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Her Wild Wolf

Page 17

by Kamryn Hart

  Beatrice whipped around and Ava shot the magical sphere. She expected Beatrice to fight back, but she coated her fingers in Black Magic and waved Ava’s attack away, sending it harmlessly into the air where it exploded in a shattering spark of black ash. The move seemed to take no effort, but Ava’s wolf senses caught the slightest hint of weakness in her. The move took a lot of energy. She was tiring herself out quickly.

  “How could you do this to me after everything I did for you?” Beatrice demanded as she shot another random shower of purple lightning out into the midst of wolves. The wolves were getting braver, getting ready to sink their teeth into Beatrice now that they had a moment to adapt to the power of a Black Witch, but Ava caught sight of Nick’s blue-gray wolf, made sure he saw her, and gave a subtle shake of her head for him to hold back. Her wolf senses were so in tune, she didn’t have to guess that the blue-gray wolf was Blue Pack’s Alpha despite never seeing him in wolf form before. She had all of Beatrice’s attention now. It would come down to the two of them. And the wolf inside of Ava.

  “After I took care of you all these years,” Beatrice continued as she circled Ava in the thicket pocked with smoky holes. “I taught you everything you know!”

  She threw her purple lightning at Ava, but Ava caught it with smoky fingers and made it disintegrate into black ash that the wind blew away.

  A bark ripped through the air and a blur of white, red, and black launched at Beatrice. Max latched his jaws onto one of Beatrice’s arms. His eyes were wild again, the softness Ava knew so well gone without a trace. Beatrice screamed and readied purple lightning in her other hand about to blast him, but Max jumped away like he knew exactly when the attack was coming. When he was clear, he went for her again. This time he mangled her other arm.

  “Max!” Ava called him, anxious to get him out of the way. She didn’t know how to use Black Magic this precisely. Her target was too close to Max. She didn’t want to hurt him.

  “Fucking wolf!” Beatrice bellowed. An explosion of darkness burst from her entire body, hitting Max point blank like an explosion. He went skidding across the snowy ground and slammed into the trunk of a black cottonwood.

  Ava screamed. It almost sounded like a growl, her captive wolf joining her in her cry of anger. She had to end this right now. Right. Now.

  Forget capturing her. Forget forgiveness and kindness. Beatrice didn’t deserve it.

  A cold detachment snaked its way inside of Ava’s rage. She and the wolf inside of her were blanketed in darkness. The Black Magic oozing from her as a visible aura had never been stronger. The aura was always there, but it was never visible unless formed into an attack. This aura was no attack. It was simply a culmination of the rage inside of Ava and the wolf. This was Black Magic’s essence. Darkness.

  Beatrice’s eyes grew wide, the whites clearly visible. Her lips trembled and she took a few steps back. Ava had never seen Beatrice afraid, but here she was, trembling like Ava had trembled so many times in her life.

  “You are never going to hurt anyone ever again,” Ava told her. “These wolves showed me kindness, something I’ve never had. I never knew what it felt like. I never really knew what it was. Now I do. I’m going to protect it, and that starts with you. Goodbye, Beatrice.”

  The blast of Black Magic that roared through Ava’s hands was like a flamethrower of darkness. The flames stuck to Beatrice, and she screamed. Ava didn’t stop the magic coming from her palms until Beatrice was completely covered in black flames that stuck to her like oil. The flames wiggled and drilled in deep. Her skin smoked and steam escaped her body as if she were a single bucket of water tossed into a wildfire. The screams that escaped Beatrice’s throat were neither beast nor human. They were the screams of a tortured soul being returned to Hell as she became nothing but a pile of ash.

  It was done.

  Not yet.

  One more thing needed to be done. Ava touched the space of her chest hiding her heart. The wispy chill of a soul clung to her fingers and she pulled it free. She held her hands up to the night sky, the Moon, and she let the wolf inside of her go. The wolf’s soul surrounded her in a swirl of colors, like a warm hug, and her wounds healed to the point they were no longer bleeding. They became remnants of wounds. The wisp moved away, morphed and changed until it resembled a transparent version of the physical form of the wolf she once was. She looked back at Ava, blinked slowly, and gave a slight bow of her head before she threw her head back and howled. She ran up into the sky, up to the almost Full Moon. Ava gave a silent thank you and watched her until her light merged with the Moon’s and she disappeared from this world.

