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A.D. After Disclosure: When the Government Finally Reveals the Truth About Alien Contact

Page 15

by Richard Dolan

  Ronald Reagan’s several statements concerning hypothetical alien invasions come to mind. As someone who had been a UFO witness himself, and who (according to sources of the authors) was also briefed on the topic, it seems unlikely that he was merely being whimsical.

  They Want Nothing

  What if they are so far beyond us that we offer them nothing at all? Such a possibility has been raised many times throughout the years. Consider the insights of Whitley Strieber, one of the few people who has openly discussed his abduction and contact experiences, and is probably the most articulate of them. In our “classical” reality, he points out, when you flip a coin, you get either heads or tails. You cannot get both. But at the scale of the very small, reality works differently: matter can be both wave and particle at the same time. Normally, this is because there is a strong interaction that prevents atoms from going into “superposition” and becoming “indeterminate,” essentially everywhere at the same time.

  But, Strieber asks, what if we could control the degree to which our bodies were in such a state? What if, in addition to possessing quantum entangled neurons within our own brains, we could have quantum entanglement with all other human brains, and therefore have access to the knowledge and intellect of billions of brains? In that case, writes Strieber, “we would be radically, fantastically different from what we are. We would have the ability to spontaneously change our appearance, or even become invisible. We would be able to not only extend our awareness across the whole of reality, but also to draw on our collective understanding to interpret what we see. We would, in short, be like our visitors.”18

  Of course, he points out, we are most certainly not like them. Their consciousness may exceed our own as much as ours exceeds that of the family dog. With perhaps total knowledge of the universe, such beings, according to Strieber, are at “the end of innovation,” something that “would be the most profound catastrophe that could befall an intelligent species.” In such a situation, “the quest for the new would take on an almost mythic urgency.” Thus, it would not be entirely true to say they want nothing from us. In effect, they might be voyeurs who desperately seek to experience, if only vicariously, the feeling of discovery accorded to humanity.

  In the same essay, Strieber argued that Disclosure could well “devastate the human mind.” For, if the Others appear in numbers, they will enter our minds. “And, I can assure, you,” he writes, “that kind of contact is as hard a thing as a human being can experience. It is an agony beyond terror. I know. I have been there.” He concedes that a few people will be able to handle it, but many will not. They simply will not be ready, nor are they ever likely to be.

  Question #3: Are We Safe?

  In the news business, the question “Are we safe?” is the key question that people want answered in any story, whether in an international story like 9/11 or a local shooting. From our current perspective (observers who have been denied certain key facts), trying to determine the threat posed by the Others is guess-work.

  Still, our “safety” involves some assessment of three criteria. First, how advanced their technology happens to be. Second, how physically close they are to us. Third, what they want.

  Hiding their agenda? If they have come in peace, why have they not contacted us in an open way? Image by Amalgamated Dynamics, Inc.

  “If we believe their technology is not much better than ours, that they are basically ‘good guys,’” wrote UC Davis psychology professor Albert Harrison in 1997. “We will feel less threatened than if they have an overwhelming technical superiority, are already in our neighborhood, and seem unfavorably disposed toward humans.”19

  There are military men and women who have studied these questions, but we can give quick provisional answers to them right here.

  First, their technology is clearly superior to our own. Despite scientists who assert that interstellar or interdimensional travel is impossible, these beings have managed to reach us, whatever and wherever their origins. Second, they are here, and not phoning us from 50 light years away. Third, although there are neutral and even positive examples of interaction, there are some examples indicating a lack of concern or empathy for humans, and even a few that appear decidedly hostile.

  Their Technology

  The capabilities of the Others are clearer to us than their intentions. A review of more than a half-century’s worth of UFO encounters gives us an idea of what they have, and what they can do. The results are unsettling.

  Craft that can hover silently, indefinitely, and accelerate instantly in any direction.

  Craft that can negotiate upper atmosphere as well as undersea conditions.

  Exceptional stealth characteristics when desired, including physical invisibility of craft and occasionally demonstrated radar stealth.

  Advanced energy weapons that can disarm sophisticated electronics, communications, and avionics systems in fighter aircraft (1976 Iranian jet fighter incident), or disarm nuclear weapons (1967 Malmstrom AFB incident).

  Apparent negation of gravitational effects, possibly by creation of gravitational fields, making them independent of the need for energy as we define it.

  Management of space-time, possibly indicating some level of mastery of time itself, even possibly including knowledge of “time streams.”

  Creation of physical paralysis in human beings by means of apparent light beams or related phenomenon.

  Induction of a range of human physiological or emotional responses, including terror, unnatural calm, lethargy, or sleep (“switching off” people during abductions).

  These might be considered some of the more standard military capabilities. We will ignore the possible existence of more substantial weapons, whether these be nuclear, scalar, laser, or some other obvious offensive weapon. These may well exist, and could certainly be intuited from the technical abilities of the craft themselves, but the open UFO literature does not give us much information regarding such weaponization.

