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Dirty News (Dirty Network Book 1)

Page 34

by Michelle Love

  As I watched Asia get taken away, I felt panicky for a moment. “Wait!” They all three stopped and turned to look at me. “I want to introduce her to my grandparents, Mom.”

  “Oh.” Mom looked a bit ashamed. “Allow me to do that.” She whisked Asia off to meet my mother’s parents then she hurriedly made an introduction to my father’s parents before she, my fake wife, and the party planner were gone.

  I was alone. Well, not entirely. That would’ve been so much better.

  “Come, boy,” my father’s father called out as my dad and grandparents moved to form a circle at which I was in the center. “Now tell us how you went about marrying a girl you barely know.”

  “And we want to meet her family, Jett.” Grandmother Shapiro, my mother’s mother, didn’t look like she’d be put off about that.

  “Oh, I don’t they could make it. They have work. Her mother works at a law firm. Her father… well, I’m sure he’s busy too.” Her father was out of work, is what she’d told me. I didn’t know if Asia wanted everyone to know that or not.

  “They could come for the weekend, at the very least.” Dad was pretty intent on getting them to come. “I can send a car for them. We really should meet them. They’re your family too now. That makes them ours too.”

  The sentiment was sweet, but the lie of a marriage made it a stupid thing to do. Her parent’s involvement wasn’t part of the plan. I couldn’t ask her to go to those lengths for me.

  Grandmother Simmons patted the empty space next to her. “Come, Jett. Sit down and tell us all about your whirlwind romance that left you hitched.”

  It was funny, without Asia at my side, I kind of forgot our little story. I took a seat. “We like to tell our story together. I’ll wait for her.”

  “Nonsense.” Grandmother Simmons wasn’t taking no for an answer. “How’d you know she was the one, Jett. After all this time. How did you know?”

  “First of all, I am not some old man. I’m twenty-six. Why does everyone in this family act like that’s too old to be single?”

  “It’s your lifestyle, son. I’ve told you this.” Dad shook his head as if that answer alone justified how they thought.

  “Is it some kind of lust-filled attraction, Jett?” Grandfather Shapiro asked me. “Because those kinds of relationships never last.”

  “No, no, it’s nothing like that. We have a lot of things in common. We like the same things, think along the same lines, mostly. I never feel alone. Even when we’re not right next to each other, I feel like I’m a part of her. It’s odd, but in a great way.” The funny thing about me saying that, is that it was completely true. I just hadn’t thought about it before.

  Both my grandmothers’ white heads bobbed as they agreed with me. Then Grandfather Simmons popped off, “And is the sex hot? I mean it needs to be hot in the beginning. Every couple needs a thread of passion that connects them too, you know.”

  I felt heat flush my face. “Yes, sir. We have hot sex.” And just as I said that my mother and fake wife were back in the room and both had gaping mouths.

  Asia went scarlet. “Jett!”

  I hopped up and hurried to her. “Baby, you have no idea the questions they’ve been asking. I didn’t mean to say that. I swear it!”

  The set of rogues who had me saying such a thing got a nice long glare from my mother. “Okay, you nosey lot. Let’s leave these two alone for a bit. I think we’re overwhelming them.” Mom kissed my cheek. “I’ve had Rock take your things to the Monte Carlo Suite. Show Asia your bedroom and then you two can come back down whenever you’re ready to.”

  Draping my arm around Asia’s shoulders, I took my fake wife and headed out of the sunny room full of my closest relatives. If they were that tough, what would the rest of them be like?

  Heading to the back staircase, I led Asia up two flights of stairs to the third floor where the Monte Carlo Suite was located. “Mom’s named all the rooms. I suppose she gave us this one because we said we got married in Vegas. It’s got a gambling theme to it.”

  When I opened the door, and we went inside, I guess Asia felt like it was finally safe to talk. “Oh, God, Jett. They want my parents to come!”

  “Yeah, I know. Don’t worry, I’ll make something up.” I went over to the bar that was in the room and looked for something to make another drink. Mine had been lost in the solarium, and Asia’s was gone too.