  A wolf whimpering brought Ava back to the present. She blinked slowly and the cloud of visible dark aura around her faded away. Wolves were watching her tentatively. Some had their tails tucked in between their legs. Others were on the ground whimpering because of Beatrice’s curse. The smoky black flames sticking to them were gone, but whatever damage they had caused remained. Even Cedric was there, watching her in the trees with an unreadable look and a mangled leg.


  Ava ran for Max’s limp body where a couple wolves were gathered around him. They cleared a path for her and she slid to her knees instead of slowing down. He wasn’t moving.

  “Max,” she cried as she tried to lift his heavy head. She wasn’t strong anymore, so she gave up and buried her face into the singed fur of his neck instead. She needed to heal him like she healed that cat, but she couldn’t remember how. That was the one time she had used White Magic. Kindness, care, concern? She felt something for that cat that allowed her to access light. She couldn’t think now. She couldn’t concentrate and command a completely different kind of magic.

  Ava was barely aware of the wolves gathering around her. The closer they got to her, the stronger their presence. Peace, calm. They were feeding her those feelings. She could breathe again. She could remember the warmth she felt from Max. Cedric came too, landing on a low hanging branch. He was sending her peace as well.

  Light. All of them were light. She was light, too.

  The darkness was gone because Ava had broken through it. She had used the rest of it up, spent it, and revealed the little girl inside of her, the little girl who saved a cat that got hit by a car. Love. She could and knew how to love, and she loved Max most of all.

  She held out her palms; they were glowing gold. She gently placed them on Max’s fur. His burned fur was replaced by new pristine white hairs. His body hummed with the magic she poured into him and ended in a soft pop. A light wave of air pressure shot from his body and bathed him in a soft glow. He looked perfect. There wasn’t a scratch or speck of dirt left on him. He was the White Wolf. Pure.

  Everyone was holding their breath. He still hadn’t moved.

  “Please, Max,” Ava pleaded. “It wasn’t enough. I need more time with you.” She was about to hug him again, bury her face in his furry neck, and Max turned his head at the same time. He gave her cheek a lick. Startled, she moved back to see his orange sunset eyes gazing softly at her.

  “You’re okay,” she breathed. “You’re okay!” She hugged him tight and buried her face in his soft fur anyway. Her mate was okay.

  The crackling of bones signaled one of the wolves was shifting. Ava only wanted to hug Max, but she looked behind her anyway. It was Nick.

  “We have to go,” he told her, the only human here who wouldn’t understand his wolf commands. “I hear people coming this way. We need to get back to Moonwatch unseen. Like fuck do we need humans on our tail.”

  Ava nodded and Nick shifted back in a flurry. The wolves left their vehicles a safe distance away and that was where they left their clothes too. Max bumped into Ava, making her stumble, but he caught her on his back and she held on for dear life as he sped through the thicket and out into a field with the other wolves. She spotted Cedric still flying when they made it to their vehicles. He hadn’t come here with them, and apparently he didn’t intend on going back with them. For some r
eason, the sight made Ava sad.

  The group got dressed and piled into trucks quickly, successfully avoiding the humans that were coming to check out the thicket. Max and Ava sat together in one of the truck beds. It was a bumpy ride, but Ava didn’t mind. She was with Max, and she was with the other wolves who had been injured in the fight. Healing through White Magic was coming to her easily now. Anytime she looked at Max, he looked right back with a love in his eyes that warmed her to her core. It was easy to love with him nearby.

  When the last wolf had been treated, Ava was exhausted. She could hardly sit up anymore. She held on to her strength long enough to let Max fuss over her and clean out her wounds since they had brought plenty of first aid stuff—just in case. Luckily for her, she was sporting mostly what looked like old scars. Her fingertips were the only things that needed treating. The wolf she set free had blessed her with accelerated healing for a short time. It was probably part of the reason why she was so tired. At least they would arrive in Moonwatch soon. She would probably be allowed to rest for a little while. Max saw her fatigue and caught her before she could fall over when the truck hit another bump.

