifted me up as he stood. He sat me on the desk behind him with my legs still wrapped around his hips. We kissed for what seemed both a moment and an hour. Nothing pornographic, just a lot of nice gentle kisses. I slid the lab coat off his shoulders. He gave a shrug and let it fall to the floor.

  I hadn’t realized how much I’d missed the feel of his powerful body near mine, his eyes, his lips, his face. I longed to drown in the deep caramel of his skin.

  He reached out to touch the left side of my face and I brushed against his hand, the way a cat does if you pet it. As I did this I closed my eyes. I realized after a moment that when I closed my eyes, I saw through his. I was beautiful with my eyes closed, face pressed against his hand. My skin looked lighter against the contrast of the black I was wearing.

  My hair was so red, it was like a living flame. My lips were full and half parted, awaiting his next touch. My abs and breasts looked so firm and my skin appeared as cream beneath his gaze.

  Then I opened my eyes and saw from my own perspective again.

  “Stay,” I whispered.

  “Non ti lascero mai,” he whispered as his lips met mine once more. (I will never leave you.)

  Alfred kissed me with a hunger that he had kept in check before and I felt my self-control begin to shatter. I’d wanted to take my time, but I’d waited for so long that that might not be an option.

  Chapter Ten

  I reached for Alfred’s belt and he stopped me.

  “Wait,” he panted.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Not yet,” he pleaded.

  The look in his eyes said clearly that if I touched him he would lose what little control he still had. It was that pleading look that convinced me to keep my hands to myself.

  Alfred rested his forehead against mine as he whispered softly, “Take me to bed, cara mia. I don’t want our first time to be in my laboratory.”

  He had a point, and I thought the suggestion that we move to the bedroom was very sweet. Most men didn’t care where you had sex, just so long as there was sex involved.

  I slid off the desk, deliberately brushing against him as I did so. “Alright,” I said. Even though I had not intended to use the voice of seduction on Alfred I found that when I was extremely aroused, it just naturally happened sometimes.

  He gasped in response and I decided we should hurry.

  Alfred followed me upstairs and as we passed the kitchen he said, “Wait a minute. What time is it?”

  I stuck my head around the corner and read the clock on the microwave, “It’s ten after eight. Why?”

  He walked into the kitchen and snatched up the phone. I watched as he dialed Kat’s number and could barely contain the urge to giggle. I knew what this was about and unfortunately, I could only hear one side of the conversation.

  “Kathryn? Hi, it’s Alfred. I just wanted to be sure to let you know that breakfast will not be served this morning.” He paused and I couldn’t wipe the smirk off my face. “Yeah. You might want to give us a few ... days.”

  He hung up before she had time to respond, and I burst out laughing.

  “That was mean.” I chuckled.

  He swept me against him dramatically as he replied, “I’ll have no more interruptions.”

  “Your place or mine?” I teased as he carried me out of the kitchen.

  Alfred looked up the stairs as if a mountain stood before him and said, “I don’t think I can wait that long. How’s my room sound?”

  He opened the door while I did my best to not rip his clothes off. In all honesty, I was a little bit afraid. Alfred was a big man and there was the possibility that he might accidentally hurt me. I’d waited so long to get my hands on him and once I had my chance, I was afraid. But, I wasn’t about to let that stop me. Alfred tossed me playfully across his king size bed and I quickly kicked off my boots.

  “Stand up,” he demanded softly.

  Alfred placed his hands inside the open zipper of my suit and peeled it slowly from my body. I rarely wore anything underneath my catsuit, and that day was no exception.

  He kneeled before me and took my injured arm in his hands, “What happened?”

  “A werewolf bit me.”

  His expression was pained as he replied, “I’m sorry. I should have paid more attention
before. I didn’t mean to be so harsh....”

  “It’s alright. It’s already begun to heal.”

  He kissed my bandaged arm and said, “If I had been there, this might not have happened.”

  “Or, you could have been bitten in the ass.” I grinned.

  “And that would be real shame.”

  “Would you like something for pain?” he smiled.

  I decided it would be best to have no distractions from the things I planned to do to Alfred, “Yes.”

