Book Read Free

The Falls

Page 20

by Cathryn Hein

  Carefully, Penny reached across the table to take it.

  ‘I’m sorry, Mum. For the things I said, the way I treated you. I know it’s not your fault. I need to stop blaming you and you need to stop blaming yourself.’

  Later, as Teagan laid back in the pool, floating and trying to relax, she realised how much better it felt to see her mum smile, to see the hope flare in her incredibly sad and defeated eyes. There was a lot to be said for forgiveness, and kindness. Maybe that’s why Lucas practised it. For the reward. Or maybe he was just one of the world’s good people.

  She smiled to herself. Jasmine would tease so hard. So would Em. Teagan was always the cynical one, the one who was ready to condemn and blame, and saw the world a bit too black and white. Now look at her. A month in New South Wales and her cynicism was losing its prickly edge.

  Had to be the weather.

  Vanessa pursed her lips. ‘Sorry, darling. She’s not here right now. Anything I can help you with?’

  ‘Not unless you want to be my date for the trivia night on Friday.’ Callum let out a guffaw of laughter, as though the idea was ridiculous. ‘No doubt Dom’s already booked you up.’

  She kept her voice sweet, while her brain whirred fast. So Callum was serious about pursuing Teagan. Well, she’d have to nip that in the bud. ‘Actually, he hasn’t. And Teagan has already been snaffled by Lucas.’ Which was a lie. She had no idea if Lucas had asked Teagan to the cricket club’s trivia night yet. He would be now though.

  The guffawing ceased abruptly. ‘But the email only went out a couple of minutes ago.’

  ‘Insider knowledge, darling. He is vice-captain.’ A sulky silence descended and Vanessa felt herself having a momentary burst of compassion. ‘You could partner me.’

  ‘Really?’ Callum cleared his throat. ‘I mean, that’d be great. I’ll call by the farm and pick you up in the Maserati. Around six.’

  ‘Come along earlier. We’ll have margaritas to get us in the mood.’ Goodness knows she’d need them.

  Vanessa hung up, leaned back and tapped her pencil against her mouth. Then she picked up the phone and dialled Domenic.

  He answered with a smile in his voice. ‘My favourite girl.’

  ‘You have other girls then?’

  He laughed, a much nicer sound than Callum’s self-important guffaw. ‘Only you.’

  Vanessa found herself smiling. ‘Liar. But I am about to arrange a date for you.’

  ‘Let me guess. The Falcons’ trivia night.’

  ‘The one and only.’

  ‘You want me to partner Teagan,’ he said without enthusiasm.

  ‘Alas, Teagan’s already booked for Lucas. You’re partnering my sister.’

  ‘I am?’

  ‘You are.’

  ‘Okay.’ He drew the word out. ‘In that case, who’s escorting you?’

  Aware this wasn’t going to be received well, Vanessa winced as she said Callum’s name.

  There was an audible sucking in of breath. ‘I see.’

  ‘Only yourself to blame. You should’ve asked earlier.’

  ‘I only got the email five minutes ago!’

  ‘Well then,’ said Vanessa, strangely pleased that Dom was so irked. ‘You should’ve acted on it instead of assuming I’d partner you.’

  ‘I would’ve thought that was a fair assumption to make, given our relationship.’

  ‘Relationship? I wasn’t aware we had one beyond friendship.’

  ‘Don’t play games, Nessie. It’s annoying.’ He paused. ‘You don’t really like him, do you?’

  She smiled at the hint of uncertainty in his voice and twirled her pencil. ‘He does fly a helicopter.’ At Dom’s humph, she relented a bit. ‘Look, I really only accepted for Penny’s sake. I didn’t want her to be left out, and I don’t think she’s up to a night partnering someone as competitive as Callum in a trivia contest. He’d only be mean to her. You’ll be kinder.’

  ‘I will?’

  ‘You know you will.’

  He sighed. ‘Only for you.’

  ‘Thank you. Now, margaritas here at five and then we’ll all head down to the club, okay?’

  ‘Fine. Hang on.’ A hand was placed over the receiver. Muffled voices filtered briefly before Dom came back clear. ‘Sorry, I have to go. Anyway, consider me booked.’

  ‘You’re a good man.’

  ‘Too good sometimes.’ A smile returned to his voice. ‘Bye, favourite girl.’