  “Your mother wants my parent’s phone number. She wants to call and invite them herself. She asked if we’d gone to introduce you to them and I didn’t know what the hell to say, Jett. It was like I had a mouthful of gum. I mumbled, yes. I’m an idiot! How are we going to fix that lie? This is too much!”

  “Calm down!” I wasn’t finding what I wanted. There were wine and spritzers, waters, sodas, but no Goddamn whiskey of any kind in that bar. “What kind of fucking bar is this?”

  “And what’s up with the drinking, Jett? You don’t drink like this. Are you planning on staying lit up this entire week?” She shook her head and fell back on the bed.

  “I wasn’t planning on it, but now that I’ve seen what it’s going to be like, I might just stay drunk. Want to join me?”

  She laughed then. A crazy, maniacal sound that had me joining in. “This is crazy, Jett!”

  “I know!”

  I fell onto the bed beside her then rolled over and pulled her to face me. “Thank you for being here. I know I paid you to, but thank you for trying so hard to make this work for me. Perhaps we could hire some people to play the role of your parents.”

  She laughed and smiled. “How I wish we could, Jett. I’ve really fucked it all up. Your mother made me show her pictures of my family. She was certain I had some on my cell, and I didn’t know what else to do. She’s seen their faces. I told you I’m a terrible liar.”

  I blinked as I stared into her eyes. “You know what I think will make us both chill the fuck out?”


  I ran my hand up her silky thigh until I came to the edge of her khaki shorts. “No, a little love making should clear our heads and help us think.”

  “I agree.” She ran her hand over my cheek. “And I’d like to try out my skills on you to help you relax.”

  “Your skills?”

  She nodded. “I practiced fellatio on a cucumber before I met you. Wanna let me give it a shot on you?”

  Well, who the hell says no to that?


  The crystal chandelier made Jett’s eyes sparkle as they caught all the tiny refractions of light. He’d made sure to please me every time we’d been intimate. I had no one to compare Jett to, but I thought he was a selfless lover. He always thought about me and how I was feeling, what made me feel good, what made me happy.

  It was time I got to do something for him. As far as being a Dom went, I didn’t think he was much of one. I did ask what he did with his other subs. He told me, he mostly wanted them to be quiet, do as he said, he hadn’t talked to them much. He admitted to treating me nothing like he treated any of them.

  When I asked him why he thought that might be, he said it was probably because he had another agenda with me, the fake marriage thing. Jett had a definite idea of what kind of relationship he thought marriage was.

  Respect was mutual. All things were shared. And you knew, no matter what that you could depend on each other through thick and thin. He explained how hard it was to take women seriously when you have a lot of money. Many only want your money. It can and had made Jett a man who trusted no one.

  Except me. He was beginning to trust me. Without even trying, I’d managed to earn some of his trust. I wasn’t sure how I’d even accomplished that. But I was glad I had.

  Jett was exceptional. I didn’t know the man he said he was, I only knew who he was with me. That man was kind, considerate, and loving. That man was the kind of man a woman could really fall in love with. Trust with her life. And I was doing all of that.

  He piled the pillows behind his head as I eased up f
rom the end of the bed. Unbuckling his belt, I went for the button next, unzipped the zipper of his khaki shorts that cutely matched mine, and gently took out his half engorged cock.

  One kiss to the top had him gathering my hair in his hands to pull it out of the way. “I wanna watch.”

  I smiled then ran my hands up and down his long length and placed my lips at the top. Opening my mouth, I used my lips to sheath my teeth and moved down his silky dick. The deep moan he made had me feeling like he was happy with my technique, a thing I was a little worried about.

  When I’d searched the internet for how to give a great blowjob, I found many had the same opinion. As long as you don’t bite or scratch with your teeth, there really was no way to give a bad one!

  As I went up and down, he grew and grew, going deeper down my throat. “Oh, baby… you’re taking me like a pro. Damn, are you even real?”