  Infiltration of Society

  There may be another capability that exists, something potentially more nefarious. Is it possible that some of them have found a way to infiltrate human society? If so, have they infiltrated the human power structure? Such speculation seems better suited for the plotline of a novel, movie, or video game than for real life. However, from the point of view of any alien species here on Earth, it would be valuable to have some of the native population working for them. Perhaps this is best achieved through bribery, or through a combination of implants and mind control. Or, possibly, by means of breeding their own human population, and even providing them with various enhancements—genetically, biologically, technologically—to make them more functional, more formidable.

  Included in the legacy of the late abduction researcher Budd Hopkins is his emerging conclusion that not all aliens look “alien.” In his 2003 book, Sight Unseen, coauthored with Carol Rainey, Hopkins published several accounts that suggested human-looking people who were decidedly odd in various ways, and who were connected with abduction experiences, often in a helper-type of capacity. It was unclear who these beings were; Hopkins and Rainey suggested they were a type of “transgenic” being, or alien-human hybrid. If so, they were human-enough looking to “pass” without too much problem, essentially being seen as eccentric and little more.20

  Two other anecdotal pieces may fit in the puzzle.

  During the late 1980s, retired government scientist Dr. Eric Walker conducted a series of correspondence and telephone interviews with various UFO researchers. Walker had been a friend of President Dwight Eisenhower. Similar to Ike’s brother Milton, he had also been president of Penn State University. Most significant, Walker was a former chairman of the Institute for Defense Analysis, one of the most important think tanks in the nation. Simply put, Walker knew everybody who was anybody.

  Now, Walker decided to talk. After he confirmed the existence of MJ-12 to a researcher, he told him that he was “chasing after and fighting with windmills….
You are delving into an area that you can do absolutely nothing about…. Forget about it!” Yet, the persistent researcher was later able to get Walker to say more. There was a “machine” recovered, said Walker, “obviously a landing vehicle only, fully within the realm of current knowledge. Four normal looking males were with it, very much alive. Yet, Walker’s implication was that they were not human.

  For the next few years, Walker had sporadic communications with other researchers with whom he continued to discuss this topic. One of his more intriguing statements was, “How good is your mathematics?” The researcher answered, “As good as it could be for a doctor in physics. But why?” Walker replied, “Because only a very few are capable in handling this issue. Unless your mind ability is like Einstein’s or likewise, I do not think how you can achieve anything.” Then Walker asked more questions: “How good is your seventh sense? How much do you know about ESP? Unless you know about it, and know how to use it, you would not be taken in. Only a few know about it.”

  To all appearances, Walker decided to let his guard down with an occasional researcher or two. If so, could it be that beings looking perfectly human, but with exceptional abilities, have merged on a limited basis into society?

  Another account concerns the government “remote viewer,” Ingo Swann. During the mid- to late-1970s, Swann was engaged in nothing less than psychic espionage on behalf of the U.S. intelligence community. As part of the cadre of remote viewers, his job was to learn things that were difficult to learn otherwise, including such things as the location of Soviet submarines, the inside layout of certain embassies, and so on.21 In the course of such work, it was not unusual for the remote viewers to catch the attention of clandestine programs to participate in various projects. On one occasion, Swann was contacted by a “Mr. Axelrod,” and met with him at a secure underground facility, where he was brought blindfolded by two military-looking men whom he described as “the twins,” because of their identical appearance and coordinated movement.

  Axelrod never told Swann what agency he belonged to, but was very interested in testing Swann’s ability to remote view the moon (whereupon Swann claimed to see beings who became aware of him). Axelrod also took Swann to a remote forested area, where they waited until a triangular UFO appeared, as if on cue, and Swann was later asked for his impressions of the object. The program, in other words, had all the earmarks of a counter-intelligence operation by a group of ETs who happened to look human.22

  The human race may have a serious challenge not only from advanced weaponry, but a fifth-column. Presumably, the military and intelligence forces of the world—the U.S. in particular—have already caught the assignment of dealing with this. The question is, are they up to it?

  Our Military Preparedness

  If our feelings are mixed After Disclosure, nowhere will this be more true than when we consider the military. After all, it will be seen as the initial architect of the secrecy, triggering feelings of anger and hostility. Yet, there will be a strong feeling that it is necessary for possible defense, at least until people understand who these other beings are.

  There will be much second-guessing, and many forthright questions. Has the military succeeded or failed in protecting humanity from a dire threat? Has it acted in an aggressive manner with peaceful visitors? Can we expect it to be truthful now, after generations of denial and deception?

  Some will fault the military for its secrecy, and for failing to keep citizens safe. To this, it will undoubtedly respond that it has kept people safe, or at least as safe as possible, and that secrecy was the only rational path toward accomplishing this goal, given the potential threat.

  Of course, the U.S. military will continue to be secretive. It will have no interest in revealing that it failed to protect its own airspace, nor that a superior force was able to engage and defeat its best technology and pilots. The physical evidence of bodies and wreckage will not be forwarded without a legal battle. Photos and reports will need to be subpoenaed. Its assessment of the capabilities of the Others will need to be pried out, if that is even possible.