  ‘Goodbye, Domenic.’

  ‘Oh, and Nessie?’


  ‘You owe me.’

  After ending the call, Vanessa stared out the window. Penny was wandering the yard, Wilma in her arms, Blanche stalking behind. She was staring vaguely, stroking the guinea pig’s soft fur as she walked without direction. Her heart went out to her sister; she looked so alone. The talk with Teagan had helped at least. Vanessa knew Teagan wouldn’t be able to hold onto her bitterness and blame. Not forever. That sort of ill-sentiment ate away at people. She suspected Lucas’s influence. The boy was such a sweetheart.

  Unlike Graham. Rotten man had called that morning, wanting to talk to Penny. Vanessa had fobbed him off as she had with his previous calls. Penny didn’t need to hear from him right now. Not his whiny apologies that weren’t apologies at all. Silly man was still insisting that if the bank had given him a few more weeks he could have traded his way out of the catastrophe he’d led his family into. It had taken all her fortitude to not swear at him.

  What frightened her was the risk of Penny or Teagan picking up the phone. For the past week the women of Falls Farm had found a degree of harmony. It wasn’t perfect, but the conversations they shared were mostly more relaxed than tense. A few words from Graham could resurrect all the hurt.

  She watched Penny amble out of sight and picked up the phone again. A blast of music came over the line before the volume was quickly turned down and Lucas answered with his usual cheer.

  ‘Sexiest single in The Falls.’

  She laughed. The boy was gorgeous, inside and out. ‘According to whom?’

  ‘Me. How’s things?’

  ‘Good. You’re driving. I can call back later.’

  ‘Nah, it’s all right. I’m on hands-free. Just about to turn into Nick’s anyway.’

  ‘Calling on Teagan?’

  The click of an indicator carried over the line, the car’s engine noise changing as Lucas geared down. ‘Not specifically. Couple of ponies to shoe. She’s a bonus.’

  ‘I’m glad you think so because while you’re there you can ask her to partner you to the trivia night.’

  ‘Dunks sent the email out, did he? He said he was going to. I told him it was too short notice, but he reckons people won’t mind. Not much else to do on a Friday night round here.’ Vanessa heard the engine slow and then stop. ‘I’ll ask her as soon as she’s free. You’re partnering Dom, I take it?’

  ‘No, Penny is. I’m afraid Callum beat Dom to it.’

  Lucas let out a great laugh. ‘Callum asked you?’

  ‘Actually, he rang to ask Teagan, but I may have told a little fib about her availability.’

  ‘Did he now?’ The words had a menacing edge. ‘Huh.’ A heartbeat of contemplation and his voice returned to normal. ‘You’re a doll, you know that?’

  ‘You just take care of her for me, Lucas. She’s precious.’

  ‘I will. So how did Dom take the news?’

  ‘He was rather a good sport about it. Anyway, he’ll be much better for Penny. So drinks at the farm at five and then we’ll head down at six?’

  ‘Sure thing.’

  ‘Oh, and darling?’


  ‘Have a chat to Mark when you get the chance. See if you can find out how serious he is about Bunny.’

  ‘Serious, as far as I know. Although he won’t admit it.’

  Vanessa sighed. ‘I thought as much.’

  ‘What’s up?’

  ‘Bunny’s convinced she’s too old for
him. That her job makes her too unreliable for someone with small children.’

  ‘They’re as bad as each other. Dunks is crazy about her but thinks she wouldn’t want someone with all his baggage.’

  ‘We need to do something.’

  ‘Let them go. They’ll sort it out.’

  ‘That’s the thing. I don’t think they will, not without a nudge.’

  ‘Just as well they have the best nudger in the valley watching out for them then.’

  Lucas regarded Dom sourly. Trust him to think of hiring a mini-van and using the Wellness Centre’s driver, Andrejus, to cart them all from Falls Farm to the bowling club. He glanced across the bus at Callum, who was looking equally as peeved. Lucas bet Callum now wished he’d offered to ferry everyone in his chopper. Instead, he’d turned up at the farm in his black Maserati, expecting to impress, only to be outdone by an ugly white mini-van.

  Although confident Teagan wasn’t remotely interested in the self-important dickbrain, Lucas had stayed close during margarita hour. It only took a single ‘fuck off’ glare for his rival to get the message. Lucas might be a nobody, but he was a tall, muscled nobody and more than a match for a city-soft bloke like Callum Albright.

