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Dirty News (Dirty Network Book 1)

Page 39

by Michelle Love

  “How sweet,” I cooed. “I can’t wait to meet him.”

  “He can’t wait to meet you, Auntie Asia. When can you come? We get out of the hospital later on today. So anytime is cool with us.”

  I looked at Jett who was trying to look as if he was busy, instead of trying to hear what we were talking about. “I’ll check my schedule. It’s kind of hectic right now.”

  Jett looked up at me and shook his head as he frowned and whispered, “You tell her you can go as soon as tomorrow. I’ll get you there.”

  “I hope you can make some time for us, Asia,” my sister snapped.

  I’d hurt her feelings, although unintentional. “Oh, Spring. I’m kidding. I’ll leave tomorrow.”

  Jett shook his head. “You’ll be there tomorrow.”

  “Oh, I meant to say, I’ll be there tomorrow.”

  “How’re are you getting here so quickly?” Spring asked.

  “How am I getting there so quickly?” I asked Jett.

  “I’ll charter you a private jet.” He blew a kiss at me.

  I thought about leaving him all alone and decided to throw it out there. “Um, Spring, I’m dating someone. Would it be okay if I asked him to join me when I come see you guys?”

  “You’re dating someone? Is it serious? Is he cute? Did you do it? You know, sex? Has my baby sister finally popped that cherry of hers?”

  “God! Spring, really! So, is it okay or what?”

  “You better ask him to come too. I have to meet the man who made my little sister a woman.”

  “For the love of Pete! I’ll ask him, and I guess I’ll see you tomorrow. How about I bring you dinner. Ribs are still your fav, right?”

  “Oh, yes! And potato salad and pinto beans. That would be awesome. Call me when you leave. I love you and so does little Ray. Bye.”

  Putting down the phone, I eyed Jett who’d overheard it all. “So, will you come with me?”

  He came to me, placing his hands on my shoulders as he looked into my eyes. “Asia, do you really want me to come with you? Meet your family? That’s a big step you know.”

  “Uh, are you being serious right now? I mean, I went to your family’s vacation. That’s a big step.” I shook my head as I couldn’t believe what he was saying.

  “But that was all fake. This is real. Are you sure you want it to get that real? All I’ve offered you so far is a bunch of phony shit. What you’re offering me is as real as it gets.”

  The smile that lifted my lips to the right felt natural as did my decision. “I want you with me. I like real.”

  “God, girl. Are we really doing this?”

  “If you’re game, so am I.”

  He kissed me with soft lips that spun my world on its axis. “As your boyfriend, I’d be proud to go with you.”

  So it was set. I was taking Jett to meet the family. I knew they’d all be there, eager to meet the newest addition to the growing brood. And when Spring let them in on my new boyfriend, they’d all be eager to meet him too. I wondered if Jett was ready for all that.

  Ready or not, he’d signed up for it, and it was all about to come his way.


  I had put the wedding rings in the safe at the house before we left the next day to go to South Dakota to see Asia’s sister’s family. Without them on, as if my magic, things felt different.

  The lie took a backseat. So far back, I forgot about it all. Asia and I were feeling more free without that burden. And we were heading to a place where things would be honest.

  Well, not entirely honest. They couldn’t know I’d bought her and that she was in a Dom/sub contract. And they knew Asia hadn’t gone to Los Angeles on vacation. So we were prepared to tell a version of the truth. We met online. A dating site. Then I flew her to Portland where we met up and then flew back to spend the summer at a home I’d purchased not long after she and I started talking.

  We’d play the rest of it by ear. But for now, we were living together as boyfriend and girlfriend, exclusive and slowly advancing toward the future. A future we had no preconceived notions about.

  I felt pretty good about it. There were some lies, but mostly truths. I suppose we could’ve told them the entire truth, but Asia said they’d never understand. And she wasn’t going to let them know she’d lost her scholarship either.

  It became evident that some truths would go untold, but that’s life.