  “Thanks,” she mumbled.

  “I think I should be thanking you.”

  She smiled and snuggled up closer to him, resting her head on his chest. “Anytime.”

  “I’ll always be there to catch you.”

  “I’ll always be there to catch you, too,” she replied.

  Max’s fingers were on her head, petting and soothing her like only he could. “Are you okay?” he asked.

  “I will be. I’m with you, and that’s all I need.” She closed her eyes. She wanted to rest for a minute or two. She didn’t count on falling asleep, but that was what happened.

  She had conquered the darkness that made her feel so incomplete. She was in the arms of the man she loved, and together they were light.

  Chapter 16

  AVA FELL ASLEEP IN his arms again, so Max was a good mate and tucked her in as soon as they made it back home. He joined her of course. He was exhausted after everything that had transpired. It was good to sleep next to her again, to have her body pressed against his all night.

  He woke up early the next morning, and his mate was still fast asleep. She worked harder than anyone last night, so sleep was exactly what he was going to let her do. He pressed his lips to her forehead. His touch was extremely light because he didn’t want to chance waking her up, but he couldn’t resist the urge to kiss her either. It worked out. His mate gave him a little smile in her sleep, but she continued breathing deep and her eyes didn’t open.

  “Sleep until I get back,” he whispered.

  He got out of bed and quickly threw on some presentable clothes. Ava proved herself yesterday. Like, he’d bite the shit out of anyone who said his Ava wasn’t good. She saved them. She did it basically single-handedly. She was kind of terrifying, in a sexy, always-have-a-boner sort of way. God, he couldn’t stop beating himself up over getting in her way like that, though. He almost got himself killed when Ava didn’t need his help at all. He made it so she couldn’t attack. He wasn’t conscious for the last part of the fight, but nobody would stop talking about it, how Ava took Beatrice down without a fight. Derek ripped into him for being an idiot, too. “Being wild is fine and all, and you’re strong as fuck, but your girl is gonna be the one protecting you. Accept it now,” he said. He could admit Ava was stronger than he was, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t protect her, too. They were a package deal.

  Max slipped outside into the snow-covered world and shut the door quietly behind him. He shoved his hands into his jeans pockets and made his way to the Alpha Den. There had to be a way to convince Nick to stop Trinity from taking Ava. Trinity seemed like a trustworthy organization, a trustworthy name, but what would they do to Ava? If this was anything like human politics, she would at least be sentenced to time in jail. Too much time. This was bullshit. Ava didn’t deserve that.

  He was too late. A glossy black Porsche was parked outside of the mansion. Isabelle. Max bit his lip in frustration, but then the car door clicked open and Isabelle emerged. She was dressed in a slick black dress that glittered like her many accessories. She wore a puffy black coat to match. Her straight black hair was streaked with gleaming silver. She was the only crow shifter Max had ever met, but she sure had a thing for whatever sparkled. And heels. She liked high heels. She must have just arrived. That meant she hadn’t gone in to talk to Nick yet. Maybe Max could talk her out of it.

  “Isabelle,” he called her name before she reached the portico. “What’re you doing here? We took care of everything.”

  She turned to him with eyes dark and all black like a crow’s. “You have one of the witches responsible for hurting and destroying the lives of hundreds of shifters. Nick told me the other one responsible was killed, so that can’t be helped, but Ava has to answer for what she’s done.”

  “She has!” Max growled.

  Nick slammed open one of the double-doors. “Stop yelling in front of my house. My mate needs her rest.”

  Gwen was standing right beside him. She had her arms folded and rolled her eyes at his comment. “I’m pregnant. It’s not like I fought by your side last night.” She seemed bitter about that fact. “You’re the one who’s tired.” She wrapped her arm around her mate and poked at the bags under his eyes with her free hand. He did look a bit haggard. She shook her head. “Both of you come inside. We’ve been waiting.”