  I was very real, and I had high hopes he’d come to see what we had wasn’t made up. It may have started that way, but we were building something that was very real. If only he’d see that and stop pretending we were married, we might be able to grow as a couple, instead of the fake marriage scam he had going on.

  He moved my head faster. “Oh, baby, I’m almost there. Wanna try to swallow?” I hummed a yes, and he understood. “Oh, God! Hum some more. Shit! You’re incredible, baby!”

  Only a few more strokes then I moved one hand to fondle his balls, and he was shooting cum down my throat. It went so quickly, it went down smoothly. I was pleased with myself and licked him clean as he groaned.

  “So that was alright then?” He answered with a nod as his eyes were closed and he was deeply relaxed.

  I got up and went to the bathroom, finding my toiletry bag had already been put on the long vanity with double sinks. Finding my toothbrush, I set about cleaning my mouth up because let’s face it, what guy wants to taste their own cum?

  I’d just rinsed my mouth when Jett threw open the door, butt naked and began to undress me at a frantic speed. Then he turned me around and made me face the mirror. He pushed the top half of me down on the vanity and thrust into my ass. I moaned and gasped at the same time, “Yes!”

  Jett had messed with my ass a lot but hadn’t gotten his cock all the way into it. It burned nearly the same way as when he first put his cock into my vagina. Just like that burn, I liked it.

  I could watch in the mirror as he fucked me. And he watched himself too. His eyes were glued to our bodies, mine were glued to him. His muscles and how they rippled, made me hot. Sweat was making his skin shiny, and his long hair clung to his face.

  At that moment, I felt like he was in Dom mode. Taking what he wanted and not wanting to talk about it. There was a fire in his eyes that hadn’t been there before.

  Somewhere inside of me, I was telling myself I should be afraid. The Jett I knew might be retreating and the Dom he really was, was coming forth.

  Could I handle the next few months with a real Dom?

  Perhaps the blowjob had been a mistake. Perhaps I’d been just like all the rest of the subs he’d had, and it sullied me in his eyes somehow. Whatever had happened, it didn’t matter. Because I loved this version of Jett too!

  He was all man. And as brutal as he seemed, I was taking it. Enjoying it as much as he was. Jett could treat me any way he wanted to. As long he was with me, that’s all that mattered.

  Suddenly, he pulled out of me and lifted me up, turned me around and put me up against the wall. I wrapped my legs around him as he forced his cock into me. His mouth crashed onto mine, forcing his tongue further into my mouth than he ever had. Everything he was doing was intended to be forceful and invasive, I could tell that, instinctively.

  Was the honeymoon over?

  Did I care if it was?

  Making love was great, and I thought we’d do that more, but this fucking stuff was hotter than hell!

  His mouth left mine and went to my neck. He tortured it with bites then pulled it as he sucked it. I ran my hands over the bulging muscles of his back, as I tried not to scream with desire. If we’d been in our home, I’d have raised the roof with animal-like howls. He was turning me into a wild woman. And I was loving every moment of the transformation.

  He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me away from the wall and carrying me to the shower. “Turn it on,” he growled at me.

  I reached around him and grabbed the knob, turning it to warm. The water fell down on us like a warm summer rain as he pushed my back up against the cool tiled wall and savagely pummeled me once more.

  Our breaths echoed in the shower, making me even more aroused by the sounds of us together in that state of erotica. My body couldn’t take anymore, I couldn’t hold it back, even though I really wanted it to last longer. I cried out as I came. He made only a few more hard thrusts before he lost his load too. The sound he made was as if he was a werewolf who’d been shot by a silver bullet, it was so beastly.

  I was shaking. Tears ran down my cheeks. Not from fear or that I was hurt. I had no real clue why that was happening.

  He let me go and pulled back, finding me in that odd state. “I’m okay Jett. I am.”

  His lips curled into a sinister grin. “I know you are. The tears are from the intensity. Fucking is intense. Making love is a softer version that doesn’t usually evoke such emotions. You did well. Better than expected, since I came at you without giving you any idea about what I was going to do.”

  “Thank you for being who you really are with me, Jett.” I ran my hands through his hair. “Can I wash your hair for you?”