  Still, it is inevitable that the long history of military encounters with UFOs will come out. Our history of contact in the skies includes hundreds of confirmed, excellent cases where military pilots and observers saw actual physical craft. In a number of these instances, jets were scrambled to intercept and fire on them. An unknown but possibly substantial number of pilots have been lost through the years.23

  Many former high-level military officers have spoken publicly about the reality of UFOs and their evaluation of our own capabilities. Consistently, they have indicated that our militaries are outclassed.

  In an A.D. world, however, will the military protect us? To what extent will it need to? If, as it appears on a basic level, humanity has had a confrontational relationship with the Others, a logical question will be whether we have created revolutionary technologies with which to defend ourselves.

  Do We Even Have a Chance?

  The history of abductions, mutilations, and attempted jet interceptions make it reasonable to suppose that at least some of these Others are not here for science or diplomacy. If so, we may assume that Earth’s militaries have worked diligently to play catch-up.

  If the limits of current military capabilities were what is known publicly, it would still be a powerful arsenal of weapons.

  Consider the most advanced fighter aircraft in the world today, the Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor. It employs stealth technology for such missions as air superiority, ground attack, and electronic warfare, along with signals intelligence. In addition to stealth, the aircraft is renowned for its speed, agility, precision, and situational awareness.

  Or the “stealth cruise missile,” also developed by Lockheed Martin. It is said to cost less and work better than the famous Tomahawk cruise missile. It carries a 1,000-pound warhead, which can be fitted with nuclear, chemical, conventional, or biological weapons. As a stealth aircraft, it is able to reach its target undetected (by known human technologies) and fire its low observable payload from a distance. Enemies that are hit are taken by total surprise.24

  Lasers would be of obvious interest in any military engagement with the Others. Currently, the U.S. military uses lasers for targeting and other nonlethal purposes. No doubt these are helpful for battlefield troops, but they are not the kind of offensive weapons needed to shoot down a flying saucer. Yet, open literature indicates that we are fast approaching significant capabilities. In 2009, Northrop Grumman announced it had built and tested an electric laser capable of producing a 100-kilowatt ray of light, the long-sought-after “magic number,” which is powerful enough to destroy an airplane or a tank.25 The U.S. Navy is expected to incorporate lasers in the near future. One of these, a solid-state laser system designed by Northrop Grumman, was described by a program manager with the Office of Naval Research as “like a high-powered sniper rifle, except with much more range.”26

  Whether these weapons would be capable of knocking out UFOs, however, is debatable. Effective military action against the Others would surely require a range of sophisticated technologies. It is a good bet that within the deeply clandestine world of the Breakaway Group, there is still more.

  The idea that a breakaway civilization may have developed parallel to our existing society, fueled by black-ops money for generations, is the ultimate double-edged sword. On one level, it is outrageous for governmental authorities to have operated on such a massive scale with no citizen oversight. On the other hand, if we have recovered alien technology throughout the years, we may have developed our own program that is aimed at the likelihood of conflict some day with the Others.

  If the motives of at least some races of the Others are harmful, then the world after Disclosure will be faced with an ends-justified-the-means argument. Although that issue will be sorted out in all its complexities by future officials and courts, it is possible now, through a combination of leaks, logic, and observation, to gain a reasonable id
ea of what “the program” might be all about.

  It appears that a portion of the time, money, and effort has been expended toward trying to make a flying saucer of our own. Testimony regarding the recovery of crashed UFOs, reverse-engineering programs, insider claims (such as one to aviation journalist James Goodall that “we have things out there that are literally out of this world”), and the many eyewitness accounts of UFOs over Groom Lake and Antelope Valley all support this hypothesis.

  There is evidence that man-made flying saucers have existed since at least the 1960s. One confirmed photograph from 1966, taken not far from Dugway Proving Ground in Utah, hints strongly of terrestrial manufacture, as it is nearly identical in shape to a craft video recorded inside Nevada’s Nellis Test Range in 1994, and which was leaked to the television show Hard Copy. The movements of the Nellis UFO have been analyzed in detail, indicating extraordinary performance characteristics (such as making a right angle turn at 140 mph). That it was recorded deep inside one of the most secret U.S. testing ranges gives us reason to suspect that the Nellis UFO was of terrestrial manufacture. That is, one of ours.

  In between the 1966 Utah UFO and the 1994 Nellis UFO are a multitude of leaks concerning a clandestine program to manufacture flying saucers. The most intriguing of these concerns three craft that were said to be in a large hangar at Lockheed’s facilities in Helendale, California, in November 1988, just after the presidential election. The main witness, aviation designer Brad Sorensen, told only a few people of what he saw, but what he claimed was astounding. Accompanied by a senior member of the Defense Department, Sorensen says he saw, “three flying saucers floating off the floor—no cables suspended them from the ceiling holding them up, no landing gear underneath—just floating, hovering above the floor.” These are the words of aviation illustrator Mark McCandlish, the first person to whom Sorensen told his story.


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