  Isabelle walked in first. “Thank you for calling and updating me last night,” she said. “I’m happy to tell you that Bruiser and Rogue are awake and recovering quickly. All the shifters at that safe house in Texas have been found and taken care of as well.”

  “That’s good to hear,” Nick replied as he led the way through the grand foyer and into the sitting room.

  Gwen gestured for everyone to take a seat, but Max waited a moment. He stared at Nick until he finally looked back at him. He hadn’t pledged to Nick, but he was his Alpha. He was the one in charge. He took care of his wolves. Max pleaded with him silently to take care of Ava, too. She wasn’t a wolf, but she was his mate. Nick was open to all kinds of shifters now, so what about witches too?

  Nick gave him a hard look. “Take a seat, Max.”

  Begrudgingly, Max did as he was told.

  “I’m not really equipped to transfer Black Witches here and there. I’m just here to check things out for myself and because Nick asked me to come,” Isabelle said. “It’s kind of what I do for Trinity, you know. Move around, lurk, gather information, call things in, give the green or red lights.”

  Nick nodded.

  “Then don’t take Ava. Tell Trinity she’s fine,” Max blurted.

  “It’s not that simple,” Nick said. “As far as I’m concerned, Ava has cleared herself of all past wrongs, but I’m not the one experienced with Black Witches or Black Magic or White Witches or White Magic. I trust Trinity. If Ava went with them, maybe it would be good for her.”

  “Good how?! What are they going to do to her?”

  Nick looked at Isabelle. “Trinity won’t hurt Ava. I’m going to back her up. You will too, and so will anyone else in Moonwatch who feels the same. Ava saved us all last night, and I’m not going to repay her by getting her hurt. I’ll do everything in my power to protect her because as far as I’m concerned, she’s already a part of the pack.”

  Max was stunned to silence. He wanted to pledge to Nick right now. If he was going to live this wolf life, if he was going to have a pack, Nick would be his Alpha. No one else would do.

  “That’s my mate,” Gwen said with an approving nod of her head.

  Isabelle’s painted lips curved upward into a smile. “You’re such a noble Alpha, Nickolas Sipe. I’m glad I got to meet Casey’s wolf pack. It never ceases to be interesting. As for Trinity, if your Ava is as good and true as you all believe, I don’t think you’ll have any reason to worry.”

  Max wasn’t so sure. As much as he app
reciated Nick, his pack was small compared to all of Trinity. He didn’t know how many shifters were allied with it, but Moonwatch was primarily a wolf pack and its numbers were maybe three hundred total. It didn’t take a genius to know that Trinity was many times larger.

  Maybe the best thing Max could do for Ava was to run away with her.

  “Trust me,” Nick said. He was looking right at Max again. He could probably sense his doubt.

  Max forced a nod. “I do trust you. I’m just worried. I want Ava to be safe. I want her to be happy. I’m going to fight for her.”

  “Is it true then?” Isabelle asked. “Is Ava your Fated Mate?”


  She smiled again, wider this time. Her eyes were sparkling with a calculated interest, like she was trying to dissect them by merely looking. “So many Fated Mates somehow connected to Blue Pack. Do you have any idea how rare it is to have a Fated Mate?”

  “Of course,” Nick replied. “I didn’t even believe they were real until I met Gwen.”

  “Fated Mates exist for all shifters. All are rare. However, only the Moon marks Fated Mates. The Moon is the most romantic of the Celestial Trinity. On occasion, the Moon will mark those outside of its jurisdiction as Fated Mates, too. I’ve seen it mark humans a few times. Casey’s mate Karol is one of those cases. But I’ve never see the Moon mark a witch.”

  “It marked her,” Max said resolutely.

  “How do Earth and Sun Shifters know they’ve found their Fated Mates if their gods don’t mark them?” Nick asked.

  “For the Earth and Sun, it’s more of a suggestion. Strong feelings. They aren’t so controlling when it comes to love perhaps. Besides, it’s not as if the Earth and Sun mark their shifters with a reflection of themselves. They work differently.”

  Max, Nick, and Gwen all frowned. It was obvious none of them felt like the Moon had forced them into their situations. They loved their mates unconditionally.


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