  Asia held my hand tightly as the plane landed. “Jett, this is so exciting. I’ve never taken anyone to meet the family. I’m excited and kind of scared too. “

  “I am too. I’ve never been brought to meet the family. This is new for me as well.”

  Once we got off the jet, I rented a car then we headed to her sister’s home, and that’s when the nerves kicked in. We were on the doorstep of a modest home in a suburban neighborhood in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. There was one car, an older model sedan, parked in the drive that was cracked with age.

  Asia knocked on the door as I wondered how hard things were for them, financially. The home and car showed me they weren’t living on high wages. It stoked that fire that had all but went out in me. The one that told me women only wanted me for my money.

  Would Asia ask me to help her sister, brother-in-law, and new nephew out with some money? And if she did, would it change how I felt about her?

  The sound of the door opening took me out of my thoughts. A tall man with a big build answered the door. “Asia, my goodness girl!” He pushed the squeaking screen door open and backed up so we could come inside. “And this is your man, huh?” he extended his hand to me. “I’m Max Johnson, welcome to my humble home.”

  “I’m Jett Simmons. Thank you for allowing me to come to your humble home.” I liked the man’s handshake. It was firm, short, and friendly.

  “Send them back here, baby,” came the yell of a woman.

  Max hitched a thumb over his left shoulder. “And that’s the queen of this castle. Coming, Spring. You guys follow me. The baby’s asleep, but he doesn’t mind being held while he sleeps.”

  “Asia tells me this is your first child. How’s it going?” I asked as we went through a small dark hallway. There were only three doors coming off it. The house was tiny.

  “I have to admit that it hasn’t hit me yet. I guess he’s too quiet. It doesn’t seem real. I’m a dad. At thirty years old, I’m finally a dad.” He shook his head and smiled. “Spring and I have been together for five years. This was a long time coming. We just couldn’t get the money going right for us. We wanted to wait until we were making good money. We hit some rough times. I worked as a coach at the high school, and she worked at a store as a clerk. This was a busy town when we moved here three years ago. Then it suddenly stopped being so busy, and our jobs vanished. She couldn’t find anything, and all I could find was a janitorial job at the jailhouse. But the baby thing wasn’t going to wait. The stork came in unannounced.”

  Another tragic tale of misfortune. I’d heard tons of them. But this man had no idea if I had money or not. Asia hadn’t said a word about it. It hit me that people often spoke of their money troubles. It wasn’t always directly aimed at getting me to give them anything.

  We walked into a small bedroom where her sister, who looked a lot like her, was sitting up, holding a tiny bundle of white. “Hi, guys.” Her doe-like eyes, similar to Asia’s only Asia’s were more beautiful to me, went to me. “And you’re Asia’s, man. I’m Spring. It’s nice to meet you.”

  “Jett Simmons.” I gave her a nod. “It’s nice to meet you too.”

  Asia was quick to take the baby out of her sister’s arms as she delivered a kiss to her cheek. “Oh, give him to me.” She stepped back next to me. “Oh, my goodness. He’s so cute.”

  Looking down at the baby had my heart speeding up for reasons I couldn’t comprehend. Seeing Asia, holding that baby, made her glow in my eyes. “He’s a remarkable little guy.”

  Asia looked at me. “Here, you hold him.”

  “Me?” I shook
my head. “Oh-“

  She was quick to get that baby in my arms. Expertly, she maneuvered my arms until I was holding him. “He’s so light, isn’t he?” Asia asked me.

  “He is light. Almost as if I’m not holding anything at all.” The baby snuggled against my chest, and the aroma that drifted up to me was like pure Heaven. Baby powder mixed with his brand new smell. “Hi, Ray. It’s wonderful to meet you.”

  “Mom and Dad are on their way up. They’ll be here in the morning. You two can have the guest bedroom until they get here, then you can take the sofas in the living room.” Spring smoothed out the blanket and straightened her nightgown.

  Asia’s expression was one of reluctance. “Well, we’re not staying here, Spring. We’ve already gotten a room.”

  “Oh.” Spring looked at me. “I didn’t realize that. I mean, that’s cool. Usually, my little sister has no money. I’m used to letting her stay with me.”