  Foiled, Callum had then set his sights on Vanessa, who was looking incredible in towering heels and a snug-fitting scarlet dress that showed every curve of her voluptuous figure. She’d welcomed him with a kiss and her usual charm, which Callum appeared to interpret as meaning he was in with a chance, and Dom had not reacted too well.

  Now they were all crammed into the mini-van, swaying and sweaty as the driver navigated the windy road into the village.

  Teagan was in the window seat next to Lucas, her concentration on the passing landscape. He watched her for a moment, noting her fine profile, the cascade of freckles covering every surface. She’d left her hair out and it fell around her chin and shoulders in pretty copper feathers. Her hands were loose in her lap. A couple of scratches streaked the back of one. The nails were bitten to the quick, but her fingers were slender and elegant, like a pianist’s. He wondered what they’d feel like, playing across his skin.

  Lucas crept his hand across to mesh fingers with hers.

  Her lips parted. She considered the connection for a few seconds before lifting her questioning gaze to his.

  ‘You look nice,’ he said.

  Unlike Vanessa’s overt femininity, Teagan’s clothes were simple but appealing. Jeans and heeled brown boots with a matching leather belt, and a navy shirt made of some sort of silky material that brought out the blue of her irises and deepened the copper in her hair. She looked country and classy, and very, very pretty.

  Surprise widened her eyes and colour flushed her cheeks. Lucas’s heart gave an unexpected lurch. He liked her, wanted her, but that sensation went beyond both of those feelings.

  ‘Vanessa’s doing, but thank you.’ She bit her lip and looked at their hands again. ‘I hope you’re not expecting miracles from me. I’m hopeless at trivia.’

  ‘Join the club. Anyway, it’s just for fun.’

  That this was war and not fun was soon obvious once everyone settled down at their tables for trivia. As emcee and adjudicator, Dunks wasn’t playing. Nor was Peter Somersby, who was acting as barrel girl and camping it up in a gold lamé suit that would have put Elvis to shame. On arrival, to the amazement of all, he’d announced his intention to sign up to the Falcons despite never having played any sport in his life. Dunks had immediately thrust a form under Peter’s nose, asking why only after he’d signed. Peter had merely smiled slyly in Domenic’s direction before expressing delight at being part of such a talented group and prancing off.

  Much to his elation, Tony was teamed up with Bunny, who was looking particularly glamazonian in black leather trousers and a cream singlet top the same colour as her platinum-blonde hair. Nick was on baby duty, a towel over one shoulder as he burped Oliver and threw jealous looks at Stacey who, having spent the five days since the invitations had gone out expressing enough milk to last a hangover, was hopping into the wine. How they expected Olly to sleep through the racket that would follow was anyone’s guess, but as Nick told Lucas, little Olly would just have to harden up and take one for the parental team.

  The Andersons from the IGA were there as well, along with the rest of the cricket team, their wives or girlfriends, and a few roped-in friends and family, bringing the crowd to almost forty. But the couple that had surprised everyone was Col and Kathleen Ferguson, rocking up at the last minute to register, still exultant after their daily ‘protest’, which entailed marching back and forth across the entrance to the Wellness Centre, bearing ugly black-and-yellow placards and yelling slogans at passing cars. A sight deemed by many to be far more unsightly than any proposed fence could ever be. After tossing Dom unpleasant, sneering looks, they took position at the most outermost table, as far away as possible from the Falls Farm crowd.

  Dunks tapped on the microphone and called them to attention. ‘Welcome to the Falcons’ trivia night, proudly sponsored by generous local business, The Falls Wellness Centre.’

  Col and Kathleen let out a boo.

  At the bar, the bowlo’s regulars were leaning their elbows and watching with amusement. As soon as the boos were over the heckling started. ‘Going to win a game this year?’

  ‘Piss off, Jack,’ said Dunks, forgetting he was emcee and the entire club could hear, then flushed crimson when he realised. ‘Sorry.’ He coughed and glanced at Bunny, who smiled encouragement and caused Dunks to blush even deeper. Recovering, he carried on with explaining the night’s format. Four rounds would follow, divided into entertainment, science, culture, and finally, the big one, sport. Scores would be tallied along the way but only rankings read out. So teams can enjoy a good tease, Dunks informed them.