  He retrieved some pain killers from the adjoining bathroom along with a glass of water. I swallowed the pills and placed the empty glass on the table by the bed.

  “By the time we’re past the foreplay, those should be working.” He winked. “Now, where was I?”

  Again Alfred knelt before me, and because of the difference in our height he was almost on eye level with my breasts. Alfred had always been careful not to touch me in an intimate fashion, even when he’d had the opportunity. Ever the gentleman, Alfred had always controlled himself when a lesser man would have ravaged me.

  But the time for chivalry was past and I hungered for him to touch me as a man touches the woman that he desires.

  Alfred’s hands were warm as he ran them up my spine and pulled me against him, pressing his face against my bare breasts. He brushed his cheek against the side of my left breast and I could tell he’d shaved recently. Just the touch of his smooth skin sent shivers through me. He turned slightly and his lips hovered above my nipple. His breath was a hot promise against my skin that caused my nipple to harden, almost to the point of pain. My body wanted him to hurry, but my mind needed him to take his time.

  Without warning his mouth closed over my flesh and I gasped. It seemed like an eternity since anyone had touched me that way. My desire began to burn like a fire left unattended, a forgotten flame that once rekindled, would consume us both.

  I ran my fingers through his thick, dark hair as I pulled him closer, burying his face against my breast. His hands roamed lower, over my buttocks and thighs while his tongue continued to fuel my desire.

  With a trail of kisses he made his way down my abdomen.

  His hands gripped me from behind, lifting me to the tips of my toes as he pressed his face between my thighs. I cried out as his hungry mouth consumed me. His tongue was hot and wet as it roamed over my flesh, bringing startled gasps from my lips.

  All coherent thought escaped me as I felt the tension building within. My toes pointed and my back arched as Alfred slid one finger inside my warmth. My muscles gripped him tightly and I fought to relax. If I didn’t I’d finish too soon and I wanted to savor this moment.

  “Not yet,” I panted.

  Alfred pulled back, but left his hand in place.

  “Are you sure?” he asked.

  “My first orgasm is always the strongest,” I gasped as he moved his hand slightly. “The longer I can wait, the stronger it will be.”

  He released me slowly and I nearly collapsed without his support. I sat on the edge of the bed and realized that Alfred was still completely dressed. He kicked off his shoes and stepped closer to me.

  I reached out to remove his belt and he stopped me again.

  “Not yet.” He smiled.

  “I don’t know how much longer I can wait,” I purred.

  Alfred didn’t reply, but pushed me back gently across the bed. The comforter was a lovely deep gold, almost a tan and the fabric was satin. He grasped the backs of my knees and slid me to him.

  He went to his knees beside the bed and flung my legs over his shoulders. I thought to myself that this was torture.

  But there is no pleasure without pain and Alfred’s skillful kisses brought me to such heights of desire that it hurt.

  My back arched and I fought for control. Not yet, I kept telling myself. Not yet. I sat up and growled as I grabbed his hair and pulled him away from me.

  “Enough,” I said, and my voice flowed over him in a wave of heat.

  Alfred snatched the tight black shirt over his head and cast it aside. I leaned forward and kissed him deeply, tasting myself on his lips.

  “So many nights I’ve missed this face,” I breathed against his cheek.

  I kissed him like I couldn’t get enough. It was not lust that consumed me, but need. I needed to be touched, to be held, to be loved. I wrapped my arms around his neck and held tight, sliding along the comforter as he climbed onto the bed.

  Alfred pressed his upper body against me and I moaned.

  His full weight would have nearly crushed me, and he was obviously aware of that fact. As he kissed along the side of my throat I arched against him, causing my breasts to brush over the hair on his chest.

  “I want you,” I whispered in his ear. “Now.”

  Alfred cradled my head with one hand and I heard him unbuckling his belt with the other. He slid out of his pants with a practiced movement that reassured me Alfred was definitely not a monk.

  He pressed against me, hard and ready, but stopped just short of penetration.

  “Look at me,” he said softly, “and forget about whoever it is that I see in your eyes.”

  “Alfred,” I pleaded.

  I stretched upward to kiss him and he met my lips. Alfred kissed me deeply as he pressed himself inside of me, and I knew the answer to Kat’s repeated question. I felt myself stretch to accommodate his size and thought that I would split in two.