  He nodded as he gazed at me. “I don’t deserve you, Asia. You’re perfect. How the hell did you turn out so damn perfect?”

  “I’m far from perfect.” I filled my hand with a spicy smelling shampoo then massaged it into his thick dark hair.

  He put his finger to my lips. “I am the Dom, I tell you what you are and what you aren’t. You are my perfect little Asia, and you always will be.”

  A shudder ran through me. Did he mean the end of the contract wouldn’t end us? Should I dare to ask?

  Things were going so well, I decided not to say anything more than, “I am yours. For as long as you want me.”

  His lips grazed mine. “Good girl.”

  My heart pounded with desire once more. Would we ever get out of that bedroom and down to deal with the people he brought me to lie to for him?


  Feeling fresh, Asia and I headed down to face my family. We had the story on her family straight. They were headed to see her sister because the baby was about to be due. We’d have them all over for dinner once they got back, which would be a few weeks. A thing that would never transpire.

  With our story set, we found everyone heading into one of the dining rooms where lunch was being served. I ran my arm around Asia and pulled her in tight to my side, then kissed the side of her head. “Good, I’m starving.”

  “Me too.” She put her hand on my chest and looked up at me. “Tarzan.”

  I made a little growl and felt like the master of my domain where she was concerned. I’d given into my wild side. I couldn’t hold back any longer. Asia had gotten two weeks with the softer side of me that no one else ever had before. It was time she got to know the beast that resided within me. And how pleasantly surprised I was that she was completely into it all. She thrived as I took her the way I’d dreamt of doing.

  My little Asia was more than I ever expected. And we had just begun to test our limits. What would the future hold for us?

  Would two and a half months more be enough for me? And if it wasn’t, would Asia really want to continue without a contract? Or would she only stay with me if we had another contract and I paid her more for doing it?

  I’d always had the idea that women wanted me for my money. I had no idea if I’d keep feeling the same way about Asia if she only wanted to continue things with me if we had another contract and more money. If that happened, then I’d know she’d just been acting th
e entire time.

  That would hurt, a thing I didn’t allow to happen to me. At least I’d know I’d been duped by the lovely little creature. I could move on from her then. But I hoped like hell that wasn’t the case.

  As we entered the dining room, I saw a few more people had arrived. Uncle Pete was sitting at the end of the long table, Aunt Sally sat at his right, and their twins, Bo and Joe were seated across from them.

  Mom stood up, waving everyone into the room. “The place cards have everyone’s names on them. Please, take your seats. Chef Cora has made us a wonderful meal of ceviche as our first course, Grilled salmon for the main, served on a bed of asparagus and wild rice.” She looked directly at Asia as we filed in. “Doesn’t that sound delicious, Asia?”

  “Yes, ma’am, it does. Is there a dessert too?”

  “Oh, my, yes. Of course, there’s a dessert. Tell me, have you ever had key lime pie before?” Mom licked her pink stained lips.

  Asia shook her head. “No, I’ve never had it. It sounds yummy, though.”

  Mom clapped her thin hands as she smiled at the woman she thought was my wife. “It is yummy!” She pointed to the front of the table. “That’s you two, dear. I want my kids right next to me.”

  As she used the term, her kids, it sent a jolt of pure, unadulterated guilt right to my heart. I was bringing in a woman my mother would get close to, under false pretenses. The lie went to new levels of heavy as it weighed not so much on my shoulders as inside my heart.

  Asia gripped my hand as we went to where my mother had pointed and looked at me with a smile. But I saw the guilt behind her eyes too. It was wrong what I was doing. We both felt it.

  But what could I do about it now?

  I wasn’t about to break down and admit things on the first day of the vacation. That would mean pure hell for me. No, we would stick with the lie, no matter how much guilt piled up on us.

  I was paying Asia extremely well to maintain what I needed from her. She’d take the guilt right along with me. It was her job to do that. It just kinda sucked donkey dicks that doing that to Asia also added to my guilt, doubling my load.


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