  “It’s very nice of you to offer. I could get your parents a room there too if you’d like.” I nudged Asia. “Mind taking him, baby?”

  She took him out of my arms and smiled as she did. “Mom and Dad won’t stay anywhere but here, Jett. They’re weird about things like that.” She cooed at the baby and rubbed noses with him. “He’s just so little and precious. I haven’t even left yet, and I already miss him.”

  “You can come as often as you like, Asia,” I told her, earning curious expressions from her sister and brother-in-law. “I can make sure she has the means to come see you all. That’s what I mean.”

  “How nice of you,” Max said. “Asia, can you take the baby into the living room while I help your sister get into the shower?”

  “Sure thing.” Asia walked out the door, and I followed her. “Oh, and the food will be delivered in about thirty minutes. I called it in just before we got here.”

  “Who did you get to deliver?” Spring asked.

  “Don’t worry about that. Just take a shower, and when you get all done, dinner should be ready to eat.” Asia gave her a smile then I closed the door behind us to give them some privacy.

  The hotel we checked into had an excellent concierge, even though it wasn’t a thing I considered to be a real hotel. The Marriott was one of the most country bumpkin looking hotels I’d ever stayed in. The restaurant was four and a half stars, not bad for South Dakota. They were nice enough, when given a hefty tip, to have the meal of ribs and all the trimmings delivered to us.

  Asia sat on the sofa, and I sat next to her. We both looked at the baby, and she sighed. “I love babies. I was there when Bow had her first and third babies. The second was born in the middle of a stormy night. I didn’t make it for that one.”

  “No wonder you look at home with that little guy in your arms. You’re an old pro at this aunt stuff.” I kissed her cheek. “That looks good on you, by the way.”

  She blushed, and it sent shots of pure love through me. Asia and that baby were doing something to me. Making me think thoughts I wasn’t trying to have. Thoughts about making babies were making me hot.

  We’d do dinner with her family then I was going to get my little Asia to the hotel where we could practice making babies all night long.

  What the hell had gotten into me? Since when did the idea of babies make me horny?

  The shit having Asia in my life had changed was unending. What was next, getting turned on by watching her iron clothes?


  Jett was crazy by the time we got into our hotel room. He kissed me over and over again as we went up the flight of stairs to our room. Once we were inside, he was ripping my clothes off.

  I had no idea what had gotten into him. But I had to admit, I liked it.

  “Baby, oh baby, you taste so good. I’m going to eat you up.” He chewed on my neck, making my insides melt.

  “Jett, what in the world has you so hot?”

  He pushed me down on the bed and undressed. He’d already rid me of all my clothing. “You have me hot, baby. I want you. I want you all night long.”

  His expression was odd. Lusty with a side of love. It was different. I thought maybe the way we’d left the lies behind us had something to do with it. That was until he climbed on top of me and took my hands in his, moving them until they were pinned next to my head. “Jett, why are you just looking at me?”

  His eyes roamed all over my face. “You have great bone structure.” He moved his hands down to my hips. “You have great round hips too.”

  “Thank you?” I wasn’t sure what he was getting at.

  “You’re sweet, loving, caring, and fucking adorable when holding a baby in your arms.”

  Oh shit!

  “Jett, what the…” His mouth crashed down on mine as he kissed me like I was his oxygen tank.

  He wouldn’t let up. He kept kissing me until we both were out of breath. Then he eyed me. “I want to fuck you so hard, and so long you walk wrong for a week.”

  My head was swimming from the kiss. “K.”

  “I want you to come so many times, it defies imagination.”

  “Oh, God!”

  “Yeah, baby. Oh, God.” He kissed me again and picked me up as he did. He moved around until he was sitting up and then he sat me down on his erection, facing him.

  Lifting me up and down, he made my body stroke him. The kiss had to end as I was moving too much. My tits were bouncing everywhere, and he buried his face in them, kissing, sucking, biting. Generally, he was stimulating everything he could, and I was screaming with the pleasure it was giving me.