  He placed one hand between our bodies and began to caress me softly.

  “Relax,” he whispered, “or I’ll never fit.”

  “You mean that’s not all?” I gasped.

  Alfred looked back at my shocked expression and smiled.

  “About half,” he replied.

  He leaned closer to me and rested his face against the side of my throat as he breathed softly, “I won’t hurt you.”

  His gentle touch and the feel of his body against mine were too much for me. But it was his softly spoken words that pushed me over the edge. Orgasm caught me by surprise. I felt my muscles convulse around him as he pressed himself deeper inside my body. Alfred paused to give me time to adjust before he moved again. My muscles seemed to be permanently clenched around him as wave after wave of orgasm flooded over me.

  I couldn’t move. I couldn’t breathe. I held him to me as my back arched of its own accord and I screamed. My voice sounded as if it were torn between expressing pleasure and pain as I gripped the back of his hair tightly.

  I pulled Alfred’s face from my neck and kissed him hungrily as I purred, “More.”

  I locked my feet against the inside of his thighs and began to grind my hips against him.

  “Easy,” he whispered.

  “You’re not going to break me, Alfred.”

  He cradled me with both his hands beneath my head and as he looked down at me I saw that his dark eyes were dilated with desire.

  “I want you,” I whispered.

  My voice flowed over him like silk, and this time it was on purpose.

  “Tell me what you want,” he said.

  “I want to touch you ... to feel you. To know you in ways I have not known.”

  My voice was a velvety caress and Alfred closed his eyes when I spoke as if enraptured by the sound.

  He hesitated a moment and with my hands pressed against his bare skin I knew his mind. Alfred was terrified that if he let go he would hurt me.

  “No mere mortal can break me,” I teased silkily. When he still hesitated I bucked against him roughly and growled, “Take me now, Alfred. I want it hard.”

  He moaned in response and I felt his self control break as if it were a physical thing that had bound him. Alfred held me tightly and pressed himself deeply into my body, allowing me a taste of what he was capable of.

  “Yes,” I whispered.

  I wrapped myself around him as I had longed to do and he picked up the pace.

  “Pull my hair,” I urged.

  Without hesitation he ran his hand through the hair
at the nape of my neck and pulled it tight. As he did this, Alfred ground his hips against me and my mind went blank. I screamed, I cried, I think I even spoke Italian. I had never felt this way before. Perhaps it had something to do with the power of seduction I had recently inherited, I didn’t know.

  And I was beyond the point of reason. A hot and fierce wave of pleasure overtook me, as if fire flowed over my skin. But where the flames would have singed my flesh, they kissed me. The fire licked at me, testing my body before it consumed me.

  I opened the channel in my mind that I’d opened before in order to share my feelings with Alfred and let my desire flow into him. My entire body convulsed around him as the fire at last consumed me. I heard Alfred scream, but I didn’t know what he was saying. I also had no idea what I was saying, but when I could speak again, I was hoarse. He collapsed against me and the weight of his body against mine felt good. I’d feared he would crush me and then felt foolish for the thought. Alfred was big and one could easily be intimidated by his size.

  “Are you alright?” he panted as he wiped the hair back from my face.

  “I’m fine,” I gasped.

  My eyes wouldn’t seem to focus and my voice had a wonderfully intoxicated quality to it. Alfred’s expression as he gazed down on me said how clearly relieved he was that he hadn’t hurt me.

  “You didn’t break anything.” I smiled.

  He kissed me gently and my stomach growled.

  “That’s not an objection,” I chuckled.

  “Are you hungry?” He grinned.

  “Must be.”

  He rolled to one side, careful once again not to damage me in any way, and looked at the clock.

  “No wonder, it’s ten o’clock.”

  He sounded as surprised as I felt. It was only ten after eight the last I’d looked.

  “Time flies,” I smiled as I rolled toward him.

  “You want to shower first, or do you feel sick?”

  Alfred knew how my metabolism worked, and it was nice of him to ask. Surprisingly, I wasn’t the slightest bit nauseous, even though I knew it was past time that I should eat something.


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