  Teagan bowed close to whisper, bringing with her a scent of something lightly floral. ‘This is me saying sorry in advance.’

  Lucas smiled, glad to see her relaxed, although that was probably more due to Teagan’s margarita and wine consumption than him. ‘We can both be hopeless together.’ For a long moment her eyes held his. It was the same look she’d given him by the waterfall, shy and nervous but aware of what was brewing between them. As the connection lingered, his heart did an uncomfortable series of tumble-turns before breaking into racing speed. He drew a fraction closer, gaze sliding to her mouth, then Dunks began to speak and they both turned away.

  ‘Right, let’s get this show on the road. First up, entertainment.’ Dunks grinned at the collective groan. ‘Come on, I know you’re all secret fans of Beyoncé and The Bold and the Beautiful.’

  In an effort to calm his thumping heart, Lucas surveyed the room. Dom and Callum were feigning an ease that didn’t fool anyone. Penny was fiddling nervously with her pencil. Vanessa was trying not to laugh at Peter Somersby, who had taken position behind Dom and Callum and was pointing between the two, pulling faces and shadowboxing. Over the back, Col and Kathleen were sharing a smug look. Nick was busy making soft fart noises at Olly to keep him amused and not paying any attention at all.

  ‘And no calling answers from the bar, or there’ll be strife,’ ordered Dunks loudly.

  At another heckle, Bunny, who had drunk even more than Teagan, shot upright, hands on her hips. ‘Strife meaning me, got it?’ The heckles immediately ceased. She grinned at Dunks and blew him a kiss. ‘Carry on, Cherub.’

  The club erupted in laughter.

  Dunks cleared his throat. ‘Er, thanks, Bunny.’ He took a moment to shuffle some pages before selecting one and straightening his shoulders. ‘Everyone set?’

  A collective ‘yes’ echoed back.

  ‘First question.’ He gave a wriggle of his eyebrows. ‘What is the name of Beyoncé’s and Jay Z’s first baby?’

  ‘How the hell are we supposed to know that?’ was yelled out, followed by a puzzled, ‘Who’s Bee-on-say?’

  Lucas looked at Teagan, who shrugged. ‘Sorry. No idea. I didn’t even know they
were married.’

  ‘It’s bound to be something ridiculous. That’s what those stars do, isn’t it? Name their kids daft things like Moon Unit and Peaches.’

  She pointed to their answer sheet. ‘Put down,’ she pursed her lips for a moment, ‘Caterpillar. That’s weird enough.’


  ‘Got any other suggestions?’

  She had a point. He wrote down Caterpillar and checked out the others at the table. Penny was whispering to Dom as he wrote. Vanessa was in charge of her and Callum’s sheet but was still frowning and twiddling with her pencil, while Callum shot daggers at Dom. Col was reclining back with his hands behind his head as though he’d already won. Bunny was blowing more kisses at Dunks while Tony scribbled. The rest were shrugging and laughing.

  The timer went. Dunks carried on with the next question, this time one about a movie that neither Lucas nor Teagan had seen and had no idea who the stars were.

  ‘We’re terrible,’ said Teagan, laughing as another question resulted in another fabricated answer.

  ‘Nah, we make a great team. We’re both useless.’

  With the final entertainment question over, Peter gallivanted between tables, collecting papers and camping it up to everyone’s amusement except Kathleen’s. Even Col wore a grin until it was shut down by Kathleen’s puckered disapproval.

  ‘Don’t worry, we’ll get them in the other categories,’ Lucas promised Teagan. He stood and indicated her empty glass. ‘Another?’

  ‘Thanks. Although I’ve probably had too much.’

  ‘Probably, but it’s a trivia night. You’re allowed to let your hair down.’

  She glanced towards Nick, who was staring in horror at the nappy he’d just removed. ‘I have to work in the morning.’

  ‘How about we make a deal. You relax and play up as much as you want, I’ll make sure you have an extra hand tomorrow.’

  A small frown creased her brow as she considered. ‘Why are you so nice to me?’

  ‘It’s what friends do.’

  ‘Not because . . .’ She grimaced and shook her lowered head. ‘Doesn’t matter.’

  Lucas crouched down so he could look into her face. ‘Stop thinking about stuff.’ He shucked her under the chin. ‘Now do as you’re told and have some fun or I’ll sic Bunny on to you.’


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