  “I’m about to cum,” I told him as the urge hit me.

  He flipped me onto my back and thrust back into me. “Do it. I’m coming with you.”

  Jett’s tongue ran up my neck, and he nibbled it as he made forceful thrusts. In no time I was arching up as the wave took me over and he came with me. His groan was deep as he jerked inside me.

  He laid still on top of me for a long time. Then he began to move again, his cock going hard inside me. “Oh, you really did mean it when you said you were going to make me walk wrong for a week. I thought that was just some foreplay talk.”

  “Um hmm.” He kept going until he was fully erect again then he flipped me over and took me from behind. He pushed my head and shoulders to the bed then held onto my hips as he went at it.

  I was moaning with the arousal. Groaning with the pleasure. Then I was screaming with another orgasm, and he was coming right along for the ride. Filling me once again with his hot juices. He stayed still again as I panted.

  After about five minutes, he pulled out and got off the bed. I fell to it in an exhausted state. “Want some water, Asia?”

  “Huh?” My eyes had closed, and I struggled to turn over. “Yeah, I’m thirsty.” I managed to sit up, and he came to give me a bottle of water then sat on the bed next to me.

  “When would you like to have a baby?”

  I nearly choked on the drink. He took it out of my hand as he waited for me to stop coughing, waiting patiently for my answer. “I have no idea, Jett. I’ve never thought about that.”

  “Me neither. Not until while ago.” He ran his hand over my stomach. “You’d looking so fucking good with my baby in that belly.”

  “Jett, we just started dating.”

  He shook his head. “Don’t act like we aren’t years ahead of that game, Asia. We have a home together. I take care of you. We could have it all, you and me.”

  “We can. And one day, maybe we will. But not so soon.”

  He took a chug of the water, finishing it off then went to throw the empty bottle away. “You told Mom that we might start having kids soon.”

  “Yeah, when we were lying about being married, Jett.”

  He tossed the bottle in the trash then headed back to me. “I know.” He laid down next to me and sighed. “I thought I knew how to slow down with you. I guess I don’t.”

  “Learn.” I closed my eyes and tried not to think the man was crazy, but it was hard.

u know, I know this guy from the club, and he paid a sub to have his baby. They didn’t know each other at all. They had a baby, and only a few months after he was born they got married. They’re like happy as shit now.”

  “Great,” I mumbled as sleep was taking me over. “I’m happy for them. Night, Jett. No baby-talk right not. Love you.”

  The things billionaires would pay for was staggering. The list just kept growing. Men who’d pay a complete stranger to have their baby? What else would they pay for?

  Jett’s lips touched my cheek. “Okay, I get it. I do. You need it all. You need a real commitment from me first.”

  I rolled over to face him and managed to open my eyes. “I don’t want a commitment just so you can have a baby. When and if we get to that stage, I want you to ask me to marry you because you can’t stand to live without me.”

  “I see.” He kissed the tip of my nose. “Well, I’m probably that way now.”

  “Probably. See, you don’t know yet, and I don’t either. Time, Jett. We need some time.”

  He turned over and closed his eyes. “Fucking time! The root of all evil. Good night. I’ll leave you alone about it.”

  I knew I was right about not having a baby. I knew what I was saying was sane, rational, even very smart. But seeing Jett disappointed was hard to take.

  There he was, supposed to be relaxed and falling asleep. Instead, his body was rigid, his arms crossed over his chest, his lips forming a hard line. He was anything but relaxed.

  Lying next to him, I could feel the tension radiating off him. I hated it.

  Easing up to him, I pulled one of his arms around me and laid my head on his broad chest. “I love you.”

  “I love you.” He took in a breath, sniffing my hair. “Get some sleep. We have a long ass day tomorrow it seems. I get to meet the parents. That should be weird.”

  “Yes, it should. Night.”

  He was quiet for a minute. But his body wasn’t relaxed. I wasn’t sure why that was until he whispered, “If you’re still awake just nod if you’ll think about talking about having a baby in the not too distant future.”


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